GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #36 *Arrest*

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Has no one else seen the photos of CM with arms and legs as fragile & thin as toothpicks? My 1st thought when seeing them was Karen Carpenter.

Esophageal erosions > bloody vomit.

"Other psychiatric conditions, including substance abuse, are frequently associated with bulimia nervosa and may compromise its diagnosis and treatment."

Has no one else seen the photos of CM with arms and legs as fragile & thin as toothpicks? My 1st thought when seeing them was Karen Carpenter.

Esophageal erosions > bloody vomit.

"Other psychiatric conditions, including substance abuse, are frequently associated with bulimia nervosa and may compromise its diagnosis and treatment."


CM's physical appearance was discussed and speculated upon repeatedly many, many threads ago.
I sometimes forget things from the beginning. I can't remember how CD was a VI. Christina was very tiny but some people are just built like that. No doubt, she had a very boyish figure. I didn't think much of it until the detective said that everyone there the night of the party abused Adderal. I assume he meant Christina as well. I know many girls use it to control weight so not sure what I think now.

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I sometimes forget things from the beginning. I can't remember how CD was a VI. Christina was very tiny but some people are just built like that. No doubt, she had a very boyish figure. I didn't think much of it until the detective said that everyone there the night of the party abused Adderal. I assume he meant Christina as well. I know many girls use it to control weight so not sure what I think now.

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I am hardly a doctor, but I have used Adderall for the treatment of my own ADD, and I did lose weight on it, which I could very much stand to lose, so I suffered no damage there. However, I found that it interfered with my sleep to a profound degree. My daughter was diagnosed with ADD, and prescribed Adderall after Ritalin failed to be of much help. She said her psychiatrist said that it was better for the moody PMS that she suffered and she definitely liked that it helped to keep her weight down. It makes dopamine (pleasure neurotransmitter) more available to the brain. It can also be, so I have been told, more expensive than meth. (Someone who knows the drug scene would have to verify that.) It is also widely illegally sold and used on college campuses to improve all-night study sessions.
I am hardly a doctor, but I have used Adderall for the treatment of my own ADD, and I did lose weight on it, which I could very much stand to lose, so I suffered no damage there. However, I found that it interfered with my sleep to a profound degree. My daughter was diagnosed with ADD, and prescribed Adderall after Ritalin failed to be of much help. She said her psychiatrist said that it was better for the moody PMS that she suffered and she definitely liked that it helped to keep her weight down. It makes dopamine (pleasure neurotransmitter) more available to the brain. It can also be, so I have been told, more expensive than meth. (Someone who knows the drug scene would have to verify that.) It is also widely illegally sold and used on college campuses to improve all-night study sessions.
My two who are ADD were never prescribed Adderal. They take Vyvance so I'm not familiar with it. I do know that celebrity stylist, Rachel Zoe thought it was fab to keep weight off and she recommended it to her clients. When my son was in college it irritated him when people asked for one of his pills. I just asked him via text and he tells me 5.00 a pill for Adderal.

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My two who are ADD were never prescribed Adderal. They take Vyvance so I'm not familiar with it. I do know that celebrity stylist, Rachel Zoe thought it was fab to keep weight off and she recommended it to her clients. When my son was in college it irritated him when people asked for one of his pills. I just asked him via text and he tells me 5.00 a pill for Adderal.

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It is! He did remind me that was the price when he was in school and it has been almost three years since he finished. We are in the midwest so don't know if that makes a difference.

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I sometimes forget things from the beginning. I can't remember how CD was a VI. Christina was very tiny but some people are just built like that. No doubt, she had a very boyish figure. I didn't think much of it until the detective said that everyone there the night of the party abused Adderal. I assume he meant Christina as well. I know many girls use it to control weight so not sure what I think now.

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I thought at least one picture of her had been photoshopped because of the striking contrast between her head size and her very long and thin arms, neck, and the area around her collar bone. I think it was the one from that night. She had on a fedora maybe? Look at photos of Karen from the later years and I think you'll understand what I mean. It's hard to describe.

Did CM's friends mention if she was taking Nardil (phenelzine) for her migraines?
IMOO the drug overdose scenerio is exactly what the liar EA will plea as his defense at trial.

I don't think this at all... All he's going to say is. He was drunk. On drugs. He blacks out. Doesn't remeber anything. Doesn't know how CM DNA got into his trunk. This is why he's said he's blacked out and gets easily confused from the start.
Even if it becomes a murder case, imo the ship has sailed for EA on those sorts of "alternative possibilities" that defense attorneys like to use to muddy the waters. Not that his attorney won't try to speculate them into a trial somehow, but rather that the evidence plus his own statements have already pretty well disproven those ideas.

1 We know EA put her IN HIS TRUNK, as the DNA evidence makes that clear.
- That rules out some sort of accident, because you aren't going to put someone in your trunk for their welfare. For example, sticking an OD victim in your trunk doesn't get them help, get them to a hospital, or somehow make them better.

2 Common sense - plus helpful observations from the prosecution's witnesses - will also tell the jury that if something happened to her where he did little to nothing wrong, he would have coughed up that explanation long ago.
- Common sense also tells us that with a more-benign truth, he would have shown where she is in order to make sure it DOESN'T look like an abduction-murder. His subsequent actions speak volumes.

3 And his repeated lies will keep him from testifying at trial and offering up a completely new story. His attorney will try to do all the speaking for him, because he's lost his ability to speak for himself in a way that could be helpful.

In total, the evidence says EA abducted her, putting her IN HIS TRUNK and doing something with her where she has never been seen or heard from again. Probably murdered her. And rather than trying to confuse with implausible what-if's, I think his only realistic way to keep from getting slaughtered in court will be to tell what he knows before we get there, in some sort of a plea deal.

Of course, if CM is found before he steps up, that door will close on him. The clock is clicking down to zero on his window of opportunity. I wonder if he'll fritter it away.

Steve do you think he is waiting for the Grand Jury before he, if he ever does, say anything? Or make his plea deal. I really hope he does.
I don't think this at all... All he's going to say is. He was drunk. On drugs. He blacks out. Doesn't remeber anything. Doesn't know how CM DNA got into his trunk. This is why he's said he's blacked out and gets easily confused from the start.

I don't doubt that EA's attorney will try to muddy the waters. But I can't see any way EA's attorney would put him on the stand, so it will be interesting to see how the defense will try to interject such theories into the trial without any forensic evidence to point in that direction.
EA won't be doing any testifying. Especially if she is not found.
The only way we might hear from him directly is if he manages a plea and has to declare his crime and the details at an allocution.
Steve do you think he is waiting for the Grand Jury before he, if he ever does, say anything? Or make his plea deal. I really hope he does.

Perhaps. It's smart from a strategic standpoint as a defendant, to wait and see the evidence before negotiating, but it's risky in his situation - - each day has the chance to be THE DAY that CM is found and he loses the biggest bargaining chip he has, and the desire by LE to offer him anything goes away.
I consider WS to be like a private investigator. Were we hired to find facts & reach an informed conclusion that is likely to stand up in a court of law, or do they want us to prove conclusions they have already reached? They are often 2 very different things.

In this case, I think it is the former. I want the same thing Jonni says she wants: the truth.

I am not here to defend EA, believe it or not. (AAMOF, if you look at the threads I started out posting on here, I am very pro-prosecution.) My posts reflect problems that I see with the case. If I can see them and if I am correct (which I may not be), I imagine any defense attorney can see them, too.

I personally can't conclude someone is guilty of a heinous crime without more persuasive evidence. I'm not psychic. Far from it. Even if I were, I hope I would be humble enough to admit I might be fallible.

I don't know what happened to Christina. I am very sorry for everything her family is going through.
Even if it becomes a murder case, imo the ship has sailed for EA on those sorts of "alternative possibilities" that defense attorneys like to use to muddy the waters. Not that his attorney won't try to speculate them into a trial somehow, but rather that the evidence plus his own statements have already pretty well disproven those ideas.

1 We know EA put her IN HIS TRUNK, as the DNA evidence makes that clear.
- That rules out some sort of accident, because you aren't going to put someone in your trunk for their welfare. For example, sticking an OD victim in your trunk doesn't get them help, get them to a hospital, or somehow make them better.

2 Common sense - plus helpful observations from the prosecution's witnesses - will also tell the jury that if something happened to her where he did little to nothing wrong, he would have coughed up that explanation long ago.
- Common sense also tells us that with a more-benign truth, he would have shown where she is in order to make sure it DOESN'T look like an abduction-murder. His subsequent actions speak volumes.

3 And his repeated lies will keep him from testifying at trial and offering up a completely new story. His attorney will try to do all the speaking for him, because he's lost his ability to speak for himself in a way that could be helpful.

In total, the evidence says EA abducted her, putting her IN HIS TRUNK and doing something with her where she has never been seen or heard from again. Probably murdered her. And rather than trying to confuse with implausible what-if's, I think his only realistic way to keep from getting slaughtered in court will be to tell what he knows before we get there, in some sort of a plea deal.

Of course, if CM is found before he steps up, that door will close on him. The clock is clicking down to zero on his window of opportunity. I wonder if he'll fritter it away.

I like your confidence and conviction. Unfortunately, it isn't persuasive enough to allow me overlook the fact that the onus is on the state to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt, not the defense.

I am not sure folks really think through their opinions on the Arochi's. To demand ( as such) that they pressure their son to come clean is like trying to demand that EA himself plead guilty. We do not know if a plea bargain as been offered. So by proxy we (not all but the collective public) support a picket line shaming and harassing non-guilty family members who have not been charged in any way. This is not our system of justice. It's an injustice , in fact, to subject their neighbors, who are innocent, to this interruption every day.
Free speech comes with a responsibility (fire, theater, yadda yadda).

It needs to play out in the court not on the sidewalk.

Just my opinion.


There are many unknown things. EA says he doesn't know where CM is. If he says he doesn't know, his parents - who were out of town that weekend - certainly don't know.

And, for sure, the neighbors don't know. They went along with the posters/flyers for awhile before they had the city step in. The same will happen with the sidewalk act - once the neighbors tire of it, the law will end it.
Why did she send HF away from the scene to the OK area?
Why did all the communications these young ones had suddenly stop for four days? Hmmmm


My guess will always be drugs. My theory is always "birds of a feather flock together" with drug abusers; and "snitches get stitches" with criminals. All are young and, in my opinion, stupid; hence, the drug abuse and hanging out with people who abuse drugs.

The family's PI was sickened by the "friends" and their lack of cooperation, but I don't know why. Drug abusers are selfish to the core on one hand and paranoid on the other.
A drug overdose in his car? That's a plausible theory and her DNA in the trunk could even be explained as a panicked young man trying to hide her. But in this case the police stated that luminol in the trunk indicated blood. (OK, maybe a defense attorney can argue that EA bought the car used and the source could predate his purchase. Unless they pull Christina's DNA from those blood stains.) Then there are EA's injuries the next day. That's too much for a drug overdose theory.
They did say it was Christina's DNA in the two spots tested on the trunk floor (blood/bodily fluids) during the last hearing.
My guess will always be drugs. My theory is always "birds of a feather flock together" with drug abusers; and "snitches get stitches" with criminals. All are young and, in my opinion, stupid; hence, the drug abuse and hanging out with people who abuse drugs.

The family's PI was sickened by the "friends" and their lack of cooperation, but I don't know why. Drug abusers are selfish to the core on one hand and paranoid on the other.

Are you saying that the sidewalk picket is illegal but LE are ignoring that fact until or unless neighbours complain about it?

Is that how the law works in TX? Genuine question as I'm overseas, it seems odd that LE would be turning a blind eye to something illegal, aren't they obliged to uphold the law regardless of whether anyone's complaining?
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