TX - Dad rapes stepson to avenge 8 yo daughter's rape, Fort Worth, 2008

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:eek: That's a HORRIBLE story. Everyone in that family needs major help. And now the dad will probably be behind bars for quite some time. What was he thinking????
Hmmm. Its hard not to understand the fathers rage, but...............
<"They need to allow the criminal justice system to work for them and although the process may seem long, it is the process that works.">.

but... does it,, really.....??? in the long run?? sorry but i gotta say it: i can't blame the guy.
I really dont know what to think about this one.
<"They need to allow the criminal justice system to work for them and although the process may seem long, it is the process that works.">.

but... does it,, really.....??? in the long run?? sorry but i gotta say it: i can't blame the guy.

well clearly his wife was going to let thel little *advertiser censored* back into the home, how was that little girl going to be safe? I probably would have exacted my own brand of justice as well.
well clearly his wife was going to let thel little *advertiser censored* back into the home, how was that little girl going to be safe? I probably would have exacted my own brand of justice as well.
I wasnt tooooo impressed with the mother either :mad:
I wasnt tooooo impressed with the mother either :mad:

There would be no way in hell that I'd let somebody who had committed such a horrible crime against my kid, back into my home. Maybe she knew about the assault prior to dad finding out:confused:
Sorry, I have to side with Dad.
I understand the father's rage, but don't agree with what he did to his stepson.
Dad may be not be a candidate for "Father of the Year" because of his past convictions, but I am behind him in this one. If my 8-year old was raped like this, and the mother of the boy who did it paid his bail to get him out, and possibly back in the house with my daughter - well - all I can say is that the 'lickin the boy took from this guy was fairly mild to what I think I would have done. The 18 year old is lucky to be alive. I hate to sound melodramatic and brazen, but AN 8 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL WAS RAPPED - ANALLY!!!! NO SYMPATHY FOR THE 18 YEAR OLD IN MY BOOK!!!! Maybe what the guy did was illegal, but I honestly can't say it was wrong. I hope the little *advertiser censored* is injured enough to stay in the hospital. Dirt bag. :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: Does the dad need bail money?
if someone is a psychopath in the making... maybe the best cure is to MAKE THEM FEEL what it is like to have the same thing done to THEM... since they seem to have no sense of empathy.
this kid is d*mn lucky his stepfather didn't kill him.
In the mean time, what about the little girl? Who is she with now- who is taking care of her while dad is in jail? The step-mother who was going to allow her child molesting son back in the home with her?
I think the word stepSON makes you almost forget that he is a grown man (18) sodomizing an 8 yr old girl. Dad just gave him a preview of what happens to child molestors in prison.
I'm with the dad too. I doubt that it was the first time that kid sexually abused that poor little girl. I wouldn't have wanted him back in my home either and I am shocked that LE was allowing him back in. The little girl still lived there. What is wrong with the mother anyway? How could she even want that kid in the same house as her little 8 yr old daughter?

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Good for that dad for showing that kid what it felt like. I hope he ripped him a new one!
While I do not agree with what the father did, I can understand his rage. My grandmother always said, "Those who dont hear, must feel". And I do think this was the case.

I cannot understand why the mother who even for one moment would bond/bail out that kid--young adult son. He should have stayed in jail. I always told my two kids, if you ever find your way in jail, you can find your way out. Dont call me.

Itsreenw, you are so right, the son was given a preview of what he is in for when he is sentenced to prison for a number of years. Hopefully the father is not sentenced too harshly, and the book is thrown at the son. Of course, we probably will see the son suing the father for god only knows what.
An eye for an eye is what I been saying all along! I guarantee you if it was legal to do unto others as they do unto you the crime rate in our country would be nothing like it is. You go dad I would do the same thing you did for your little girl.. :clap: The legal system is a big fat joke!
:eek: That's a HORRIBLE story. Everyone in that family needs major help. And now the dad will probably be behind bars for quite some time. What was he thinking????
Three Cheers for the father--Vigilante Justice at its best--hopefully, the judge will give the father probation
I am behind the Father also just wish for the little girls sake he had left it at beating him with the bat. The justice system does not work, if it did people would be afraid of doing wrong in society' eyes and there would not be this amount of perversion.
While I do not agree with what the father did, I can understand his rage. My grandmother always said, "Those who dont hear, must feel". And I do think this was the case.

"Those who don't hear, must feel." Love the quote from your grandmother. She is 100&#37; correct!

While it doesn't sound like we are dealing with a Beaver Cleaver family here, I don't blame him and could never convict were I on a jury.... I can fully see where the father is coming from. I don't commend him, but I emphathize with him. I would probably do the same thing.

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