TX TX - Deanna Merryfield, 13, Killeen, 22 July 1990 - #3

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Also, just wondering if anyone knows who the author of this blog is. I would love to speak to them more if anyone can tell me who they are:

Not sure why I didn't notice sooner but the owner of this blog sent me an email response.

A lot of people have been angered by the post and I apologize. I was given timelines, information and general data by my readers and I checked them against what I found online. However, what I think you and many others are missing is that the blog is about Astrology. It is an experiment in reading charts, not a final word in crime solving! If I get it wrong, it's not the end of the world. I am a practicing Astrologer who has much to learn and would like to find out if Astrology could help in these cases. It is a learning tool for me and many others who use the blog to learn Astrology. That's what I am trying to do.

Please don't take this so seriously. It is about Astrology and not about solving crimes. I like to leave that to the cops.

Needless to say I have nothing kind to say about this person. Help me out here guys!!!! What can we do? I want that darn post removed. For her to tell me to not take it so seriously and to leave the investigation up to the cops is a slap in the face, imo.
Also, I just wanted to let everyone know that Jules is my hero. She found a ridiculous forum that was claiming a famous tv personality had raped and murdered Deanna. It was obviouvly absolutely bogus, and she was able to get them to remove the information! THANK YOU SO MUCH JULES!!
OMG, I am a moron--you are so right!! I do not know why I was thinking 2000, not 1990. SORRY!!!!

I am lining up for the moron club - I didn't notice the date.

Yikes, I will be more careful - thanks for pointing this out.

I think we should all send the owner of this blog an email--she really needs to retract her posting. She certainly has discredited herself--how could anyone take her seriously as an astrologer if she does not even even take herself seriously! "If I get it wrong..." ????? Isn't astrology ALL about getting every bit of information RIGHT, in order to get the most correct reading? Her entire "reading" is invalid if she does not have the correct info?

As far as the other--it was a disparaging web post about Glenn Beck, that somehow Deanna's missing person flyer was added to. I had googled Deanna's name (as I do periodically) and found it. It was sick, disgusting, and rude, as the post discussed rape and murder. It really pissed me off when I saw it, and when I get ticked off, I go into mommy protection mode and reacted. I emailed the site admin a nasty note, and he (surprisingly) removed it. The site appears to be an anything goes for posting, but I did site COPPA laws, which they had on the site as well, so that must have done the trick. I did save the cache version to a word doc, as the entire thread has been deleted, just in case. I would love to know why Deanna's missing persons info was picked, and who put it there. I think I will moniter the web better to make sure that noone else is posting disgusting stuff about Deanna. Missie had an idea about contacting Glenn Beck about this situation, and I think that is a great idea!

Not sure why I didn't notice sooner but the owner of this blog sent me an email response.

A lot of people have been angered by the post and I apologize. I was given timelines, information and general data by my readers and I checked them against what I found online. However, what I think you and many others are missing is that the blog is about Astrology. It is an experiment in reading charts, not a final word in crime solving! If I get it wrong, it's not the end of the world. I am a practicing Astrologer who has much to learn and would like to find out if Astrology could help in these cases. It is a learning tool for me and many others who use the blog to learn Astrology. That's what I am trying to do.

Please don't take this so seriously. It is about Astrology and not about solving crimes. I like to leave that to the cops.

Needless to say I have nothing kind to say about this person. Help me out here guys!!!! What can we do? I want that darn post removed. For her to tell me to not take it so seriously and to leave the investigation up to the cops is a slap in the face, imo.
Also, I just wanted to let everyone know that Jules is my hero. She found a ridiculous forum that was claiming a famous tv personality had raped and murdered Deanna. It was obviouvly absolutely bogus, and she was able to get them to remove the information! THANK YOU SO MUCH JULES!!
LOL. Oh honey, I have my own moron fan club. I have major foot in mouth (and sometimes web post in mouth) disease! :blowkiss:
I am lining up for the moron club - I didn't notice the date.

Yikes, I will be more careful - thanks for pointing this out.

I contacted Glenn Beck and a few others, but now that the thread is down I'm not sure if they will respond. I'm still fired up by all of it.
My husband has (finally, bless his heart) begun working on a website for Deanna. I'll let y'all know when its up and running.

ETA: guys please dont be so hard on yourselves!! We all goof up sometimes, and if it weren't for you all i would have no help whatsoever!
I was thinking about it today--we should have a facebook listing for Deanna too! If you need help with that, let me know.

I contacted Glenn Beck and a few others, but now that the thread is down I'm not sure if they will respond. I'm still fired up by all of it.
My husband has (finally, bless his heart) begun working on a website for Deanna. I'll let y'all know when its up and running.

ETA: guys please dont be so hard on yourselves!! We all goof up sometimes, and if it weren't for you all i would have no help whatsoever!
I agree Jules, but give me a while to figure it out. I'm not so good at fb-except the games :)
Sorry it took me so long, but I wanted to help you with the astology matter; I wrote a message on the message board of that "astrology site" for "forensics."

I am guessing it will be erased quickly, but at least it will cache for a few days! :) Here is what I wrote:

"In order to be an accurate astrologer, and to be taken seriously and respected, you must have the correct information about a person before doing their charts, correct?

There are several inaccuracies in the information that you have about Deanna Merryfield. When a family member pointed this out to you, you told her not to take it seriously, that if you got a chart wrong, it was not the end of the world. However, to Deannas family, it is the end of the world, the world that they knew with her. Her life, their life is not something for you to trivialize and mock. This is a real person. This is a real family, who are loving and missing their sister!

The whole purpose of this blog is to generate interest in YOUR astological charts, but if you cannot take seriously the lives of those you are doing charts for, how do you expect anyone to take YOU seriously? It appears to me, by the MANY click-through buttons on your site, that you are trying to capitalize on Deanna's disappearance. That is not astrology, that is just being a charlatan. Shame on you!"
Ohhh Jules, Awesome!!!
Sorry I haven't been on much. I just found out that one of our neighbors is in a really bad way financially so we're working on finding ways to help her, but it's very time consuming! I will update if anything of note comes up!
You are a wonderful neighbor!! I know this may be a silly question, but I did not see it asked before... Do you know if there are any dental and/or medical records that exist for Deanna? Do you know her blood type etc?

BTW, it is still up--she has not taken it down yet, LOL.

As far as facebook, can I just say that I am starting a Bejeweled addiction support group! I have decided to take a small hiatus from FB games (we will see how long that will last, LOL)
I'm not sure if she is related to Skpper, I'll try to do some digging later.
I have asked about Deanna being listed on the KPD site and have been given the brush off time and again.
I will admit I've been feeling quite defeated lately. After finding out the source of the tattoos I can't help but feel like I'm beating my head against a wall.
Lucky (sort of) for me I have tons on my plate right now so I can be distracted for a bit and then hopefully come back refreshed and re-motivated.
My baby girl is turning 5 next Tuesday (can you hear my heart breaking) so we're having her party this weekend. My sisters tell me she acts so much like Deanna did at that age.
I have just spent over three hours reading all of these threads and Missie, what a wonderful thing you’re doing keeping Deanna’s story in the public eye like this! It must be so frustrating that while you’ve managed to find out so much in the past two years, you still don’t have an answer. I really hope you get it one day soon because you really deserve it. Everyone should have someone like you in their lives, and Deanna is so lucky to have you as a sister.

The thing that makes me angry about this is the lack of action from the police until you started pushing them in 2007, Missie. It shouldn’t take a relative demanding answers to finally prompt them to look for some who was 13 when they went missing in the middle of the night with two men. By not doing anything at the time, they’ve lost so much possible evidence, like witnesses who would no longer remember that night after 18 years but who might have seen Deanna or the brown car, the two men at the time. And I can’t believe they haven’t finished the age progression photo for you either, because that could be vital in someone today recognizing her!

Over the two years or so these threads having been here, a lot of people have mentioned looking at high school records for graduates that could be Deanna. In regards to her finishing high school someplace else…who would she be living with for starters? In my experience you need to be able to prove you have an address in the area with something like a electricity bill to enroll in a high school. How could she have done this? Who would be supporting her with food, clothes, books etc.?

I find it very strange that she should use her real name in the 1995 LE encounter, especially in Texas, the state where she went missing. If I had runaway I would automatically assume that by giving some sort of LE agent my real name they could and would do a simple search and it would pull up a missing persons report that I’d assume would have been made about me. Of course maybe this is what happened and that’s the real reason why Deanna was no longer listed as a missing person in 1995, but shouldn’t that have been recorded somewhere?

Although we already know the tattoos are very dubious, would Deanna really get Merryfield tattooed on her neck? If she’d tried so hard to disappear from everyone she knew, why would she have gotten something so…well, so obvious tattooed in such a visible place.

I’m honestly not actually this pessimistic, but I just want to offer some counter-arguments to some of these things. Obviously it is better to be safe and check everything rather than just making assumptions that Deanna would change her name, not go to high school etc. I really wish that Bekki and Deanna had had the chance to talk that night before your uncle came out and Deanna took off. It would have told us whether she had been planning to leave that night or if it was a sudden thing, because she could have wanted to say goodbye to Bekki as they were so close. And Missie, I just want to ask one question. If Deanna ran away, would she think that someone would report it at the time and actively look for her or would she assume, perhaps because of your mom not being particular active in her life at that time, that nobody would look especially hard? I know your grandma reported her as missing, I only ask because if she wasn’t worried about someone finding her or recognizing her name, she might not have bothered to change her name completely.
Missie: Hang in there hon! I know you are really discouraged but it may take just one little bit of info to steer us in the right direction. Enjoy your time with your daughter, keep busy, and know that we are here to help you. When you are ready, you should turn your anger into something positive and get Sgt D to be more forthcoming to you. He has sat on this case long enough with no information. You have rights. SOmeone more experienced can correct me, but I believe that you have a right to access of his files. IF he is handling this as a homicide case, he does not have to give info, but he also has to advice you of that. As a missing persons case, however, I believe that you can request copies of his records. If you want, I will find a lawyer here on WS who can give you some advice on how to proceed or who to contact. Just let me know first if you want me to do this...

Phoebe: Welcome to websleuths! You bring up very good questions and points. A new pair of eyes on this may be exactly what we need. Do you have any suggestions on what we should work on?

Was Deanna already reported missing by 1995? Meaning, was there anything out there that showed that she was a missing and/or endangered runaway? If there was, why didn't police have more due diligence in regards to the Hurst sighting.

Missie: Do you know anyone who is a Texas Ranger or has contacts to the Texas State Police. If there is a supposed sighting of Deanna in 1995 in an area outside of Killeen, it is no longer in Killeen PD jurisdiction, so maybe we can bring in someone new who can take over the case and give it the attention it deserves. You have every right to be upset about the tattoo situation; in my amateur opinion, that was not just oversight but neglectful that he would include unsubstantiated information as truth in a missing persons detailed information. Have you or can you contact Hurst PD?

Don't give up--she is out there somewhere, and I know that we can find her one way or another. You have a right to know where your loved sister is.

I have just spent over three hours reading all of these threads and Missie, what a wonderful thing you’re doing keeping Deanna’s story in the public eye like this! It must be so frustrating that while you’ve managed to find out so much in the past two years, you still don’t have an answer. I really hope you get it one day soon because you really deserve it. Everyone should have someone like you in their lives, and Deanna is so lucky to have you as a sister.

The thing that makes me angry about this is the lack of action from the police until you started pushing them in 2007, Missie. It shouldn’t take a relative demanding answers to finally prompt them to look for some who was 13 when they went missing in the middle of the night with two men. By not doing anything at the time, they’ve lost so much possible evidence, like witnesses who would no longer remember that night after 18 years but who might have seen Deanna or the brown car, the two men at the time. And I can’t believe they haven’t finished the age progression photo for you either, because that could be vital in someone today recognizing her!

Over the two years or so these threads having been here, a lot of people have mentioned looking at high school records for graduates that could be Deanna. In regards to her finishing high school someplace else…who would she be living with for starters? In my experience you need to be able to prove you have an address in the area with something like a electricity bill to enroll in a high school. How could she have done this? Who would be supporting her with food, clothes, books etc.?

I find it very strange that she should use her real name in the 1995 LE encounter, especially in Texas, the state where she went missing. If I had runaway I would automatically assume that by giving some sort of LE agent my real name they could and would do a simple search and it would pull up a missing persons report that I’d assume would have been made about me. Of course maybe this is what happened and that’s the real reason why Deanna was no longer listed as a missing person in 1995, but shouldn’t that have been recorded somewhere?

Although we already know the tattoos are very dubious, would Deanna really get Merryfield tattooed on her neck? If she’d tried so hard to disappear from everyone she knew, why would she have gotten something so…well, so obvious tattooed in such a visible place.

I’m honestly not actually this pessimistic, but I just want to offer some counter-arguments to some of these things. Obviously it is better to be safe and check everything rather than just making assumptions that Deanna would change her name, not go to high school etc. I really wish that Bekki and Deanna had had the chance to talk that night before your uncle came out and Deanna took off. It would have told us whether she had been planning to leave that night or if it was a sudden thing, because she could have wanted to say goodbye to Bekki as they were so close. And Missie, I just want to ask one question. If Deanna ran away, would she think that someone would report it at the time and actively look for her or would she assume, perhaps because of your mom not being particular active in her life at that time, that nobody would look especially hard? I know your grandma reported her as missing, I only ask because if she wasn’t worried about someone finding her or recognizing her name, she might not have bothered to change her name completely.
Thanks Jules!

I honestly believe Deanna is still alive, and it's not just the sighting/LE encounter from 1995 that makes me think that.

Firstly, it sounds as if Deanna left by choice. If the two men she was with planned to harm her in any way, why would they take her to Bekki and allow both themselves and their car to be seen by Bekki and Deanna's uncle?! For all they know, Bekki or her uncle could have even remembered part of their license plate! Even if Deanna told Bekki she wasn't doing anything much except driving around that night, which I believe Missie said at some point, it doesn't mean that she wasn't there to see her sister before she ranaway. She might not have wanted Bekki to know she was planning on leaving in case Bekki or her uncle tried to stop her or warned her grandmother before Deanna had a chance to get very far, and so she wouldn't have said something as obvious as goodbye out loud.

It's perfectly possibly that something happened to Deanna that made her think her only option was to leave and not tell anyone. She might not have told anyone out of shame or out of the fear they wouldn't believe her etc. I say this because I can think of a motivation that would have made me consider running away at 13 and later in my teens that no-one, and I mean no-one knew about, not even my closest friends. Missie says Deanna was a streetsmart kid, and used to being tough and looking after herself, so she probably would have had far more confidence her abilities to look after herself if she ran away.

I know Missie says she is doubtful of the 1992 phone call as it's placed from Kentucky, but the complete lack of coverage of this case at the time means that the phone call can only have been two things: Deanna herself or someone who knew Deanna AND her sisters (maybe they called to give the impression that Deanna was alive and well possibly to try to put her sisters and family off looking for her). The reason I say they knew her sisters is that they must have known their names to get their number. Some people have been asking where the caller would have got the number, but even if it was Deanna she wouldn't have known it because her sisters didn't have the apartment at the time. Could she/the caller have simply called information for the number? I don't know if there was any such an information line in 1992 as I was very young.

I've been thinking of possibly names she might have decided to use instead of her actual name, and I've done a search for Dianna/Diana Merryfield and Varner, and there is a Diana M Varner living in Texas but she was born there. The fact that the LE had contact and were able to connect it to Deanna means she must have been using her real name. Seeing as this encounter wasn't an arrest or something with detailed information, does anyone think that it might just have been someone using her name? It seems unlikely as it's a risk for someone to use someone else's name, but it just seems like a strange thing for Deanna to do, unless she felt that no one would be looking for her after 4 years.

For Deanna to survive to 1995 she MUST have had someone helping her, surely. A 13 year old can't get a job without lying, and any legitimate job would surely ask her for her birth certificate/SSN, and we know she hasn't used the SSN or requested a birth certificate for herself. If Deanna is alive then she is almost certainly living in the US, because she wouldn't have a passport to leave. She could have never needed to use her SSN as she might have found other ways of earning money, or found a boyfriend who had ways of earning money. She could have easily told people that she and the boyfriend were married too, that way changing her surname too. Nobody would ask for proof of a marriage.
Maybe she even used Skipper White's surname? Convenient as it is very common in the states, and we know she was close to Skipper (I really think someone should try contacting him again now that he's out of prison, even if it's just to get names of their other friends at the time-Deanna could have left with someone older who wouldn't be reported missing by a parent). He might also recall the last time he saw Deanna. If she planned to leave, she would surely say goodbye to Skipper in some way if they were that close. He seemed willing to talk to Missie before he went into prison, so hopefully he still will be. Of course he could have motive to lie about things or his memory could have distorted things over time, so we can't place too much on anything he does have to say.

Finally I just want to add that (generally) anyone can 'legally' change their name in the US without paperwork:

"Usually a person can adopt any name desired for any reason. Most states allow one to legally change their name by usage with no paperwork, but a court order may be required for many institutions (such as banks or government institutions) to officially accept the change"

Yes, that comes from wikipedia, but I know this to be the case anyway, at least with first names. With surnames people generally get the proper paperwork. I just want to highlight how easy it would be for Deanna to change her first name at the very least to pretty much anything.

I hope that isn't rambled, I do kind of ramble a lot when different thoughts occur to me as I'm writing!
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