TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #4

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I've followed this case from the beginning. I've listened to the 911 call many times, read every post here on WS, read all the articles I could find, watched videos and podcasts. I've lurked but decided to join in. Everything is my opinion only. I am not an insider and know no one involved in the case. I've just done a lot of research. I have some observations to make. I've also followed HFBL and J4BL.
1. I haven't seen a big enough discrepancy in the time line to consider anything suspicious. Time lines are put together by different people and agencies. Not everyone's clocks are the same. When traumatic events happen, everyone who witnessed will have a different story, description and time line (psychology 101).
2. The 911 call. A lot of you question if this is Brandon. With everyone who has heard that 911 call, someone would have already said "hey that's not Brandon's voice". I'm sure everyone who knows him has listened to that 911 call. I don't think anyone could have faked that call pretending to be Brandon. A lot of you don't believe he was ever in the truck or on that road side, but the 911 call clearly states he was. He also brings up "some guys" in that call. If family were involved he would not call them "some guys". He clearly puts himself on that road side. There's been a lot of discussion about the gas. He also clearly says he ran out of gas. It's also pretty clear that he is running from someone. The 911 call was also taken from a nursing home at the nurses station. This would also pick up any noises from the nursing home making it hard to tell what noises or whispers were from the nursing home or from where Brandon was. I don't think there are 2 voices on the call. I think it's just him. When they ask if he needs an ambulance he starts to say "yeah" but stops and says he needs the cops. This is my opinion of what I hear.
3. Family/including LL-I am not buying that they are involved. I see no motives. There's no money gained, no love triangle that has ever been proved, and no reason for everyone in his family to hide a crime. His family have actively searched as much as they could and as the law would allow. I truly believe they are victims who have been through the worst thing a family could go through. Who knows how anyone would react in this situation. Family members are not very active on social media and this bothers a lot of people. But I think it's due to so much negativity towards the family. To those of you who have followed this case have likely read J4BL. It was a lot like a witch hunt over there. It did get better when it changed administration but not much. I would like to see them speak out more, but I understand why they don't. LL has been the most vocal and I must say I have been impressed with her strength and determination from day 1. I think she jumped right in, tried to find him in multiple ways even though she was up against a lot of red tape and obstacles. Some of pointed out that she's had charges for fraud. The only thing I have say is that it was wrong, she's paying for that mistake and everyone has skeletons. If we put anyone's life under a microscope we could find crimes, lies and mistakes to make them out to be Charles Manson, but the fact is, no one is perfect.
I don't know much about KL or his girlfriend, but family have described that he and Brandon had a great relationship.
4. The searches- LL's helicopter searches were quick. Some have questioned this. I think it was very smart of her. She understood that if he were out on that land he would not have much of a chance at survival if not found quickly. No one else appeared to be searching. LE does do some searches but not a lot of information was given about those searches. I saw a grid of the searches I think on the local observer paper, but there is a lot of land that wasn't searched. BLs father said that he was threatened with arrest if he tried to search the land himself. I really feel sorry for the family concerning what appears to be a block by LE. I would like to see TexasEquaSearch involved, but I read somewhere that LE had to make the contact and they would not. It also appears land owners in that area have not agreed to searches. This is concerning. I couldn't imagine my wife or child missing and people not letting me search. I think I would take the chance at getting shot and just go search anyway! At least I would feel like I was doing something.
5. My Questions to you- I see a lot of frustration about the search of the home in San Angelo. Do we know for a fact that LE did not search the home? (LE hasn't made many statements regarding the case).
Do we know for sure anything besides speculation concerning KL's lie detector test? Is there a link to this that can show for sure a pass or fail?
Has the mother of his first child ever made a statement? I haven't seen anything myself.
Once the case is cold, can a freedom of public information be requested to get some reports from LE?
Can anyone give specifics about what on the time line has changed so much that it causes you concern?
6. My opinion and observations- IMOO the 911 call is the best evidence. Everything I've seen points to the fact that BL was out on that HWY and ran out of gas. He called KL and asked him to bring gas. Before KL arrives, several phone calls to 911 come in, one being Brandon's. Brandon is scared, running and fighting for his life. I believe because of the content I've heard on 911 call that whoever he was running from where strangers to him "some guys".
I don't think LE were involved, but feel they were not suited to investigate this kind of situation. Brontes a small town with small town officers. I'm not knocking them, I'm from a small town too.
I believe whoever was chasing him did him harm. It's a hunch that it was locals, but I think it was. I think his body is near the area. I think LE should get TexasEquaSearch involved so we would know for sure. They are the best out there.
Sorry for the long post.. I have more but this was the brunt of what I wanted to say.
From the above-mentioned link.

Lofton said. "I got THE gas can, and I put IT on the porch" before going to bed.
From the above-mentioned link.

Lofton said. "I got THE gas can, and I put IT on the porch" before going to bed.
Many times before on social media, and including the blog talk interview, she has said it plural. Yet, another think that has changed.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise stated. *
Welcome, Chris2311....And welcome to WS. I see you just created your profile. You'll find lots of great info and resources.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise stated.*
Glad to have you in the thread Chris2311. I agree with a lot of what you are stating. There is one thing I do disagree with and that is I am 99.9% sure there is another person answering "Yes" on the 911 tape. If you will listen very closely, BL talks ON TOP of the other person almost. 2 different sounds and 2 different voices. I believe he "has the first guy". To me it sounds like BL might be sitting on him because his voice sounds forced like he is being squashed.

The only other thing that I find strange is the fact that BL didn't indicate to Kyle or his GF that he was being chased or he had called 911 since he did talk to her and text her after the 911 call. The fact they learned that later is odd to me. I have often wondered if someone else was texting KL and his gf after the 911 call.

Thanks for joining. You obviously have some good opinions.
Wait a minute. So BL took the wall charger. Was said wall charger found in his truck? Not seen mention of it.

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Chris2311 -- welcome! I'm also new here and I can tell you that these guys are welcoming and wicked smart.

You raise some good points.

Primarily the call itself. I've also doubted the reality of faking Brandon's voice. That for me has been the thing I've struggled with, as much as I have suspicions about LL and Kyle.

Someone would have mentioned if it doesn't sound like him. Surely. Have commenters on the various forums and talkbacks doubted it sounds like him?

Also LL is the one who made the call public. She'd have to be VERY confident the impostor sounds exactly like Brandon.

Does anyone know what Kyle sounds like? If they sound identical, then maybe the impostor theory holds up...

And I also think a FOIA request from LE is the only way this case will get out of the rut it's been in for a long time. It's been 3 years, is it a cold case yet?

Some of us still care what happened to you, Brandon...

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Chris2311 -- welcome! I'm also new here and I can tell you that these guys are welcoming and wicked smart.

You raise some good points.

Primarily the call itself. I've also doubted the reality of faking Brandon's voice. That for me has been the thing I've struggled with, as much as I have suspicions about LL and Kyle.

Someone would have mentioned if it doesn't sound like him. Surely. Have commenters on the various forums and talkbacks doubted it sounds like him?

Also LL is the one who made the call public. She'd have to be VERY confident the impostor sounds exactly like Brandon.

Does anyone know what Kyle sounds like? If they sound identical, then maybe the impostor theory holds up...

And I also think a FOIA request from LE is the only way this case will get out of the rut it's been in for a long time. It's been 3 years, is it a cold case yet?

Some of us still care what happened to you, Brandon...

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FOIA is for federal records.

The Texas Open Records Act covers 911 calls.

A request for recordings of the calls and 911 logs would go to the Coke County Sheriff's Department.

A case need not be cold in order for the records to be considered public information.

Law enforcement can claim an ongoing investigation exemption for such records. In that event, the matter is then taken up by the office of the Attorney General.

I have attempted to follow this case several times as it it somewhat in my area and I know people from Bronte and San Angelo and I travel 277 from time to time.

It's been difficult to determine what is in fact "known" and what is not.

Gonna try one more time to see if I can't piece together what is known. :/
FOIA is for federal records.

The Texas Open Records Act covers 911 calls.

A request for recordings of the calls and 911 logs would go to the Coke County Sheriff's Department.

A case need not be cold in order for the records to be considered public information.

Law enforcement can claim an ongoing investigation exemption for such records. In that event, the matter is then taken up by the office of the Attorney General.

I have attempted to follow this case several times as it it somewhat in my area and I know people from Bronte and San Angelo and I travel 277 from time to time.

It's been difficult to determine what is in fact "known" and what is not.

Gonna try one more time to see if I can't piece together what is known. :/

Interesting. If we can put together all the verified info, maybe that'll help make sense of things. Can you reach out to the local LE for info? (I'm in the UK so probably can't).

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Interesting. If we can put together all the verified info, maybe that'll help make sense of things. Can you reach out to the local LE for info? (I'm in the UK so probably can't).

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Anyone can submit a public records request for Coke County.

I'm going to get myself better versed before I do, though. There are records other than the call logs and incident reports that I may want to request that may or may not be public info.

It has been a struggle to determine what is known about that night.
Anyone can submit a public records request for Coke County.

I'm going to get myself better versed before I do, though. There are records other than the call logs and incident reports that I may want to request that may or may not be public info.

It has been a struggle to determine what is known about that night.

That would be awesome if you could. I think it's definitely time for some clarity in this case. The insane amount of rumour and misinformation in this case is staggering.

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FOIA is for federal records.

The Texas Open Records Act covers 911 calls.

A request for recordings of the calls and 911 logs would go to the Coke County Sheriff's Department.

A case need not be cold in order for the records to be considered public information.

Law enforcement can claim an ongoing investigation exemption for such records. In that event, the matter is then taken up by the office of the Attorney General.

I have attempted to follow this case several times as it it somewhat in my area and I know people from Bronte and San Angelo and I travel 277 from time to time.

It's been difficult to determine what is in fact "known" and what is not.

Gonna try one more time to see if I can't piece together what is known. :/

I honestly think the most productive thing us here on WS can do for this case is to get a hold of the entire 911 call.
I have another question? I do not remember exactly, but my old brain is triggering on. Wasn't LL out earlier that evening before BL left the home. She was posting on FB with pictures of her and her friends. She went home to a sick child they started arguing, he called his dad then left. Kl came over checked on her and then she put gas cans on porch and went to bed. After she awhile she talked to KL, BL was gone. She posted on garage sale site he was missing.
Or was it BL was at co workers house visiting went home fight broke out. Then the rest of the story above. I can't remember how the evening started.
Hope y'all have a wonderful day
It was LL who was home tending to their sick "oldest" son with an earache. LL had been posting on FB back and forth with BL's mom and others up until around 5 a.m. or so. BL had been the one who was "out" that night.

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Just a heads up: a new thread for Brandon will open in about 10 minutes, so plan your posts accordingly.


Please continue HERE for Brandon.
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