GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #34 *Arrest*

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People simply miscommunicate and become confused, especially if the situation seems like an emergency. I am very grateful to Le Singe for clearing so much up. Most journalists record conversations. It depends upon the agreement with the person interviewed and informal situations may result in less than an accurate account. I honestly don't think it is so bad that ppl want to look at HF, but I think it does matter if you can't present actual evidence that would throw real suspicion on him. You cannot prove a negative. If I say: Ellie May Clampett, I know you were up in a tree with that slingshot, and I did not actually see her there, then all I have is suspicions. If she says, No, I was not, then it is not up to her to prove she wasn't. To be fair, I must prove she was.

Here is what I do not understand. People want to place another accomplice besides EA at the actual scene (the garage). It seems to me that this is due to the short span of time before he drove off. However, if you really suspect that someone else was involved, that person does not have to be at the scene. Conspiracy can be a matter of words, of planning.

A FB friend of mine, who happens to be a strip club manager, says that life can become cheap in some circles and that it takes little money to accomplish dreadful things sometimes.

Personally, I am not one of those people who believe that just because people use or even deal drugs that they become monsters, but sometimes -- higher up probably -- everyone can become a disposable commodity.
Woo hoo! You are awesome for rereading all the threads! Your eyeballs must have been crossed by the end of it. I agree that it does get crazy when something is said repeatedly and then it gets slated as fact. I know that the first report we had from Jonni was that HF's reason for not responding to Christina's repeated attempts at contact was that his phone was dead. (she says so at around 9:27)

Now we have heard from the ID show that he had lost his phone. I guess like EA, him "cooperating" might not include being honest. Perhaps since it was dead he had no use for it and set it down and ooopsie lost it. Maybe it was stuck in the couch cushions when he got back home to Ft Worth after the night out at the W. I wonder how many days went by with it being lost. I know I'd go crazy if I lost my phone. I use it for everything: communication, banking, surfing the internet. Maybe he had others and it wasn't such a big deal.

I just don't buy the lost phone bit at all. There are other types of phones.
O/T I'm curious to know if Melinda Muniz arrest warrant has been released. She's on trial today and LOTS of evidence from PPD has been revealed (via Twitter) in relation to the suffocating, beating & sex assault of the 2yo baby Grace Ford.
I ask this bc it would be eye opening to see what (what wasn't) in her 1/2014 arrest warrant vs what's being revealed today at trial.

Surely it will give some folks some sort of comfort knowing PPD has a way with words, not revealing the evidence they do have, etc until trial.
That's a great recap and reminder, Le Singe. I had forgotten how completely JMOM discredited that private blog Uptown and its nonsense, when we were still trying to sift fact from fiction; but we certainly understood once LE began publishing information and we saw how thoroughly debunked its information was. Considering its (lack of) reliability, was it actually ghost-written by EA? lol

"True....the family does not speak to "uptown girl" blogger. They speak to Brittany from Plano Star almost daily." -JMOM

"That blog was terrible! Sorry but it was." - JMOM
I just reread the UDG blog on Christina. I recall thinking that there were quite a few misstatements, but now when I read it, it looks spot on except for the HF being home asleep. I believe that it has been cleaned up quite a bit since then. I wish I could recall the misinformation that was in the original version. I do recall that the hoax information was worded in a way that was much more expressive initially. At that time, there was almost no information so the blog was somewhat newsworthy on this board.
O/T I'm curious to know if Melinda Muniz arrest warrant has been released. She's on trial today and LOTS of evidence from PPD has been revealed (via Twitter) in relation to the suffocating, beating & sex assault of the 2yo baby Grace Ford.
I ask this bc it would be eye opening to see what (what wasn't) in her 1/2014 arrest warrant vs what's being revealed today at trial.

Surely it will give some folks some sort of comfort knowing PPD has a way with words, not revealing the evidence they do have, etc until trial.

Yes, It has been released. Today is only the opening arguments but I don't recall hearing about the signs of sexual abuse on Grace before today. (Correct me if I'm wrong about that, though)
I just reread the UDG blog on Christina. I recall thinking that there were quite a few misstatements, but now when I read it, it looks spot on except for the HF being home asleep. I believe that it has been cleaned up quite a bit since then. I wish I could recall the misinformation that was in the original version. I do recall that the hoax information was worded in a way that was much more expressive initially. At that time, there was almost no information so the blog was somewhat newsworthy on this board.

Jonni is the one that gave that information update on 9/18

-Christina sent a text at 3:36am to her boyfriend who was at home asleep that said “I can’t find the keys to the house.” after no response at 3:58am, 1 minute after the surveillance footage was taken, she sent another text to her boyfriend that said, “Can you please leave the door unlocked?” –As said by her mother “This means she must have gotten a ride with someone.”
Jonni is the one that gave that information update on 9/18

-Christina sent a text at 3:36am to her boyfriend who was at home asleep that said “I can’t find the keys to the house.” after no response at 3:58am, 1 minute after the surveillance footage was taken, she sent another text to her boyfriend that said, “Can you please leave the door unlocked?” –As said by her mother “This means she must have gotten a ride with someone.”

Yeah, since Jonni responded to that information as saying those two texts would mean that Christina must have gotten a ride with someone, it tells me that the information was not added to the blog post after UDG's final conversation with Jonni. She interviewed her, got additional information about the texts, then Jonni remarked about what the content of those texts would mean to her.
We'll go round and round about this forever, I am sure.
Like I said before, if you want to know details, it might be beneficial to contact UDG yourself and ask how it all went down. I, for one, believe that the info in her blog was provided to her from Jonni herself. Might Jonni have been misinformed? Yes. Do I think UDG made up the information herself? Nope.
And that MOO based on what I know.
Yes, It has been released. Today is only the opening arguments but I don't recall hearing about the signs of sexual abuse on Grace before today. (Correct me if I'm wrong about that, though)
Oh CP, I heart you!! I'm driving, can't wait to get home to read that aff.
Re: SA @Fox4Natalie: #muniztrial 5th witness ER Doc. Grace had signs of sex assault so decided to transfer her to Children's Hosp @FOX4
I just don't buy the lost phone bit at all. There are other types of phones.

Of course. But mentally, I kinda shrug over the HF stuff, because I don't see any evidence that ties him to the crime(s) we're looking at. As I analyze what we know, he did or didn't have a phone or 3, he did or didn't lose his phone, he did or didn't lie, and so on ... but even if we accept he's generally shady (and because he's been arrested, that's certainly reasonable), none of those actions put him at the Shops or around CM at any point that evening, and LE clearly doesn't have any actual evidence that does (because they said so under oath).

My guess is that he was probably involved in drug-related stuff that evening and maybe for days, and maybe didn't care much about CM at all (or at least, while doing those). But while that makes him an incredibly crappy BF, none of that is evidence that he did (or would do) anything to abduct or hurt her.

Instead, all evidence points to EA. And ignoring that fact - especially when it all points in the same clear and consistent direction - imo would be a mistake, but I trust LE is smart enough to know that and act accordingly.
I checked Urban Dictionary, and "keys" can also refer to a hit of cocaine - so 2 keys could mean 2 hits of cocaine. JMO
Yes, but it's a very small amount if it still means the same thing (see: keybump)
Of course. But mentally, I kinda shrug over the HF stuff, because I don't see any evidence that ties him to the crime(s) we're looking at. As I analyze what we know, he did or didn't have a phone or 3, he did or didn't lose his phone, he did or didn't lie, and so on ... but even if we accept he's generally shady (and because he's been arrested, that's certainly reasonable), none of those actions put him at the Shops or around CM at any point that evening, and LE clearly doesn't have any actual evidence that does (because they said so under oath).

My guess is that he was probably involved in drug-related stuff that evening and maybe for days, and maybe didn't care much about CM at all (or at least, while doing those). But while that makes him an incredibly crappy BF, none of that is evidence that he did (or would do) anything to abduct or hurt her.

Instead, all evidence points to EA. And ignoring that fact - especially when it all points in the same clear and consistent direction - imo would be a mistake, but I trust LE is smart enough to know that and act accordingly.

Not to quibble, as you are most likely right and I think we agree on the whole, but maybe you trust LE more than I do, and maybe you have more reason to.
I just reread the UDG blog on Christina. I recall thinking that there were quite a few misstatements, but now when I read it, it looks spot on except for the HF being home asleep. I believe that it has been cleaned up quite a bit since then. I wish I could recall the misinformation that was in the original version. I do recall that the hoax information was worded in a way that was much more expressive initially. At that time, there was almost no information so the blog was somewhat newsworthy on this board.

Yeah, who knows, uptown could have gone back and rewritten it to conform to reality, at a later date, after it was so thoroughly discredited.

Of course, that's the difference between a blog and MSM, because MSM would issue a retraction or maybe even write a new article to correct things, and also use what the affidavits said to update the story and the wrong "facts," rather than try to edit after the fact, hope no one notices, and ignore new (especially sworn) info as it has come to light.

Obviously, at this point, at best it's hopelessly out of date, and utterly useless, as we have sworn-to-be-true info to work with instead.
Not to quibble, as you are most likely right and I think we agree on the whole, but maybe you trust LE more than I do, and maybe you have more reason to.

If you think LE is giving perjured testimony, then yep I trust them more than you do. And nope, I don't think they're stupid or naive in how they investigate and assess info.

OTOH, there's plenty of room for the unknown, both as to what LE might not know, or what they might know but we haven't heard.
...But if they don't have it, then it means "no evidence" (for now, and potentially forever) actually exists to point somewhere else.
...As to what they haven't told us, I believe in narrowing those possibilities according to what they have sworn. This becomes possible and is reliable as long as we limit our inferences to what they actually said legally, and nothing more. (For example, from the statement that they believe HF was at the W, we can know that they don't evidence that he was in Plano or Allen. But since they didn't actually say they believe HF has nothing to do with the crime, we do not know if they have evidence or not. All we can say on that is that we at WS don't have any evidence that links him to the crime.)
BBM - Yes - the detective under oath made a belief & accusation that EA Killed her ...
If that is the case -Then Bring On the Murder Charge. JMO~
The mountain of certain evidence that they have close to the vest should not be an issue.
Prosecution should have no problem getting a rock solid Murder & AK conviction. JMO

Regarding a murder charge against EA, does anyone know if cadaver dogs were used on EA's car or in and around his parent's house? A cadaver dog hit in any of these locations would be huge for the prosecution if they move forward with murder charges.

Ok soo everyone was.concerned about her driving home she had a few phone calls as she is walking yet not one call to her when she would have been on the road.
that to me raises some red flags. Where these calls just to see where she was and was she getting close to the garage?
I still say some other's are involved.
If you think LE is giving perjured testimony, then yep I trust them more than you do. And nope, I don't think they're stupid or naive in how they investigate and assess info.

I was not referring to perjured testimony and all, but rather a difference in attitude between us. I simply mean that they have been of little use to me.
Jonni is the one that gave that information update on 9/18

-Christina sent a text at 3:36am to her boyfriend who was at home asleep that said “I can’t find the keys to the house.” after no response at 3:58am, 1 minute after the surveillance footage was taken, she sent another text to her boyfriend that said, “Can you please leave the door unlocked?” –As said by her mother “This means she must have gotten a ride with someone.”

She never said I lost my car keys. Afaik.
The text said lost the keys to the house leave.door open.

Why assume she got a ride?
Regarding a murder charge against EA, does anyone know if cadaver dogs were used on EA's car or in and around his parent's house? A cadaver dog hit in any of these locations would be huge for the prosecution if they move forward with murder charges.

I don't consider a cadaver dog hit to be a big factor when it comes to trial. It is a useful tool in the field, but when it comes to evidence in the court often doesn't play as well due to variations among trainers and their dogs. Without a body, it isn't enough for a jury to tip the scale...imo.
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