GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #19 *Arrest*

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Christina is spunky like her Momma I can promise you if he hurt her she did everything she could to injure him back and get free. She wouldn't vanish out of nowhere on her own. Never ever!

I would think injuries to his knee would involve an accident serious enough to deploy the airbag. I don't think stuffing it back in the steering wheel is a DIY project - need the dealer and therefore a record there as well. (Also such an event would definitely show in the car's system which LE would have downloaded when they had his car.) I think the injury to a knee occurred in physical conflict with someone else or at least something not involving the car. But I think your instincts are telling you that as well. Besides I get more satisfaction out of picturing a swift kick to his knee than a car accident. And a well aimed kick at that!
Is LE able to determine at what time EA made his next call out from his phone after Christina used it to text HF? That info should be in his sprint account, not necessarily on the phone itself.

Yeah, we haven't heard anything on that point. LE has him on video at Custer Road, so where he is after that might show on his phone activity such as pings. He can't erase that from his phone history. LE tracked Brittanee Drexel's phone down a major highway after she was last seen on traffic cam video. They can probably do the same here with EA. Wow! Would I love to see his face when LE confronts him with that evidence, especially if he didn't turn his phone off!
I wonder how long it will take to get all the phone pings and all that take to come back after you have scrubbed a phone. They have to have that stuff somewhere. I don't think LE searches that have been going on are just random. JMO
Guests please join us we could use some fresh ideas and opinions. :)
Unless his brother also scrubbed his phone, there should be pings from it which could determine his location that night, for those questioning if he was in Allen or OK.
I honestly hope he had nothing to do with anything. He honestly seems like he's got a good future. I know he's one heck of a kicker. If EA involved him some way that would be such a shame. IMO

Unless his brother also scrubbed his phone, there should be pings from it which could determine his location that night, for those questioning if he was in Allen or OK.
Taken from last thread from Cinderella: EA "Didn't know her that well, didn't offer to walk her to her car, he was just walking to his, he didn't talk to her while walking, he didn't call HF after she went missing, he didn't park in the same garage, he didn't talk to her at apartment that much or the entire night per say (wonder if those present saw that scenario different). Those are things him and LE have casted some flaws on."

I have pondered those things before as well. It is as if he is overly trying to relay that he didn't care, didn't know her that well etc. , when in reality he may have been obsessed (maybe wrong word choice) with her. There was a post on the HFCM facebook page from a coworker saying [modsnip]so that's where my mind went this direction. MOO

JMOM- is it know who's shop vac was used and if LE was able to locate it?
My ex roommate/tenant who is a lawyer and mock trial teacher says lawyers might be required to take pro bono, but it's generally not enforced. Therefore, IMO I doubt PJ called EA up and said let me take your case for FREE.

Lawyers typically do the pro bono to get exposure and are asked to do about 200 hours per year and once take a case must see it through to the end. With the Kimberly Williams case I'm sure he's got that many and more.

YA never know.
I think that Sprint prolly has CCTV and LE saw him with the shop vac cleaning his carpets and I also think employees probably told them that as well.

If you are (we now know by his admission) 3 hours late to work, and come in the condition others state he was in, then go out and clean your car, your employees are not going to be too happy about covering your work load. I wouldn't be. And you would think Saturday is a very busy day for sales in the retail industry, and especially a cell phone store. IMO

Excuse my grammar from last post - that got to me about him showing her picture to a co-worker (one or more than one?). I have a feeling the people he worked with have told LE everything they can think of because they probably don't feel any sympathy for him, either. Don't we think that's how they knew about the shop vac? And I'll bet they have recovered that unless EA dumped the filter..? IDK but something is hinky here.
I think that Sprint prolly has CCTV and LE saw him with the shop vac cleaning his carpets and I also think employees probably told them that as well.

If you are (we now know by his admission) 3 hours late to work, and come in the condition others state he was in, then go out and clean your car, your employees are not going to be too happy about covering your work load. I wouldn't be. And you would think Saturday is a very busy day for sales in the retail industry, and especially a cell phone store. IMO
I missed that EA admitted to showing up 3 hrs late. Was that in a TV interview or to LE? Thanks in advance
We know he got there after 11 am on Saturday and in the interview he said he had to be in at 8am. It was the CW33 uncut interview. He was at Kroger on Bethany at 10:15am

I missed that EA admitted to showing up 3 hrs late. Was that in a TV interview or to LE? Thanks in advance
Now I am thinking (possibly) Christina decided to leave the party, asked someone to drive her to her car, then EA offered to walk her..maybe jumped at the chance. Could be way off base, but could he have taken her keys? Could she be the reason he even came to the get together? Still wondering if she had house and car key on separate rings (who does that?). Was it determined he was more than friends with one of the girls there that night? Wouldn't matter if he had a crush on Christina. And he was friends with HF and ALP? Getting stranger or I am reading too much into it. Makes for a long Sunday. Will be praying for answers from LE soon, like tomorrow please!
No, I think it was posted quite a while ago. I've tried to find it and will keep looking but am not very tech smart. Maybe those of us who remember reading the comment can compare notes where it might be. I do not join any private facebook groups so would have been in the comments of a public site like a news article.
Not saying it is applicable here, b/c CM's car was a distance, a few minutes walk from the party apt. But some people have the car key on a separate ring so they can go out and turn the car on, then go back in their home with the house key (depending on what kind of lock they have.) Iow, go back in, wait for a bit, then lock the home door while the car key is still in the ignition. Just throwing that in since I've known folks to do that. But I guess the climate may play into that habit. (?)

I do well to keep up with one set; so I keep mine together on one ring, but that's me.

Anyway, I do think the keys are important and I also think where everyone went to HS or how they became friends are factors ...or at least part of the puzzle.

Also, (imo) if there were initially 10 people in attendance at the party/gathering, there may have been 4 or 5 left at 3-4 am in the morning. But with a group that small I'd think everyone would know how many folks were there. It's not huge like in the Chelsea Bruck case (a party of 100s.)

Great comments today. Interesting and helpful in going through all this over and over in my head.
EA, CM and HF went to Allen. We got that squared away.

I agree that if there were 10 remaining at the apartment at 4am we need to know who all of them were. I am pretty sure PPD knows and that is really what matters, they are doing a great job and I think they are close. IMO. I can't see them aimlessly wasting time and all of those resources for random searches.

I think the "friends" at the party may be trying to cover activities of the evening. I don't think they hurt or hid Christina. I also don't think they had any knowledge that this may happen. I think it was a one man show. Now whether someone helped EA after the fact, we will have to wait and see. All JMO

Not saying it is applicable here, b/c CM's car was a distance, a few minutes walk from the party apt. But some people have the car key on a separate ring so they can go out and turn the car on, then go back in their home with the house key (depending on what kind of lock they have.) Iow, go back in, wait for a bit, then lock the home door while the car key is still in the ignition. Just throwing that in since I've known folks to do that. But I guess the climate may play into that habit. (?)

I do well to keep up with one set; so I keep mine together on one ring, but that's me.

Anyway, I do think the keys are important and I also think where everyone went to HS or how they became friends are factors ...or at least part of the puzzle.

Also, (imo) if there were initially 10 people in attendance at the party/gathering, there may have been 4 or 5 left at 3-4 am in the morning. But with a group that small I'd think everyone would know how many folks were there. It's not huge like in the Chelsea Bruck case (a party of 100s.)

Great comments today. Interesting and helpful in going through all this over and over in my head.
Just read the remainder of the last thread's posts to catch up, and saw mention of using dogs to search for Christina. I never did understand why LE said, a few days after she went missing, that too much time had passed in a heavy traffic area for dogs to be helpful. Ok, but would it have hurt to try, just in case a dog did catch her scent? I mean, if dogs could be of use *now*, why on earth would LE refuse to use them a few days after she disappeared? I guess it's pointless to discuss what ifs in this scenario, but this has bothered me since I first read LE's comment (I've been reading along since day 1, but didn't start posting until rather recently due to confusion with my old account in Tapatalk).
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