GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #30 *Arrest*

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that is what I think too!! (the beard guy)

Also food for thought -(kinda breaking news confirmation)
Per the preview show for tonight .. Phone records show CM called her Ex-BF ALP at 2:57am
also PP called CM at 2:04am ( thought they were all together?)

Also- if they were in a fight over the phone .. *confused* HF says he lost his phone they were in a fight on??

well that's certainly an interesting tidbit.
You made me think in a very different direction, with this post. Thanks. Maybe not exactly to the point that you were writing about, but it was very helpful.

The part that stuck out to me was what I cited, especially where you used the word "sloppy." You used it as a point of his inability to be precise, and/or to need help. But it struck me in a way you didn't intend, I think - could he have been "sloppy drunk" so to speak, through ALL of this?

Nah, I thought. By then the 10 shots - which we questioned as to his ability to drive to the garage - would have worn off, I thought. And after that, he only had a few beers, 3-5 per his own account. By 5:30 in the morning, even if he wasn't exaggerating, all of that should have worn off, I thought.

So I checked it out. And it looks like he very well may have been sloppy drunk, even at 5:30! That calculator has him at 5:30 in the 18-22% BAC range more or less. (Not knowing exactly when he started drinking, not knowing how much he had to eat, not knowing if he really drank as much as he said, all of those impact the equation, of course.)

Note: the idea should be easily checkable. Ask the people who were at the apt when he left, as to his impairment or lack of same. If he had BAC anywhere like that, he would have been quite impaired, noticeably so. As a disclaimer, we haven't heard any claims or rumors that he was drunk off his rear at that time, so maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. Still ....

If there's some merit, may we be looking at this wrong, in some ways? If this is actually the case, my main thinking-altering takeaways would be - -
1 Maybe the car wreck wasn't caused by a struggle, but rather by an alcohol-fueled crash. What if CM was then badly hurt and he didn't know what to do?
2 A long drive to ANYWHERE in the after-5:30 window would have been virtually impossible by him ...
3 well as any sort of careful planning on how to deal with this.
4 Not suggesting he had help, but rather that he was very impaired. In THAT case, the choices begin to be narrowed, right?

This certainly doesn't absolve him of anything, as in this scenario he didn't seek help, he still put CM in the trunk, he's intentionally left CM somewhere and has lied to her family and LE about all that happened, and he's still a scary liar, in his ease in telling blatant falsehoods without a hint of deceit.

But from the raw details we've been told, I'm led to wonder if maybe him being VERY drunk throughout is part of the equation, and limits the possibilities a bit. Just thinking, wondering.

I have always thought the agreement was that he was pretty much impaired. But, I also thought that if he was that drunk or impaired that Christina would not of agreed to ride with him anywhere. I don't think she would of gotten in the car with him purposefully (atleast not for a ride but perhaps to borrow his phone at the last minute before she left....maybe he was already in the car and she backtracked to ask him if she could use his phone or maybe he said lets get in the car and you can use my 'other' phone)....if she could tell he was drunk which then makes me wonder then something occurred right there in the garage if she wouldn't of willingly gotten in for a ride or to go somewhere. Of course we have batted around the idea that he accidentally hit her in the garage, freaked out and put her in the trunk which would explain the car damage to some extent but doesn't explain other things. The pieces don't add up to well yet.
I'm guessing that's the hook. Usually shows like this try not to give away the ending, to the point when sometimes when I watch them I'm thinking "C'mon!! It's so obvious it was the other guy! Why are you focusing on the wrong person!!" That's my guess anyway, we shall see.

Yes, the rows highlighted yellow appear to all be outgoing calls to HF.

do you see any in coming?
Hunter went to OK with his own dad. Where did it change to him driving up there with ALP's dad????

I think HF and ALP's dad were together when they both were arrested (the first time HF went to jail after CM disappeared), or at least I heard that somewhere along the line, so that's probably why it's confusing.
That seems strange, why when someone's been missing for over 4 months would you show such an out of date programme. Am I the only one dismayed that they couldn't film a bang up to date relevant, useful episode?


Of course we will have to wait and see tonight, but I know all the interviewing of the local friends and family were done back then, but you would hope that there will be updates included in the show. (EA's arrest, etc...)
its good thinking .... it beats the hell out of randomly searching. I guess it depends on him ... I, for one, pay for gas 99% of the time with a card ... but there are some people that are for one reason or another cash people and pay for basically anything they can with cash. If i was in charge of the investigation I certainly would pursue this, and hopefully they have.

1 I think the fact that he got gas at 10:15 perhaps negates the likelihood that he got gas in some drive to or from leaving CM. And any other gas site isn't going to tell us anything, is it?
2 But I'd guess, but we haven't been told afaik, that LE already knows and have checked every place he got gas. How did they track him to the 10:15 gas stop? They obviously looked at his credit cards, from which they'd also have gotten any other stops in the days before and after.
You may be right. But I don't think it would take any sort of great thinking, or expertise, to conceal a body for quite some time.

I'd liken it to hiding a needle in a haystack. It takes no expertise - you just drop the needle in somewhere, and it will take forever to go through all of that and find it.

There were probably millions of potential places to leave her, where no one would naturally wander by, and all he had to do is pick one. In some woods, some weeds, some water, the choices are almost endless imo, and Texas has lots of those when all you need to do is pick any. It may be a long time, hopefully not.

How much time span is there between the last pings? He turned his phone off correct? So at that point he was already putting two and two together. He was planning where to go, what to do. So from the point of that last ping how much time did he have from that point? The best place to hide someone would be the lake area IMO. From the last ping to Lake Lavon...I wonder how much time? How much time from Lake Lavon back to his house.... from the area closest to him that would only be about 15 minutes. But I know they have searched over there... yet it is very very vast. Its just that at that point what about her backpack and hat and all of those belongings. ...are they with her ....did they end up in the landfill.... If I am thinking correctly....I think the closest lake area to him is right off of Old Lucas Road..right past first bridge...surely that are has been carefully searched and not only that.... I know homeless people live in those woods as well. Its not as isolated as it seems.
Hf says he lost his phone that night on the preview... Riiiiight


I will reserve judgement till I watch the show in its entirety, but thats shady. Question is does that mean misplaced and found later or does that mean gone forever. Didn't JMcE say she saw text and listened to voice messages on his phone. And didn't he "give his phone to LE". So confusing.
I think HF and ALP's dad were together when they both were arrested (the first time HF went to jail after CM disappeared), or at least I heard that somewhere along the line, so that's probably why it's confusing.

I remember this, too, to some degree. Was it drug charges or traffic charges? Do you think ALP's dad didn't like HF anymore than his son did? Or wasn't concerned about that aspect? So they rode together to OK after they got out? But not just to distribute flyers? What's the story on the casino in OK? Was that just a once in a while thing or a hang out place? Sorry if I'm all over the place. Trying to process new info. I still think it was just a SA but these other things are in the way - esp the "unknown male DNA". I'm not convinced it was EA's, maybe ALP's?

I will reserve judgement till I watch the show in its entirety, but thats shady. Question is does that mean misplaced and found later or does that mean gone forever. Didn't JMcE say she saw text and listened to voice messages on his phone. And didn't he "give his phone to LE". So confusing.

I'm guessing it reappeared at some point since he brought it to the police (and showed Jonni I guess)
I suppppppoooosse if his phone was dead and he couldn't find it to charge it, he wouldn't be able to call it etx to locate it.

But he was PROB doped up and out doing dumb crap anyway so who knows what really happened to his phone.
How much time span is there between the last pings? He turned his phone off correct? So at that point he was already putting two and two together. He was planning where to go, what to do. So from the point of that last ping how much time did he have from that point? The best place to hide someone would be the lake area IMO. From the last ping to Lake Lavon...I wonder how much time? How much time from Lake Lavon back to his house.... from the are closest to him that would only be about 15 minutes. But I know they have searched over there... yet it is very very vast. Its just that at that point what about her backpack and hat and all of those belongings. ...are they with her ....did they end up in the landfill.... If I am thinking correctly....I think the closest lake area to him is right off of Old Lucas Road..right past first bridge...surely that are has been carefully searched and not only that.... I know homeless people live in those woods as well. Its not as isolated as it seems.

Do we know for sure he turned his phone off? We only know about the phone communication/pings that were relevant to LE getting search and arrest warrants, but I don't think we know that he turned his phone off.
I remember this, too, to some degree. Was it drug charges or traffic charges? Do you think ALP's dad didn't like HF anymore than his son did? Or wasn't concerned about that aspect? So they rode together to OK after they got out? But not just to distribute flyers? What's the story on the casino in OK? Was that just a once in a while thing or a hang out place? Sorry if I'm all over the place. Trying to process new info. I still think it was just a SA but these other things are in the way - esp the "unknown male DNA". I'm not convinced it was EA's, maybe ALP's?

I personally think it's weird as hell to hang out with your girlfriends exs dad and get locked up together.
Nope. Just showed she called him (why????) on a phone log they showed and said HF was pissed off seeing him out. Again why.

well this whole thing just went full <modsnip> ....

(it's a quote from the movie tropical thunder not meant to offend anyone)
I'm guessing that's the hook. Usually shows like this try not to give away the ending, to the point when sometimes when I watch them I'm thinking "C'mon!! It's so obvious it was the other guy! Why are you focusing on the wrong person!!" That's my guess anyway, we shall see.

Yes, the rows highlighted yellow appear to all be outgoing calls to HF.

Also keeping in mind this was probably filmed a while ago so it may not have recent developments in the case. Thanks for your posts Catptrol; I always enjoy reading your POV.

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He had it together enough to be able to walk (seemingly) normally into the parking garage, according to the video, right? I can't remember how long the clip (of Christina and EA walking into the garage) lasted, though. Too lazy to look for it right now. :rolleyes:

Actually, he briefly kinda bumps up against her... it looks very casual and normal but I don't think it is.
I remember this, too, to some degree. Was it drug charges or traffic charges? Do you think ALP's dad didn't like HF anymore than his son did? Or wasn't concerned about that aspect? So they rode together to OK after they got out? But not just to distribute flyers? What's the story on the casino in OK? Was that just a once in a while thing or a hang out place? Sorry if I'm all over the place. Trying to process new info. I still think it was just a SA but these other things are in the way - esp the "unknown male DNA". I'm not convinced it was EA's, maybe ALP's?

They were arrested on totally unrelated issues, although on the same day.
One was a traffic issue, and the other (the elder) had parole revoked from a prior drug possession (meth) charge. The priors were not on the same day either. They were unrelated initial issues.
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