GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #35 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
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Interesting that Jonni said that CA wasn't home when EA got back.

That's new isn't it and would mean that no one was in the house that night so no need for alibis and takes CA out of the equation for helping immeadiately after the event.

Am I right?

Interesting that Jonni said that CA wasn't home when EA got back.

That's new isn't it and would mean that no one was in the house that night so no need for alibis and takes CA out of the equation for helping immeadiately after the event.

Am I right?


I thought this was interesting too. EA waking up CA at whatever time it was came from EA so I am not surprised its not true (if indeed JM is correct)... I am just not sure what it means. Did CA contradict his bother's story to LE?? who knows...
Anyone have opinions on what they believe occurred to cause the blood-DNA in his trunk? It's not relevant for the charges he's facing, but I'm curious to hear opinions.

Fist fight only (rage kill), run over by car, knife, gun, beating with blunt object, etc.
1 I believe CA was there and awoken by EA at some point, probably around 5:30 or so.
2 Yes, that conflicts with what was said in this unsworn interview by the family.
3 The general evidence we all know from affidavits and hearings has EA claiming that CA was there. But that's the only source we've been given, and yes, he lies.
4 It's possible that LE might think CA wasn't there, or CA/someone else said so, but we haven't been told that in any affidavit or hearing (at least, not what was reported so far).
5 My belief that there is no actual additional evidence saying "CA was not in the house" is based solely on my opinion - and my opinion derives from past observations of various information outlets and their reliability/access to what later turns out to be true or not.
1 I believe CA was there and awoken by EA at some point, probably around 5:30 or so.
2 Yes, that conflicts with what was said in this unsworn interview by the family.
3 The general evidence we all know from affidavits and hearings has EA claiming that CA was there. But that's the only source we've been given, and yes, he lies.
4 It's possible that LE might think CA wasn't there, or CA/someone else said so, but we haven't been told that in any affidavit or hearing (at least, not what was reported so far).
5 My belief that there is no actual additional evidence saying "CA was not in the house" is based solely on my opinion - and my opinion derives from past observations of various information outlets and their reliability/access to what later turns out to be true or not.

It would make sense to me that CA was in town for the holiday weekend. There probably wouldn't have been much going on at school & he would want to come home to hang around with friends.. JMO

ETA: This might have been the only truth coming from EA's mouth... (because he thought it would benefit him)
I'm not trying to be argumentative but a key of cocaine is going to run someone over $20,000 I highly doubt anyone she knows is dealing In keys of drugs. Just not buying that with their lifestyle.
I'm not trying to be argumentative but a key of cocaine is going to run someone over $20,000 I highly doubt anyone she knows is dealing In keys of drugs. Just not buying that with their lifestyle.

My thoughts, as well...
Anyone have opinions on what they believe occurred to cause the blood-DNA in his trunk? It's not relevant for the charges he's facing, but I'm curious to hear opinions.

Fist fight only (rage kill), run over by car, knife, gun, beating with blunt object, etc.

I would say fist fight based on his injuries. If she was beaten with say a tire iron, I would think there'd be a lot more blood and a murder charge. MOO
I think the blood loss was from a fist fight/head injury. I think it was drug related. I believe CA wasn't there. Mainly because EA said he was.
Regarding 'keys' and codes for drugs: Keys are VERY popular transport for getting cocaine from baggie to nostril. Especially when you're in a place like a public bathroom and don't want to rail out a line on a dirty toilet top or sink top. You just dip your house key in to get a bump of coke, and snort it off the tip. I've had girls in club bathrooms ask to borrow my keys for this sole purpose, even (no idea why they weren't carrying their own).

But in this case, I do think Christina was just showing a pic of her keys either to say, "oops, found them!" or "this is what they look like" - I don't think it was code for drugs.
No one has mentioned it was blood in the trunk and saliva on the trunk rubber. I dont know why, I never considered that possibility. The pictures in my head make me sick to think of her in this way. I have to re-listen to the interview. I thought they said CA lied about the time. I didnt catch that he wasnt home.
A kilo of cocaine would be lots-o-stuff ($$$)!

You know how some people like horror films?
I don't so I rarely watch them (suspense, yes; horror, no).

Just watched an episode of Drugs, Inc. on TV.
As I watched, I noticed my stomach was churning and I became nervous, almost scared.
The episodes I dvr'd were out of Dallas, Chicago and Cartel Chaos.

It is baffling who the people are who are filming these shows.
The dealers and gang leaders they're interviewing all wear masks or scarves over their faces, dark glasses and hats.
Some of their voices (probably all) are altered. Some noticeably.
All of them show their weapons and make clear they are not afraid to use them (I believe them).
In every show, the leader makes it clear that the people working for them know they know where their mothers, wives and children live.

By watching a couple of shows, I learned Texas is the starting point as most of the drugs come in from Mexico.
There's a distribution system that involves big risk every time a big load in transported.
People from three or more states away drive to Texas to get the best stuff.
Sometimes coke will be cut three times before it is sold in the destination city.
Iirc from the show I just watched, a first point distributor said a kilo of coke (called a "brick") costs him $28,000 before he cuts it down.
He said, after he cuts it once (still very good quality), he can make $40,000 to $50,000.
(I'm pretty sure he was discussing the distribution of one kilo, 2.2 pounds).
Beyond the distribution system point, when being sold to people on the street or
individual customers, cocaine is sold in grams (I think).
One guy explained about making coke into crack so it becomes burnable.

The aspect of the show that is so scary is they made clear, within the culture, if anyone crosses anybody in any way, they WILL take action against them or their family members.
One guy kept repeating "we know where your mother lives". He inserted a few more relationships into the sentence too. He often reminds his 'workers' of this fact.
In Texas a bit dealer could be closer to the "boss" since the ladder is shorter imo.

Most of these men look strong and fit (not like druggies themselves).
Even though you can't see their faces, they look to be above average physique wise.
The guns are always out and ready.
You know how some people like horror films?
I don't so I rarely watch them (suspense, yes; horror, no).

Just watched an episode of Drugs, Inc. on TV.
As I watched, I noticed my stomach was churning and I became nervous, almost scared.
The episodes I dvr'd were out of Dallas, Chicago and Cartel Chaos.

It is baffling who the people are who are filming these shows.
The dealers and gang leaders they're interviewing all wear masks or scarves over their faces, dark glasses and hats.
Some of their voices (probably all) are altered. Some noticeably.
All of them show their weapons and make clear they are not afraid to use them (I believe them).
In every show, the leader makes it clear that the people working for them know they know where their mothers, wives and children live.

By watching a couple of shows, I learned Texas is the starting point as most of the drugs come in from Mexico.
There's a distribution system that involves big risk every time a big load in transported.
People from three or more states away drive to Texas to get the best stuff.
Sometimes coke will be cut three times before it is sold in the destination city.
Iirc from the show I just watched, a first point distributor said a kilo of coke (called a "brick") costs him $28,000 before he cuts it down.
He said, after he cuts it once (still very good quality), he can make $40,000 to $50,000.
(I'm pretty sure he was discussing the distribution of one kilo, 2.2 pounds).
Beyond the distribution system point, when being sold to people on the street or
individual customers, cocaine is sold in grams (I think).
One guy explained about making coke into crack so it becomes burnable.

The aspect of the show that is so scary is they made clear, within the culture, if anyone crosses anybody in any way, they WILL take action against them or their family members.
One guy kept repeating "we know where your mother lives". He inserted a few more relationships into the sentence too. He often reminds his 'workers' of this fact.
In Texas a bit dealer could be closer to the "boss" since the ladder is shorter imo.

Most of these men look strong and fit (not like druggies themselves).
Even though you can't see their faces, they look to be above average physique wise.
The guns are always out and ready.

Yes, the cartels in Texas can be ruthless. I have heard that they target young people 18-20 something that can be taken advantage of due to drug use. I am speaking of car transportation through Texas for this example. The cartel will have this young person transport a certain of amount of drugs( enough for LE to take notice),and tip off LE. LE then will stop the tipped off car(young person) which leaves the automobiles following carrying much much more drugs a free pass because LE is tied up with the tipped off young person. Growing up in west Texas, by the time I was a teenager it was well known to stay away from the Mexican mafia(that is what is known as cartels today).
One of many aspects to the Cartel. MOO
I think that they may get us for being OT, and that is one reason why I suggested another thread. My mind took a tangent when I posted that. I did think that some people might interpret what you said as victim bashing and I want to assure you that I didn't take it that way. Maybe you were thinking aloud and I was certainly thinking aloud. My mind actually took lots of leaps. (I am ADD; I leap!) So my mind went sort of like this: role models > Marilyn Monroe > sexy women > crimes of violence against > Black Dahlia/Elizabeth Short > murdered > James Ellroy (his book/obsession with) > Short again > his own mother's murder > why? > extreme objectification of women > modern feminism > on and on and on. And I'll bet no one here will ever ask me about my thought process again.

Honestly, at this point, even I am not sure what I meant. :scared: I write a bit of fiction and my own mind is dark, dark, dark.

Except . . . back in the 70s, I took a self-defense course taught by a retired FBI agent, and he said something about victim genesis (something like that) in which he theorized that most crimes began with something about the nature of the victim. I remember being irritated by that and rejected it immediately. I didn't like him. He also said that the safest thing a woman could do if a man attempted to rape her was to "lie back and enjoy it." Oh, I did not like him at all!

Your reply made me laugh. That is, the first part - not the last paragraph.
Did he teach a move you could test on him? How awful (to say "enjoy it").

Everyone probably knows about this already but there is an angle of crime investigation
called "Victimology", "the thorough study and analysis of victim characteristics".

Here is a link to the reasoning behind and the purpose for investigating crime victims ~
Yes, the cartels in Texas can be ruthless. I have heard that they target young people 18-20 something that can be taken advantage of due to drug use. I am speaking of car transportation through Texas for this example. The cartel will have this young person transport a certain of amount of drugs( enough for LE to take notice),and tip off LE. LE then will stop the tipped off car(young person) which leaves the automobiles following carrying much much more drugs a free pass because LE is tied up with the tipped off young person.
One of many aspects to the Cartel. MOO

How awful!
The show didn't give the trick you describe away.
One guy said they use teenagers to go into Mexico as they make the best mules (those who have American passports).
He said, when caught, they're thrown into "juvenile" and released after a short time.
How awful!
The show didn't give the trick you describe away.
One guy said they use teenagers to go into Mexico as they make the best mules (those who have American passports).
He said, when caught, they're thrown into "juvenile" and released after a short time.

I know this trick because a good friend, who I do not have contact anymore, fell into the exact trap I mentioned . He was in prison for a long time.
You can tell Jonni is nervous/overwhelmed with info... says last time she saw Christina was Christina's 25th b-day

(I watched part 2 before part 1)

Christina was 25 (thought she was 23 when she disappeared)?
Last night I caught bits and pieces of a show on ID channel (192 on Dish) and it was about 2 girls who murdered a girlfriend of their's just because they were jealous that she always got all the attention of the guys. They even chopped her hair all up because she had such beautiful long dark hair. Then they put her face down in a creek with a log across her head/neck. After questioning many people, I think it was 3 years later when one of the two girls came forward because she had just lost a brother to suicide I think it was and she saw what it did to her family and she got to feeling guilty about what this girl's family was going thru that she and another girl had murdered.

Also, in watching the latest interview with Jonni and Anna, when talking about if EA and Christina were friends etc., what I gathered IMO was they were NOT close friends, and IMO it sounded as if neither Jonni or Anna even knew who he was prior to all this happening. (This is just how I took it anyways so I am not stating it as a fact that this is what was said, more so – it's what I perceived of the conversation).

So, with the above things on my mind, and realizing I must stick with TOS here, I will just say a few thoughts....What really has EA's purpose of being there that night at this get together of “friends?” I guess it's possible he was closer friends with some of the others than he and Christina were? Then the next thought is, IF he was closer friends with the others, why then wouldn't Jonni and Anna at least have been familiar with WHO he was, since it seems they were fairly familiar with the others?

Who may have been jealous of Christina? Who may have gotten angry with her for some reason that evening? (other than EA) And if so, what may have triggered it? Had there been any hard feelings between any of these party-goers prior to this night and someone held a grudge and/or had a mission to complete? What was the “real purpose” of this get together? Was there a purpose or was it just a friendly, hey let's get together yada yada?
Christina was 25 (thought she was 23 when she disappeared)?

Woe, that is interesting. I did a quick search and websleuths even had her age as 23 in the headline. IDK gonna look for her birth year now- not that it really matters. It's another post though.
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