TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #5

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Ive followed this case from the start and find so much so frustrating. As for the timeline of phone calls, please remind me who released that time line? How do we know for sure that the 911 call was placed BEFORE the call to his brother for gas and the text messages to his brother's gf? How long after the 911 call did he call his brother for gas? How long after that call were what number of text messages exchanged? Has anyone actually ever SEEN a call log from BL's phone? I wonder how many calls and to who were made from the time he was seen at walmart until 911 was called? Do we know what time BL 1st called his brother for gas and when Kyle called LL about getting cans? I hope that LE has looked at phone logs!!

LL or her representative is who released the timeline, it was in print by various MSM, I'd like to believe these MSM sources & LE verified & confirmed the times laid out, but as I'm sure you know there really hasn't been a lot confirmed or verified in this case.
I've always been concerned/confused as to how LL knew, to the minute, what time BL did what, like he left home at 11:54pm, not around midnight or or about 11:45, no it was 11:54 on the dot. Hell I don't even know to the minute what time I leave the house, it's usually between 7:30-7:45am but I'd never say "this morning I left at 7:38am, dropped kids off at 7:44am & got to the office at 7:51am"; it just seems rehearsed or planned or something.

*All thoughts & opinions mentioned above are just that, MY random thoughts & opinions*

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LL or her representative is who released the timeline, it was in print by various MSM, I'd like to believe these MSM sources & LE verified & confirmed the times laid out, but as I'm sure you know there really hasn't been a lot confirmed or verified in this case.
I've always been concerned/confused as to how LL knew, to the minute, what time BL did what, like he left home at 11:54pm, not around midnight or or about 11:45, no it was 11:54 on the dot. Hell I don't even know to the minute what time I leave the house, it's usually between 7:30-7:45am but I'd never say "this morning I left at 7:38am, dropped kids off at 7:44am & got to the office at 7:51am"; it just seems rehearsed or planned or something.

*All thoughts & opinions mentioned above are just that, MY random thoughts & opinions*

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Exactly. Most people would say, "About midnight.". Or "Jimmy Fallon was going off", or something approximate. Who looks at clock and notes everything exactly?

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Exactly. Most people would say, "About midnight.". Or "Jimmy Fallon was going off", or something approximate. Who looks at clock and notes everything exactly?

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

Well someone who knows they'll be making a timeline of events in the very near future of course, Duh STQ [emoji146]

*All thoughts & opinions mentioned above are just that, MY random thoughts & opinions*
Always thought that one of them .... Would eventually crack, and that one is not in their realm anymore.

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Yes, I would like to know his call log from either in the day say afternoon all the way to the end. Do recall their was mention of possible text messages between BL/LL sometime that late evening

My monthly bill comes with a complete log ...

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It seems like LL mentioned a couple of missed calls from BL. I guess she saw these when she went out to the van to get her charging phone. There was never any mention of a voice mail from him. Not saying that there was or wasn't one. But I would think he would leave her a voicemail. "Hey, I'm out here. Please send help." Something.

Also strange how she managed to get texts and calls from KL that night, but missed the ones from her soulmate.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Well someone who knows they'll be making a timeline of events in the very near future of course, Duh STQ [emoji146]

*All thoughts & opinions mentioned above are just that, MY random thoughts & opinions*


*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
And not to mention, 911 calls DO NOT show up on your call logs, whether it's the online version of current usage or if it is a detailed monthly statement. I know this as fact for both AT&T & Verizon, which BL is said to have had.

And depending on who's name the account was in, it may be difficult to get those records if you aren't the primary account holder, it'd probably take LEO & a warrant to get them; and even then it can take up to 30 days if not longer to actually receive them in hand.

*All thoughts & opinions mentioned above are just that, MY random thoughts & opinions*
Always thought that one of them .... Would eventually crack, and that one is not in their realm anymore.

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Because it's a cold case now. There's no pressure on anyone. Just like she predicted it being in one of her podcasts.

While we were all glued to the news over the body search in Abilene, did anyone notice that the HFBL Facebook page was oddly silent? Why was that? WE all thought that maybe this was finally it. Why didn't she? And she had no idea that they weren't searching for him. I know this personally because I talked to a source from Abilene PD who was boots on the ground, and also I spoke with someone at Coke County. Coke County had no idea it was even taking place, and APD wasn't breathing a word to anyone at the time.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
And not to mention, 911 calls DO NOT show up on your call logs, whether it's the online version of current usage or if it is a detailed monthly statement. I know this as fact for both AT&T & Verizon, which BL is said to have had.

*All thoughts & opinions mentioned above are just that, MY random thoughts & opinions*

I called 911 once about an accident where I was 1st on the scene. It showed up on my bill that I recieved the following month in my call logs. That's with Verizon.
Oh it's not that I don't believe that, I'm just saying what LL told me directly. She also told me way back in the beginning that BL called his brother for gas then she later found out he had called 911 while his bro and gf were headed out with the gas cans, and that the 911 call was last ping on her/his cell bill. We are no longer in contact because I suspect that I asked too many questions. However Id like to ACTUALLY SEE a call log from BLs cell as well as the other "3 players". I also wonder who his carrier was and if him and LL shared a phone plan? Without seeing a call log from the actual carrier, everything besides the 911 call time is just hearsay. We know how stories change!! Has LE ever looked to see his ping information from that night, from 11:54 on? Also, is that walmart he was supposedly seen at 24/7? That information about him being seen there, possibly in a fight, has never been verified either has it?

I BELIEVE he had Verizon. She gave the impression that they had an account together, however there's speculation on if they were even living together, and/or in a relationship at that time.

I can't comment on the WalMart thing. I believe it's been mentioned, though, as legit.

And yes, his phone was pinged.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
I called 911 once about an accident where I was 1st on the scene. It showed up on my bill that I recieved the following month in my call logs. That's with Verizon.

I'm just going by our cell phone bill at work, one of our service techs had to call 911 in a rural town, actually not too far from Coke County, because of a fuel spill in the middle of a little 2 lane highway & because of this case I was very interested to see if it'd show up or not & it was not online in the day or days after & was not on the call details of the statement, this was in November '16. Maybe it's different because we're a business account but I wouldn't think that'd really make a difference.

*All thoughts & opinions mentioned above are just that, MY random thoughts & opinions*
And not to mention, 911 calls DO NOT show up on your call logs, whether it's the online version of current usage or if it is a detailed monthly statement. I know this as fact for both AT&T & Verizon, which BL is said to have had.

And depending on who's name the account was in, it may be difficult to get those records if you aren't the primary account holder, it'd probably take LEO & a warrant to get them; and even then it can take up to 30 days if not longer to actually receive them in hand.

*All thoughts & opinions mentioned above are just that, MY random thoughts & opinions*

She told me the bill/log came a week or two later and she saw it then. When she saw it she was shocked as no one had told her of the 911 call. She said when she talked to LE the day the truck was moved, they never mentioned he had called 911 and infact the officers that night hadnt been notified either. About his cell bill/log I wonder if his mail was going to that address? Has it ever been verified WHO his cell carrier was? If it was straight talk for example its next to impossible to get a call log! I see BL as a non contract phone kinda guy..(imo) I also wonder if they shared a cell phone plan. My kids are on my plan and I no longer get paper bills, but can long into my account on line and see their call logs. That reminds me, I know 911 shows up on our call logs. Not all that long ago I had to go through the call logs for a specific time/date a call or multiple calls had come in for a legal report. I came across the call that had been made to 911 from my daughter's phone and when I saw it on the call log, it hit me like a ton of bricks bringing back the emotions with it. As the primary account holder Im the only one with access to that info online, even though my kids have lines on my plan. LE would need a warrant. Anyway, maybe it depends on carrier or how you're looking up calls. I just wonder how she had access to his call log.
Does anyone know how or if its possible for someone who isnt LE, to verify all these questions? Does anyone think that LE has or had at some point, any interest in verifying the stories of time lines, call logs between the 4 main people in this case? How about the paperwork that someone had said they would request under the Freedom of info act, was someone doing that? I haven't the 1st clue about how to do that? Does anyone feel like besides us here, that anyone cares about it being solved or puts any effort into the case? If a PI were to be hired or investigate this case on BLs behalf, not controlled by LL and gang, would they have the ability to find out such information? I've read quite a few posts were LL talks about her BOYFRIEND, I'm curious when/how they met.
I called 911 once about an accident where I was 1st on the scene. It showed up on my bill that I recieved the following month in my call logs. That's with Verizon.

Many years ago, I remember calling 911, and it did not show up on my bill. I looked at my online itemized list of calls, and it said Outgoing Call. There was no number beside it and no data associated with it. I called customer service and asked what it was. They told me it was an emergency call. When my paper bill came, it wasn't listed on the bill. Maybe it depends on the carrier, and other factors.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Does anyone know how or if its possible for someone who isnt LE, to verify all these questions? Does anyone think that LE has or had at some point, any interest in verifying the stories of time lines, call logs between the 4 main people in this case? How about the paperwork that someone had said they would request under the Freedom of info act, was someone doing that? I haven't the 1st clue about how to do that? Does anyone feel like besides us here, that anyone cares about it being solved or puts any effort into the case? If a PI were to be hired or investigate this case on BLs behalf, not controlled by LL and gang, would they have the ability to find out such information? I've read quite a few posts were LL talks about her BOYFRIEND, I'm curious when/how they met.

I think that there's a core few here that truly care about this guy, and want him found. Dead, alive, whatever. I think it's safe to say that we care a great deal.

I personally would love to have the big PI firm in East Texas on the case. (The name escapes me at this hour.) I know that at one time, a call was made to them, and the fee was around $15 grand. Some of us even discussed a Go Fund Me account to try to raise money for it. (If some people can have one for their rent and manicures, then shouldn't we have one for finding the guy?)

I'm pretty positive that LE has verified the timeline, calls, etc. But they aren't releasing it for their own reasons.

And she was told about the call a few days into his disappearance by LE. At the time of the truck being left on the road, it wasn't put together that he was the one who made the 911 call. LE got his phone records, and saw the call on THEIR copy. That's when the recording was released to his father for voice verification.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
I have ALWAYS thought it was odd that his parents have never seemed very interested in finding him. They haven't spoken to media, heck they didnt and still dont post anything on fb/ online about him being missing. I dont even recall them being at the annual vigils or whatever they are that LL has held. Its definitely very different from the majority of parents of other missing persons esp his age. Why do you think that is?
I have ALWAYS thought it was odd that his parents have never seemed very interested in finding him. They haven't spoken to media, heck they didnt and still dont post anything on fb/ online about him being missing. I dont even recall them being at the annual vigils or whatever they are that LL has held. Its definitely very different from the majority of parents of other missing persons esp his age. Why do you think that is?

Maybe with his track record, they're relieved to not be dealing with the drama. It's hard to say what people in their position are thinking. If it were me, I think I would do my own ceremony the first year, but after that, I wouldn't.

My mother was murdered many years ago. Each year for her birthday, and the anniversary of her death, it's a quiet reflection for my siblings and I. We each usually post a short tribute to her individually, and then we will post something and tag each other. And count the minutes until that horrible day is over. Maybe it's too hard for his parents to be reminded.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
I have ALWAYS thought it was odd that his parents have never seemed very interested in finding him. They haven't spoken to media, heck they didnt and still dont post anything on fb/ online about him being missing. I dont even recall them being at the annual vigils or whatever they are that LL has held. Its definitely very different from the majority of parents of other missing persons esp his age. Why do you think that is?

I agree that they don't seem as involved or post much but from pictures I've seen they have in fact been at every balloon release & candlelight vigil LL has held.
I honestly don't know how I would handle something like this but I'd like to think I'd damn sure being doing more than some in this situation. But like STQ said maybe it's just too much for them. But I'd think the not knowing would kill me even more than knowing 100% my child was dead. At least dead I'd know for sure exactly where they were!

*All thoughts & opinions mentioned above are just that, MY random thoughts & opinions*
Everyone is different in how they handle loss, however the unknowing of what happened would kill me mentally.

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