TX - Crystal Seratte McDowell, 38, Baytown, 25 Aug 2017 #4

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How do we know if hes remorseful or not?

From the photos I see the man does not look well.

All we know is the judge deemed him fit for bail, which would typically include the judge deeming him not a high enough suicide/flight risk to terminate his personal liberties under the innocent until proven guilty presumption.
Maya Angelou said it best: "When someone shows you who they really are, believe them, the first time."

Steve McDowell has showed us he is capable of killing a women he supposedly loved, the mother of his children, with his bare hands, in a home where his children are present and most likely awake and could have walked in at any moment.

Remorse doesn't count for anything at this point, whether it exists or not.
Here is the flooding in Crystal's subdivision:



This explains why they had to use a helicopter to fly SM in for his polygraph. I wonder if his house sustained any flooding on the first floor? That could have destroyed evidence. That said, I don't think he could have predicted that the flooding was going to be that bad but he still might have planned to use the hurricane as cover. But the cover he was counting on was probably not the amount of flooding. He was probably figuring that no one would worry too much about Crystal for a few days because communications are often lost in a big storm and businesses would be closed/meetings canceled. He might have even thought he could misdirect the search area for her to Dallas by mentioning to Uncle Jeff her possible plans to go to Dallas. JMO.
Thank you all so much!!

Nope. I'm with you as well. He looks stoic to me. I bet in person he sniffled and made faces trying to indicate remorse. But the stills tell the real story.

He needs to spend some decades in prison. But based on reaction here and from the sheriff I have a feeling that if he remains totally remorseful and cooperative he could a relatively short sentence. 2-20 I think was an option for crime of passion.

Poor Crystal. She was beautiful and bubbly and devoted to her babies. She wanted to be happy and live free from that man. But he couldn't allow that. He couldn't allow his possession to walk away. It's gross. He's gross.
TWO- twenty years? TWO? I believe you, but what the HELL?

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This explains why they had to use a helicopter to fly SM in for his polygraph. I wonder if his house sustained any flooding on the first floor? That could have destroyed evidence. That said, I don't think he could have predicted that the flooding was going to be that bad but he still might have planned to use the hurricane as cover. But the cover he was counting on was probably not the amount of flooding. He was probably figuring that no one would worry too much about Crystal for a few days because communications are often lost in a big storm and businesses would be closed/meetings canceled. He might have even thought he could misdirect the search area for her to Dallas by mentioning to Uncle Jeff her possible plans to go to Dallas. JMO.

From what I read, the neighborhood was blindsided by the flooding. He was probably scared sh**less her body was going to wash up near him since he dumped her less than a mile from his home.
-That is correct, the rain was coming to the degree of requiring evacuation in some areas despite any change of direction the storm may have taken. School was already canceled, as was his place of employment (not yet verified from his employer). So far we know nothing about his employment??? Does anyone have info on that?
He works at PBP just a few miles from his house, where the 1st search was.
Supposedly, he called that he was going to be late and they told him not to come in everyone was heading home anyway.

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I recommend not reading the comments, they will make everyone here very angry IMO.

Oh dear, I had to go back and look. Now I'm all kinds of angry!

I also saw the end of the article, they didn't remove the kids until Friday?! WTH? And then only due to the history of threats? :banghead:
Oh dear, I had to go back and look. Now I'm all kinds of angry!

I also saw the end of the article, they didn't remove the kids until Friday?! WTH? And then only due to the history of threats? :banghead:

It is a miracle the kids are alive imo. I hope a serious review is done about the Way law enforcement has handled this tragedy.
How do we know if hes remorseful or not?

From the photos I see the man does not look well.

you know I wondered that too. meth was one thought, anabolic steroids was another and then I wondered if he might have a brain tumor? all of those possibilities could answer for the rage but then ofcourse not eating and obsessing on her every move could also be possible maybe probable

oops how did I get a duplicate? sorry do not know how to remove it
It is a miracle the kids are alive imo. I hope a serious review is done about the Way law enforcement has handled this tragedy.

-Agreed! Is anyone there in the LE department paying attention to the LEO continuing to write this story as 'he sees' it? Its astounding when this guy is scary and has proved such. I don't understand the options and leniency being granted to a murderer?! IMO
you know I wondered that too. meth was one thought, anabolic steroids was another and then I wondered if he might have a brain tumor? all of those possibilities could answer for the rage but then ofcourse not eating and obsessing on her every move could also be possible maybe probable

oops how did I get a duplicate? sorry do not know how to remove it

-He has a previous misdemeanor charge for possession of marijuana. The court record of it was screenshot a few threads ago. This doesn't ultimately define anything in regards to a drug abuse history, but i'm inclined to say No on the brain tumor possibilities. IMO
I would like to move to Baytown, and sign up to be on the jury. (ha) I think, and of course this is my opinion, and not a fact; the ex deserves more than life in prison!
-He has a previous misdemeanor charge for possession of marijuana. The court record of it was screenshot a few threads ago. This doesn't ultimately define anything in regards to a drug abuse history, but i'm inclined to say No on the brain tumor possibilities. IMO

I wouldn't put too much weight on that MJ charge as it was in the 1990's (I think 1992? I would have to go find it in the thread). He would have been a teen or young 20-something then. JMO.
He works at PBP just a few miles from his house, where the 1st search was.
Supposedly, he called that he was going to be late and they told him not to come in everyone was heading home anyway.

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-Thanks Pamelado. Im curious who he spoke to? As in, did that call really occur or did he get an office Memo on Thursday?? Or neither...
Most large companies in the area were taking the State Officials weather advisement as a serious matter.
I wouldn't put too much weight on that MJ charge as it was in the 1990's (I think 1992? I would have to go find it in the thread). He would have been a teen or young 20-something then. JMO.

-Yes, he was younger.

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