Found Deceased TX - Crystal Seratte McDowell, 38, Baytown, 25 Aug 2017 #2 *Arrest*

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Who has motive?
Other guys she is possibly Dating?


I go back and forth on this one so much!! I agree with you on the BF being innocent - as of this moment, that is subject to change by the next post! I think it's a lose/lose situation for anyone in the spotlight for a missing persons case. If he's quiet, he's guilty. If he talks too much he is guilty. If he doesn't have a lawyer he's stupid, but if he gets one he's hiding something. It's how my brain thinks too! I do think that the more ANYONE talks the more there is to pick apart by SM and MSM. So he's damned if does, damned if he doesn't...
Also, as for motive...who knows?? I don't know enough about the relationship between the Uncle, Ex or boyfriend so hard to say. However as a huge fan of true crime, often times there isn't a motive other than a crime of passion. Hard to say at this point.
I am curious to know more about the people found with her car at the motel. That to me is the key to solving this- why was her car there and who drove it there?

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Since the BF is the only one speaking lets start with him as to why nothing he says makes sense:

1. First he says they were dating for two months since June but now he says they have only been dating 1 month.

2. He is the last person to see her alive. He even says this in the Crime Online article
3. He gave stills and video to the media first. Why not LE first?????
4. On Ashleigh Banfield last night he said he does not like how LE is treating him and he said that by LE'S indications, he does not think he did so well on the polygraph test.
5. You see Crystal wearing two different dresses, first he says she is wearing purple and then he says she was wearing a black one.
6. Last night they showed the footage of crystal walking to her car, BF explained that this footage was the footage from Friday ( August 25th) but that his SS had a glitch and the time stamp says 8/19/17.

It also says 7:35 at the bottom of the video.

7. In BOTH videos it is bright and sunny but the billboard picture she supposedly sends him it is dark and cloudy.

8. BF says she had a black bag with her but when LE went to search ex husband's house, they could not find it.
They also could not find the PC that he had gave her.

These reasons are why I am so suspicious of the boyfriend.
I get the feeling that the BF thinks he is too clever and smarter than everyone else.
I truly think the BF is innocent in this. I think he is vocal because he is, because he has a child and wants to be sure when she is old enough to read all of these awful things people are posting about were never true. I think he doesn't know how to answer the how long dating because they weren't exclusive imo. There is no reason to think he is a cheater because they were just getting to know each other essentially. They are both busy people with kids...and she lived with her ex...they probably barely saw each other in the 4-6 weeks they were dating. I don't see what the big deal is at all between 4-6 weeks. It's silly imo. And I highly doubt she was looking to settle down into a relationship weeks after a divorce she seemed to want for10 years was finally gotten.
She may have been leading the bf, the ex and who knows who else along....she was acting single and having fun and enjoying life. I wouldn't automatically assume she was this poor woman being cheated on. This BF has stronger evidence of her alive and leaving then any other "last person to see her" in the history of cases...I'm waiting for security cameras at the gas station or motel 6 or even pings before I can have any semblance of what happened. But I'm not convinced she didn't go there in purpose to meet with someone too imo.

Very well said! Thank you!!!!! The boyfriend also seems like a take "take charge and try to help in a crisis" type of person, as illustrated by him handing out free cases of water before the hurricane hit. That's probably why he's taking every interview he can. I think certain people here want to be right about him so badly that they are constantly moving the goal post. First it was, "Okay, but do they show her leaving?" Then, "Alright, but do you see actually get in her car?" then "Yeah but, does she actually start the car and leave??!"
In regards to the cruise, it said ex was supposed to go but changed to boyfriend instead. Is a cruise like a plane where you can't change the name on the ticket? Also, after just dating 4 weeks, would he be that so IN LOVE with her that he would know everything about her and be the one front and center with LE? I find it hard to believe that she would be taking a stranger to go along on a trip that her children have not even met. To me that would confuse the heck out of them. In their eyes, mommy and daddy are living together so who is this other guy? Hope that makes sense. I had once started a new guy and a few weeks later was high school reunion in another state that was already planned, I was going alone. He was pissed and acted very jealous. I told him, you don't know these people or my family yet. WE broke up. Just hate clingy men and that is my opinion of the boyfriend.
Very well said! Thank you!!!!! The boyfriend also seems like a take "take charge and try to help in a crisis" type of person, as illustrated by him handing out free cases of water before the hurricane hit. That's probably why he's taking every interview he can. I think certain people here want to be right about him so badly that they are constantly moving the goal post. First it was, "Okay, but do they show her leaving?" Then, "Alright, but do you see actually get in her car?" then "Yeah but, does she actually start the car and leave??!"

I am very hesitant to point the finger at the BF. I do wonder why the BF seems to be so available for these interviews with the media. Even the Uncle who was the father figure has recently seemed to cool it. Something just seems off with the BF. Of course he was the BF and Crystal did not have a problem with him.
I am very hesitant to point the finger at the BF. I do wonder why the BF seems to be so available for these interviews with the media. Even the Uncle who was the father figure has recently seemed to cool it. Something just seems off with the BF. Of course he was the BF and Crystal did not have a problem with him.
If I had to guess the spotlight is intoxicating and nothing more

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The boyfriend raises my alarm because he was the last person to see her. He has also claimed innocence, being part of searches, not liking how he has been treated by LE, and just been right in the middle of everything. If they had been dating one month, I doubt he knows the ins and outs of Crystal's daily routine and life! Though, I think he may be lying about how long they really had been dating. I believe Crystal may had been telling everybody a different story because there is such conflicting information. Also, is it me, or did you get the feeling that the BF and the UNCLE were like pretty friendly? Though, in the last crime post, it says Walter didn't really know BF very well.
Just how the picture that was painted before, though that is the media.
Why would the black bag be black on the inside video but not the black dress. I feel she had a different color dress on totally in the inside video. Not the same.
So Crystal is telling her personal problems to the boyfriend after 1 month of dating???? NOT biying it.

He told GMA that Crystal told him that she and the ex have been fighting for days.

Frankly, the only person acting "normal" in this whole fiasco is the little girl asking for her Mommy the night before a significant weather event.

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Gosh, this made me so sad. My daughter is 9, but cries herself to sleep when she visits her dad during his weekends because she misses our bedtime cuddles so much. It is heartbreaking to think about how much Crystal's beautiful little kids must miss her and how desperate they want her to come home. I wish she will somehow make it home to them tonight.
The 4-week dating thing does not bother me in the least..I am a prime example: I met my DH on a Friday night and he moved in 6 days later. And that was over 24 years ago. When it clicks, it clicks.
As to the Cruise
I think they cruise was planned as a family thing Ex was supposed to go.... Maybe BF decides to go and has his own cabin I'm sure Crystal is with the kids... I see nothing wrong with this...a great way to let her kids meet him without bringing him into her home.

Respectfully, as a single mom I completely disagree that bringing a boyfriend of 1-2 months on a family trip is a great way to introduce the guy to the kids. That's too much, way too soon. Especially when she is still living as a family with their dad!!!!

Most things I've read say waiting 3-6 months until you you know the relationship is heading in a good direction and then introduce the kids gradually. Meet the kids on neutral ground like a park a few times, progress to lunch or dinner or a movie, then longer things like a day trip to the zoo or whatever. Not a family vacation that their dad was supposed to go on. I'm sure they knew their dad was going to be going! That would have been something exciting they were looking forward to so of course they would know.
The 4-week dating thing does not bother me in the least..I am a prime example: I met my DH on a Friday night and he moved in 6 days later. And that was over 24 years ago. When it clicks, it clicks.

What bothers me is that he changed his story.
The way too eager private investigator said that yesterday was a fruitful day.

Hopefully crystal is found soon
Crystal disappeared one week prior to the departure of the cruise in which she had filled her husbands spot by inviting her BF instead....

When we're to texts sent, about having to tell her X since the kids were going??? What was the date on those texts shown in news reports?

Maybe she and X were fighting for 3 days because she FINALLY told him he was no longer welcome on the cruise...


Just a thought...


Where are you Crystal???

The 4-week dating thing does not bother me in the least..I am a prime example: I met my DH on a Friday night and he moved in 6 days later. And that was over 24 years ago. When it clicks, it clicks.

Right but when you were dating two months you both knew that and that fact never changed. When he was interviewed the first time Banfield asked him if they were dating 6 weeks. He responded something like, "yeah... a few months." When she asked if it was 6 weeks why wouldn't he say the accurate amount of time if he was going to respond at all?

My opinion - He wanted to make it sound like they were more serious by saying a few months and then when he apparently didn't do so hot on the polygraph he is trying to add some distance by minimizing the relationship.
The way too eager private investigator said that yesterday was a fruitful day.

Hopefully crystal is found soon

I'm not impressed by the new PI- seems to be a bit unprofessional with the comments on the status. Nothing was said, just a lot of baiting, in my opinion.
Crystal I hope you are safe and will be reunited with your family and friends very soon!

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Random thoughts:

1) why did the family go to the townhouse if they knew she wasn't living there? Could she have told them she was staying there a few days to let a fight fool off (boyfriend said they were arguing).

2) the husband was supposed to go on the cruise. Do you think he already knew he wasn't going? Could Crystal have just led the boyfriend to believe that she switched the cruise to him? Could he have been upset about her going with the ex and to appease him told him that she changed the cruise?
What bothers me is that he changed his story.

A couple of reasons: maybe not "exclusive" for a month in his mind? There are kids and ex'es to contend with, protecting HER rep with her ex/kids, he is frantic/mind is fried...Some people have stressor tics, ie. they cannot shut up, heck my DS giggles at the most inappropriate times...

He has met her uncle (father figure), which says a lot about her mindset. I'm leaning the other way.

What if the new cruise paperwork was delivered to her, and ex learned that he was out?
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