GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #10 *Arrest*

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LE keeps saying these ppl are witnesses.
did they possibly see Christina doing something?
Did they see her with someone? Hear her talking to someone?
Have a fight with someone?

Witness to me says they saw something happen.
I knew there had to be more. No way did I believe Christina's family decided to protest EA's house out of the blue. I have a feeling a lot more will surface.

Reminds me of Lisa Stone, missing from Dallas, we all know who did it, picketed outside the house, but no arrests were ever made. So sad in cases like these. How do these people just get by with murder???
There is a street (Legacy), then sidewalk, then parking lot (cars park south towards the sidewalk and north towards the retailers), then sidewalk, then retailers are lined up along with an entrance into the parking garage.

He could have meant either sidewalk to me. I don't believe that one would say that 'we went separate ways at the sidewalk' if you actually walked into the garage and to your cars (parked close together). When you are talking to a cop or police investigator, typically you don't just flippantly say things, IMO. If there was an error, I would more likely believe that the cop wrote the wrong thing down.

My question is did he suggest that he was not parked in the same garage as she was or that he wasn't heading straight for his car? These would be far greater lies to me and since no one is saying he said that I think we can assume he didn't say that. So knowing that they were both going to the same place at the same time and based on the entrance to the garage they would have to have been with in 50 ft of each other at the time. So why risk raising suspicion lying about such a trivial thing his lie would possible put him 50 ft farther away from her ... hardly removing him from suspicion so why lie intentionally about something that isn't going to benefit you at all.

I don't think he was answering flippantly I think when you are walking with someone at the end of the night and your paths diverge and you don't stop and have a formal good by then who remembers 4 DAYS LATER the exact spot where your paths diverged? I know a lot of ppl would say oh I would remember, but i ask you all to think back to this friday night what were you doing? if you went to a store to you know the exact path you walked back to your car? be honest.

I just think if his "lie" was such a slight deviation from the truth that it's not going to benefit him it's much more likely to have been an error than a Lie. I hope the police recorded his interview, but who knows.
Reminds me of Lisa Stone, missing from Dallas, we all know who did it, picketed outside the house, but no arrests were ever made. So sad in cases like these. How do these people just get by with murder???

Yes. Remember her case well. She went missing in 2010.
Yes in public areas ... however I am referring to a residential taxpaying neighborhood.
As I stated .. Homeowners and neighbors have legal remedies if they so choose.
For myself ..If that type of thing was happening on my street around my children or grandchildren ..I would have already called the cops at the first sight of them ..for fear things could escalate and I would not want my property I would see it as a disturbance in my quite neighborhood.

This is a NEIGHBORHOOD ..not a public city hall,office building or regular commercial street traffic

Remember all the protests at the Anthonys humble abode?? I think as long as it's peaceful they can do it, but I wouldn't want it in my neighborhood either.
LE keeps saying these ppl are witnesses.
did they possibly see Christina do something?
Did they see her with someone? Hear her talking to someone?

Witness to me says they saw something happen.

IMO, LE stating that they are "witnesses" means that they will have to testify if there is ever a court hearing in regards to this case. It could be as simple as stating what they "witnessed" Christina wearing while she was in the bar, KWIM? Witnesses is a broad term, IMO.

I'm not posting this because I don't think that you know what a witness is, it is just so that others reading can see that it is very broad and that a witness can provide testimony either "voluntarily" or "under compulsion."

"A witness is someone who has, who claims to have, or is thought, by someone with authority to compel testimony, to have knowledge relevant to an event or other matter of interest. In law a witness is someone who, either voluntarily or under compulsion, provides testimonial evidence, either oral or written, of what he or she knows or claims to know about the matter before some official authorized to take such testimony.

A percipient witness or eyewitness is one who testifies what they perceived through his or her senses (e.g. seeing, hearing, smelling, touching). That perception might be either with the unaided human sense or with the aid of an instrument, e.g., microscope or stethoscope, or by other scientific means, e.g.,a chemical reagent which changes color in the presence of a particular substance."
--snipped by me from link above

IMO, I would think anyone out with Christina that night, and any of LE's POIs are definitely witnesses at this point. If they have been interrogated, I would also think that all of that would basically be considered "testimony" at this point, too.

JMO :moo:
here's the issue for me, if there is in fact all this unreleased evidence that this guy is involved then why haven't they at least gotten a search warrant to search his car since his car was right there where she was last seen and since her car likely didn't move if he did anything to her she almost had to be in his car at some point and he clearly said she wasn't in his car then searching his car should have been a priority. I would think him being the last to be seen with her, no activity on her accounts etc., and him being supposedly caught in a lie would be enough probable cause to search his car. Search warrants are public record so we can be pretty sure this hasn't happened. To me this is where the "LE not handling it" comes from BUT like I said before i'm a pro LE guy and to it more likely states they know enough more than you or I to know its not likely to yield any useful information.

In most cases like this I believe that LE would ask him to submit to a polygraph. Given the video evidence, and his (supposed) changing story, they would definitely ask for a polygraph. Of course, he has every right to refuse to take it.
EA deleted his facebook. Was wondering how long that would take. THat or he made it where only his friends can see anything.
IMO this guy (EA) is in an impossible situation. He is damned if he does and damned if he doesnt. If his story never changes, it's rehearsed. If it changes slightly, he is lying. If he hires an attorney (IMO the parents probably obtained a lawyar) he's guilty. If he doesn't, he's cocky (think Mark Redwine). IMO LE should be responsible for updating the family. If LE is satisfied so far with his accounts then leave it be and let them do their job. I cannot possible imagine how this family is feeling and cannot say how I would react in their situation.
IMO this guy (EA) is in an impossible situation. He is damned if he does and damned if he doesnt. If his story never changes, it's rehearsed. If it changes slightly, he is lying. If he hires an attorney (IMO the parents probably obtained a lawyar) he's guilty. If he doesn't, he's cocky (think Mark Redwine). IMO LE should be responsible for updating the family. If LE is satisfied so far with his accounts then leave it be and let them do their job. I cannot possible imagine how this family is feeling and cannot say how I would react in their situation.

EA deleted his facebook. Was wondering how long that would take. THat or he made it where only his friends can see anything.

Looks like he deleted 2014 posts only. I hope all this pressure on him leads to Christina!
Looks like he deleted 2014 posts only. I hope all this pressure on him leads to Christina!

I'm surprised it took him this long. His fb pictures have been pasted on the picketing posters and plastered all over the family's sm so if I were him I would've taken it down or removed pics too (well unless they were pics of myself snuggling with baby bunnies or something)
So I'm confused. Was CM supposed to work on SATURDAY following this Friday night out?
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