TX - Dad rapes stepson to avenge 8 yo daughter's rape, Fort Worth, 2008

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This is not about a teenage boys horniness. This was an assault on an 8 yr old little girl. He is a pedophile.:mad:
This is one sick family, and they all need help.

We don't know that at all. An immature teenaged boy who is horny and has poor boundaries is the very definition of a situational child molester and, in fact, children are more likely to be molested situationally than by bonafide pedophiles. Ask anyone who works sex crimes in LE.

Now - I don't care if a child is molested situationally or a child is molested by a pedophile because the end result is the same. Just like I don't care if a grown man molests situationally with a wrench because the end result is the same. In all cases, a person is violated and harmed against their will and in all cases that is wrong.
If he was bold enough to rape an eight year old child that called him "brother", then he would eventually move on to other children and the cycle would continue. How many other children would have been victim to his horniness and hormones and at what cost to the child?

Dad stopped this future sex predator in his tracks. The method may have been over the top, but so is raping an eight year old defenseless little girl.
I agree that what the father did was completely wrong. I was all set to give him a break; but, after reading his record and convictions, he has big problems himself. I tend to think that this boy was acting out sexually. I will lay money that he was abused by someone close to him at a young age (maybe, 8 years old).

They all need help.

So true. It is also true that, with rare exception, people who molest children have had that experience in their own life.

The bottom line is that this father will now be taken away from the daughter he was trying to protect and avenge.

So she will be a fatherless (Dad in prison for a sex crime - great!) molested little girl living with a mother who bailed another one of her molesters out of jail to come back to her home.

Or maybe she will be taken from this family and become a ward of the state and go God-knows-where to be raised by God-knows-who....

The father's actions are of no benefit to this young girl, unless, like me, you figure she is way better off without someone that sick in her daily life.
We don't know that at all. An immature teenaged boy who is horny and has poor boundaries is the very definition of a situational child molester and, in fact, children are more likely to be molested situationally than by bonafide pedophiles. Ask anyone who works sex crimes in LE.

Now - I don't care if a child is molested situationally or a child is molested by a pedophile because the end result is the same. Just like I don't care if a grown man molests situationally with a wrench because the end result is the same. In all cases, a person is violated and harmed against their will and in all cases that is wrong.

I think my problem with your statement has to do with the "horny" teenage boy statement. Horny teenage boys don't usually look at little girls.
I get the rest of your thinking. Whether this is a case of situational molestation or a bonafide pedophile in the making does not matter.
I agree that both stepfather and stepson are sick. The mother is not much better.
What a mess!
I invite all eye-for-and-eye justice lovers to spend a few years experiencing how justice is meted out in many of the Middle Eastern countries.

While I can surely understand the emotions behind desiring this type of revenge, I cannot ever understand feeling like it's a good thing. It's a human thing to feel this way, but I like to think that civilized people demand more from their justice system than brutality and savagery following absolutely no due process.
I think my problem with your statement has to do with the "horny" teenage boy statement. Horny teenage boys don't usually look at little girls.
I get the rest of your thinking. Whether this is a case of situational molestation or a bonafide pedophile in the making does not matter.
I agree that both stepfather and stepson are sick. The mother is not much better.
What a mess!

Horniness is almost always involved in situational molestation - horniness and lack of boundaries - whether it's the stepfather who is drunk and horny and his wife is working and his 10-year-old is watching TV on the sofa or the teenager who is horny and immature and his 8-year-old sister is around.

We know that horny teenage boys will go to many means to get off - farm animals, food products, younger children. Not all teenaged boys of course - the majority of them have appropriate boundaries and a sense of right and wrong. But I do not underestimate the power of teenage male hormones (when coupled with other factors - abuse, drugs and alcohol, etc...) and I don't think I ever will.
If he was bold enough to rape an eight year old child that called him "brother", then he would eventually move on to other children and the cycle would continue. How many other children would have been victim to his horniness and hornmones and at what cost to the child?

Dad stopped this future sex predator in his tracks. The method may have been over the top, but so is raping an eight year old defenseless little girl.

I wonder how many other children have been victims of this paedophile?

i also wonder who authorised him to be allowed out on bail?

you couldn't make it up. :furious:

while i don't agree with what the father did, i can see why he did what he did.

i'm surprised he didn't kill the paedophile.

mother? she should be spayed and her daughter should be removed from her mother's clutches.

all the above in my opinion only.
So true. It is also true that, with rare exception, people who molest children have had that experience in their own life.

The bottom line is that this father will now be taken away from the daughter he was trying to protect and avenge.

So she will be a fatherless (Dad in prison for a sex crime - great!) molested little girl living with a mother who bailed another one of her molesters out of jail to come back to her home.

Or maybe she will be taken from this family and become a ward of the state and go God-knows-where to be raised by God-knows-who....

The father's actions are of no benefit to this young girl, unless, like me, you figure she is way better off without someone that sick in her daily life.

but southcitymom, the little girl is being raised by someone who didn't protect her anyway and who aided her rapist. i think the God knows what has already happened and she would surely have a higher percentage chance of security being raised elsewhere.

the above is in my opinion only.
Of course a grown man should never do that but it's an eye for an eye. He was getting revenge & just maybe now that guy won't ever touch a little girl ever again.. This might of taught him a lesson! I guess I am one to readjust my vision because I would of done worse to him then that dad did if it were my child.

What if his daughter had gotten pregnant at 16 and he didn't like it and he decided to get eye-for-an-eye justice by raping the guy who got her pregnant with a wrench and then pulling the fetus from his daughter's womb with a wrench? This man is clearly savage and dangerous.
but southcitymom, the little girl is being raised by someone who didn't protect her anyway and who aided her rapist. i think the God knows what has already happened and she would surely have a higher percentage chance of security being raised elsewhere.

the above is in my opinion only.

First of all, without more information, I'm not prepared to accept whole-cloth that the little girl is being raised by someone who didn't protect her in any way and who aided her rapist.

However, if it's true that the teenaged brother raped her and then his mother bailed him out to come back and live in the home with her, a loving father would have taken her and moved somewhere else with her.

There are ways to protect your children that don't entail raping people with garage tools. Reasonable people avail themselves of those means. It's not rocket science.

ETA: I hope that someone has this little girl's case in their sights and is doing what can be done to get her into a safe situation.
What if his daughter had gotten pregnant at 16 and he didn't like it and he decided to get eye-for-an-eye justice by raping the guy who got her pregnant with a wrench and then pulling the fetus from his daughter's womb with a wrench? This man is clearly savage and dangerous.

Apples and oranges. Not even a comparable scenario. Next.:rolleyes:
First of all, without more information, I'm not prepared to accept whole-cloth that the little girl is being raised by someone who didn't protect her in any way and who aided her rapist.

However, if it's true that the teenaged brother raped her and then his mother bailed him out to come back and live in the home with her, a loving father would have taken her and moved somewhere else with her.

There are ways to protect your children that don't entail raping people with garage tools. Reasonable people avail themselves of those means. It's not rocket science.

ETA: I hope that someone has this little girl's case in their sights and is doing what can be done to get her into a safe situation.

We can only comment on the information available.
How is this man (a child anal rapist) any different than the teenager (also a child anal rapist)? His motive may have been different, but who cares what your motive if if you are going around assaulting children? Is it ever a good thing to anally rape another person? I don't think so.

While I think it is HORRIBLE what the man did (please let me make this perfectly clear) I think that the difference is that the man did the sexual assault with a wrench to make the boy experience what he had done to someone else...the 18 year old boy sexually assaulted her because he got sexual gratification from hurting a child.
She didn't and he didn't. i'm writing about this case as is. as it so far stands. despite your lurid conjecture.

yes, i think what the father did was wrong.

My comments were directed at posts (not your posts but others) lauding the father's behavior and actions and, in some instances, calling him a hero. Of course what the father did was wrong, is what I am saying. Other posts don't agree and I have a hard time understanding that.
While I think it is HORRIBLE what the man did (please let me make this perfectly clear) I think that the difference is that the man did the sexual assault with a wrench to make the boy experience what he had done to someone else...the 18 year old boy sexually assaulted her because he got sexual gratification from hurting a child.

I hear you but, for me, motives don't mean a great deal when people are brutalized and savaged like this. There aren't any good motives or motive that make me feel better about one party and worse about the other. The end result is still the same.
I invite all eye-for-and-eye justice lovers to spend a few years experiencing how justice is meted out in many of the Middle Eastern countries.

While I can surely understand the emotions behind desiring this type of revenge, I cannot ever understand feeling like it's a good thing. It's a human thing to feel this way, but I like to think that civilized people demand more from their justice system than brutality and savagery following absolutely no due process.

Sister, don't even go there. I know how the Middle East metes out punishment for crimes.

I am talking about this case. A case where an eight year old is forever robbed of her innocence and dealt a whole new array of feelings about herself and her body.

A case where this eight year olf will forever have the emotional scars of being used as a means for sexual gratification.

How she will always wonder what she did to deserve what was done to her and most likely experience some form of sexual inadequacy and dysfunction as an adult.

All thinks to the horny adult that you are feeling sorry for right now.

Maybe dad should have been more kind and forgiving like you apparently are. Instead of a wrench he should have used one of those candles that the anti DP activists light outside the prisons for murderers.

A kinder, gentler way to handle a waste of human cells.
Sister, don't even go there. I know how the Middle East metes out punishment for crimes.

I am talking about this case. A case where an eight year old is forever robbed of her innocence and dealt a whole new array of feelings about herself and her body.

A case where this eight year olf will forever have the emotional scars of being used as a means for sexual gratification.

How she will always wonder what she did to deserve what was done to her and most likely experience some form of sexual inadequacy and dysfunction as an adult.

All thinks to the horny adult that you are feeling sorry for right now.

Maybe dad should have been more kind and forgiving like you apparently are. Instead of a wrench he should have used one of those candles that the anti DP activists light outside the prisons for murderers.

A kinder, gentler way to handle a waste of human cells.

I cannot understand a mindset that cheers the father's actions as laudable on any level.

Not once, have I said that I feel sorry for the teenager, but I'll say it now. I do feel sorry for him. I also feel sorry for the father, the mother and the girl. This is not a healthy family and my only prayer is that they might all find healing following this series of traumatic events.
What this 18 year old did to his 8 year old sister is horrendous! What this father did to this 18 year old stepson is horrendous! What this mom did to this 8 year old daughter by bailing out her brother is horrendous! Poster's calling anyone a Hero in this story is horrendous!
My heart aches for this 8 year old little girl! I pray she is not reunited with this family.
What this 18 year old did to his 8 year old sister is horrendous! What this father did to this 18 year old stepson is horrendous! What this mom did to this 8 year old daughter by bailing out her brother is horrendous! Poster's calling anyone a Hero in this story is horrendous!
My heart aches for this 8 year old little girl! I pray she is not reunited with this family.

Thanks, dottie, for saying so well what I was trying (but perhaps failing) to say!
What if his daughter had gotten pregnant at 16 and he didn't like it and he decided to get eye-for-an-eye justice by raping the guy who got her pregnant with a wrench and then pulling the fetus from his daughter's womb with a wrench? This man is clearly savage and dangerous.
Oh now that's a comparable scenario.:doh:

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