GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #21 *Arrest*

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Yeah... I know that is what SN said she was insisting on going home ..I know ..walking is logical too(imo) but I am just tossing a hypothetical out there as well..
This is begging the answer I have for EA now ..Who is this Friend and What apartment?? Was this friend hanging out with yall? Did any one leave and go see this friends Apt? Did anyone there know this friend before from school??
If you believe everything EA says, then perhaps there was a friend that just moved there. But I think there is just as much chance that he made up that story to go along with his parking lot lie.
Paula's statement in the article by Brittany Feagans was this regarding drugs:

“[The people she was with] like to party, and I think it all stems from drugs,” she said. “I’ve tried to tell these people that do drugs that I don’t really care about the drugs. I don’t care what you’re putting in your veins or down your throat. I want Christina, and I want you to tell me things. Then you can go back to popping your pills or whatever.”

What I don't understand is if they are told we don't care about your drug use, why wouldn't they tell what happened and help us find Christina? That is what doesn't make sense to me at all.

I think it's more that they are afraid they will get killed for telling, not that they will get arrested for drugs.
I don't think its loyalty. I think it's selfish people covering their own arse. Guarantee if LE could say "we know it was you two, I'll let you off w probation if you say what you know" the person would be speaking.

I agree.. I've kept my theories on what happened basically simple. I think the evening started out innocent enough (for those types of people) and obviously something went very, very wrong. I don't think for a minute that there was some big conspiracy or plot to do harm to Christina. I don't think it was the "friends" plan & I don't think it was EA's plan.. There was no "plan" or plotting.. If EA made advances to her & it got out of hand & ultimately ended tragically, I don't believe he left his house & went to the party with that in mind.. It was a spur of the moment event that went terribly bad... I obviously don't know the guy & he may be creepy and/or a jerk.. But I do believe he probably had what the party goers wanted and that is why he was there.. JMO
If you believe everything EA says, then perhaps there was a friend that just moved there. But I think there is just as much chance that he made up that story to go along with his parking lot lie.

I agree.. that was a simple & quick response (lie) to try & cover why he didn't know where he was..
I think it's more that they are afraid they will get killed for telling, not that they will get arrested for drugs.

I respectfully disagree.. Do they really think EA was gonna kill them? Or do they think he has hit-men working for him.. I mean he is 23 years old, lives at home, works (worked) at Sprint and drives a cool Camaro that his parents probably bought for him.. JMO
This goes along with my feelings, zippixx -

I agree.. I've kept my theories on what happened basically simple. I think the evening started out innocent enough (for those types of people) and obviously something went very, very wrong. I don't think for a minute that there was some big conspiracy or plot to do harm to Christina. I don't think it was the "friends" plan & I don't think it was EA's plan.. There was no "plan" or plotting.. If EA made advances to her & it got out of hand & ultimately ended tragically, I don't believe he left his house & went to the party with that in mind.. It was a spur of the moment event that went terribly bad... I obviously don't know the guy & he may be creepy and/or a jerk.. But I do believe he probably had what the party goers wanted and that is why he was there.. JMO
I don't think its loyalty. I think it's selfish people covering their own arse. Guarantee if LE could say "we know it was you two, I'll let you off w probation if you say what you know" the person would be speaking.

"You two". Freudian slip or do you have an undivulged theory? Lol.
I respectfully disagree.. Do they really think EA was gonna kill them? Or do they think he has hit-men working for him.. I mean he is 23 years old, lives at home, works (worked) at Sprint and drives a cool Camaro that his parents probably bought for him.. JMO

Perhaps you're right, and I know that we find it ridiculous that a 23 y.o. living at home would have that kind of power. But, I'm trying to think like a naive 20 year old would. When I was 20 a lot of things were scary that seem laughable now. In no way am I sticking up for these people; I am just trying to understand how they were completely silenced.

If they weren't so quiet, it would make more sense that they just didn't know anything, with the exception of EA. But their silence leads me to believe otherwise...
Will you elaborate?

Yes. My feeling is that someone in EA's camp let them know that if they say a word to LE on what they may or may not know, they or (their daughter, their boyfriend, etc.) will disappear just like CM. This is pure speculation, as I don't personally know anyone tied to this case.
Just a thought...could EA's car have gotten damaged from somewhere he went to get rid of Christina? For example, could he have driven it thru some rough terrain, some ruts, somewhere off-road not suitable for that type of vehicle, or something of that nature and that caused the damage? Those cars are very low profile and don't have much for ground clearance. JMO and just trying to come up with thoughts/ideas that may in any way help find Christina. many "friends" are not talking; how may have retained lawyers? I'm losing my perspective here.
Just a thought...could EA's car have gotten damaged from somewhere he went to get rid of Christina? For example, could he have driven it thru some rough terrain, some ruts, somewhere off-road not suitable for that type of vehicle, or something of that nature and that caused the damage? Those cars are very low profile and don't have much for ground clearance. JMO and just trying to come up with thoughts/ideas that may in any way help find Christina.

For what it's worth, that's what I suspect.
Perhaps you're right, and I know that we find it ridiculous that a 23 y.o. living at home would have that kind of power. But, I'm trying to think like a naive 20 year old would. When I was 20 a lot of things were scary that seem laughable now. In no way am I sticking up for these people; I am just trying to understand how they were completely silenced.

If they weren't so quiet, it would make more sense that they just didn't know anything, with the exception of EA. But their silence leads me to believe otherwise...

I too, question their silence (like everyone else).. I think that is one of the main reasons this case can be so confusing.. what all do they know & why aren't they talking.. Maybe there is some non-related "dirt" on them that they are scared will come out..
Just a thought...could EA's car have gotten damaged from somewhere he went to get rid of Christina? For example, could he have driven it thru some rough terrain, some ruts, somewhere off-road not suitable for that type of vehicle, or something of that nature and that caused the damage? Those cars are very low profile and don't have much for ground clearance. JMO and just trying to come up with thoughts/ideas that may in any way help find Christina.

certainly possible...
I too, question their silence (like everyone else).. I think that is one of the main reasons this case can be so confusing.. what all do they know & why aren't they talking.. Maybe there is some non-related "dirt" on them that they are scared will come out..

BBM--I believe that's a HUGE factor, along with having a child or having priors on record. I don't believe anything was pre-planned by the friends. I don't believe this was a group effort or had anything to do with some years old ridiculous teenage jealousy either. Keeping it simple--something happened in that parking garage or shortly thereafter. At least one person from that night knows exactly what happened, and others are sure acting as though they know something too.
Just a thought...could EA's car have gotten damaged from somewhere he went to get rid of Christina? For example, could he have driven it thru some rough terrain, some ruts, somewhere off-road not suitable for that type of vehicle, or something of that nature and that caused the damage? Those cars are very low profile and don't have much for ground clearance. JMO and just trying to come up with thoughts/ideas that may in any way help find Christina.

Of course. Super possible.
"You two". Freudian slip or do you have an undivulged theory? Lol.

Just giving an example that if the cops could get someone to turn on the other that I'm sure they'd get people talking. If there is more than EA, there is more than 2 with knowledge IMO.

Let's see the other people's phone records that night. Anyone speak to EA after he left??? many "friends" are not talking; how may have retained lawyers? I'm losing my perspective here.

I have no idea.. I've wondered if their silence is as simple as their lawyer(s) telling them to "keep your mouth shut".. Or, EA told them what happened & if drugs were the cause.. He could have scared them & said "If I'm going down, y'all are coming with me, if you say one word about drugs..."
My opinion-I dont think it was a set up. Christina told her mom about the party. I think it was high school friends getting together and maybe a friend of a friend joined in. I think girls night is just a catch phrase to describe a generic get together. If it is true that Christina's boss said she was crying at work on Friday, I would think she only recently suspected her boyfriend of cheating. Since the plans were already in place for the evening, I think she went to the party hoping to have some fun. Her mom said she got into a disagreement with HF on the phone at the end of the evening. If something at the party set off the chain of events, alcohol/drug just made it worse. People have said she was concerned for her dog. The dog lived with her and HF. I dont think he would suddenly stop caring for it if she wasnt home. I think if she said she had to go home because of the dog, it may have been a break up. I think EA is responsible. I think he thought he had a chance with her and made a move. I think he acted alone (but change my mind from time to time).

I think if he clocked into work at 8 am is significant (and you have to be present at the store to clock in). There are only a few reasons to clock in and leave. He was scamming the Company out of 3 hours of pay? Or he was attempting to establish an alibi for himself. If he clocked in and left to establish an alibi, he had unfinished business. If something tragic happened to Christina, he needed more time to cover up the crime. From the coworkers statement, he didnt appear to go home for a few hours sleep and a shower.
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