GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #27 *Arrest*

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I believe one of the VI's stated that you would exit on Exchange off 121 (next exit past Custer) to get to CM's parents and it's not too far from there...

I missed this earlier....but holy cow!! What a coincidence?? Exchange & Custer are waaay to close for comfort IMO.
I just saw EA's parents house. It's not exactly small, I can definitely see him bringing her in and no one hearing.. Especially if she was incapacitated first :-(


It's not really huge. The footprint is only 1200 sq feet on each floor (plus a 2-car garage and a small 10x12 shed). IMO it's a stretch to think he would have dragged her up the stairs in the middle of the night. Whether it's feasible that he could have had her in the downstairs area probably hinges on whether the parents' BR was upstairs or down.
What are you guys thinking about the part in the arrest warrant affidavit regarding the car jack? I wasn't really sure what the purpose of that paragraph was (page 4, 2nd to last paragraph). EA calls a car jack a "lifter" and then his brother verifies it was a standard car jack. Are they pointing out that a standard car jack doesn't lift a vehicle high enough for a tire to fall on you, or do you think there is another reason they included that?

I read that a few times as well.. a little confusing... jack? lifter?

Here is a handy calculator for BAC

.08 is grounds for intoxication in all States AFAIK . (some states may have new laws in place)

But if CM had 6 oz of hard liquor before 2am at 4am she would not be ok as far as the BAC

EA would have been almost at twice the legal limit, if he drank the amount he said... (I calculated at slightly less than what he stated)
What are you guys thinking about the part in the arrest warrant affidavit regarding the car jack? I wasn't really sure what the purpose of that paragraph was (page 4, 2nd to last paragraph). EA calls a car jack a "lifter" and then his brother verifies it was a standard car jack. Are they pointing out that a standard car jack doesn't lift a vehicle high enough for a tire to fall on you, or do you think there is another reason they included that?

They could be setting a perjury trap for CA. They may know the injuries were not from a jack. In fact, I'll be anxious to see if DNA tests indicate CM scratched him.
One interesting piece of information I found when I was searching the internet to see how far a cell phone can be from the cell tower to communicate with it (which varies from 1/4 mile up to 40 miles in rural areas) there are reviews from people who live at the shops of legacy that cell reception is not very good. Could be why she used his phone. I also like the theory she was getting creepy vibes from him so she wanted to make sure to text HF from his phone. Could have just been the fact HF wasnt answering her calls or text so she thought to try from an unkown number and maybe he would answer if he was intentionally ignoring her that night ( I have been guilty of this a time or two) so many what ifs it just makes my head spin. I feel we are missing key information regarding the two of them leaving together. Something is being left out. Here we are trying to figure out where they could have been going IF she accepted a ride from EA because she could not find her keys when her friends should know this or definately have a better idea knowing both of them and what transpired that night. I believe LE is taking the statements from her friends she had her keys when she left and know nothing about her not being able to find them earlier that night. Hence the reasonable assumption that EA forced Christina into the trunk of his car and left the parking garage with her in his trunk. If she had her keys and even called SN to tell him she was still walking and ok to drive there is no reason for her to have willingly left with EA. The only thing I keep going back to is why did he wipe off the passenger side door at Krogers the next morning?
EA would have been almost at twice the legal limit, if he drank the amount he said... (I calculated at slightly less than what he stated)

Agreed.. to bad they do not have a calculator to add in RX meds and Recreational use to factor in with all that.
(I'm a day behind so if this has already been addressed, my apologies.)

While I agree that some rustic site makes a lot of sense, I think you're misreading a piece of evidence that has you focused on the wrong rustic sites, maybe.

You've picked sites near the 121/Custer intersection. But, there's not really a reason to focus there, to the exclusion of other places, and to some extent there's a reason NOT to.

When EA was noted as being past that 121/Custer area, it was because he was flying NE up the 121 tollroad and passed the toll-collecting sensor at that point as he traveled. That doesn't hint at travel on those side areas at Custer/121, and in fact somewhat points against it. Obviously he could have traveled further NE, exited, and then doubled back, but is it likely?

The fact he triggered that toll collection only means he left the road somewhere NE of that point, not that he stopped at CUster/121. And once he passed that collector, it's the last one, so he could have kept going and veered off anywhere past that point. Here's the map. Map_050112.pdf

I think he exited after Custer ..sorry if you got the impression in all my posts yesterday AM that I implied he exited Custer- that is simply not the case here.

I feel he did double back and obviously avoided the toll heading back toward the shops area.
this is a fact based on the warrant since both of the cells are pinging back in that area at less than a quarter to 5am

I suggested those areas based on earth maps and seemingly are tucked away and nearby the time needed between 4:08am toll gantry and the 4:47am 4:56am pings

I do not feel he drove home to Allen from the shops and made it back to catch the pings ... all my opinion

Nor do I feel she left the shops at 3:58am in the trunk -not saying she was never there . but timing wise -Not
my opinion is based on the vid ending at 3:57:10am and they are both still walking and him driving out at 3:58am
What are you guys thinking about the part in the arrest warrant affidavit regarding the car jack? I wasn't really sure what the purpose of that paragraph was (page 4, 2nd to last paragraph). EA calls a car jack a "lifter" and then his brother verifies it was a standard car jack. Are they pointing out that a standard car jack doesn't lift a vehicle high enough for a tire to fall on you, or do you think there is another reason they included that?

I'm putting this down to maybe just a language difference. No one here has confirmed when EA's family came to America. If he was already near teenaged, it could just be that the type of things we grow up learning about (cliches, jargon, etc.) don't just click in his head like they do ours.

And, throw in that he's by himself in a room with investigators, maybe the word "jack" didn't automatically pop into his head the way it did ours, and he used the first word that came to his ESL mind about what the thing did, "lift."

There has been all sorts of conjecture about how much English versus Spanish various members of the family know. But, to my knowledge, we don't know whether they or he have been here five years or ten years, or shorter or longer.

I mean, think about it, I don't know how it is in Texas, but out West here, we've hired Mexican immigrants who have been in the U.S. for decades but don't speak English well. And, some of the guys on their crew, they'll listen to you and act like they know what you're saying, but you later find out they didn't know exactly what you are saying or what you meant.
Have the time stamps on the parking garage video ever been synchronized with the times on the toll road cameras and cell phone tower pings?

Without knowing this, it is impossible to precisely determine what happened where.
Oddily enough I was thinking that maybe EA was a set-up date for CM. Everyone has said they were acquainted, but not really friends. The girls knew CM was upset with HF. How better to get back at boyfriend than hanging with another guy?

So they invited EA and as it turned out CM did not care for him and showed more attention to the other guy. Thus AEs anger when she did not want to sleep on the couch with him and it would explain why CM wanted to leave party early. She may have left the party alone and he caught up with her outside. Maybe explains all the phone calls even to make him think she was connected to someone on the phone. The girls could have innocently taken her keys in hopes she would stay and she and AE would eventually hook-up.

Just another opinion, but I can easily see this scenario happening.

I added emphasis.

EA was not upset that CM would not sleep on the couch with him, he was upset that a different party-goer wouldn't sleep on the couch with him.
This also makes the whole set-up thing seem unlikely. He was interested in another girl that was there that night... so why would they try to "set EA up" with CM, and invite the other girl that he was interested in...
They're very bad match-makers if this is the case.

Edit: Also, just clarifying why leaving the party at 3:30 am would be considered leaving "early"? Is it confirmed that she was planning to stay longer (as in sleep over)? Or is this just heresay?
Not understanding this question really, is there an issue with this being added to the list?
I think she was just asking how the list is growing? Idk...I asked earlier about the LV clutch because I'm curious if she used only that when they were out at the bars. She sent the text with the keys at 2:30 which I'm assuming is when they got back from the bars if they close at 2. Is it possible she had taken the keys off of her key ring so they could fit into the wallet/clutch? I used to have a big key ring and when I used a clutch I'd do that so it wouldn't be bulky.
One interesting piece of information I found when I was searching the internet to see how far a cell phone can be from the cell tower to communicate with it (which varies from 1/4 mile up to 40 miles in rural areas) there are reviews from people who live at the shops of legacy that cell reception is not very good. Could be why she used his phone. I also like the theory she was getting creepy vibes from him so she wanted to make sure to text HF from his phone. Could have just been the fact HF wasnt answering her calls or text so she thought to try from an unkown number and maybe he would answer if he was intentionally ignoring her that night ( I have been guilty of this a time or two) so many what ifs it just makes my head spin. I feel we are missing key information regarding the two of them leaving together. Something is being left out. Here we are trying to figure out where they could have been going IF she accepted a ride from EA because she could not find her keys when her friends should know this or definately have a better idea knowing both of them and what transpired that night. I believe LE is taking the statements from her friends she had her keys when she left and know nothing about her not being able to find them earlier that night. Hence the reasonable assumption that EA forced Christina into the trunk of his car and left the parking garage with her in his trunk. If she had her keys and even called SN to tell him she was still walking and ok to drive there is no reason for her to have willingly left with EA. The only thing I keep going back to is why did he wipe off the passenger side door at Krogers the next morning?

Maybe he had her pinned against the door, with her hands touching it...?
What are you guys thinking about the part in the arrest warrant affidavit regarding the car jack? I wasn't really sure what the purpose of that paragraph was (page 4, 2nd to last paragraph). EA calls a car jack a "lifter" and then his brother verifies it was a standard car jack. Are they pointing out that a standard car jack doesn't lift a vehicle high enough for a tire to fall on you, or do you think there is another reason they included that?
Absolutely agree that was their point. Glad CA didnt lie for him on that one
(I'm a day behind so if this has already been addressed, my apologies.)

While I agree that some rustic site makes a lot of sense, I think you're misreading a piece of evidence that has you focused on the wrong rustic sites, maybe.

You've picked sites near the 121/Custer intersection. But, there's not really a reason to focus there, to the exclusion of other places, and to some extent there's a reason NOT to.

When EA was noted as being past that 121/Custer area, it was because he was flying NE up the 121 tollroad and passed the toll-collecting sensor at that point as he traveled. That doesn't hint at travel on those side areas at Custer/121, and in fact somewhat points against it. Obviously he could have traveled further NE, exited, and then doubled back, but is it likely?

The fact he triggered that toll collection only means he left the road somewhere NE of that point, not that he stopped at CUster/121. And once he passed that collector, it's the last one, so he could have kept going and veered off anywhere past that point. Here's the map. Map_050112.pdf
I agree but wherever he went he had to have time to get back to the SOL area by 4:47 when Christina's phone communicated with that tower. It took him 11 minutes to get to the custer toll gantry so he had 39 minutes. Reasonable to say he could not have went too much further.
I believe it was stated that she didn't drink "much" due to migraines (would have to find the quote from Jonni).. I imagine it wouldn't take much for someone of her petite size to get a "buzz"..

Maybe not alcohol. Maybe marijuana? CM had Kottonmouth Kings lyrics on an instagram page of one of her instagram sites with a picture of something 420, the drug-culture reference to marijuana. The lyrics - and with many Kottonmouth Kings song - are pro-marijuana. And, we do know her last two boyfriends had marijuana arrests; and, HF with arrests beyond just marijuana.

These days, people claim medical marijuana helps them through migraines and other maladies. So, in theory, she could have been using that instead of alcohol, not for partying, but to control the migraines. If the charges against HF are true, she'd have had access to it.
Absolutely agree that was their point. Glad CA didnt lie for him on that one

No they are merely pointing out that by saying "lifter" EA was referring to a standard car jack that someone might have at home to maintain their own vehicle. The brother was verifying that EA does use a jack and so when they executed the search warrant, I'm sure LE looked in the garage to see if one was actually in there, because that might show that his story about getting the injuries from that could be true. I know that you have a car jack in your car to change a tire on the side of the road but maybe he had a different one in the garage.

***i apologize! I meant to quote the other poster not you! I was responding to why the warrant brought up the "lifter" and "standard car jack" comment but I'm on my phone and it's too crazy to do an elaborate edit!!!
I agree but wherever he went he had to have time to get back to the SOL area by 4:47 when Christina's phone communicated with that tower. It took him 11 minutes to get to the custer toll gantry so he had 39 minutes. Reasonable to say he could not have went too much further.

The tightness of the time frame just makes me believe that someone else was involved with EA. What other explanation can there be? He just, in my opinion, doesn't seem bright enough to pull off the "perfect" crime. And, besides that, the lack of prior arrests would demonstrate that he didn't have any criminal experience anyway.

To me, the "luck" (if you want to call it that) runs out for EA and/or anyone else involved once CM is found. The DNA won't lie.
In the affidavit it says affiant believes she had her gold ring and two indiviual keys in her possession the night of her disapearance. Page 5 of affidavit.

Yes I'm aware.. If you listen to her mom on the interview on TV after warrant was released says after she sends that pic the keys disappeared again.
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