GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #28 *Arrest*

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I'm just saying that the 0447 phone communication of Christina's phone (mentioned in the affidavit) is almost one hour after her text to him. Coincidence? Maybe. That 0447 phone 'communication' could be a routine ping to a nearby tower. But it could have been SN checking on her one hour after he last heard from her.

I think Suzy is trying to ask if it was a text and/or a phone call to SN. I think the affidavit said phone call.
I wonder if SN did offer to drive Christina somewhere but he was intoxicated so she sensibly refused the offer or maybe he was hitting on her and she wasn't interested so didn't want to lead him on by accepting the ride. Maybe he called her during the walk as he was still interested and hopeful of a second chance.

Perhaps while SB, PP and EA went to get hamburgers after Scruffy Duffy's, SN left CM at the apartment by herself and went home himself. After SN left, CM wanted to go home, but didn't want to walk to the garage by herself. After EA finished his hamburger he was ready to go home and pass out as he had been drinking too and CM, afraid to walk to the parking garage alone, jumped at the chance for someone to walk her to her car as SN had left the girls night out party.
So, when LE asked for verification of his direction of travel when leaving the Shops at Legacy on 08/30/2014, which he said was East on Legacy Drive to Central Expressway and then exit Bethany Road to his home in Allen, Texas, EA printed out his toll tag records which showed he used Sam Rayburn Tollway and passed the Custer Road gantry northbound on 08/30/2014 at 0408 hours ? ? ?

So, EA leaves Henry's Tavern parking garage which was recorded at 0358 hours and 10 minutes later he was headed home recorded by toll tag records. Where was he headed when he used the Sam Rayburn Tollway and passed the Custer Road gantry northbound at 0408? Home? Can he get to Allen using the Sam Rayburn Tollway?

Why did he pass the Custer Road gantry northbound at 0408? Where was he headed then? Did he have to take the Custer Road gantry to get home to Allen?

Thank you in advance. Pardon me for my confusion.

Yes, the 121 (Sam Rayburn) would have been the quickest, most direct route for him to get home. I live in Frisco, not to far from the Shops at Legacy, and this is the exact route I would have taken. I can't remember every exact exit, but on the map it appears that the Custer exit is the one someone would need to take to get to the access road, in order to get to side streets, otherwise someone would have had to stay on the 121 and exit at Stacy road which would would eventually lead someone to The Outlets of Allen, which are adjacent to the 75 (Central Expressway).

Basically, if you're in a hurry you take the 121. If you're taking your time, or perhaps need time to think, you take Legacy.

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I think Suzy is trying to ask if it was a text and/or a phone call to SN. I think the affidavit said phone call.

That's what I'm asking too. Can someone point out in the newest affidavit where it mentions a text to SN because I cannot find it? Only seeing that "Nickerson told Affiant that after Christina and Enrique left the apartment that Christina called Nickerson from her cellular phone and she advised him that she was still walking to her vehicle at that time"

Okay - Nickerson is in the affidavit but no mention of texts to or from Nickerson - only a phone call. Texts were to HF as far as we know. :gaah:
I'm just saying that the 0447 phone communication of Christina's phone (mentioned in the affidavit) is almost one hour after her text to him. Coincidence? Maybe. That 0447 phone 'communication' could be a routine ping to a nearby tower. But it could have been SN checking on her one hour after he last heard from her.

Sorry to labour the point I've re-read the 12 December warrant and it says the Christina called SN on the walk (I was wrong above when I said that he called her), I don't see where any text communication is mentioned.
What if we take out everything we've heard that hasn't been confirmed with facts? We want to know where Christina was going that night after the walk to the garage. We know only that she texted HF to leave the door unlocked. Which in itself was an odd text. What if she was fine and had intentions of staying the night and something caused her to abruptly change her mind? A 4 a.m. drive home is not a popular choice IMO. Yes, its obvious because of the calls and texts she was trying to contact her bf and could have said screw it I'm going home. But what if they weren't fighting that night? Maybe she was worried about him, about something going on around her..IDK just really thinking it may be beneficial to take out hearsay and instead put oneself in Christina's shoes. What would make you up and leave someone's home to allegedly drive home at 4am? If she wanted to see her boyfriend so badly why not leave when everyone was doing the whataburger run?

She was scheduled to work Saturday at Great Expectations. Christina was dependable. She would have showed up for work. When she didn't show up for work Tuesday her boss reported her missing. Did someone try to find her Saturday when she didn't show up for work? No. It was Tuesday before her boss called a friend of Christina who had to call her parents to find out where CM was. As far as HF knew CM was coming home and because she had to go to work that day - just like EA had to be at work.
Agree. I think some have trouble wrapping their mind around cartel involvement because these are young people, HF was busted for a comparatively small drug ring etc..It isn't what you would think of when you think "cartel" because whatever HF was wrapped up in is seemingly not some gazillion dollar operation. Bet it was on someone's 5 year plan though.

What's interesting is HF has NO BOND and EA is set at 1 million. No bond says a lot. .....
Sorry to labour the point I've re-read the 12 December warrant and it says the Christina called SN on the walk (I was wrong above when I said that he called her), I don't see where any text communication is mentioned.

So, thank you suzyj, maybe it was Nickerson trying to call CM's phone at 0447, but got no answer. So, why didn't SN panic and call someone that CM was not answering his phone call? He assumed she was safe at home in Fort Worth. They were all parked at the same place in Henry's Tavern Parking Lot. Why didn't he notice Christina's car in the parking lot when he left PP's apartment? Or did he not leave PP's apartment and everyone thought it would be wise not to report CM missing when she didn't answer SN's phone call?

Does that make sense?
What's interesting is HF has NO BOND and EA is set at 1 million. No bond says a lot. .....

Yes, it does say a lot. To me, it says that neither of those two young men are going anywhere anytime soon.
I have no clue, but the searchers and LE are not having any luck finding Christina with the pings from EA's phone. IMO only, they need to be pinging someone else's phone from that night. What happened to SN? Where was SN when SB wanted to lay on the couch, but EA would not let her? He said "NO." Was he still eating his hamburger? When SB went to lay in PP's bed and EA came into the bedroom about 10 minutes later (after he finished his hamburger?) and said "if you're not sleeping on the couch, I'm going home" - why didn't SN step up and say something like "Dude, she's tired and ready to go to bed. You should do the same and go home to bed."

If they "the 4 friends" at a girls night out knew EA was pizzed about not getting to sleep on the cough with SB why in the H e double-hockey sticks did they let Christina walk to the garage alone with EA? Where was the man (SN) to drive her to car and make sure she got into her care safely?

There is no mention of SN after they left Scruffy Duffy's and the trip to What-A-Burger.... Apparently he was there because he told reporters that Christina "insisted on driving." She left with EA after he finished his hamburger - according to EA's interview. EA also stated there were about 9 people at the party versus 5. Guess we need to take that with a huge industrial size salt shaker because I don't know who to believe at this point AND Christina is still missing.


My guess is none of her friends worried about her walking with EA because they didn't see him as dangerous. Getting frustrated over a girl turning you down and kidnapping/harming someone are two completely different animals.

I don't think Christina was too worried about it either. Good point on where SN was at the time she left. I assume he was hang around with PP or maybe planned to spend the night too. I find it odd no one checked on her the next morning but they probably figured she was fine. And quite frankly they could have sent her a text but didn't think much of it when she didn't reply b/c she was having boyfriend issues.

As to checking pings and other's phones I would hope/assume that's all been done. I believe Tilley has said they have 2-3 officers whose sole focus is this case. At almost four months in now, I can't imagine they haven't checked, double checked, triple checked, etc everything and everyone who had contact with Chritsina that evening, including phone activity leading up to and after her disappearance. All moo of course.

I too don't know what to think. I still lean toward it being a one-man show with possibly some coverup from family, but points are brought up here that make me think otherwise. Too much unknown and IMO very crypticly worded affidavits.
A guinea pig with Jonni's daughter's DNA in his TRUNK! Not a guinea pig at all IMO he's an aggravated kidnapper! JMO

Even a mother's love has boundaries. I'm sure EA's mother would want Christina reunited with her mother, Jonni, even if it meant EA had to pay the ultimate price. But, as a mother, I would certainly want to make ALL parties involved were served justice if Christina had not survived a kidnapping attempt, not just my son who could have been just the guinea pig in this sorted mess. We all want Justice for Christina.
I think Suzy is trying to ask if it was a text and/or a phone call to SN. I think the affidavit said phone call.

Going back, you're right it was a phone call. I still wonder about the timing of that 0447 'communication'. If someone called her or texted her. And it was one hour after her communication on her walk.

Also (yeah, I know here we go with the 'key' subject again), didn't a VI state that her keys were found at PP's after she left. I don't know if that was found to be false or not. Wouldn't someone have texted her to tell her they found her keys? I would have thought that would be odd to not get a reply on something like that, if not the next day.

But all of this is just thinking out loud. We don't know anything about phone communications to Christina's phone after she left party.
So, thank you suzyj, maybe it was Nickerson trying to call CM's phone at 0447, but got no answer. So, why didn't SN panic and call someone that CM was not answering his phone call? He assumed she was safe at home in Fort Worth. They were all parked at the same place in Henry's Tavern Parking Lot. Why didn't he notice Christina's car in the parking lot when he left PP's apartment? Or did he not leave PP's apartment and everyone thought it would be wise not to report CM missing when she didn't answer SN's phone call?

Does that make sense?
I know we can't sleuth SN but do we know where he lives, maybe he didn't need a car to get to PP's or maybe he got a ride with someone else. Piecing together what we know makes me think that by coming up to 4am there were only 4 cars left in the garage (EA/CM/2 cars belonging to sone kind of security personnel) so I deduce that SN wasn't parked in the garage at that time and so wouldn't have known that CMs car was still there.

This has actually just made me wonder if any of those involved were in the garage during the following 4 days and might have noticed that CM's car hadn't moved, I guess not or they would have tried to contact her sooner.

When leaving SOL, you can take Legacy eastbound or SRT Northbound. So none of this is odd except the fact that he "forgot" which way he drove home. He did travel on the SRT in the direction of his house (due to toll records) but then his & CM cell phones were pinging back at SOL area 40min later, so it's assumed he turned off SRT at some point (unknown) and headed back to SOL on other roads besides the SRT.

When his phone was pinging on the 2nd trip leaving the SOL area, he traveled to his house another route, not the SRT. But which route, we don't know. He could have gone Legacy East to 75N to exit Bethany East but who knows. There are several roads that run parallel, and perpendicular to this route that could have been used. He's a liar, so we may never know.
I'm thinking that whatever happened with Christina took place after the SRT gantry passing and before the ping 40min later. If SRT was the most reasonable route to take from SOL to Allen then it should have been the most reasonable route to use back. He changed the direction to avoid the tollway trail, IMO.

Lies are difficult to keep up with...who did you tell what? I believe that he became confused at the interview with LE when he said that he took Legacy to Allen. He forgot that he was keeping his 2nd trip to SOL under wraps.
So, thank you suzyj, maybe it was Nickerson trying to call CM's phone at 0447, but got no answer. So, why didn't SN panic and call someone that CM was not answering his phone call? He assumed she was safe at home in Fort Worth. They were all parked at the same place in Henry's Tavern Parking Lot. Why didn't he notice Christina's car in the parking lot when he left PP's apartment? Or did he not leave PP's apartment and everyone thought it would be wise not to report CM missing when she didn't answer SN's phone call?

Does that make sense?

Yeah, all of these thoughts come to mind for me.
I don't seriously color CM as problematic personally, but I do see reason to wonder. (In my wondering, she and her family still didn't deserve any of this, that's for sure. But still....)

At least by appearances, she willingly put herself in really bad situations. That raises a huge red flag.

(From what I think we know) Her bf HF apparently was a drug dealer, and has now been arrested. And she landed him, by (if I understand correctly) cheating with him on a different bf. Was the prior one a drug-related guy too?

Those are activities we know about, and could be giving the wrong picture, but on the other hand they could be just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe they show bad judgment/immaturity, maybe it was emotion or neediness clouding good sense, or maybe it indicates there was a darker side. It's really hard to tell the difference.

So I'm cautious in assessing what she might or might not have been doing, and willingly, that night, because it's really hard to know.

I'm certainly not trying to bash on CM in any way, that's for sure, but just relating how we have to open that maybe SHE made some choices that we're overlooking. If (and only if) there are facts that point in directions we wouldn't expect ...

:wolf: :yesss: :bow: Thank you very much!

There are a lot of things that the general public is not aware of. Enrique kidnapped Christina, DNA proves she was in his trunk. 1 and 69 quadrillion chance it was someone other than Christina's DNA. I'll take that as a fact that she was in his trunk. I will also stick with my theory that someone in his household helped clean/hide and or conceal her whereabouts.

Hunter was already being watched at that time, don't think they would have allowed this to happen, LE knew exactly what he was up to. SN has been Christina's friend and friend of her family for a very long time, nothing there. Maybe PP will have some explaining to do? Didn't she invite EA to her home? Wonder if she knew he was the type to get angry when sexually frustrated, like it says in the warrant or affidavit? Wonder if they ever had any sort of "relationship?" Sure hope LE was able to get that info that was "wiped" or not so "wiped" off of his phone! (or all of the phones he had and attempted to sell, that didn't go so well for him I've heard!)
There are a lot of things that the general public is not aware of. Enrique kidnapped Christina, DNA proves she was in his trunk. 1 and 69 quadrillion chance it was someone other than Christina's DNA. I'll take that as a fact that she was in his trunk. I will also stick with my theory that someone in his household helped clean/hide and or conceal her whereabouts.

Hunter was already being watched at that time, don't think they would have allowed this to happen, LE knew exactly what he was up to. SN has been Christina's friend and friend of her family for a very long time, nothing there. Maybe PP will have some explaining to do? Didn't she invite EA to her home? Wonder if she knew he was the type to get angry when sexually frustrated, like it says in the warrant or affidavit? Wonder if they ever had any sort of "relationship?" Sure hope LE was able to get that info that was "wiped" or not so "wiped" off of his phone! (or all of the phones he had and attempted to sell, that didn't go so well for him I've heard!)

I'm very glad to hear that LE have lots more information than they have shared so far.

When you say HF was being watched at the time do you mean actually overnight on the 30th? I've thought from the start that his alibi was some other kind of criminal activity but if he was literally being watched then I guess we can be pretty sure he wasn't directly involved.

If PP had doubts about EA I wonder if she would have invited him into her home at all.

There are a lot of things that the general public is not aware of. Enrique kidnapped Christina, DNA proves she was in his trunk. 1 and 69 quadrillion chance it was someone other than Christina's DNA. I'll take that as a fact that she was in his trunk. I will also stick with my theory that someone in his household helped clean/hide and or conceal her whereabouts.

Hunter was already being watched at that time, don't think they would have allowed this to happen, LE knew exactly what he was up to. SN has been Christina's friend and friend of her family for a very long time, nothing there. Maybe PP will have some explaining to do? Didn't she invite EA to her home? Wonder if she knew he was the type to get angry when sexually frustrated, like it says in the warrant or affidavit? Wonder if they ever had any sort of "relationship?" Sure hope LE was able to get that info that was "wiped" or not so "wiped" off of his phone! (or all of the phones he had and attempted to sell, that didn't go so well for him I've heard!)

Thanks JMOM. Appreciated!
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