TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #4

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Here's my next question if the land is hunting land in Bronte. Why are they saying it is so treacherous and they need drones to search it? That makes no sense to me. Just my opinion.
Brandon where are you?
Here's my next question if the land is hunting land in Bronte. Why are they saying it is so treacherous and they need drones to search it? That makes no sense to me. Just my opinion.
Brandon where are you?
Not to mention, why does it require LE's permission to search, I know here, a lot of hunters stop and ask permission first.

"In all, seven separate searches have been conducted by various law enforcement agencies between August 2013 and February 2014 as part of this investigation, including ground and aerial searches. These searches include the area of the abandoned vehicle, as well as all areas associated with cell phone activity, and one of the searches covered approximately 2,000 acres.

It seems to me that there was pretty thorough searches done. Wouldn't it have been more beneficial to have expanded the search areas ? Why does the girlfriend focus on these areas that have already been searched? It just mystifies me. This is also JMO
Hi, and thank's for the replies and feedback!

I'm going to read back from the beginning to get more of an idea of the "players" in this case. So far, to me, LL was convinced awfully early that Brandon was dead. Either that, or she wanted to convince everyone else Brandon was dead. Why would she immediately jump to the worst case scenario? Very good article from 9-24-2013 here:

"Missing, Dead or On-The-Run: Where is Brandon Lawson?"


“Brandon’s not alive, wherever he is. Brandon’s not alive. He’s dead somewhere, I know it,” came the haunted words of a woman who presumes herself a widow through the telephone receiver. “Brandon would never do this to his family,” she said of the father of her three children, ‘others would, but not him’.

Ladessa Lofton and Brandon Lawson have been together for over 10 years. About a year ago they moved to San Angelo together from Fort Worth, and left their friends and family behind. Lofton describes their relationship as normal and happy, however one argument on the night of Aug. 9 has had repercussions she never could have imagined.

“Nobody’s seen or heard anything from him since then,” Lofton says. “Nobody.”

Much more at link.

The title of this article is "Missing, Dead or On-The-Run: Where is Brandon Lawson?". Why was/is LL so convinced Brandon is dead, especially early on? Did LL ever express any opinion as to other scenarios such as Brandon left to go into hiding from warrants, or Brandon leaving her and starting over somewhere else? Or any Other scenarios besides him being dead?

The brother never actually spoke to Brandon? K's girlfriend A is said to have spoken with Brandon? But this was only "admitted" to by K three days later? ( See article linked above)

"At 12:58 a.m. the Coke County Sheriff’s office received a call that a vehicle was parked haphazard on the side of the road out on highway 277, thus posing a risk to oncoming traffic.

Deputies responded to the call and arrived on the scene, where Lawson&#8217;s truck stood abandoned. At the same time, Kyle Lawson, Brandon&#8217;s brother, appeared with a gas can and filled his brother&#8217;s truck." <Snip>

"When deputies were on the scene, no mention was made concerning the potential whereabouts of Brandon Lawson. It wasn&#8217;t until two to three days later that Kyle Lawson came forward and admitted to the Sheriff that his girlfriend had been on the phone with Brandon while Kyle was talking to the deputies, Sheriff McCutchen said."

Much more at article linked above.
I just don't believe Brandon was ever where his truck was found, and I don't find LL, K and A credible. I don't know what to make of Brandon's disappearance, but I don't think he's alive. I think the main "players" know what happened to Brandon though. I hope this case is still being actively investigated! This is an interesting case, that's for sure! I'll be reading from the beginning to get more details. I admire the dedication all of you have for Brandon and this case.
I too believe Brandon was never anywhere near his truck off 277. There has been a lot of discussion about what articles of clothing Brandon had on when he disappeared. One of the articles that has been mentioned is a pair of 2013 Nike Air Max tennis shoes.

I have noticed from many photos that Brandon seemed to keep his shoe laces loose or untied, which makes me wonder, how does one run for their life, while being chased over fencing and through rough terrain without losing at least one shoe? I have photos of Brandon's shoes laced loosely, this seems to be a habit of his. The photo on the right is a picture of the shoes that Brandon was said to be wearing the night he went missing.

Hi, and thank's for the replies and feedback!

I'm going to read back from the beginning to get more of an idea of the "players" in this case. So far, to me, LL was convinced awfully early that Brandon was dead. Either that, or she wanted to convince everyone else Brandon was dead. Why would she immediately jump to the worst case scenario? Very good article from 9-24-2013 here:

"Missing, Dead or On-The-Run: Where is Brandon Lawson?"


&#8220;Brandon&#8217;s not alive, wherever he is. Brandon&#8217;s not alive. He&#8217;s dead somewhere, I know it,&#8221; came the haunted words of a woman who presumes herself a widow through the telephone receiver. &#8220;Brandon would never do this to his family,&#8221; she said of the father of her three children, &#8216;others would, but not him&#8217;.

Ladessa Lofton and Brandon Lawson have been together for over 10 years. About a year ago they moved to San Angelo together from Fort Worth, and left their friends and family behind. Lofton describes their relationship as normal and happy, however one argument on the night of Aug. 9 has had repercussions she never could have imagined.

&#8220;Nobody&#8217;s seen or heard anything from him since then,&#8221; Lofton says. &#8220;Nobody.&#8221;

Much more at link.

The title of this article is "Missing, Dead or On-The-Run: Where is Brandon Lawson?". Why was/is LL so convinced Brandon is dead, especially early on? Did LL ever express any opinion as to other scenarios such as Brandon left to go into hiding from warrants, or Brandon leaving her and starting over somewhere else? Or any Other scenarios besides him being dead?

The brother never actually spoke to Brandon? K's girlfriend A is said to have spoken with Brandon? But this was only "admitted" to by K three days later? ( See article linked above)

"At 12:58 a.m. the Coke County Sheriff&#8217;s office received a call that a vehicle was parked haphazard on the side of the road out on highway 277, thus posing a risk to oncoming traffic.

Deputies responded to the call and arrived on the scene, where Lawson&#8217;s truck stood abandoned. At the same time, Kyle Lawson, Brandon&#8217;s brother, appeared with a gas can and filled his brother&#8217;s truck." <Snip>

"When deputies were on the scene, no mention was made concerning the potential whereabouts of Brandon Lawson. It wasn&#8217;t until two to three days later that Kyle Lawson came forward and admitted to the Sheriff that his girlfriend had been on the phone with Brandon while Kyle was talking to the deputies, Sheriff McCutchen said."

Much more at article linked above.
I just don't believe Brandon was ever where his truck was found, and I don't find LL, K and A credible. I don't know what to make of Brandon's disappearance, but I don't think he's alive. I think the main "players" know what happened to Brandon though. I hope this case is still being actively investigated! This is an interesting case, that's for sure! I'll be reading from the beginning to get more details. I admire the dedication all of you have for Brandon and this case.

That article where LL gave the interview to has always bothered me. I know personally , if one of my loved ones were missing, I would hold out hope they were alive until they showed me their body or remains. I just could never give up that hope. But to say right from the get go that Brandon is dead, that just does not sit well with me. It makes me highly suspicious. And then the things that the brother K said that night, and then later told the truth is another red flag to me. As my grandmother used to say; if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, its a duck ! :scared:

If the truth, or even correct timelines, and logical questions answered, how can they expect the public interest to remain focused on finding Brandon? After a while people will reach the conclusion that something is very wrong with these people and the stories they have told.

I think LE has done the best that they can, and the Rangers hands are tied until more information or tips come in for them to investigate. I have had a very bad feeling since I first read this case. Something is very off about it. And I know many on the HFBL page are very quick to blame LE, I just don't think that is what is wrong with the case. Granted the issue of the 911 call and how it was dispatched is a problem. But it is not that unusual for a small town. I also do not think the 911 tape that was released by the girlfriend was a tape of the entire call. I just can not see LE releasing the entire call in an open investigation.

These are my thoughts and opinions only. :moo:

Excellent post Solitaryone :loveyou:
My opinions -
*I believe the truck was planted.
*I find it very odd that someone, after a fight with their significant other, would take a change of clothes with them while storming out of the house.
*I see huge red flags regarding the brother & brother's girlfriend - whatever was said in their conversation with Brandon that night cannot be proven. Texts, yes...verbal, no.
*LL's phone charging in her van - missing Brandon's calls, but getting the brother's calls? Fishy fishy fishy.
So I got a pretty good look at the guy who looks like Brandon, I don't think it is, but anything is possible. I thought he had left town but it's the same guy I saw at the park before.
This guy has brilliant blue eyes, very short light brown hair, had on a gray cap, he is bet 5'7 and 5'9, weighs bet 150-170, white, sunburned and he has a Texas accent. (I had to ask which line was he in at Walmart, as he was kind of in the between and standing back and I was in a hurry) He was very ''aware'' of his surroundings. You could tell he had lost a lot of weight as his pants(jeans) and T shirt hung off of him. He had on white ratty shoes but I don't know what kind as his jeans bagged over them. His face is thin, he did not appear to be on drugs(eyes were normal, no sores, scabs, or scars). I was trying to look at his arms for any tats, but he caught me staring twice and it seemed to make him more 'nervous/anxious'.
So I got a pretty good look at the guy who looks like Brandon, I don't think it is, but anything is possible. I thought he had left town but it's the same guy I saw at the park before.
This guy has brilliant blue eyes, very short light brown hair, had on a gray cap, he is bet 5'7 and 5'9, weighs bet 150-170, white, sunburned and he has a Texas accent. (I had to ask which line was he in at Walmart, as he was kind of in the between and standing back and I was in a hurry) He was very ''aware'' of his surroundings. You could tell he had lost a lot of weight as his pants(jeans) and T shirt hung off of him. He had on white ratty shoes but I don't know what kind as his jeans bagged over them. His face is thin, he did not appear to be on drugs(eyes were normal, no sores, scabs, or scars). I was trying to look at his arms for any tats, but he caught me staring twice and it seemed to make him more 'nervous/anxious'.
There has been other supposedly sitings of him down around Houston area and then one in Benbrook. Do I think it was him, anything is possible, but I don't believe Brandon is alive. In my opinion he met his fate that night, I believe he met whom ever done it before he left San Angelo. I believe there is people out there that is having trouble sleeping because they know what happened and have have lied about it for over a year and it is eating them up. I believe there is people that saw things that night that no one should see and live with. I believe people are being threatened into silence for what they know, but that game can only last for so long.
Brandon what happen and where are you?
Bringing this over from thread #3

Posted by Bigmomma29 post #1102

she stayed in the Bronte county Inn on Friday night and Saturday night. So immediately after Brandon went missing.

Answered by Vedder post #1107
Very bizarre. I don't recall her reasoning behind renting the motel room, something about being close to the search area? It really makes no sense.

QueenBea13 said post #1110:

I think that was her reasoning, but remember she also had a very sick baby with ear infections. Being a mom myself I know my kids want to be home when they are sick, especially a baby. And why stay away from the house for 3 days?

I've been thinking about this info from the last thread. I wonder if there was some "clean up" going on in the house that she didn't want to be around - for example, ahem, a strong bleach smell, maybe?
From Unsolved's post..reminds me of a question, I think it has been asked and answered but I can't find it. MSM mentions her moving so she is closer to family help.

How long after Brandon went missing did Ladessa and the babies move back to Ft. Worth ?
Bringing this over from thread #3

Posted by Bigmomma29 post #1102

Answered by Vedder post #1107

QueenBea13 said post #1110:

I've been thinking about this info from the last thread. I wonder if there was some "clean up" going on in the house that she didn't want to be around - for example, ahem, a strong bleach smell, maybe?
I have wondered that myself.
From Unsolved's post..reminds me of a question, I think it has been asked and answered but I can't find it. MSM mentions her moving so she is closer to family help.

How long after Brandon went missing did Ladessa and the babies move back to Ft. Worth ?
I think and pretty sure she moved in the month of September I'm thinking right at the beginning, but for sure by the end of September. Had a great big ol garage sale and asked people to come clean the house also.
She keeps saying she wants Brandon to walk in the front door, well he can't because she has moved a couple of times since. He don't know what front door to walk in. Jmo
Brandon where are you?
That article where LL gave the interview to has always bothered me. I know personally , if one of my loved ones were missing, I would hold out hope they were alive until they showed me their body or remains. I just could never give up that hope. But to say right from the get go that Brandon is dead, that just does not sit well with me. It makes me highly suspicious. And then the things that the brother K said that night, and then later told the truth is another red flag to me. As my grandmother used to say; if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, its a duck ! :scared:

If the truth, or even correct timelines, and logical questions answered, how can they expect the public interest to remain focused on finding Brandon? After a while people will reach the conclusion that something is very wrong with these people and the stories they have told.

I think LE has done the best that they can, and the Rangers hands are tied until more information or tips come in for them to investigate. I have had a very bad feeling since I first read this case. Something is very off about it. And I know many on the HFBL page are very quick to blame LE, I just don't think that is what is wrong with the case. Granted the issue of the 911 call and how it was dispatched is a problem. But it is not that unusual for a small town. I also do not think the 911 tape that was released by the girlfriend was a tape of the entire call. I just can not see LE releasing the entire call in an open investigation.

These are my thoughts and opinions only. :moo:

Excellent post Solitaryone :loveyou:

Bumping your post. My thoughts exactly.
Bringing this over from thread #3

Posted by Bigmomma29 post #1102

Answered by Vedder post #1107

QueenBea13 said post #1110:

I've been thinking about this info from the last thread. I wonder if there was some "clean up" going on in the house that she didn't want to be around - for example, ahem, a strong bleach smell, maybe?

I've thought this from the get go!!!! I've always thought when a family member disappears LE will ask you to stay home incase there is a phone call or the missing person comes home.
I've also wondered why the house was not searched for clues by the local LE, since by all accounts & timelines that was the last place someone physically saw BL, not out on that road in Coke Cty.
From Unsolved's post..reminds me of a question, I think it has been asked and answered but I can't find it. MSM mentions her moving so she is closer to family help.

How long after Brandon went missing did Ladessa and the babies move back to Ft. Worth ?

I believe iirc she moved the weekend of Sept 12, 2013.
If she planned to move to be closer, why not do it before school starting? I'd think that'd be awful rough on the older school age kids, to have to switch schools after just a few weeks of starting a new school year. Jmo though.
Well, unfortunately it looks like B's case is turning cold. I really wish those "4 people" weren't discouraged from the search for B. I really think it was them who kept B's name in SM and alive. Why is it that "ONLY" the GF was actively on HFBL page and not any of his blood relatives? Wouldn't that be unusual in a MP case? After all this is their Eldest Son.

That's the part that leads me to believe B is in hiding and a little pat on the back every now and then keeps the GF quiescent. :secret: JMO
I go back and forth a million times on what I believe happened here. Most theories I have, I can talk myself into believing or not believing for some reason or the other, but can't rule any of them out! That's the frustrating part!

The interview of him not being alive. That part really didn't set off any alarms to me. Perhaps because I have a tendency to think the worst almost immediately. Like the other day, my husband had sure taken forever on a short errand. Now I've been married over 21yrs. I know he likes to talk, and if he runs into someone he knows and hasn't seen for awhile, well an hour may go by before he realizes how long he's been talking. YET, the fire trucks and rescue squads went out, and I IMMEDIATELY thought "Oh no, I pray he's OK!!"...and within seconds he walked in the house. So I can see ME thinking something bad must have happened if I ever had a missing loved one. I imagined all kinds of things for the week my dog was missing. Spent hours walking the roads looking in ditches, because I just knew he must have gotten hit. Yes he returned home on his own a week later, and pawed on the door to come inside.

So some things I can rationalize because of my own perspective. BUT, then there's things I can't make fit no matter how hard I try. I can't imagine moving so soon afterwards, because IF he did come back, he wouldn't know where I was! There was no way to leave a letter to him, or mail him a letter, ya know? And if cell reception was iffy in the area, well, what if he tried to call, who would he call? If he couldn't get L, would he call his parents? His brother?

The gas can issue. It was empty. Well what good is that?? Brandon's brother didn't have the money to get him gas. I've been poor before. Didn't have $10 at certain times, so I can see that. YET Brandon hadn't gotten paid, so did he have money? Did L have money when the gas can was picked up? Wasn't there anyone that had a few dollars they could pool together to get him a gallon or two of gas so he get to the store? And if Brandon didn't have money, then why leave on a empty tank? And if money was so tight that L didn't have any to give Brandon's brother that night, where did the money for the motel come from?

The fight, was it physical? Did Brandon hit L? Did he hit the wall in anger? Was there anyone else there for the fight? Did anyone witness Brandon leaving? Any neighbors hear him leave? (Yes I know the Walmart rumor, but was he really there?) If he did leave, did he pick up anyone else? Make any stops? Was the gas indicator broken? Where is the truck now? Was it sold? Given to someone? Or does L still have it? And if Brandon came back to his truck, and was there when the police and his brother showed up, then ummm, he still had no gas!

No I don't think the police did a thorough job in looking for Brandon. There's too many unanswered questions! Why not a press release on an anniversary of his disappearance, or his birthday, heck even now!?! How long before someone can get a complete release of that 911 call? Could Brandon have been injured before he left home, and it got worse and that's why he called for help? SOMETHING made him call the police. What that SOMETHING is...well we don't really know. He didn't call because he was out of gas, because he had called his brother for that. YET, we don't know his voice, so we assume it was him on the call! But truly, we don't know. We have to take L's word that it is.

Back to the night he disappeared....
If I had a sick child, was pissed at him for the fight, and for leaving...I don't know for sure what I would naturally, but I'm thinking I would stay at home, hoping someone picked him up and brought him back to the house. And was there anyone at the house so that if that happened, someone could tell him that L and others were looking for him? Or was the house empty? If it was empty, then I guess he could have came home, not known where the others were, got pissed and left. BUT, looks like someone would have said if they picked him up.

I do wonder why L is the only one on the fb page, and why she doesn't seem to have a support system, even now. Maybe his family has talked to LE numerous times, have called for updates, etc., and just don't like social media, or for whatever reasons they don't want a part of the page. Maybe they are blocked from posting there? But that wouldn't stop them from doing their own page, or commenting on their FB or twitter or something.

See what I mean by no matter what I think, I have questions that could go either way with? That's why I stay so confused! Can't even make my mind find a theory and stick with it!!

Brandon...thinking of you tonight!
I go back and forth a million times on what I believe happened here. Most theories I have, I can talk myself into believing or not believing for some reason or the other, but can't rule any of them out! That's the frustrating part!

The interview of him not being alive. That part really didn't set off any alarms to me. Perhaps because I have a tendency to think the worst almost immediately. Like the other day, my husband had sure taken forever on a short errand. Now I've been married over 21yrs. I know he likes to talk, and if he runs into someone he knows and hasn't seen for awhile, well an hour may go by before he realizes how long he's been talking. YET, the fire trucks and rescue squads went out, and I IMMEDIATELY thought "Oh no, I pray he's OK!!"...and within seconds he walked in the house. So I can see ME thinking something bad must have happened if I ever had a missing loved one. I imagined all kinds of things for the week my dog was missing. Spent hours walking the roads looking in ditches, because I just knew he must have gotten hit. Yes he returned home on his own a week later, and pawed on the door to come inside.

So some things I can rationalize because of my own perspective. BUT, then there's things I can't make fit no matter how hard I try. I can't imagine moving so soon afterwards, because IF he did come back, he wouldn't know where I was! There was no way to leave a letter to him, or mail him a letter, ya know? And if cell reception was iffy in the area, well, what if he tried to call, who would he call? If he couldn't get L, would he call his parents? His brother?

The gas can issue. It was empty. Well what good is that?? Brandon's brother didn't have the money to get him gas. I've been poor before. Didn't have $10 at certain times, so I can see that. YET Brandon hadn't gotten paid, so did he have money? Did L have money when the gas can was picked up? Wasn't there anyone that had a few dollars they could pool together to get him a gallon or two of gas so he get to the store? And if Brandon didn't have money, then why leave on a empty tank? And if money was so tight that L didn't have any to give Brandon's brother that night, where did the money for the motel come from?

The fight, was it physical? Did Brandon hit L? Did he hit the wall in anger? Was there anyone else there for the fight? Did anyone witness Brandon leaving? Any neighbors hear him leave? (Yes I know the Walmart rumor, but was he really there?) If he did leave, did he pick up anyone else? Make any stops? Was the gas indicator broken? Where is the truck now? Was it sold? Given to someone? Or does L still have it? And if Brandon came back to his truck, and was there when the police and his brother showed up, then ummm, he still had no gas!

No I don't think the police did a thorough job in looking for Brandon. There's too many unanswered questions! Why not a press release on an anniversary of his disappearance, or his birthday, heck even now!?! How long before someone can get a complete release of that 911 call? Could Brandon have been injured before he left home, and it got worse and that's why he called for help? SOMETHING made him call the police. What that SOMETHING is...well we don't really know. He didn't call because he was out of gas, because he had called his brother for that. YET, we don't know his voice, so we assume it was him on the call! But truly, we don't know. We have to take L's word that it is.

Back to the night he disappeared....
If I had a sick child, was pissed at him for the fight, and for leaving...I don't know for sure what I would naturally, but I'm thinking I would stay at home, hoping someone picked him up and brought him back to the house. And was there anyone at the house so that if that happened, someone could tell him that L and others were looking for him? Or was the house empty? If it was empty, then I guess he could have came home, not known where the others were, got pissed and left. BUT, looks like someone would have said if they picked him up.

I do wonder why L is the only one on the fb page, and why she doesn't seem to have a support system, even now. Maybe his family has talked to LE numerous times, have called for updates, etc., and just don't like social media, or for whatever reasons they don't want a part of the page. Maybe they are blocked from posting there? But that wouldn't stop them from doing their own page, or commenting on their FB or twitter or something.

See what I mean by no matter what I think, I have questions that could go either way with? That's why I stay so confused! Can't even make my mind find a theory and stick with it!!

Brandon...thinking of you tonight!

I am like that too, back and forth . I have two theories that I go back and forth with. I have a list for each one in a notebook. I know there are cases were nothing ever makes sense, but this one has bothered me . I just feel so much is off about this, from the very beginning. I just get a bad gut feeling.

I have thought of Brandon going home and no one being there. What if he had a head injury with very few memories and one of them is of the last place he stayed at. I wish their could have been a vigil at San Angelo or at least Bronte, to make people aware of him.

I honestly don't know what to think about the brother. I sometimes think he was just trying to protect Brandon thinking he had run, but then when he realized what was going on he freaked out. I feel Brandon's family tries to be supportive of the girlfriend, at the very least for the grandchildren. I think the girlfriend kinda took the lead in this right from the start and ran with it and poor Brandon's family doesn't know what to do. I'm sure they are sick with worry and not sure how to tackle leading the investigation. His grandparents look so devastated.

There seems to be nothing but silence now on the FB page. Not sure what that means. I wish the media would pick up Brandon's case , more exposure. LE needs to make a statement of some kind. Do they think he is in hiding ? Do they think there is foul play? Say something. This is all JMO.

Where are you Brandon??
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