GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #30 *Arrest*

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I have always thought the agreement was that he was pretty much impaired. But, I also thought that if he was that drunk or impaired that Christina would not of agreed to ride with him anywhere. I don't think she would of gotten in the car with him purposefully (atleast not for a ride but perhaps to borrow his phone at the last minute before she left....maybe he was already in the car and she backtracked to ask him if she could use his phone or maybe he said lets get in the car and you can use my 'other' phone)....if she could tell he was drunk which then makes me wonder then something occurred right there in the garage if she wouldn't of willingly gotten in for a ride or to go somewhere. Of course we have batted around the idea that he accidentally hit her in the garage, freaked out and put her in the trunk which would explain the car damage to some extent but doesn't explain other things. The pieces don't add up to well yet.

I would be interested to know how quickly EA pulled out of the garage.. I mean did he sort of "peel out" of there fast..? Or did he slowly, cautiously drive out of the garage.. I would think they can tell by the exit video..
So she was talking to ALP while she was walking with EA. Per EA he didnt talk to her because she seemed upset and was talking loudly on the phone. We know it wasnt HF because he never answered. The only 2 people she spoke with on the phone was ALP and SN it seems. Hmmmm :thinking:

problem is that is part of a statement whos main point was proven to be false.
i agree none of this exonerates EA at all it just opens new possibilities about what happened after the garage and makes some sense out of some things VIs etc. have hinted at.
I feel if any of this is true then we were misled. They didn't hint about those things...they said something else entirely.

No, it doesn't exonerate EA on anything. He still has her DNA inside his trunk (near the opening, imo). He is the one charged with Aggravated Kidnapping. However, it does explain possibly LE's remarks about others being involved and more arrests to come.
I believe they have many more pings than they have mentioned. Many many many more. How could they not?

But, if they could follow them to where CM is, obviously they would have done that months ago. Unfortunately, they don't have enough, and we have to look and hope we find her.

i'm thinking after 5:32 he smartened up and left his phone at home.
they only have evidence they've made public on EA which only means he is the only one they had enough evidence to arrest. Not saying others are involved but just saying that just because we haven't heard about it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Most Excellent,
I am thinking there are several options. Yes there is very much indeed enough circumstantial evidence to get that warrant for the arrest.
I still hope & pray that she will be found and a full confession from the person(s) that did and assisted in this. along with proper judgement.
I feel if any of this is true then we were misled. They didn't hint about those things...they said something else entirely.

If any of what were true? Remember this is a TV show....they are going for dramatic. Which they obviously accomplished in the preview alone. Nothing they've shown LE and her family haven't known about since the first week in September. I will still be very shocked if Christina's disappearance has anything to do with anyone other than EA. There hasn't been one hint from anyone who would know ... LE, her family, VIs ... to indicate otherwise. MOO!
WOW! I just watched the Dissapeared clip and I cannot believe this is the first time I have heard that HF lost his phone after CM went missing...this appears to be a conspiracy!
I agree. In fact it think it would be more odd if CM called ALP if there HADN'T been a fight between HF and ALP. The call makes more sense to me knowing that there was a fight earlier that night. Still all physical evidence leads back to EA and EA alone.

was there a fight (i.e. physical) or did he say he just saw him and was pissed ... idk I guess I will know soon enough.
has this been confirmed? I remember hearing HF made a trip with what was reported as "his dad" and I had heard a rumor that it was really ALPs dad but did not know if it came from a reliable source.

I haven't found confirmation either way--whether it was his dad or ALP's dad. Did find a post wondering if the OK trip was really with ALP's dad (because HF and ALP's dad were later arrested together), which was in response to a post about the OK trip.

Tried to copy and paste here, but unsuccessful--Thread 22, Post #415.

So sorry to have added to the distractions.

Follow EA, find Christina.
1 I think the fact that he got gas at 10:15 perhaps negates the likelihood that he got gas in some drive to or from leaving CM. And any other gas site isn't going to tell us anything, is it?
2 But I'd guess, but we haven't been told afaik, that LE already knows and have checked every place he got gas. How did they track him to the 10:15 gas stop? They obviously looked at his credit cards, from which they'd also have gotten any other stops in the days before and after.

I was think what was being suggested was if you know approximately the mpg of the car and the last time he purchased gas you could get a range of how far he could have gone. Not good enough to use as evidence in court or anything but just a tool to help guide search efforts. Example if he fill up with gas on 8/29/2014 the again at 10:15am 8/30/2014 then he likely was burning up some serious miles that morning and if he hadn't filled up in two weeks then maybe focus on areas closer in.

It's got tons of holes in it but main i guess it could point to him traveling a far distance if it went down like my example.
There's got to be a reason HF doesn't have a bond amount. Do any of the others on the drug bust have a bond?
I just can't understand why EA wouldn't be singing like a bird if anyone else was involved.

I'm going to go ahead and post the screen capture. It's my understanding that this is okay with TOS because Investigation Discovery would be considered MSM, and we are permitted to quote from and link to the social media pages of main stream media. I have a good disciplinary track record here at WS, so I hope I've interpreted the rules correctly. In fact, I'm alerting on my own post to be sure. Their Facebook page with the Video preview is here:

I'm posting from The Starbucks at Custer & 121. I can see the toll gantry that EA passed under at 4:08 am out the window, and Christina's Missing flyer is on the bulletin board. Sad stuff. If looking at these phone records clarifies something for you sleuther's, then I've done a good deed.
Thank you so much for this! And then after this, they rode to OK together? What was that about, someone said posting flyers was just while they were going that way....someone else talked about a casino there? where's Boots when you need her?

LeSinge, you made me laugh and I've been thinking so hard, that was a nice moment! I love the movies.

Like I was saying before, I'm not sure where the whole story about HF riding around with ALP's dad distributing fliers came from. I have never known that to be true. All I had ever heard was that HF went out with his dad distributing fliers and they traveled up 75 to Oklahoma. Accordig to the reports in msm, he and his dad stopped at rest areas and restaurants along the way, all the way up to the casino in Oklahoma. I will say that I do know that HF did distribute fliers at businesses at least in Plano because I spoke to a business owner about that, but since that can't be documented by msm obviously, just call it MOO :) Who he was with? I don't know. At the time I never thought to ask, because I had heard it was his dad.

I think the arrest with the two (HF and FSP) happened and then someone speculated that they had been together and that's where the arrest stemmed from, but honestly I think that is just a rumor that has sprouted legs and is off and running.
I'm guessing it reappeared at some point since he brought it to the police (and showed Jonni I guess)
I suppppppoooosse if his phone was dead and he couldn't find it to charge it, he wouldn't be able to call it etx to locate it.

But he was PROB doped up and out doing dumb crap anyway so who knows what really happened to his phone.

ya if he found it later i don't think its that big a deal and I think the most reasonable explanation is he is just giving a face saving excuse for him ignoring her that night and not reporting her missing.
According to the clip preview for tonight - Anna Morris was talking about .. the fight with HF that night/morning CM friends were encouraging her to just crash there for the night, she said no -she wanted to go home to the puppy dog........

JMO~ This is why I think there was not really a preplanned weekend thing that she would take things in order to stay overnight or weekend.
If any of what were true? Remember this is a TV show....they are going for dramatic. Which they obviously accomplished in the preview alone. Nothing they've shown LE and her family haven't known about since the first week in September. I will still be very shocked if Christina's disappearance has anything to do with anyone other than EA. There hasn't been one hint from anyone who would know ... LE, her family, VIs ... to indicate otherwise. MOO!
According to the preview: HF supposedly lost his phone (we were told he was at home asleep). HF saw ALP out that night (we were told HF was at home asleep and never left FW). Christina called ALP and he returned the call (we were told she only talked to SN and called HF repeatedly because HF was home asleep).

We will see what this show comes up with because you are correct in saying it could be for drama and draw. (They succeeded I must say.)
They were arrested on totally unrelated issues, although on the same day.
One was a traffic issue, and the other (the elder) had parole revoked from a prior drug possession (meth) charge. The priors were not on the same day either. They were unrelated initial issues.

have we confirmed they where together when they were arrested .... this is turning into days of our lives.
ya if he found it later i don't think its that big a deal and I think the most reasonable explanation is he is just giving a face saving excuse for him ignoring her that night and not reporting her missing.
The question is who knew it and when if he said he lost his phone?
We don't know for sure but a VI who is no longer a member here told us that the way that LE know where EA exited the tollway (I think) was due to the time he turned his phone off. I'm not sure I understand how one would prove the other but that was the information we were given a while back

Well unless that person was LE I doubt they knew.
That would be really great then if he didn't turn his phone off....then LE knows his every ping movement....then that seems like it would totally make everything somewhat easier????

Well, LE already was able to pinpoint his location at 5:30 am so I'm sure they do have wayyyy more than we have been privy to! They know he was at the gantry, then north of the Shops and then back to Allen near his home. I'm sure they have much more even.
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