GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #32 *Arrest*

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I thought it was a fair question as there continues to be posters who think he is innocent. I would like to hear their thoughts as well.

As for the number of times the original suspect did not end up being the responsible party, I think that does apply to this case. Didn't we all have Hunter tried and convicted at the beginning?

Good point.
Here you go guys... compiled the tweets from yesterday to a word doc. It could use a little help with the formatting but I'll work on it later. Let me know if I missed an important one. They are in order as they were reported.

ETA: Click on the date/time of the post for link to the tweet
Drugs Killed 2 teens in the club he was allegedly selling in.

he is a drug dealer!

There is absolutely no proof he sold either of those people the drugs that killed them. There is no proof he was even anywhere close to being near the location when those people bought and took the drugs that killed them.

You don't get charged with capital murder selling drugs.
What gets me about not wanting to speculate that EA might be guilty until he is proven so in a court of law is that circumstantial evidence (I'm not sure I would even call it that, but I've got no other word for it) pointing to someone else's involvement is actually being speculated about. You don't want to speculate about someone when there is evidence from LE on said person, but you want to speculate about someone who has no evidence from LE? That's what I don't get. And this is not directed at people who think maybe someone else is involved.

I doubt the LE has closed the book on all possible suspects, that's my opinion. And, it may be the reason they haven't gone forward with a murder charge. They may have a hint of evidence that a third party was involved, but not enough yet to arrest him or her. And, thus, not wanting to scare someone they might still be gathering evidence on, they stay silent about it and keep the public face focus on EA.
This may be ot but I've wondered this for a while, being the animal lover I am, where are both dogs now????
I agree completely. That was exactly what I was saying. Bashing goes both ways and it doesn't help, in my opinion. I said in my post that I do understand this purpose of this site. Please, I do know that this is not a court of law. Gees. However, I think everyone should be able to voice their feelings, thought, theories without getting blasted. I also enjoy posts about the laws that may be now or may become later applicable to this case..... even though this is not a court of law. I think laws, consequences, procedures, and possible outcomes are all relevant to the discussion as well as evidence and anything lese that is fact and can be verified (iow, not rumor) (imo).

Some people seem to confuse disagreement with bashing.
There is absolutely no proof he sold either of those people the drugs that killed them. There is no proof he was even anywhere close to being near the location when those people bought and took the drugs that killed them.

You don't get charged with capital murder selling drugs.

Maybe not capital muder, but...:
I agree completely. That was exactly what I was saying. Bashing goes both ways and it doesn't help, in my opinion. I said in my post that I do understand this purpose of this site. Please, I do know that this is not a court of law. Gees. However, I think everyone should be able to voice their feelings, thought, theories without getting blasted. I also enjoy posts about the laws that may be now or may become later applicable to this case..... even though this is not a court of law. I think laws, consequences, procedures, and possible outcomes are all relevant to the discussion as well as evidence and anything lese that is fact and can be verified (iow, not rumor) (imo).

You specifically brought up posters proclaiming EA's guilt before he was "convicted in a court of law".
Last night, I talked with someone who used to do various drugs back in his wild and wooly days (just a few years ago, actually), and he said he would crush up 5 mg tablets of Adderall to snort. Until yesterday (reading here & then talking with him), I had no idea people did this. It seems incredibly stupid, TBH. :/ Anyway, he said they would snort several crushed tablets of Adderall to get the same effect as synthetic meth.

Yes! People like to snort. Faster rush, as it gets into your bloodstream faster.
I thought it was a fair question as there continues to be posters who think he is innocent. I would like to hear their thoughts as well.

As for the number of times the original suspect did not end up being the responsible party, I think that does apply to this case. Didn't we all have Hunter tried and convicted at the beginning?

I don't think any of us here believe he is innocent!
I do think many of us believe someone else could very well be involved.
I myself want to hear more.

IMVOO this is drug related and not a sexual attack!

did she overdose on one of her BF's special rocks?

Maybe both cases will be related after all! JMO and Just a thought!

Did they do a rock and while walking to the garage Christina knew she was in trouble with the drug
maybe calling her BF frantically....
hey there are soooo many theories to consider here.
We have to play the wait and see game!
I don't believe it is SA at all. I believe it was all drug related. This is based on the testimony yesterday, based on the statement from the PI and everything I have heard thus far. But, in the scenario I listed above i said he tried in the garage to SA (that was me saying him hitting on her) her and she rejected her causing him to attack her and put her in the trunk. I for sure don't see attacking to the point of knocking her out. Then her becoming conscious. Then him trying to SA her somewhere. Then them fighting. Then him knocking her out agin. If a SA happened, I think it was when they were in the garage. Maybe she was trying to leave and he went to hug her and touched her.

I agree with the car damage, bruises, probably his DNA mixed with hers in his trunk, that it didn't happen that way. I just thought that SA was the motive - according to my interpretation of what the PPD was saying.

Also, my definition of sexual assault must be completely different that yours.
As for the number of times the original suspect did not end up being the responsible party, I think that does apply to this case. Didn't we all have Hunter tried and convicted at the beginning?

you may have had hunter tried and convicted but I didn't.
Some people seem to confuse disagreement with bashing.

Yes. Exactly. Totally agree. And as you have said before: "There is a difference in tone" and I'll add, "...that is palpable and obvious."
Agree 100%. And, because we are "sleuthing" why are all angles not considered valid? I don't think anyone here believes EA did nothing and is completely innocent.

And, the drug angle makes the thing difficult, as even the P.I. investigating the case has already said:

“[The people she was with] like to party, and I think it all stems from drugs,” she said. “I’ve tried to tell these people that do drugs that I don’t really care about the drugs. I don’t care what you’re putting in your veins or down your throat. I want Christina, and I want you to tell me things. Then you can go back to popping your pills or whatever.”

I agree about the drug angle. Hell, the whole cast of shady characters that she was associated with make things difficult.

Unfortunately, last I heard from the mods, the only person that can be sleuthed regarding CM's disappearance is EA.
It's not that it can't be, it's that a detective on a stand has now said they have no evidence of [SA].

Nope. We don't know the question that was asked, so we don't know the extent of the answer given.

The tweet (limited characters, sent in a hurry to give a quick snippet) said: "There is no evidence of sexual assault...." But the other half of that same quick tweet was on the import of the DNA evidence.

So, was it
1 an answer to a blanket question being asked about any evidence, and of any time that night,
2 a personal opinion,
3 a fact,
4 asked to offer the belief of LE in general,
5 or only of this one witness?
6 or simply a question about what this DNA evidence tells and doesn't?
7 including evidence they aren't yet sure of because they are still running tests?
and so on

We really don't know enough to answer any of those 7 questions with certainty. So we don't really know the extent of what the detective was saying as to their SA evidence (or lack of same). For all we know, she was simply saying that the DNA evidence itself can't tell us if a SA occurred or not.

If we had a transcript, we'd know the rest of the story. But for now, we don't.
Don't jump on me with both feet, but isn't LE saying SA was the "intent"? IMO, it was but he didn't get that far because she fought back. Maybe the DA will change the AK charge to murder. Let's all keep praying they find Christina soon, she can tell us. Poor baby girl.

And absolutely total thanks to CATPATROL - don't know how you do it, but I am so grateful.
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