GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 Aug 2014 - Enrique Arochi kidnapping trial #5

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Closing arguments in full
Had to run to post office real fast. No news yes I see. Thanks for going TCMom eagerly await your report, please :)
The Mercury ‏@arochimercury 6m6 minutes ago
Still camped out in hallway of courthouse outside of 401st Judicial District Court. No word yet on jury's progress #ArochiTrial
I found some of the defense claims in closing statements interesting. I served on a trial several years ago -- trial of a drug dealer. We were told that we could absolutely "connect the dots" (so to speak) and use our common sense to draw conclusions from the evidence. We were actually told that that was our job as jurors. We were told specifically not to confuse "shadow of a doubt" with "reasonable doubt." I followed this trial with those instructions in mind, and I would certainly vote to convict with the evidence presented. I hope these jurors come to that same conclusion.

Great point. The defense did their best to try to make the standard way higher legally than it is. Did you hear where Gore was telling the jury that the state had to prove that HF did NOT do this? That was pure BS, of course. And of course, as you've noted, where he was trying to tell them that they couldn't put 2 + 2 together to determine whether Arochi did this or not. Because, of course they can.

But I thought the state then did a reasonably good job of focusing the jury back on what they have to do, without the BS, by walking them through the elements of the charge and then putting the pieces in front of them that showed each one of those things, in essence figuring it out for them. It's glaringly obvious, at least to me, that EA did this (I really have no doubt) and I'm hopeful the jury will see it that clearly as well. I think they will.
If/when EA is found guilty can he then take the stand in the punishment phase and confess or tell another "story", or Can he call PPD in outside of the jury and tell where she is for a lesser sentence? Just curious.

Respectfully, wouldn't be a lighter sentence. Then they would charge him with MURDER. JMHO *didn't mean that to sound snarky,
At this stage, I would be surprised if the prosecusion agreed if he would confess and tell where she is buried, but famiy carries weight in these matters. If the defense thinks they have lost they might approach with a deal. Who knows?
According to MCMom, she was told his parents haven't been there and brother didn't testify about waking him up. I think they don't want to be deported and don't want to lie. I"m sure this is horrible for them, but I have a feeling, based on what we have heard of EAs past and his future charges,and behavior, that it was not that shocking he was charged with this crime. People don't just wake up one day and disappear someone. Usually, the bad behavior esculates. JMO
I"m glad we got to hear first hand the closing arguments. I watched and then came here a read the tweets and the tweets left a lot to be desired! I am grateful for everyone for posting the tweets for us throughout the trial. It was a big commitment and I recognize your effort and am grateful for you!
Valerie Wigglesworth ‏@vlwigg
Correction: Pool cameras WILL be allowed in courtroom for verdict - no word yet on when that might be #arochitrial

Sorry if this is a silly question but what exactly does a pool camera refer to
I will be there so long as it happens today before jurors are sent home for the night. I think the reporters will still be tweeting.
Awesome! Thank you very much for your dedication and willingness to share with us all. I had assumed cameras would be allowed for verdict since it was at closing.

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My thoughts are with Christina's family right now. I cannot imagine how agonizing this is for them. I hope that the jury is able to come to a unanimous GUILTY verdict and be completely at peace with their decision. EA deserves to be punished for his crime, and Christina (and the ones who love her) deserve justice.
8s8 seconds ago
Valerie Wigglesworth ‏@vlwigg
.@ Sorry - that just means that it's the same setup - 1 video camera, 1 still camera - to share with all media #arochitrial

Valerie Wigglesworth
60s60 seconds ago
Valerie Wigglesworth ‏@vlwigg
.@ Job jargon. Sorry. That means 1 video camera & 1 still camera allowed in courtroom - they share with everyone else

Guess I wasn't the only one wondering haha
I really wish he would go to the DA before the verdict and make a deal. Kidnapping carries harsh sentences too, so if he had a chance at parole after forty years or so, or no death penalty for murder, maybe her family would accept that. Sooner or later, she is bound to be located (I hope) and he better believe murder charges will come around eventually, jmo.
Valerie Wigglesworth ‏@vlwigg
Correction: Pool cameras WILL be allowed in courtroom for verdict - no word yet on when that might be #arochitrial

Sorry if this is a silly question but what exactly does a pool camera refer to

Pool camera is one camera that shares the stream with other media, so if for instance Fox got the approval for a pool camera, ABC and CBS could also use the feed from it to stream video. I'm so glad the judge is allowing the verdict to be streamed. :)
Respectfully, wouldn't be a lighter sentence. Then they would charge him with MURDER. JMHO *didn't mean that to sound snarky,

Thank you, no snark detected on this end😀. I just keep holding out hope EA will fess up and tell where she is so her family can know.
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