TX - Dad rapes stepson to avenge 8 yo daughter's rape, Fort Worth, 2008

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I am worried for the 8 year old as well-especially when the 18 year old is released from the hospital. I don't anticipate much happening with Dad-Texas is a funny state that way...
I would think the 18 yo would not be permitted back into the house with his victim???

Eitherway I don't blame this father... He tried to do the right thing by calling the police. What do they do??? Let the little B******D out???
Why would he even get bail with such a horrendous charge???
I don't advocate women being beaten AT ALL but He probably should have given his wife a good swift smack to knock some sense into her too.

That all being said .. the article does not indicate that this child does not have a mother nor that she does not live mostly with the mother.
I really dont know what to think about this one.

How is this man (a child anal rapist) any different than the teenager (also a child anal rapist)? His motive may have been different, but who cares what your motive if if you are going around assaulting children? Is it ever a good thing to anally rape another person? I don't think so.
While I do not agree with what the father did, I can understand his rage.....

I can understand the father's rage.

I can also understand the teenage boy's horniness.

But they both made terrible choices. If anything, I feel more sorry for the teenage boy because I feel like he more naturally lacks the age and wisdom that I expect a grown father to have.

In any event, both the father and the teenager and the younger girl are in sad, sick places in their lives and I pray for all the members of this family.
well clearly his wife was going to let thel little *advertiser censored* back into the home, how was that little girl going to be safe? I probably would have exacted my own brand of justice as well.

Exactly!!! I don't blame the man for what he did. And judging from the dad's criminal background, it sounds like the little pervert chose the wrong man's child to mess with. This man did what any father would WANT to do, he just went ahead and did it.
I have to say I agree with the Dad...I might have done worse. I hope a jury sympathizes.
well clearly his wife was going to let thel little *advertiser censored* back into the home, how was that little girl going to be safe? I probably would have exacted my own brand of justice as well.
I'd kick the pervert and the trashy wife out too! She needs to have something shoved up HER butt to see how it feels and then have her daughter taken away from her. She had no intention of trying to protect her daughter. How COULD SHE POST HIS BAIL!?!?! Poor little girl.
The teenage boy's horniness? An 18 yr old MAN should not feel horny about a 8 year old. And to have anal sex with her? He is a child pedophile/child rapist and I don't even know why he is out on bail to begin with? The dad is his little girls hero!

I can understand the father's rage.

I can also understand the teenage boy's horniness.

But they both made terrible choices. If anything, I feel more sorry for the teenage boy because I feel like he more naturally lacks the age and wisdom that I expect a grown father to have.

In any event, both the father and the teenager and the younger girl are in sad, sick places in their lives and I pray for all the members of this family.
I am worried for the 8 year old as well-especially when the 18 year old is released from the hospital. I don't anticipate much happening with Dad-Texas is a funny state that way...
WRONG! We have a GREAT criminal justice structure...with ole' sparky included!
..... An 18 yr old MAN should not feel horny about a 8 year old. .....

And a grown man should not anally rape a teengager with a wrench. IMHO, anyone who thinks this man is a hero needs to readjust their vision. There are heroes in this world, but none of them are to be found today in this story.
The mom is partially to blame for this. Her child-rapist son should never have been bonded out and the dumb woman was stupid enough not to answer the phone knowing her son was out there somewhere (possibly preying on another child!!!!)
The son is 18 years old. He is an adult. The father in this story did what I would do in this situation. Should the rapist have been sodomized? YES!! Let him know the horror and the pain and the humiliation of what he put that BABY through.
Then he called to get medical help. POOR RAPIST. I wish the cops would have beat him some more.
Of course a grown man should never do that but it's an eye for an eye. He was getting revenge & just maybe now that guy won't ever touch a little girl ever again.. This might of taught him a lesson! I guess I am one to readjust my vision because I would of done worse to him then that dad did if it were my child.

And a grown man should not anally rape a teengager with a wrench. IMHO, anyone who thinks this man is a hero needs to readjust their vision. There are heroes in this world, but none of them are to be found today in this story.
I can't agree with what this father did. It seems just sick & twisted to me.

I would have had no problem with dad if he simply bashed the 18 year olds head in with that wrench instead or beat him senseless, even to death with the baseball bat. That I could get behind and understand.
IMO, when the father picked up the phone & heard rapist voice he realized that wife had bailed him out, that she was probably going to allow her son back home. I understand the rage this man was feeling, I have to admit if it were me I probably would have snapped also. I would have beat the xxxx out of him & probably wife too.
Where is the little girl now? I hope to God she isn't with mom.
I can understand the father's rage.

I can also understand the teenage boy's horniness.

But they both made terrible choices. If anything, I feel more sorry for the teenage boy because I feel like he more naturally lacks the age and wisdom that I expect a grown father to have.

In any event, both the father and the teenager and the younger girl are in sad, sick places in their lives and I pray for all the members of this family.

This is not about a teenage boys horniness. This was an assault on an 8 yr old little girl. He is a pedophile.:mad:
This is one sick family, and they all need help.
This is not about a teenage boys horniness. This was an assault on an 8 yr old little girl. He is a pedophile.:mad:
This is one sick family, and they all need help.

ITA, Also believe this was probably not the first time he molested 8 yr. old. Hope they have gotten this child into therapy.
Let the justice system work? LMAO.. if only it would! Why was this kid released to go back to his family? Sheer idiocy. For what it's worth.. had this been my little girl.. I'd have shot the son of when I caught him in the act.
My husband read the article this morning in the paper and was blown away. He noticed something that I had not that really stood out to him. It says that the sexual assault that the father witnessed took place late January 2nd. The stepson called and asked the father for a ride the early afternoon of January 3rd.

I hope this information is wrong. If it is correct the 18 year old had A LOT of nerve to be requesting that the guy that witnessed him raping his daughter pick him up from jail less than 24 hours after it happened. My DH thinks that this was like a slap in the face to the dad and what made him snap.

The dad did the right thing when he caught the stepson raping his 8 year old and called the police without touching him as far as I can tell. Then he had to hear his daughters account, have his child go through rape examination at 8 years old, have the hospital relate to him how she had been raped. How long had he had time to process this information before the 18 year old was out and requesting that he pick him up? By the newspapers account maybe hours depending how long he was at the hospital with his daughter.

While I still don't know how to feel about this (on one hand it looks like justice but on the other just icky) I think this would happen a lot more if a child rapist made himself readily available to their victims dad less than 24 hours after raping their child! Not only is this guy a pedophile but he might be mentally challenged.
How is this man (a child anal rapist) any different than the teenager (also a child anal rapist)? His motive may have been different, but who cares what your motive if if you are going around assaulting children? Is it ever a good thing to anally rape another person? I don't think so.
I agree that what the father did was completely wrong. I was all set to give him a break; but, after reading his record and convictions, he has big problems himself. I tend to think that this boy was acting out sexually. I will lay money that he was abused by someone close to him at a young age (maybe, 8 years old).

They all need help.

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