GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #12 *Arrest*

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I believe everyone here wants to find Christina. It's not a contest. We are all entitled to our opinions, it just makes Websleuths a happier place when everyone plays nice and presents their opinions in a respectful manner.

""We partied. We went to the bars. We decided to get food after the bars. We went back to one of our friends' apartments, and after I was done eating, I said I wanted to go home, so she decided to go with me so she wouldn't walk alone," said Arochi."

I wonder if the others involved that night had their vehicles searched? Wonder where Steven Nickerson's car was parked.
IMO, I can see the opposite from some folks here that seem to have a vested interest in him being guilty. Not directed at anyone specifically. That said, I suppose it depends on your perspective and how close you are to the situation. As far as I'm concerned, LE has not cleared anyone but the fact that the family and friends have taken it upon themselves to picket his house and neighborhood and out him nationally when LE has not named him as a suspect or POI really bugs me. I think the empathy for Christina's family is absolutely here on this board. I for one pray every day she is found. But without confirmed evidence of a crime or confirmed evidence against EA, to put a young man in a position where he fears for his life and his family's life because you "think" he might have some information is unfair. He doesn't owe the family a sit down discussion. If he has told LE what he knows but the family thinks he knows more, then the family needs to take that to LE and encourage them to follow-up on it. I can appreciate the family's desperation but I really don't know why they thought he was going to talk to them under the circumstances. Harassing him daily at home and on SM isn't going to make him talk to you.

I really can't think of anything more to add to your post but you conveyed my very thoughts about this. The vigilante justice is hard for me to handle. Let LE do their job or hire a PI. Even after EA's interview, the people who want him guilty were not satisfied with what he said. I do not blame him one bit for not walking out and talking to the family. He and his family have received death threats! JMO-IMO
Regardless of how anybody feels, this is very wrong. He and his family have received hundreds of death threats from around the country.

I can understand wanting justice but to threaten someone with their life is horrible. JMo

And this is why I am so bothered by the protests and public outing being done to a person not named a POI or suspect. Should he just make something up in order to get it to stop? JMO (BBM)
Who has outright accused EA? I don't recall that. Some very vocal WSers have become quite vehemently defensive of EA whenever posters point out reasons for suspecting that EA, the last known person to be seen with CM, might have some pertinent knowledge as to her disappearance. That's what I can't comprehend. Why the pointed defense of a person not cleared by LE (along with many others admittedly)? [modsnip]

No one has been cleared by LE.
Me personally I do not like the manner they went about this.
Her family pointed the finger at him and made him a suspect.
they should have left LE to do their job.

I wonder whos idea it was to picket his house?
And this is why I am so bothered by the protests and public outing being done to a person not named a POI or suspect. Should he just make something up in order to get it to stop? JMO (BBM)

This is all the more reason and exactly why I have stood my ground on my views of the protests I have been 1000% Against that from minute 1 it was reported ..This has turned exactly the way I predicted from day 1. I said WHEN it escalates .... I think it has more than escalated ....Death Threats and Harassment to the family from nut-bags across the country. Incited and based on what???? Nothing but assumptions and twists of perception for only 1 agenda ..BLAME !!! I also see it as a diversion on the other hand so as not to have to look deeper into other known friends,acquaintances and connections.

I believe everyone here wants to find Christina. It's not a contest. We are all entitled to our opinions, it just makes Websleuths a happier place when everyone plays nice and presents their opinions in a respectful manner.

""We partied. We went to the bars. We decided to get food after the bars. We went back to one of our friends' apartments, and after I was done eating, I said I wanted to go home, so she decided to go with me so she wouldn't walk alone," said Arochi."

I wonder if the others involved that night had their vehicles searched? Wonder where Steven Nickerson's car was parked.

BBM.... Yes after-all he was with her before she went missing... JMO~
The 800# gorilla is:
1)Why did LE question him 4 times?
2)Why did they have the car for 11 days and take mats and seatbelts?
3)Why is the family picketing the house?

Where there is smoke, there is fire....if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, its a duck... Wisdom of adage's. I think it's obvious that his story doesn't add up to those who are most closely involved. And he doesn't feel like it is necessary to speak to anyone besides LE? It's difficult to play THAT card with the family of a woman who disappeared moments after spending time with him. Again, that's not the behavior of an innocent person.

I think that EA's attempt to become the victim here is silly and people see through it. He has tried to play every card in the deck, even the race card now. I see him as a kid with a chip on his shoulder, people are against him. I call bs. He may not have additional information, if that is the case......well, he played it completely wrong.
The 800# gorilla is:
1)Why did LE question him 4 times?
2)Why did they have the car for 11 days and take mats and seatbelts?
3)Why is the family picketing the house?

Where there is smoke, there is fire....if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, its a duck... Wisdom of adage's. I think it's obvious that his story doesn't add up to those who are most closely involved. And he doesn't feel like it is necessary to speak to anyone besides LE? It's difficult to play THAT card with the family of a woman who disappeared moments after spending time with him. Again, that's not the behavior of an innocent person.

I think that EA's attempt to become the victim here is silly and people see through it. He has tried to play every card in the deck, even the race card now. I see him as a kid with a chip on his shoulder, people are against him. I call bs. He may not have additional information, if that is the case......well, he played it completely wrong.

Like I, previously, said...attorneys don't always give the best advice. IMO. (No offense to the esq's)
I don't think he is playing the victim. I think he and his family are following the advice of counsel.
The 800# gorilla is:
1)Why did LE question him 4 times?
2)Why did they have the car for 11 days and take mats and seatbelts?
3)Why is the family picketing the house?

Where there is smoke, there is fire....if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, its a duck... Wisdom of adage's. I think it's obvious that his story doesn't add up to those who are most closely involved. And he doesn't feel like it is necessary to speak to anyone besides LE? It's difficult to play THAT card with the family of a woman who disappeared moments after spending time with him. Again, that's not the behavior of an innocent person.

I think that EA's attempt to become the victim here is silly and people see through it. He has tried to play every card in the deck, even the race card now. I see him as a kid with a chip on his shoulder, people are against him. I call bs. He may not have additional information, if that is the case......well, he played it completely wrong.

And if he got on TV and said LE had not questioned him and not taken his car, etc., everybody would be in an uproar. This is a no-win situation. IMO
The thing with the 3 cars going in and out..

Could EA have left and another car went in and then came out?
they cant tell if the car going in is the same car going out?
I don't think it was just the lawyer telling him to remain silent.
I think LE possibly told him not to talk to anyone also.

After the threats and him losing his job I think the lawyer went to LE and said we are going to make a statement
and LE possibly had control over what was allowed to be said.

Just a thought nothing more
EA has said that he spoke to JM. I'm trying to put myself in her shoes in this circumstance, and if I didn't hear what I wanted to hear from EA I think I would declare he isn't talking to family too. Maybe he was feeling harassed and stopped speaking to them because they don't believe him anyways.

Can you direct me to which interview EA said he spoke to JM? It was late last night & I watched three. I thought he said he didn't need to speak to them because he spoke to LE & that it isn't his place to inform the family. I'm not directly quoting him, that is just what I got out of it. Thanks.
If the others were all still in the apartment when E and C left, then LE might not see a need to search other cars, but it would not surprise me if they did, or asked to, anyway. Since LE does not know what happened before she got to her to her car, they would not know for sure if she ran into one of them after E left, when she couldn't (maybe) find her key or (maybe) car wouldn't start or she changed her mind, i.e. Since cameras apparently did not capture her car, anything could have happened right at that spot, Imo. Personally I am glad they did so much with E, four interviews ,taking car, etc as this fits what I have seen happen in other cases behind the scenes. We don't often hear about it until trial and think nothing has been done. Jmo
1 We don't know what LE has done. How many people on here were adamant that if LE suspected EA that they would have searched his car? Well guess what....we find out last night that not only did they search his car, they kept if for 11 days. Who's to say they didn't search/keep SN's or anyone else car, too? Point is again.....we don't know what LE is doing.

2 I find it distasteful EA (with no doubt on the advice from his attorney IMO) chose to have his media coming out party the night of a candlelight vigil for Christina. Extremely poor timing. MOO

3 I agree. It's a duck to me, too.
""We partied. We went to the bars. We decided to get food after the bars. We went back to one of our friends' apartments, and after I was done eating, I said I wanted to go home, so she decided to go with me so she wouldn't walk alone," said Arochi."

Well this finally clears up some of the timeline for us.
If they started their evening at 9ish like JM said, then they "partied" and then went to the bars that could definitely put them at Henry's around 11:30ish like Vi13 said. Since he said "after the bars," it does sound like his story coincides with what JM reported -- that they were bar hopping. Then he says they went to get food, which was reported earlier to be Whataburger. Apparently they either went through the drive through or just got it to go because he says they went BACK to the friend's apartment. (Which means they had already been there earlier in the evening, probably when they "partied" before the bars.) They ate AT the apartment because he says that after he ate he decided to go home.
I wonder if he drove to Whataburger and this would be why they tested his car so thoroughly. If they knew she had been in his car but maybe he said she was in the back and someone else was in the front seat and they were verifying his story. Just a thought.
I cannot believe it's been 2 months.
As for EA ,, I have no clue. I just watched the video and do not know what I think. LE did a thorough sweep of his car it seems. If she left with him that night, in any capacity, it would have to be in that car.
So if LE found no traces of her, she did not leave with him, right?
Can someone near the shops comment on how long it take to get from the parking garage to SRT/121 without traffic? Specifically using Parkwood. I am trying to validate the toll tag comments from the video. Thanks!!
I think the timing had more to do with the report that someone in the family was knocking on his door again this Tuesday night (can't remember which news story it was in but it was one of them...I remember the reporter said it, not EA) and less to do with the timing of the vigil.


The family begged him to talk and he talked. Complain about the timing? smh
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