GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #29 *Arrest*

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Does anyone think EA may have any connection to the drug-related sting HF found himself in? Does he hang at those strip clubs by any chance?

I do not. I have heard no evidence that he hangs out at those clubs, nor that he hangs out with those that do. I also believe that his only connection to HF was that CM used his phone to call HF. If anyone has any real evidence of some direct connection of EA to HF or those clubs, i would love to hear it.

Did he know the other girls that have gone missing (Mystique, etc.? Idk names).

While I wonder if he has a history as a serial predator, my belief doesn't center on a link to those particular girls because I don't have any evidence that was his world. Your question centers on stuff that would have risen from involvement in drugs, but was the world of drugs his lifestyle? I don't have much respect for this predator, but trying to link him to drugs could be nothing more than misdirection or a lack of focus on what he was all about, and leave us looking in the wrong direction.
Please do not sleuth the family, nor put their previous residence addresses on this thread.
That's not what I said. Please don't put words in my mouth. It's extremely odd IMO that no one other than an advocate for immigrants has come out in his support, esp in this day and age of social media and esp in light of his specific age. This includes news sites as well.
At first, maybe his friends saw the protest and didn't want to draw that kind of attention to themselves. But then again...he is an alleged thief and now accused of Aggravated maybe his friends were thinking they better distance themselves because they took a good look at him and saw some red flags along the way.
I agree.. Oddly he has over 700 FB "friends" which I never put much stock into (always seemed "grammar school" to me), but you would think out of those 700+ at least a couple would come forward in support... I have seen NO signs of that. But other than the phone theft, he seems to have a relatively clean record, at least that we can see... Which brings me back to the question.. WHY was he at that party??

Someone must have invited him, as they all drove into the garage at the same time - he didn't just bump into them by chance at a bar. So the person who invited him, must have kept in touch with him for some reason. He doesn't seem like he would be much fun at a party, so maybe there was a drug connection or something.
The thing is, he doesn't seem to have any friends. I haven't seen any social media comment in support of him. Not one "he isn't the kind of guy who would do this." The only support I've seen has been towards his family. And the people who have come on here have all basically said he kept to himself, moved around from different groups of friends.

I still think the best clue we know is in the timeline, specifically the time frame from the last known (to us) ping and getting gas at Kroger. Where could he have gone? If he was cleaning his car at work, that tells me that he didn't have time to do it prior to 10:15 when he's seen washing the back of his trunk. How far could he have gone and gotten back by then?
Excellent point -- he surely would have cleaned his car as soon as (or soon after) he removed Christina from the trunk.
Someone must have invited him, as they all drove into the garage at the same time - he didn't just bump into them by chance at a bar. So the person who invited him, must have kept in touch with him for some reason. He doesn't seem like he would be much fun at a party, so maybe there was a drug connection or something.

Yes, it's out tthere who invited him....
Your quote got weird.

Obviously you don't know him. It was a hypothetical. If you were friends with an undesirable accused of something heinous, would you publicly support them?

I would most definitely defend a friend publicly if I believed him/her to be of good character and innocent of accusations and/or charges.
I understand the question marks about some of HFs actions, but he didn't take CM (she was in EA's TRUNK!!) and he wouldn't know where she is (EA had her IN HIS TRUNK). If you want someone to criticize for bad behavior, the world is full of them, but if you want to find CM, the person to ask is EA because he knows where it occurred that she was removed from HIS TRUNK.

EA lied about virtually everything, hid stuff that had info on his actions and communications in the time at and after CM's disappearance, tried to mislead the investigation, and more. And LE has discovered that CM was IN HIS TRUNK. If you're focusing on HF's missteps to try to find CM, you're looking in the wrong place.

Thank you, god. :D

I disagree that a person who sells cell phones would be expected to be an expert on the technical workings of cell towers.

If he was a technician who dealt with towers, reception, and coverage, sure - but he wasn't. He was a salesman whose product happened to be phones. His job was to explain the features of iPhones and cell plans and get people to sign a contract. (In that job, he might be familiar with things customers would ask, but how many ask about how phones ping off of towers? Outside of WS discussions, it's just not something people know or think about.)

I'm not saying it's not something he could have had some knowledge about, but if he did, it had nothing to do with his job. (If he did, I'd guess it came from being a predator who wanted to know how to hide his tracks.)

EA was promoted to Manager. He isn't a 17 yo kid. Odds are he does have knowledge on the basics of how phones operate. Good reception along with explaining why a buyer can count on the product you're selling to deliver good reception, is a strong selling point.
How can anybody be certain what EA knows or doesn't know about the phone service business?

LE believe that he returned to his house with Christina in his trunk, so they must have good reason to believe this, and I think it probably has to do with phone pings and possibly the GPS on his vehicle, giving them a good idea of where he went that night.

If they were able to figure out where he parked and have already thoroughly searched those places and turned up nothing, they would likely assume that when he returned home, she was still in his vehicle.

Phone pings and GPS don't confirm the time frame Christina was in his car though.
Did LE suggest they strongly suspect she may have been in his trunk upon his return home in order to obtain the warrant?
The cleaning supplies found in the trash, may be the reason LE has to rule in or out if CM was taken all the way to EA's house.

Specifically, during those nine minutes, Christina may have been transferred or left somewhere else.
At which time her phone was disabled (not proven but sounds as if it may have been the final ping).
Makes me wonder what evidence LE has to cause them to boldly state CM was still in EA's trunk upon his return to his house. How is LE so sure Christina wasn't dropped off somewhere first? Pretty risky driving around with an injured or deceased person in your car.

I hadn't seen this posted here yet. Per HFCM Facebook page, Christina's story will be on the following:

Inside Edition on Monday, January 5th (my local listing says 2:30 PM on ABC)
Episode preview: [video][/video]

Disappeared on Wednesday, January 7th at 9PM on the Investigation Discovery Channel
FYI - a few comments on FB say you may have to search for "Lone Star Mystery" for it to show up in your channel line-up.

Programmed both shows to record. Thank you!

<Mod Snip>

How about we see if we can sleuth things from the past of EA. His shadiness here seemed way too easy and experienced, perhaps he's a serial predator whose past has clues to where he takes them, from things he's done in the past. or places he's been, or those he hangs with.

And we know EA would know what happened to CM, because no question he put her IN HIS TRUNK. Now she's not there. He knows what he did with her. Find a way to read his mind, and you find CM.

So what can we find out about this guy that might offer some clues? School, work history, associates, and especially places he might have hung out that might give a tip to where he would have taken CM.

Why haven't you come up with further criminal history on EA yet?
If somebody did or could find additional crimes EA committed, they would be posted by now. imo.

Sticking to the facts is always a good idea but I've never posted a case where there wasn't speculation as well.

Excellent point -- he surely would have cleaned his car as soon as (or soon after) he removed Christina from the trunk.

LE has to have more pings between the last one we know about and his Kroger trip. Surely they do and are focusing their searches in tthat area. They (PPD) are doing ttheir own searches, right?
Someone must have invited him, as they all drove into the garage at the same time - he didn't just bump into them by chance at a bar. So the person who invited him, must have kept in touch with him for some reason. He doesn't seem like he would be much fun at a party, so maybe there was a drug connection or something.

I dunno about the drug connection necessarily, but I do think that's a great question: who/what brought him to the group, at least for that night? If he was a loner, how is he in THAT group on that night? Sometimes, at that age, you can get invited to join the group despite only previously being a casual acquaintance, but whoever knew him best might have info that tells about him.
I actually don't find it odd. I am sure they he has friends that are supporting him. They are not going to have their name all over the Internet and FB showing their support, so other people in town can yell at them, call them names, and hate on them for showing him support. That is what will happen. It has happened in every other case I have followed and one I know personally.

While, not a missing person case and VERY different, hear me out. I have known this family for 30 years. Over the summer, one the family members, broke the law and did something horrible and resulted in the death of another guy. I have known this guy forever and he is a great father, son, and friend who made a horrible decision that has destroyed his family and destroyed another families as well. When this happened it was all over the Internet and FB. In the beginning, a few people commented saying things of support about him, not excusing it, but support and answering questions. The backlash was unbelievable. Disgusting, actually. Swears and hateful comments were thrown at people.

I just wanted to share something I experienced.

Good point..
I agree.. Oddly he has over 700 FB "friends" which I never put much stock into (always seemed "grammar school" to me), but you would think out of those 700+ at least a couple would come forward in support... I have seen NO signs of that. But other than the phone theft, he seems to have a relatively clean record, at least that we can see... Which brings me back to the question.. WHY was he at that party??[/QUOTE]

Someone must have invited him, as they all drove into the garage at the same time - he didn't just bump into them by chance at a bar. So the person who invited him, must have kept in touch with him for some reason. He doesn't seem like he would be much fun at a party, so maybe there was a drug connection or something.

Other than SBs account of what happen at the very end of the night, why does he seem like he wouldn't be that much fun at a party? I don't know him or much about his personality, so I don't know if he would be fun at the party. But, he was with them for a long time that night even going to Whataburger with them. If he was just there for drugs that could have lasted minutes, not hours. Personally, I think several of them were friends with him.
I would most definitely defend a friend publicly if I believed him/her to be of good character and innocent of accusations and/or charges.

Well you're a better person than I am. After seeing some of the things people have threatened on SM and even here, there's no way in hell I would stick my neck out publicly like that.
Very true.

However, I still don't think it's a big deal to want to know if this came from LE. According to the newstory, the body was badly decomposed and age and race were not identifiable. Now, maybe once the ME got her on the table, they were able to determine those things that would rule out Christina. It's an honest question and I don't know why we are getting such hostility over it. It's no different than asking for a link on something.

No hostility here, just bafflement why molehills are turning into mountains. As another poster pointed out upthread, hair color can rule out Christina. The gender of the body parts was identifiable:

The person discovered what appeared to be parts of a deceased, naked female who had been stuffed inside the drainage pipe.
So he's only been there since March? Very interesting if you look to the right side of his LinkedIn page and "viewers of this profile also viewed...."

Actually, I'm not liking being even a 3rd level connection or whatever that is. I was more interested in that side column for HF.
No hostility here, just bafflement why molehills are turning into mountains. As another poster pointed out upthread, hair color can rule out Christina. The gender of the body parts was identifiable:

The person discovered what appeared to be parts of a deceased, naked female who had been stuffed inside the drainage pipe.

Yeah, I said hair color or race could rule her out. Again, I guess it's amusing to me the picking and choosing on when links are necessary and when they're not. I don't have a dog in this fight. I don't get emotionally attached. When you (general you) get emotionally attached, you lose perspective. MOO
So he's only been there since March? Very interesting if you look to the right side of his LinkedIn page and "viewers of this profile also viewed...."

Thanks, going to PC now because my phone doesn't show that....
Someone must have invited him, as they all drove into the garage at the same time - he didn't just bump into them by chance at a bar. So the person who invited him, must have kept in touch with him for some reason. He doesn't seem like he would be much fun at a party, so maybe there was a drug connection or something.

Yeah, I figured he was invited...I was just asking WHY? I agree, he doesn't seem to have much personality.. the females on here say he isn't good looking.. did someone feel sorry for him? He still just doesn't strike me as more than just a "recreational user".. unless someone just wanted an Adderrall (sp)..
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