GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 Aug 2014 - Enrique Arochi kidnapping trial #5

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Are there no benches for folks to sit on while waiting to go back into court?
After Zeke's performance in closing how the jury are seeming to struggle is beyond me???
They should've been 12/12 guily within an hour it should be that easy to find the guilty, EA is guilty without a shadow of doubt.
I believe the post it note was found in early September during a trash pull. To your point of getting rid of evidence right away, it appears as though that was exactly what he may have been doing. Also, since EA had not been arrested yet, he did not have a lawyer at that time.

Deleting text messages to HF so as to manage the optics of innocence was a stupid tactic; it just made him look that much more guilty. Also, EA not only deleted text messages, but completely wiped the stolen phone's history preventing LE from forensically extracting information directly from the phone. Thankfully phone records are maintained by the telecommunications company which is how LE was able to find out about communications (calls, texts, data usage) and cell tower pings.

EA returned the stolen phone back to Sprint sometime in September. Within a few days or a few weeks after returning it he was arrested for theft of that phone.

Thanks, I was just going by testimony and may have misremembered on note, but Busby according to tweets PPD did weekly trash pulls. The receipts were found in the last trash pull were Dec 2014. (corrected my post from Nov)

Natalie Solis ‏@Fox4Natalie 2m2 minutes ago McKinney, TX
Busby: in Dec trash pull frm Arochi house found receipts from wkd Morris went missing - incl Cartopia receipt from 9/3/14@FOX4 #arochitrial

** if this tweet is factual, it says AFTER EA was arrested, so someone besides EA threw them away, depending on the trash put out and arrest time whether it could have been him. IF he was already arrested, then he didn't throw away, he kept them. JMHO
Valerie WigglesworthVerified account ‏@vlwigg 2m2 minutes ago
After arrest, Busby said she did one more trash run at Arochi hom and recovered receipts from 8/29/14-9/3/14 #arochitrial

Agree about thinking can get rid of phone records. Even deleting stuff. Just hoping that witness testimony didn't confuse jury as did me with conflicting testimony by PPD. Just stating my observations from first hearing evidence presented.

Edit to add: I respectfully disagree that just because he had not been arrested yet that he didn't need an attorney. He had been to PPD twice and interview and photos taken and so forth. He should have had one with him. Also can't remember date arrested on stolen phone and note found but I don't know if he spoke with an attorney or not but didn't throw away receipt til Dec 2014.
WS is being wonky this morning ! Wonky Sleuths lol

Hoping for verdict today too. Need to work in yard lol
Toby Shook is a highly respected and famous Attorney here in Dallas area. Here are his thoughts.

I think it will be interesting to see how dismissing a juror last night and replacing her with an alternate will affect how things move along today. Does anyone know if the jurors would typically do a quick vote first thing this morning to see where they all stand now that there is a "new" juror?
I think it will be interesting to see how dismissing a juror last night and replacing her with an alternate will affect how things move along today. Does anyone know if the jurors would typically do a quick vote first thing this morning to see where they all stand now that there is a "new" juror?

I overheard Fortenberry telling @vlwigg that there are basically no rules on "starting over". They make their own rules within the deliberation room. If she was the "holdout" and the new guy comes in and says "I agree with the rest of you" then there wouldn't be much to discuss. Not saying she was a holdout, just giving that example. Anyone's guess at this point.
Good Morning !! Just checking in and anxiously awaiting the Verdict like everyone else here LOL
Sending a "Thank you" for the tweet updates during this trial. Let's hope for a "GUILTY" verdict today !!
Well I haven't been on here in a couple days. I was there yesterday (with Tcmom!) and I think defense AND prosecution did really convincing closing arguments.....Prosecution going last may of given them a leg up...
Honestly do not understand peoples way of thinking sometimes. Do they not realize that they themselves or someone they know or love could someday be a defendant for some reason big or small? JMHO I think peoples emotions pull on their logical thinking. And change by the situation. Thankfully the law doesn't have so many curves.

@vlwigg I don't understand how defendants have the option of not taking the stand..?! His story changed so many times. 😡

Valerie Wigglesworth Verified account  ‏@vlwigg · 6m6 minutes ago

.@XXXXX All defendants have a constitutional right to testify. Only the defendant gets to decide whether to waive that right #arochitrial
Correct from testimony, AM and HF both told AE that the Police would be called. And the phone that he stole is also the phone that he wiped clean. So did he wipe it clean and return it back to Sprint store as if it had just been misplaced? That is the only think I can come up with that phone was back at Sprint store for them to turn over to police. And he had it at the 9/3 and/or 9/4 interviews. Curious on the phone stolen police report, may google about that later. Stolen Aug 25, used that week had at least through 9/4/14. IF he used same number most likely just transferred info from one phone to the silver one. PPD should have had all the records from any/all phones on his account. Unsure why he had both at the interview. Each phone has special identifying number so jmho that yellow phone wasn't in the mix of that night in question. Only one phone number/record is used as part of the evidence.
Honestly do not understand peoples way of thinking sometimes. Do they not realize that they themselves or someone they know or love could someday be a defendant for some reason big or small? JMHO I think peoples emotions pull on their logical thinking. And change by the situation. Thankfully the law doesn't have so many curves.

@vlwigg I don't understand how defendants have the option of not taking the stand..?! His story changed so many times. ��

Valerie Wigglesworth Verified account  ‏@vlwigg · 6m6 minutes ago

.@XXXXX All defendants have a constitutional right to testify. Only the defendant gets to decide whether to waive that right #arochitrial

I personally think it is really crap that someone being accused of any crime doesn't have to take the stand. It makes no sense to me...
**was in ref to note from jury inquiring about RA the girlfriends testimony. Court Reporter read back testimony. IIRC, he sent her a text message on 8/29/14 at 8:02pm saying this. RA testified to seeing the injuries on hand when picked him up to go out next evening 8/30 and that what he told her about tire fell on it while fixing his rims. Said acted normal that night and she also spent the night at his home.

Someone asked VW what testimony said:

Valerie Wigglesworth ‏@vlwigg · 13h13 hours ago
GF said she saw cuts on hand on date on 8/30/14, Arochi told her did it while turning rims - jury back out #arochitrial

@vlwigg did they ever verify whether he did or didn't actually change his rims? feel like that's something easy to see / find out.

Valerie Wigglesworth Verified account  ‏@vlwigg · 5m5 minutes ago
@XXXX He told people he took black (paint) off rims, rotated tires. Brother says they have lift in garage. #arochitrial
I personally think it is really crap that someone being accused of any crime doesn't have to take the stand. It makes no sense to me...

At trial, the Fifth Amendment gives a criminal defendant the right not to testify. This means that the prosecutor, the judge, and even the defendant's own lawyer cannot force the defendant to take the witness stand against his or her will.

If EA were to take the stand, then he could be asked about everything and anything JMHO. And all his interviews and statements used against him to impeach his testimony. There was some testimony that showed not all he said were lies. Yes he lied. And I do not take that lightly. But also can see options why he would that could be reasons of innocence too. Yes it is very suspicious that he last one see with her and she missing but it is not as cut and dry. Testimony from the PPD Witnesses didn't even agree, and Lead Det didn't know about some of the evidence questioned about. JMHO

Sometimes (not saying in this case just in general) truth can be twisted to fit a theory.

Example: boy seen throwing rocks by neighbor. Neighbor gets onto boy, boy leaves area, neighbor goes on about his business. Next morning neighbor sees her car has a broken window. Sees rocks on ground.

Fact boy was throwing rocks, neighbor did get onto boy. Did boy throw the rock that broke window? Neighbor may think so, files police report go trial (hang with me, I know this is out there and a lot diff) But at trial, State could ask the boy only enough questions to make their theory work. Boy throwing rocks, neighbor got onto, boy got mad at neighbor for spoiling his fun.

But what if boy went home after neighbor got on to him and did nothing wrong? What if another kid mowing grass and a rock flew out broke window, no one else sees and he doesn't want to get in trouble so says nothing.

I respect your opinion, and that is your Fifth Amendment Right, and your are free give up that right, if YOU so choose. But only if YOU choose. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it. But a jury is instructed that it can not be held against you for not testifying.
For me personally and my vote does not count toward verdict. But for me, I was disappointed.
State did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt to me. From any of the witnesses testimony, I did not see (especially, friends from that night and afterwards testimony)
Intent to do bodily harm
Intent to sexually abuse
Intent to terrorize CM

DNA in trunk, does not prove she was IN HIS TRUNK. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 of a packet of sugar is how it was testified as to the DNA found. The testimony about the storage of CM belongings and car processing same date in same locker? IF contamination happen I do not think on purpose. But there is reasonable doubt for me due to the testimony of various witnesses. JMHO

Edit to add, Nor proven to me that she was even kidnapped. Just assumptions/theory that she changed her mind while in car of EA. And that changes where she was at depending upon which Det you believe theory, in trunk from garage, in front seat left willingly.

No doubt something happen to this young lady. But like not knowing where she is, I don't know what happen to her. Could very well have been with someone else at some point. I just don't know like everyone else.
I don't understand why we don't know more about the second phone EA is said to have had at the first interview. Am I missing something?? Please, if so, fill me in kind WSers. Where the heck is it? Even if it it missing with Christina - wouldn't the data be on his records?! So confused as to why we only have the stolen/wiped phone as evidence. Or do his phone records include both phones? Help! Lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Mercury ‏@arochimercury · 3m3 minutes ago
Still waiting. Counting last night, we're now approximately at 9 hours of deliberation #ArochiTrial
At trial, the Fifth Amendment gives a criminal defendant the right not to testify. This means that the prosecutor, the judge, and even the defendant's own lawyer cannot force the defendant to take the witness stand against his or her will.

If EA were to take the stand, then he could be asked about everything and anything JMHO. And all his interviews and statements used against him to impeach his testimony. There was some testimony that showed not all he said were lies. Yes he lied. And I do not take that lightly. But also can see options why he would that could be reasons of innocence too. Yes it is very suspicious that he last one see with her and she missing but it is not as cut and dry. Testimony from the PPD Witnesses didn't even agree, and Lead Det didn't know about some of the evidence questioned about. JMHO

Sometimes (not saying in this case just in general) truth can be twisted to fit a theory.

Example: boy seen throwing rocks by neighbor. Neighbor gets onto boy, boy leaves area, neighbor goes on about his business. Next morning neighbor sees her car has a broken window. Sees rocks on ground.

Fact boy was throwing rocks, neighbor did get onto boy. Did boy throw the rock that broke window? Neighbor may think so, files police report go trial (hang with me, I know this is out there and a lot diff) But at trial, State could ask the boy only enough questions to make their theory work. Boy throwing rocks, neighbor got onto, boy got mad at neighbor for spoiling his fun.

But what if boy went home after neighbor got on to him and did nothing wrong? What if another kid mowing grass and a rock flew out broke window, no one else sees and he doesn't want to get in trouble so says nothing.

I respect your opinion, and that is your Fifth Amendment Right, and your are free give up that right, if YOU so choose. But only if YOU choose. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it. But a jury is instructed that it can not be held against you for not testifying.

Nice example but this case is more like:

Neighbor sees boy throwing rocks. Rocks seen on ground near car. Window is broken and was not broken prior to boy throwing rocks. No other rock throwers or rock throwing objects in the area at the time.

Now is it possible that at that same moment another boy darted out unseen threw rocks from behind the boy then disappeared with no witnesses to his existence? It's possible. But is it REASONABLE? No.

Just like it's not reasonable that Arochi lies repeatedly, is the last person seen with her, she's never seen again, he's seen repeatedly inspecting and cleaning his trunk on surveillance video, her phone pings with his, he has injuries and damage to vehicle that were not responsibly explained to counter the more reasonable explanation that injuries and damage were caused by an altercation with Christina, and on and on I can go. The evidence points in one direction and the defense can fabricate alternative theories, blame others, confuse trick and send us down rabbit holes but they can't and haven't proven a reasonable defense of his lies, actions and the evidence.
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