GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 Aug 2014 - Enrique Arochi kidnapping trial #6

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SEP 27 2016 06:35PM CDT

Fox 4 News Video and Report

Reporters spoke to a juror on the phone who said only one vote was taken after deliberating. (The alternate who stepped in when the sick juror was dismissed).

Also: on screen comments from Juror #1 and an attorney not associated with the Arochi case.
It's informative to me that the jurors voted unanimously for a guilty verdict on the 1st vote.

At about noon on day 2 of jury deliberations, we had heard from one "media attorney" (a local defense lawyer who likes to offer his take on air on various local cases, as a supposed "expert" on each case, and usually skews towards a bias to the defendant and/or an extremely shallow grasp of the facts in the case). He told us assuredly that the jury had become "deadlocked" and that the evidence really favored the defendant, with a not guilty verdict likely ahead.

I am well aware that each of us sees things through our own prism of case knowledge and experience with trials and juries and that was apparently how he saw things (if indeed he had really taken much of a look), but at the time I felt his "opinion" said more about him than it did the case. Sure enough, as it turned out they didn't even take the first (and only) vote until quite a few hours later. And they felt completely confident that they got it right and had no doubts that EA did this evil crime. I don't think any of that was a surprise to those who had closely followed this case and trial.
If E.A. gets convicted on the Sexual Assault charge of the underage victim, will his sentence be served consecutive or concurrent with whatever sentence he gets for this crime?
If E.A. gets convicted on the Sexual Assault charge of the underage victim, will his sentence be served consecutive or concurrent with whatever sentence he gets for this crime?

That would be decided at that trial. But it's not unusual, when a defendant is already imprisoned for a very long time, for the next sentence to simply be made concurrent, which is one reason I think the state will do everything possible to try to make THIS sentence as long as possible, with the thinking that this might be the ONLY chance they get to see that he's kept away from the vulnerable in society for a longer amount of time.
I was reminded of the copy and paste rule in another thread....violated it myself s few times oops! Anyway just an FYI for all the stuff being posted...links are sufficient with a brief description. I would hate to see entire posts disappear...too valuable.

Edited to say- my post sounds weird trying not to come across as bossy...because I'm totally not.

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That would be decided at that trial. But it's not unusual, when a defendant is already imprisoned for a very long time, for the next sentence to simply be made concurrent, which is one reason I think the state will do everything possible to try to make THIS sentence as long as possible, with the thinking that this might be the ONLY chance they get to see that he's kept away from the vulnerable in society for a longer amount of time.

Let's hope that he is a very, very, very old man before he leaves prison, or that he leaves in a body bag. IMO
One more twist in this case! ( :thinking: olive jar)

JMHO I think it was his best choice to have the Judge decide. Some of the evidence and testimony the Jury would hear would be about a case (s) that he is charged with and and not found guilty of yet and could very well hinder those cases too (not sure if he has been to court on the stolen phone or what end results was on that). On the other case he is to go to trial on in December, all the testimony would be tweeted out and then after the Jury was done could speak to the media. Any potential jury for the December case that hadn't heard or read (or formed an opinion) about would be hard to find. The media and social media has been saturated for last 3 weeks, for the trial. Now the events this week and after the sentencing. Then between Friday and December up til jury selected will be more coverage and all the details will be avail to research online if they missed any. Ability to research whatever will be presented in the December case too.

Which is another reason, jmho that the Judge doing the sentencing is better. I would hope the jury would not listen, read, research, talk about and or whatever about the case. But they have been out of court since what? Last Wednesday? As bad as I want to believe they each and everyone of them did as ordered, it is human nature and I just don't believe it happened. Also they have had the same amount of time to think about the case and form other opinions. The Judge already knows the case from the get go. From reading an article iirc DietDrPepper posted, a local attorney said that due to the 17 hour delib that the jury tend to give a long sentence. 40 years was the average iirc. The case is going to be appealed, and EA knows he is going to prison, so this is smartest route jmho.

I am not sure how much and what the Judge will hear in the rest of the case. But I am also reminded by reading the statute that (d) is still in play. Also makes me think about the State and Def attorneys going to other rooms to talk yesterday morning. The State calling the Family up my have only been letting them know that the Judge was at Dr and so forth. One could only hope it was for some other reason. Possible another twist will come about and today being Tuesday, gives until then to investigate (it that option is being thought about). Also gives the Judge time to get well. *all witnesses are still under order not to speak until released by court to media or anyone else. Jury is free to now. JMHO.

Who knows what Friday will bring except that EA is going to be sentenced to prison. And that Ea will file an Appeal. That pretty much a given with a guilty verdict. JMHO

The good news is he can file an appeal all day long, but it won't necessarily be accepted. Certain criteria have to be met and it is not easy. His DT could file an appeal everyday citing mishandling of the trial, but I think the judge was careful not to provide them with much that would stand up under scrutiny. JMO
With choosing a jury first he had someone hearing the case with fresh unbiased eyes and ears. *Not saying the Judge is not unbiased, he is supposed to be by law. But he already knows the case which should help move phase 2 along faster*. So they took a chance with the jury. The State got a Guilty verdict but it was not a slam dunk and the jury had to work at getting that. The sentencing was going to be much more evidence and testimony that could not be presented in the phase 1. As I posted JMHO prior having the jury hear some of the evidence possibly presented could harm the December case he has to still go forth with. Judge already has seen that evidence. State will say something about it as to get it on the record. JMHO but not as much as possibly would have in front of a jury.

Reporter VW tweeted a reply that Judge did not give reason why Friday. But there is still a phase 2 of the case to present and he was not feeling well so could be another reason for waiting. It not like the Judge could just impose sentencing today without that part. JMHO I feel pretty sure that prior to getting on the bench this morning the Judge was well aware by State and Def that they were changing the choice of Judge instead of jury. We can only speculate as to why Friday.

A death penalty qualified defense attorney told my dad that the defense most generally goes with a jury trial because they don't know the law and can be swayed. They go with a judge for sentencing because the judge does know the law and sentencing will likely be less than a jury.
Just out of curiosity [FONT=arial, sans-serif] would the state and defense have to agree to a change from jury sentencing in ( EA case) to a Judge sentencing?[/FONT]
Just out of curiosity would the state and defense have to agree to a change from jury sentencing in ( EA case) to a Judge sentencing?

Yes. The defense had to request it, and then it was allowed with the approval of the prosecuting attorney.
Steve S: How you doing? No, how you doinnnnnng? I still remember your quotes of IN HIS TRUNK and I was with you all the way. He's a perv and couldn't get a woman or drugs (or preferably both) and lost it. Just MHO, but Christina was walking a fine line with her lifestyle. Wish girls would break away - get a job! Tired of these lazy people jamming up the judicial system because they don't want to work. sorry if I got O/T. Glad to see this case come to an end. I knew EA was guilty of something.
I have not got the slightest hope EA is going to do a plea deal. If he was or even considering it why would he change from Jury sentencing to Judge sentencing? It doesn't make sense to me if he was going to give up her location or tell the truth.
Juror #1 reveals additional insight into jury deliberations

Hear from a member of the jury that convicted Enrique Arochi
Jobin Panicker, WFAA 10:39 PM CDT September 28, 2016
Channel 8 WFAA Video and Report

"For Newbill, it was the injuries to Arochi's hands that did it. He says Arochi's answers to how he got injured were not believable".
I'm eagerly awaiting the sentencing tomorrow. Hopefully EA will get a punishment long enough that he won't be able to harm anybody else again. This way Christina's death and suffering wouldn't have been for nothing, at least she would be the one who saved the next girl. Fingers crossed.

I'm deeply feeling for the family. We are almost there.
Unfortunately this won't bring Christina back, but hopefully seeing him punished would bring some kind of consolation, although I realize that won't ever be enough.
Whatever the punishment will be, it's still unfair if the family don't at least have Christina's remains back. Sadly, I can't see EA giving Christina's remains up, but I would love to be wrong on this. Please Universe, let me be wrong on this one! We have one more day for it to happen.
Steve S: How you doing? No, how you doinnnnnng? I still remember your quotes of IN HIS TRUNK and I was with you all the way. He's a perv and couldn't get a woman or drugs (or preferably both) and lost it. Just MHO, but Christina was walking a fine line with her lifestyle. Wish girls would break away - get a job! Tired of these lazy people jamming up the judicial system because they don't want to work. sorry if I got O/T. Glad to see this case come to an end. I knew EA was guilty of something.

I'm sorry, but I find this incredibly offensive about "get a job". I'm not sure to whom you are referring but Christina had a full time job and was a recent college graduate. EA, not my favorite person clearly, also had a job. To my knowledge everyone involved in Christina's group had a job.

I'm confused about your reference to lazy people jamming up the judicial system because they don't want to work and most especially why you brought it here into Christina's thread. Her friends and family do read here occasionally and I'm sure they would find the implication offensive as well.
I'm sorry, but I find this incredibly offensive about "get a job". I'm not sure to whom you are referring but Christina had a full time job and was a recent college graduate. EA, not my favorite person clearly, also had a job. To my knowledge everyone involved in Christina's group had a job.

I'm confused about your reference to lazy people jamming up the judicial system because they don't want to work and most especially why you brought it here into Christina's thread. Her friends and family do read here occasionally and I'm sure they would find the implication offensive as well.

This confused me as well - perhaps the reference is to Hunter and his drug-dealing?

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Juror #1 reveals additional insight into jury deliberations

Hear from a member of the jury that convicted Enrique Arochi
Jobin Panicker, WFAA 10:39 PM CDT September 28, 2016
Channel 8 WFAA Video and Report

"For Newbill, it was the injuries to Arochi's hands that did it. He says Arochi's answers to how he got injured were not believable".
And in honor of SteveS :)

But he says it really came down to this: "The DNA evidence that strongly suggested she had been in that trunk was the single most important piece of evidence," he said.

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Judge to sentence Enrique Arochi today in aggravated kidnapping of Christina Morris
Valerie Wigglesworth

The man convicted in the aggravated kidnapping of Christina Morris is scheduled to be sentenced today in district court.

Enrique Arochi, 26, of Allen was convicted last week on the first-degree felony charge and faces up to life in prison.

Earlier this week, Arochi chose to have District Judge Mark Rusch decide his sentence rather than the jury, which had deliberated for about 17 hours last week before finding him guilty. Rusch has said he plans to weigh all the facts in the case to help him reach a decision.

The hearing is scheduled to start at 8:45 a.m. Once sentencing is complete, the court will allow victim impact statements.
Valerie WigglesworthVerified account ‏@vlwigg 10h10 hours ago
.@XXXX Judge will decide Friday morning whether to allow cameras in court for sentencing. #arochitrial

Valerie WigglesworthVerified account ‏@vlwigg 31m31 minutes ago
Christina Morris' mom Jonni McElroy and husband Ronnie have arrived at the courthouse for today's hearing. #arochitrial

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