GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #24 *Arrest*

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I felt like she probably got in the car willingly until someone brought up the blood on the post in the garage. Can someone confirm whether or not they did find her blood for a fact. I asked this a few posts ago but no one answered. Also, do we know if she had her car keys for sure or were they found in the couch at the apt?
I can answer about the post. 2 of the cadaver dogs hit on the pole in the garage. They let them go in one at a time. They did not confirm it was Christina's blood. It can be any bodily flood. I would think LE would have to have a forensics team try to get her dna to prove whatever was on the pole belonged to Christina. Also, wanted to note MSM released the dogs hit on something in the garage. Kool one of the VI stated it was the pole right by where Christina was parked that night.

I have not heard if her keys were ever found so maybe one of the VI's can answer
What kind of *insert choice of cuss words here* would take down those flyers! As if this family hasn't suffered enough! JMOM my heart goes out to you and Christina's family. I think of myself at that age and my own daughter who will be that age soon and people often judge you by who you associate with. They don't realize that you're just a young, kind hearted, naive girl who sees through the bad to the good in everyone. And there's that boy who's no good for you, but you love him anyway even though you object to the things he does not even realizing the full gravity of it and the potential danger it puts you in. You think, "Oh he just smokes a little weed, and pops a little Molly but once his business takes off he'll quit. He just needs me to believe in him."

Every girl has that one bad relationship, but most of us are able to get away before dire consequences take us. I think Hunter knows that and that's why he said if he was there it wouldn't have happened. She got caught up in his lifestyle and because of his reputation as a dealer may have been targeted by EA.

None if the others get ripped down just by his house. It's not a hoa issue at all. It's a cold hearted neighbor thing. We will just put them right back up. No biggie.

A high school friend lives down the street but I haven't been able to reach him but very interested to see if he knows them. I'll try and call him tomorrow. Can you get a permanent sign in someone's yard if approved? But how would you keep such people from removing is all I can think unless bolted to a house

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So many comments/questions?! JMOM, when you were at EA's home, were you allowed to stand by the crime scene tape and watch? Any update on "Jade"? In my state, professionals have to be licensed by the Department of State and they have a searchable website for who holds professional licenses (like attorneys). I know it is stated that EA had a girlfriend (and I am not trying to sleuth her) but I was wondering if she was another high school friend?
I never have EA's back but no one did bail him out for the sprint thing for a week! So he didn't tell them or they didn't come! Not sure which.

According to the AA rep he didn't tell them and in the interview the day the story broke a person stated it was first his parents had learned of the incident. So he kept it a secret from them which leads me to think 1) the parents knew but acted like they didn't or b) they didn't know at all and if so they may really not know what he has done in all honesty and truly are victims, but it's sad they wouldn't sit down with Christina family and lied saying they did. I already posted the link to where they stated they had and where Christina family stated they had not so this should be sleuths me its in MSM.

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BF tweeting that AE under constant supervision at Collin County jail. Suicide watch? And the walls come crumbling down......
Regarding the arrest warrant and search warrant. Based on my years of watching detective shows on TV, don't they have to "serve" you the warrant before entering the premises? The person they serve then has a chance to review it and I would assume they would get to keep a copy?? I would think his attorney has to be given those documents. How else could he prepare for a bail hearing if he doesn't know what his client is being charged with. I wouldnt think they could keep someone in jail for 30 days while the warrants are sealed without providing a reason. Have I watched one too many episodes of McMillan & Wife?
ITA regarding the adderall. I hope PJ does have access to warrant. He should. That's our justice system. Regardless how we feel about EA or perps in general, it is their right under the constitution tto have a fair trial.

He won't and I'm glad because his client committed s crime. He shouldn't until its available for release. They are still collecting evidence and that's why!

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I never have EA's back but no one did bail him out for the sprint thing for a week! So he didn't tell them or they didn't come! Not sure which.

While I certainly wouldn't put it past him to lie since (IMO)that's his default method of communication, I think it's just as likely they could have been advised not to so as not to appear to be condoning criminal behavior.

Even if I'm wrong about the jail thing, I don't think I am about my thoughts about their involvement that night (which I don't think I'm allowed to share due to TOS so I'll leave it at that.)
He won't and I'm glad because his client committed s crime. He shouldn't until its available for release. They are still collecting evidence and that's why!

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Only way for defense to see is to file for emotion to have it unsealed but chances in a high profile case are usually slim from what my law friend advised but you can look it up

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He won't and I'm glad because his client committed s crime. He shouldn't until its available for release. They are still collecting evidence and that's why!

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I get the animosity towards EA, but this is basic human rights. He has a right to the information that he's being arrested for. I would tthink as an American this is common sense. Geez.
BF tweeting that AE under constant supervision at Collin County jail. Suicide watch? And the walls come crumbling down......

If he leaves her family without answers...:mad: Glad they are keeping a close eye on him.
In regards to Tilley, I really like the guy.. He seems to be a very sincere, caring person. I also like that fact that he refers to CM as "Christina" instead of Miss Morris, or just "the missing person".. Also, I have no problem with what he discloses, how he discloses & what he doesn't disclose.. He has a job to do & doesn't "owe" anybody (outside of the case) any info concerning this case or any other. Thumbs up to Tilley!
Regarding EA's parents and the use of a spokesperson. I believe it was said that neither of his parents spoke English. I would think they would want someone who they felt they could trust to interpret what exactly was going on. I would not want to believe my son could have been involved in a kidnapping. Even more frightening when the people who can sentence him to death speak a language they dont understand. I can see why they would involve a spokesperson.
I get the animosity towards EA, but this is basic human rights. He has a right to the information that he's being arrested for. I would tthink as an American this is common sense. Geez.

Not sure how all that works, but I am sure his attorney will request to have them unsealed and the courts will sort all of that out according to the law. I think his rights will be protected.
Regarding EA's parents and the use of a spokesperson. I believe it was said that neither of his parents spoke English. I would think they would want someone who they felt they could trust to interpret what exactly was going on. I would not want to believe my son could have been involved in a kidnapping. Even more frightening when the people who can sentence him to death speak a language they dont understand. I can see why they would involve a spokesperson.
I think I have seen their command of the English language disputed...but yeah, I can see how they would need some assistance. If I were in uncomfortable territory, I would want a guiding hand. I am not sure they made a good choice, but I can understand why they would want help.
Not sure how all that works, but I am sure his attorney will request to have them unsealed and the courts will sort all of that out according to the law. I think his rights will be protected.

And I think sealed warrants are only sealed from the public. Federal & government officials will have access.
Not sure how all that works, but I am sure his attorney will request to have them unsealed and the courts will sort all of that out according to the law. I think his rights will be protected.

Personally, I don't care about his rights. I'm talking as an American citizen. We should put feelings aside and hope our justice system is fair. If he's guilty, I trust the prosecutor to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. If we want justice for Christina, then we want nothing the defense can use to get him off on a technicality.
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