GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #8 *Arrest*

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One Month Later: Christina Morris’ Mom Refuses to Give Up

“We never had a case like this,” Plano Officer David Tilley said.

Even private investigators are weighing in.

“The boyfriend is a good guy to go to. He knows something. He is going to know something,” said private investigator Andrew Fisher. “We’ve got to eliminate people. That tells us where we are.”

The house Christina shared with her live-in boyfriend is quiet, and no one at the dating service where she worked was willing to talk about the day they reported her missing — 30 days ago.
IMO, there is not a chance that Christina just went missing through her own choice. She didn't even take her car - where would she go at 4am in the morning, and with no money? She was very close to her family and had a dog to take care of, I can't see her just taking off for some new life on the spur of the moment, with just the clothes on her back.

I also don't think she was suicidal - she had been out socializing and all signs were that she planned on going home. In any event, if she were to walk somewhere and commit suicide, she would have been found by now, and, again, it would have been more likely that she would have taken her vehicle and driven somewhere quiet.

Someone is responsible for Christina's disappearance, and even if LE have their suspicions regarding who that person is, with no body, unfortunately, it's going to be difficult to prove.
One Month Later: Christina Morris’ Mom Refuses to Give Up

“We never had a case like this,” Plano Officer David Tilley said.

Even private investigators are weighing in.

“The boyfriend is a good guy to go to. He knows something. He is going to know something,” said private investigator Andrew Fisher. “We’ve got to eliminate people. That tells us where we are.”

The house Christina shared with her live-in boyfriend is quiet, and no one at the dating service where she worked was willing to talk about the day they reported her missing — 30 days ago.


Wonder why??? Has somebody instructed them to not talk about it? Hmmm....
Christina Mom not giving up .... frustrating .... latest media apoligize if previously posted

A shame her boss doesn't want to talk now .... but you never know someone may have told her to stop talking. She was upset and posted to a news site in the comments if I remember correctly.
It is probably bad for business when an employee goes missing and it's a dating service. Thank God she contacted someone.

The Shops of Legacy refuses to post her missing flyer on their Facebook site. We could make some noise by messaging and comments. I see a couple people posted comments
From the Help Find Christina page:

"I just want to stop and say that you all have been so great and supportive. I know that it has touched so many of you. We know she is out there and this will not be over until she is home. One month is a long time but nobody is giving up. Yes we do have to carry on with life. I know if it was me that was missing, I would want everyone to stay on track and continue to be happy. I have never seen so much love and support in my life. I can't believe how viral this has gone. I just wish that someone would have the heart to come forward and give some information. I'm going to share some more flyers tomorrow so please share. Her mom Jonni Lee McElroy, her dad Mark Morris, step dad Ronnie McElroy, step mom Anna Chiovare Morris, and many many other family and friends would love and appreciate it. We need her home. Thank you!"

Anyone notice anything interesting about all of the postings? I notice that the bf is NEVER mentioned. It's never "her mom, dad, family, boyfriend, friends are" thanking you, missing her, searching for her, wanting her home, etc.
It's as if the family is subtly saying he isn't really a part of it. I find that weird. Very weird.
:eek:ddsmiley: Bizzaro! Case is just weird. Surely if she decided to visit relatives in another state she would have told her mother!! She's putting this poor woman and the entire family through h#!! if that is the case and I don't believe it is.

I will say the strange article that came out and talked about "a woman was allegedly assaulted at the Shops at Legacy last Saturday are just that - rumors." is quite disturbing. Did anyone here that is local see the picture that was being passed around?

"We haven't been able to determine anything, and we don't think it's there," said Officer David Tilley, Plano PD spokesman. "What you're seeing in a photo is this girl wearing a white skirt and a blue top, and she's laying down in the parking space across one of those [concrete parking stops]. It so happens that the concrete is at the small of her back and her left arm is hanging. It almost looks like she's posing."

The circulated photo claims to be taken at the Shops at Legacy, creating a stir in a community already on edge after the disappearance of 23-year-old Christina Morris nearly three weeks ago.

"We started looking into it because we had no reports and no one knew anything about it," Tilley said. "Our officers walked around every single parking garage, and the striping out there is yellow. The striping in [the circulated photo] is white. The only white-striped parking spaces are in the apartment parking garages."

Officers walked each apartment parking garage looking for the thick cable background shown in the photo. There are no locations with matching striping and backdrop at the Shops, leading officers to believe the photo was taken or staged elsewhere.

"I got in touch with the people who run the security [at the Shops] and they've gone through all the security cameras looking to see [the alleged incident]," Tilley said. "Our next goal is to find those people."

This is one thing that made me think perhaps the whole incident is a hoax - from Christina disappearing to this staged photograph.

Did a group of young folks come up with a scheme to try to con money from the Shops at Legacy? Far-fetched, but I do know people were posting to sue The Shops at Legacy for failure to protect their customers by not making sure the cameras were working. However, I guess The Shops have pretty much covered their arses from the camera aspect by posting signs that they are not responsible for any thefts, etc. that might take place in the parking garage. Now if Christina got involved in some kind of hoax such as this and it went very badly perhaps she decided to get out of town for a while. I could see that happening if she thought she might be facing some kind of legal trouble with PPD and TES and anyone involved might be helping her hide out and I don't think they would have any trouble lying to LE. I am not sure when this photo started circulating and who has seen, but it sounds like LE has it and they are looking for the folks that staged the photo creating more panic in a community already spooked by Christina's disappearance.

I found it extremely disturbing that her co-workers are unwilling to talk about Christina publicly and that the friends that she partied with that night are not more forthcoming. We only have one name from that night if I'm correct? We don't even know the two girls' that were seen with Christina at Henry's . . . if that is even true. I feel like I'm an in episode of the Twilight Zone and Punked at times with this case. Somebody please stop the merry-go-round, I wanna get off :rollercoaster: :banghead: :gaah:
From the Help Find Christina page:

"I just want to stop and say that you all have been so great and supportive. I know that it has touched so many of you. We know she is out there and this will not be over until she is home. One month is a long time but nobody is giving up. Yes we do have to carry on with life. I know if it was me that was missing, I would want everyone to stay on track and continue to be happy. I have never seen so much love and support in my life. I can't believe how viral this has gone. I just wish that someone would have the heart to come forward and give some information. I'm going to share some more flyers tomorrow so please share. Her mom Jonni Lee McElroy, her dad Mark Morris, step dad Ronnie McElroy, step mom Anna Chiovare Morris, and many many other family and friends would love and appreciate it. We need her home. Thank you!"

Anyone notice anything interesting about all of the postings? I notice that the bf is NEVER mentioned. It's never "her mom, dad, family, boyfriend, friends are" thanking you, missing her, searching for her, wanting her home, etc.
It's as if the family is subtly saying he isn't really a part of it. I find that weird. Very weird.

IMO he never was. I got the feeling (from the start) that he was not accepted or liked by her friends and I would guess the same holds true for her family. Just my gut.
I think BF HF has moved on. . . Life as usual (whatever that may be for him). I hope he's taking care of the pups or someone responsible has taken control of them. I don't trust him to even be able to take care of the dogs honestly.
I'm usually not one to speculate too much, I mostly rely on facts but this case has really gotten to me! Maybe the BF having had a fight with CM, possibly cheating on her, went off on a drug binge that weekend hence him not noticing/reporting she was missing? Maybe LE knows this but isn't going to report it. JMO
One Month Later: Christina Morris’ Mom Refuses to Give Up

“We never had a case like this,” Plano Officer David Tilley said.

Even private investigators are weighing in.

“The boyfriend is a good guy to go to. He knows something. He is going to know something,” said private investigator Andrew Fisher. “We’ve got to eliminate people. That tells us where we are.”

The house Christina shared with her live-in boyfriend is quiet, and no one at the dating service where she worked was willing to talk about the day they reported her missing — 30 days ago.

The above article says "private investigators weighing in" - did the family for certain hire a PI or are they just getting input from articles like these?

As for the company where she worked not talking, I sure was wishing the boss who was so vocal on FB would make another comment. Hmph!
Christina Mom not giving up .... frustrating .... latest media apoligize if previously posted

A shame her boss doesn't want to talk now .... but you never know someone may have told her to stop talking. She was upset and posted to a news site in the comments if I remember correctly.
It is probably bad for business when an employee goes missing and it's a dating service. Thank God she contacted someone.

Just my opinion, but apparently it was a bad business even before Christina went missing. I read they were in the process of changing the name of the business they have such bad reviews.

<snipped from the article - thank you LL8511>

“We never had a case like this,” Plano Officer David Tilley said.

Amen Brother Ben! I have never followed a case like this either.
One Month Later: Christina Morris’ Mom Refuses to Give Up

“We never had a case like this,” Plano Officer David Tilley said.

Even private investigators are weighing in.

“The boyfriend is a good guy to go to. He knows something. He is going to know something,” said private investigator Andrew Fisher. “We’ve got to eliminate people. That tells us where we are.”

The house Christina shared with her live-in boyfriend is quiet, and no one at the dating service where she worked was willing to talk about the day they reported her missing — 30 days ago.

This strikes me as very odd to put in this writing!!!!

Funny how the fact dating service has not been mentioned that much in the entire month ..only her pride and joy of her clothing line business.
Correct me if I am wrong but it is only here on WS that in all now 8 threads this has been brought up. In fact it was in one of my posts just before this article came out .

Also about the house that CM shared with her "live-in boyfriend" is quite??? Does that mean the lights are out and no one is home anymore?? There are no dogs barking ?? No cars??? What really does that mean??
And hide from her family?
And allow searches to continue?

She could be up to her eye balls in legal trouble. With PPD and TES using their resources to try and locate her.

Are you insinuating that she would think this think through? Lol!
This strikes me as very odd to put in this writing!!!!

Funny how the fact dating service has not been mentioned that much in the entire month ..only her pride and joy of her clothing line business.
Correct me if I am wrong but it is only here on WS that in all now 8 threads this has been brought up. In fact it was in one of my posts just before this article came out .

Also about the house that CM shared with her "live-in boyfriend" is quite??? Does that mean the lights are out and no one is home anymore?? There are no dogs barking ?? No cars??? What really does that mean??

Yeah, have they gone to ask questions and no one answers the door? Has he left to stay somewhere else to have some peace? Was it party central before?
I guess it could be just dramatic journalistic style, but it does raise questions. (As does everything in this case... None of it makes sense. Someone is not givin up the Motts, that's for sure.)
Can any one here confirm that is close to the parents and grandparents of CM if they have gone to move all of her things out of this house she shared with the "live-in boyfriend"?? Is her dog living with still with HF or been taken in by her own family??
Is HF being cooperative in letting them remove her property? OR has LE instructed them not to remove anything as this is "an ongoing investigation".

So what's the Mountain View comment all about?
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