GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #34 *Arrest*

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As a Mom, I couldn't say what I'd do. It was hard to read that bc the idea of not having my kids is horrible and I don't wish it on anyone.

I do know the drug idea is probably difficult to hear but even if no one discussed it on WS, I'm sure the attorney would still use that, or any other angle to try to help EA get off.

Imo, drugs are relevant to this case now that we know her boyfriend she lived with was selling drugs as well as EA sent a text asking about drugs the night he was with her. Something's there. But I know its got to be hard to hear as a parent.

Something is there, I am sure. However, is it relevant to her death? I am just going to say death, okay? I suppose there is a remote possibility that she is alive and held somewhere, but certainly, the police don't seem to think so. Might there be culpability in other ways for her death in the choices of other people? Certainly. However, we just at this point do not have the evidence that any such intention existed. I would be willing to bet that if anyone is charged with murder, it will be EA only. The only other possibility was that this was a hit. As has been said, anything is possible.
Steve I never said they didn't talk to LE but they sure were not very vocal.
I don't want to argue with ya LOL but the ppl with her that night and morning IMO know
what went down. And id bet my last dollar it all involves drugs!

If u go back and read earlier threads Its discussed often how silent the friends became.
Agreed. At the end of the day, I believe that drugs (possibly gaining access to drugs) are an important part of the story. I also believe that is the reason that the friends went silent, if only because they are stupid, young kids who don't want to be outed for their recreational drug use. Regardless of whether it was their parents, an attorney, EA or inter-texts between the group, they were being told to remain silent. When you look at the statistics where the US has double and triple the #incarcerated/#population than other developed countries, it is understandable to an extent.
I just seems so unlikely he would of been able to , at that time, hide her soooo well. Can't believe he got this lucky as to of been debilitated and not thinking straight, possibly in a crazed state and have the capability, alone to hide her so freaking good that we can't find her. No way.
This is what I keep asking myself. How could he have hid her so well. This is why the more I think about it the more I feel he just dumped her back near the SAL and drove off. His luck was not where he put her but the 4 days it took for anyone to report her missing. IMO
I'm hardly motivated to post on here anymore, for the above said reasons, but felt compelled to say this:

While I understand that the main focus is finding Christina, knowing the motivation for what happened to her is not irrelevant, IMO. For example:
a)IF they were going to purchase drugs somewhere, knowing where they were going could be key to her location. Maybe her body or possessions would be close to the seller's location.
b) IF EA attacked her spur of the moment, he may have dumped her somewhere quickly and that could mean close to the Shops.
c) IF the whole incident was premeditated, then the location might be more remote because maybe he thought ahead of time and had a plan.
d) IF it was a planned sexual motive, maybe he came up with a ruse, pulled off the road along the way, and then disposed of her body along that route...

...I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Lists bore me.... as does repetitive rambling... but I just wanted to put my two cents in on why I, for one, think the motive and details ARE important. If those things aren't looked at, we might as well start walking the whole state of Texas. Until someone confesses to the events of that morning, we are not left with much because there are so many possibilities and unknowns.

You raise an excellent point, CookieM, inasmuch as speculation as to motive may assist us in thinking about where she might be located. In that case, his motive would make a difference.
Agreed. At the end of the day, I believe that drugs (possibly gaining access to drugs) are an important part of the story. I also believe that is the reason that the friends went silent, if only because they are stupid, young kids who don't want to be outed for their recreational drug use. Regardless of whether it was their parents, an attorney, EA or inter-texts between the group, they were being told to remain silent. When you look at the statistics where the US has double and triple the #incarcerated/#population than other developed countries, it is understandable to an extent.

Yes! Furthermore, this is an age group that not only is concerned about privacy rights, but if polling is any indication, believes that certain drugs should be legalized/decriminalized. People have a way of clamming up when they think they may become targets. It does not mean that everyone who uses drugs is somehow deep into them or making monstrous choices. They are making the choices that their generation is increasingly coming to accept. There has probably never been a greater understanding among any generation as to how drugs alter the brain. Talk with some of them, and most likely you will find an intelligent conversation about all kinds of pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs.
IF I remember right...
The whole idea that EA may be the one who did this to Christina came about because he wasn't helping out look for her either....hmmmm

Guess we will find out!
Just common sense if your friend disappears and you were with them that night you'd wanna help. Jmo

You remember right, because I was thinking the same thing!!

I just have a hard time with the SA angle, I just don't think he was capable of performing with all the drugs/alcohol I'm his syStem. This is why I lean more towards drugs being the motive. I think EA is responsible, still don't think for a minute he is the only one involved. JMO!
Even if drugs are apart of the puzzle, the person who is responsible for her being missing is EA. And he is right where he belongs.

Right. And, even if she did "have drugs on her", it doesn't mean CM is a Drug Dealer. She may have herself brought or bought just enough to share with her friends that night, but not carry enough to get herself killed. I used to do that with pot and coke in the long-ago. Multiple times, as did my friends on occasion..........not that much different than buying booze when underage.
Yes, I think drugs are a likely component of this sad case, but not the motive. JMOO.
I watched it. I kept thinking that I would of bolted. I would of ran and hoped to dodge the bullets... I mean that woman got into that happened.... I know I can sit here and say I would never do that but, there you have it...a person literally crawled into a trunk out of fear and the power of a weapon....I guess its all it might take.

What surprised me was that the police officer said that you should follow the perpetrators instructions if they have a weapon pointed at you. I thought we were never supposed to get in the car with the person, as the likelihood of surviving is slim. I would have ran and risked gun shots!

I keep looking at West Rowlett Creek. It runs under Custer Rd just south of 121/SRT, but it meanders around for miles. We haves miles of creek beds and flood planes here in Texas. The link above is to a thread from a case of a suicide in Plano a couple of years ago. Her body was found floating in a creek in a Plano Park. I just read back through that entire thread (It's only a couple of pages) One poster pointed out that there are places where the trees and brush are so thick that her dog couldn't make it through it from the walking path to the creek to swim. She also talked about how some parts of that park (Bob Woodruff Park) were very busy, and populated, near the playgrounds, while other parts really made her nervous because few people ever came by. Christina could easily be in a heavily wooded creek bed. Not all the miles of creek bed are even IN parks, of course.

Perhaps EA left his phone somewhere and then went to drop her off, and then came back for the phone. If he was trying to cover his tracks, he might have thought of that. Maybe that's why LE doesn't have a lot of leads on where to look. And as said previously, budget constraints make unlimited searching challenging. They won't look without a reason.

1. How good are the drones at seeing through heavy brush and trees?
2. Are there any other services besides TES that do local searches?
3. Are the volunteer searches still going on?
4. Are there any non-profit services that search landfills, similar to TES, even if LE can't or won't? (Again, they'd need a lead or a clue or a place to start, without a starting place you might as well throw a dart at the map)

Here's a screen cap of a satellite image of 121@Custer with the Custer Gantry and a lot of West Rowlett Creek in it.
Jmo...I am really sick of hearing 23-year olds referred to as "kids". Is there any age when people are adults anymore? We lock up 18-year olds for why are 23-year olds "kids"? Anyway...just a pet peeve of mine.
I'm sure seasoned detectives would see right through him. I'm far from seasoned, but my first reaction when the interview was first released was that EA was wooden and over-coached. I never saw him as relaxed and innocent. And, those darting eyes!
Great description, SS.

I believe the LE could tell immediately. An acquaintance of mine is a Dallas police officer. Before we knew anything other than EA was the last person seen with CM, and after EA did a couple of tv interviews, I asked him what he thought. He said he watched the interviews, looked over at his wife and said, " the guy's lying. He either is guilty of causing her disappearance or he knows who did, but he's definitely lying." He said he is very good at detecting liars. I didn't get to ask him what specifically led him so unequivocally declare EA was lying.
Jmo...I am really sick of hearing 23-year olds referred to as "kids". Is there any age when people are adults anymore? We lock up 18-year olds for why are 23-year olds "kids"? Anyway...just a pet peeve of mine.
I refer to 23yr olds as kids because I'm not yet ready to become a self righteous old fogey, lol & jkjkjk Actually, in my mind a 23yr old is still someone finding their way. IMO, if you have settled into your adult life at 23, you'll become a kid at 50.
I thought about Rowlett Creek too, like greenpalm mentioned above. Rowlett Creek goes a long way. Several years ago, a young boy fell into a creek in Mesquite during a rainstorm, and it was known exactly where he went in. Search and rescue became search and recovery, and it still took us about five days to find him. He was eventually found about five or six miles downstream in Garland, if I recall correctly, and had been tangled in tree roots and debris below the surface of the water. Divers had to go in and bring him out.
I was asking my husband about all the ways LE could trace a Google maps search. He said there are probably ways, that with a subpoena and a search warrant LE could ASK Google for details of a search that originated at a particular IP address. Why am I interested? Because let's say AE went home at 5:30 and used his phone (the one he wiped) to use Google Maps to look for a place to hide her body. Then he left the phone at home in order to avoid allowing LE to trace his pings. even if he was that careful, he could still be traced because Googles search records would tell them the time of the search and what type of device and even what operating system was running on it when it did the search. So when LE seized all the computers in his house, at that point they only have access to the records on the computers (or phones or tablets etc.) themselves. BUT if they could convince a judge they had probable cause that he was hiding evidence (ie the wiped phone) perhaps they were able to get additional records from Google. Then they would possibly have new leads on places to search. If he used Google Maps to look for good places to hide her.
Thanks for everyone's posts, always enjoy reading them. :-)

When I ponder if Christina could have brought drugs(good rock?) to get together, I think about EA stating something like "Christina asked PP for and adderall and she went and got one for her". I know EA is a liar so, I think he was the one supplying the adderall that night and was deflecting onto PP so that he did not seem suspicious. Afterall, EA said he had taken an Adderall earlier in the day indicating that he has a RX. For adderall. If Christina was supplying "good rock" that night I don't know/ think she would be a consumer of it(assuming "good rock" is not adderall) as well as adderall and a couple drinks, that would be a lot for a 95lbish woman.

My hope that Christina was a CI went out the window for me when EA was arrested. I would hope DEA/Feds would give a heads up to LE if that were the case. iDK MOO

Lastly, I have a crazy Friday night idea: I wish Christina's dog Madden(sp?) could track her by her scent and locate her for the family. I sometimes wonder if Jonni and family have taken him on any searches with them.

I few of you have asked me to explain what is a broken quote, so I copied this from a post where I explained it in another forum a couple of years ago.
:seeya: Guys, please be aware of how you're posting quotes. Broken quotes are a recurring problem in this forum lately, and I'm spending a lot of time coming behind you and putting them back together. If you see a broken quote in a post, please do not quote the post. The quote will be broken in your post, too, and it sets off a chain reaction. To fix it, I have to figure out who said what to whom, and who said it first, and bllaaahhhh... :loser:

Okay, primer on quotes and quote tags.

(Note: "e" deliberately omitted)

  • A quote must be enclosed within these two tags: [quot_] and [/quot_]

  • For the feature to work correctly, each opening tag must have a corresponding end tag. Leave either one out, and the editor reads the tag as normal text.
  • When you click "quote" in a post, the editor box opens and you see something like this: [quot_=[I]user name;xx,*advertiser censored*[/I]] some text, some text[/quot_]
  • If you alter the quote tags in any way, the quote will be "broken" and the stray bits of the tags will remain.

For instance, if you're user B and you're quoting a post by user A, it should look something like this:

some text, some text

ITA, user A, and blah, blah, blah...

But, if you leave off the end of the tag, your post will look like this:
some text, some text[/quot

ITA, user A, and blah, blah, blah

Then user C quotes your post, and now we have:

[quot_=userB;22,222][quot_=userA;11,111] some text, some text[/quot
ITA, user A, and blah, blah, blah[/quot_]

User A's post is trapped within User B's quote, and it will appear user A said what user B said. LOL!

some text, some text[/quot

ITA, user A...

User C>> Well I respectfully disagree, user B...

Along come Users D, E, F and G, and well...

:waitasec: :dunno: :waitasec:<<---posters and mod -->>:waiting: :doh:

Two errors are occurring frequently in the posts I've fixed recently. 1) the last bracket is inadvertently deleted, ex.
[/quote; or, 2) the last bracket is inadvertently bolded, ex. [/quote]

Such a simple oversight can wreak havoc in the threads. So please :please:before you hit "submit reply", check to make sure the quote in your post begins and ends with correct, intact tags.


IMO I feel they shut up pretty quickly!
Not misleading just they all went silent


I remember a VI alluding to one of them having hired an attorney. I know which one but I'm not sure if it's ok to repeat it since it isn't verifiable by anything other than a VI post.
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