GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #28 *Arrest*

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What if she left so abruptly that the call to SN was to let him know she was indeed leaving? And if there is a 3rd party involved maybe the area was the original meeting place if it was assumed she would be staying the night, hence the return. So many things to weigh in if you assume it was an abrupt departure. IMO.
Do you think SN's phone could have pinged going to Fort Worth? Have they pinged his phone or done forensics on his car?
It's my understanding that EA's phone was not the only phone wiped clean. LE needs to get the texts from the all phones that night - if possible. How many phones were used? 5 - SN, SB, EA, PP, CM. CM texted HF from her phone AND EA phone. That makes at least 6 phones. If we throw an EX-phone into the situation that makes 7 phones. :headache:

Who else's phone was wiped cleaned? I must have missed that (entirely possible as I've been off-line a good deal)?

ETA - Why would SN go to FW? Do you think Christina left with SN to go to Fort Worth?
I disagree that the existence of an intentional "detour" would present some sort of a conflict in the various scenarios.

Maybe she's going to parent's lacking a car key (with a return in half an hour), or for a place to take a sobering nap for a couple hours before getting parents to take her back to her car early in the morn to head home for the day. Either way, she needs to be sure she can get in the door at home if bf is either gone or asleep when she expects to get to FW, and she has no key. So she makes that request while he's still up.

I believe EA's direction of travel confused some of us before the affidavit came out. After not getting a reply from HF, did Christina change her mind about going to Ft Worth and instead wanted a ride to her parents in Allen? On the way to Allen did she change her mind and decide to go to FW after all? Would explain the change in direction. (Possible, but I don't rate it high on my short list of possibilities.)

I still wonder if Christina got a bad vibe from EA on the walk. Hence the call to SN halfway. Also using EA's phone using the story that her phone's battery was drained. If something happened to her, there would be a voice message to HF from the phone of who she was walking with to the garage. (If that was the case, you would think EA would see that if he did something he would be a suspect.) It has been stated by VI's and/or her mother that Christina had a fear of being abducted.

Otherwise, I believe whatever went down could have happened in the garage and quickly. And Christina was in the trunk from that point onward. That would explain EA's direction of travel being in the opposite direction of Ft Worth.

Then there is your scenario or some other similar version.
What would EA have written in - Spanish (Hondurian lol aka Spanish) or English. If English is his second language, he probably wrote in Spanish. If one of the friends wrote the note (SN) more than likely English. Maybe EA can't read English? You have to be able to read and write English to become an American citizen don't you? Oh wait! He's not an American citizen so it's possible he couldn't read English. It's important to become an American citizen if you wish to live in America forever. You have to be able to speak Spanish if you want to become an Mexican citizen. This is soooo confusing. Would be better if he was an American citizen.

How realistic would it be to be a Sprint shop manager without being able to read and write English? IMO he's fluent at both.
Well, kinda. But kinda not.

He didn't provide a "toll tag." He claimed he went one route (not via SRT).

But then AT A LATER DATE he was asked to provide the printed record of his account that records tollway use, and when he did it showed he had gone somewhere via the SRT, and had lied to them.

The point being, it's not as if he made an effort to prove he traveled on the SRT. Quite the contrary, in fact. But LE had done their homework, confronted him into showing (and admitting) his lie, with the apparent aim of getting him to tell them a different story. (Reminds me of the old Columbo TV show.)

So, when LE asked for verification of his direction of travel when leaving the Shops at Legacy on 08/30/2014, which he said was East on Legacy Drive to Central Expressway and then exit Bethany Road to his home in Allen, Texas, EA printed out his toll tag records which showed he used Sam Rayburn Tollway and passed the Custer Road gantry northbound on 08/30/2014 at 0408 hours ? ? ?

So, EA leaves Henry's Tavern parking garage which was recorded at 0358 hours and 10 minutes later he was headed home recorded by toll tag records. Where was he headed when he used the Sam Rayburn Tollway and passed the Custer Road gantry northbound at 0408? Home? Can he get to Allen using the Sam Rayburn Tollway?

Why did he pass the Custer Road gantry northbound at 0408? Where was he headed then? Did he have to take the Custer Road gantry to get home to Allen?

Thank you in advance. Pardon me for my confusion.
How realistic would it be to be a Sprint shop manager without being able to read and write English? IMO he's fluent at both.
I think his parents either wrote the note, or he wrote in Spanish to give to them knowing they preferred to read Spanish over English.
Excellent point that we only are given a line from the texting with SN. Same is true for what other texts occurred that night and between who. I think there's more to the SB and EA relationship as well. I think lines have been taken out of context and we're going to learn she may have led him on earlier in the evening. I also think we can't rule out the possibility of drugs being a reason EA and CM left together. I'm curious to know whether there are texts from any of the friends at PP's apt AFTER the last one from SN.
I believe the PPD has been busy the last few days while the rest of us celebrated Christmas, and some more news that will help in finding CM will emerge this week. Remember the legal machination churns on and there will be some type of hearing or grand jury before an indictment, so when is it?

The phone activity has interested me as well. The 0447 phone communication (ping? text? call?) for Christina's phone is about one hour after the text she sent to SN. What if in that 0343 text to SN she asked him to contact her in an hour and that 0447 was SN texting her? PP may have sent her a text asking about her and if she was feeling better. Wouldn't someone - PP, SN or SB - send her text the next day asking how she felt? That would be interesting if that were the case and no one got curious as to why she wasn't replying.
I believe EA's direction of travel confused some of us before the affidavit came out. After not getting a reply from HF, did Christina change her mind about going to Ft Worth and instead wanted a ride to her parents in Allen? On the way to Allen did she change her mind and decide to go to FW after all? Would explain the change in direction. (Possible, but I don't rate it high on my short list of possibilities.)

I still wonder if Christina got a bad vibe from EA on the walk. Hence the call to SN halfway. Also using EA's phone using the story that her phone's battery was drained. If something happened to her, there would be a voice message to HF from the phone of who she was walking with to the garage. (If that was the case, you would think EA would see that if he did something he would be a suspect.) It has been stated by VI's and/or her mother that Christina had a fear of being abducted.

Otherwise, I believe whatever went down could have happened in the garage and quickly. And Christina was in the trunk from that point onward. That would explain EA's direction of travel being in the opposite direction of Ft Worth.

Then there is your scenario or some other similar version.

BBM - whilst I certainly think HF is not going to win any boyfriend of the year awards I'd hope that if Christina had left him some kind of message that suggested she was nervous and then she didn't come home even he might have raised the alarm. JMO
Many people underestimate the power of cartels and that is a huge mistake! !
Agree. I think some have trouble wrapping their mind around cartel involvement because these are young people, HF was busted for a comparatively small drug ring etc..It isn't what you would think of when you think "cartel" because whatever HF was wrapped up in is seemingly not some gazillion dollar operation. Bet it was on someone's 5 year plan though.
Who else's phone was wiped cleaned? I must have missed that (entirely possible as I've been off-line a good deal)?

ETA - Why would SN go to FW? Do you think Christina left with SN to go to Fort Worth?

I have no clue, but the searchers and LE are not having any luck finding Christina with the pings from EA's phone. IMO only, they need to be pinging someone else's phone from that night. What happened to SN? Where was SN when SB wanted to lay on the couch, but EA would not let her? He said "NO." Was he still eating his hamburger? When SB went to lay in PP's bed and EA came into the bedroom about 10 minutes later (after he finished his hamburger?) and said "if you're not sleeping on the couch, I'm going home" - why didn't SN step up and say something like "Dude, she's tired and ready to go to bed. You should do the same and go home to bed."

If they "the 4 friends" at a girls night out knew EA was pizzed about not getting to sleep on the cough with SB why in the H e double-hockey sticks did they let Christina walk to the garage alone with EA? Where was the man (SN) to drive her to car and make sure she got into her care safely?

There is no mention of SN after they left Scruffy Duffy's and the trip to What-A-Burger.... Apparently he was there because he told reporters that Christina "insisted on driving." She left with EA after he finished his hamburger - according to EA's interview. EA also stated there were about 9 people at the party versus 5. Guess we need to take that with a huge industrial size salt shaker because I don't know who to believe at this point AND Christina is still missing.

The phone activity has interested me as well. The 0447 phone communication (ping? text? call?) for Christina's phone is about one hour after the text she sent to SN. What if in that 0343 text to SN she asked him to contact her in an hour and that 0447 was SN texting her? PP may have sent her a text asking about her and if she was feeling better. Wouldn't someone - PP, SN or SB - send her text the next day asking how she felt? That would be interesting if that were the case and no one got curious as to why she wasn't replying.

Sorry, my brain is in a post Christmas fog, how do we know that Christina texted SN? I can only recall reference to a call on the way to the garage

Of course it was blown out of proportion and happens all the time. I find myself posting less and less because I'm constantly backspacing, deleting, trying to figure out if I'm going to hurt someone's feelings and not wanting to do that, etc. then finally just cancelling out altogether. This is a crime board and by no stretch of the imagination do I think that we as a collective group are going to solve this when we don't even have all of the information to work with. However, there are cases where the websleuths did contribute to solving a case and it has been said that LE reads along for ideas. So if I had anything that I felt compelling at any point to post, I would and just let the chips fall where they may as far as feelings go. Right now with no new information, we are just going around in circles. I don't think anyone would be here if they did not care about Christina and want her found! JMO

I guess I'm confused. Whose feelings are getting hurt? There are things we can't discuss but that's not because of posters and their feelings, it's in the TOS. I find it frustrating but I also respect and understand why it is in place.

The statement that was allegedly blown out of proportion was about Christina being in jail with HF if she hadn't walked to the car with EA. We aren't allowed to even speculate what Christina knew about the drugs, much less if she was involved with HF's drug activities.

Every person brings value IMO. On the other cases you mentioned, what was different? This is the first case I've followed at length and the first I've commented on b/c it's local. I guess I'm asking what could be done differently that would be of benefit to this case while still following the TOS?
BBM - whilst I certainly think HF is not going to win any boyfriend of the year awards I'd hope that if Christina had left him some kind of message that suggested she was nervous and then she didn't come home even he might have raised the alarm. JMO

I don't think it was any message that she was nervous or alarmed. After all, EA is right beside her and can hear what she is saying. It was probably nothing more than a voice message saying leave the door unlocked. But there would be a record of a call from EA's phone to HF's phone and unlike a text that could've been sent by anyone it would be recording of her voice. Something like that may have not caused any concern the next day for HF.
How realistic would it be to be a Sprint shop manager without being able to read and write English? IMO he's fluent at both.

I can't believe an 8 yr student (2001-2009) of Allen ISD would be allowed to pass every grade much less graduate HS without knowing how to proficiently read and write in English. I agree with Suzy, he knows English unless he's forgotten between 5/2009-9/2014
I have no clue, but the searchers and LE are not having any luck finding Christina with the pings from EA's phone. IMO only, they need to be pinging someone else's phone from that night. What happened to SN? Where was SN when SB wanted to lay on the couch, but EA would not let her? He said "NO." Was he still eating his hamburger? When SB went to lay in PP's bed and EA came into the bedroom about 10 minutes later (after he finished his hamburger?) and said "if you're not sleeping on the couch, I'm going home" - why didn't SN step up and say something like "Dude, she's tired and ready to go to bed. You should do the same and home to bed."

If they "the 4 friends" at a girls night out knew EA was pizzed about not getting to sleep on the cough with SB why in the H e double-hockey sticks did they let Christina walk to the garage alone with EA? Where was the man (SN) to drive her to car and make sure she got into her care safely?

There is no mention of SN after they left Scruffy Duffy's and the trip to What-A-Burger.... Apparently he was there because he told reporters that Christina "insisted on driving." She left with EA after he finished his hamburger - according to EA's interview. EA also stated there were about 9 people at the party versus 5. Guess we need to take that with a huge industrial size salt shaker because I don't know who to believe at this point AND Christina is still missing.


I wonder if SN did offer to drive Christina somewhere but he was intoxicated so she sensibly refused the offer or maybe he was hitting on her and she wasn't interested so didn't want to lead him on by accepting the ride. Maybe he called her during the walk as he was still interested and hopeful of a second chance.
I can see EA scribbling the note in jail while he has all that time to sit and think. If he really takes adderall, he could have THAT bad of a memory. I know I do. That's why I take adderall. I would forget important details from the same morning.

Adderall is a good drug for people who need it. It helps with adult ADD/ADHD. EA told LE he took an Adderall that morning, so I suspect he does have ADD/ADHD. A lot of young people have ADD/ADHD. It can be abused. I am glad that it helps you Planotxgirl! I am an adult with undiagnosed ADD/ADHD. I don't take anything. I have to make lists. :tantrum: That's okay though. :crazy:
Sorry, my brain is in a post Christmas fog, how do we know that Christina texted SN? I can only recall reference to a call on the way to the garage


I'm just saying that the 0447 phone communication of Christina's phone (mentioned in the affidavit) is almost one hour after her text to him. Coincidence? Maybe. That 0447 phone 'communication' could be a routine ping to a nearby tower. But it could have been SN checking on her one hour after he last heard from her.
So, when LE asked for verification of his direction of travel when leaving the Shops at Legacy on 08/30/2014, which he said was East on Legacy Drive to Central Expressway and then exit Bethany Road to his home in Allen, Texas, EA printed out his toll tag records which showed he used Sam Rayburn Tollway and passed the Custer Road gantry northbound on 08/30/2014 at 0408 hours ? ? ?

So, EA leaves Henry's Tavern parking garage which was recorded at 0358 hours and 10 minutes later he was headed home recorded by toll tag records. Where was he headed when he used the Sam Rayburn Tollway and passed the Custer Road gantry northbound at 0408? Home? Can he get to Allen using the Sam Rayburn Tollway?

Why did he pass the Custer Road gantry northbound at 0408? Where was he headed then? Did he have to take the Custer Road gantry to get home to Allen?

Thank you in advance. Pardon me for my confusion.

When leaving SOL, you can take Legacy eastbound or SRT Northbound. So none of this is odd except the fact that he "forgot" which way he drove home. He did travel on the SRT in the direction of his house (due to toll records) but then his & CM cell phones were pinging back at SOL area 40min later, so it's assumed he turned off SRT at some point (unknown) and headed back to SOL on other roads besides the SRT.

When his phone was pinging on the 2nd trip leaving the SOL area, he traveled to his house another route, not the SRT. But which route, we don't know. He could have gone Legacy East to 75N to exit Bethany East but who knows. There are several roads that run parallel, and perpendicular to this route that could have been used. He's a liar, so we may never know.
Agree. I think some have trouble wrapping their mind around cartel involvement because these are young people, HF was busted for a comparatively small drug ring etc..It isn't what you would think of when you think "cartel" because whatever HF was wrapped up in is seemingly not some gazillion dollar operation. Bet it was on someone's 5 year plan though.

It's the same amount as EA's:

"If convicted, he is subject to a maximum penalty of 20 years in federal prison and a $1 million fine." :jail: :jail:
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