TX TX - Deanna Merryfield, 13, Killeen, 22 July 1990 - #4

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This is my first time ever posting on Websleuths, despite reading for years. Hope I'm doing this right!

Just wanted to throw a few ideas out there.

Deanna may have left voluntarily for any number of reasons but IMO it's fairly safe to say that IF she left of her own accord, she had assistance and/or company. If she had a boyfriend at the time, especially an older boyfriend, he would seem to be a likely companion. With the military base (I believe?) right there, it might be helpful to look into any young men who left the base or went AWOL around the time Dianna went missing. Also--were there any runaways from the area around that time either?

My theory is that whether Dianna left with a boyfriend (one of the men in the car?) or not, she may have been/become involved with someone abusive. An abuser may alienate their partner from family, encourage dependence from their partner and be controlling and violent. If it was Dianna who called in 1992 (IIRC) that may have been her first opportunity to contact her family, and she may have hung up out of fear of rejection from her family or fear that the abuser would find out. She may have also just lost the opportunity to make the phone call.

A domestic situation, in which no charges would be filed against Dianna, would be another reason the police in Hurst would have run her name through their system. It's weird that there wouldn't be an incident report, but if there weren't any charges filed it's possible that things weren't done as they should have been or got lost. I would definitely be curious what other names (if any) were run around the same time, or if there is an incident/arrest that may correspond (accident she may have witnessed, assault charges, etc.). Also--is it possible that the police ran her name to determine her age? Or if someone (Deanna or other) called and requested that the police run her name for records or another reason? Did the police definitely see someone claiming that name, or was it just run through the system (possibly without Dianna's physical presence)?

If Dianna has been abused, she may feel that her family doesn't or wouldn't want her. She may also feel that if she tracked down her family, she would be putting herself or them in harm's way. As far as the "why doesn't she google herself?" question: maybe she doesn't have access to a computer and/or has no idea that searching for herself online could lead her to her family. Maybe she flat out doesn't believe anyone could be looking for her.

One last thing to add to my novel:
Hope the link works. I don't think it would have been difficult for Dianna to get a new SSN if abuse was involved. She could have forged documents (birth cert., etc.), showed some kind of adequate alternative ID (there are many options, and who knows how stringent these regulations were 10-15 years ago), the police blip in 1995 could have been related to confirming her identity in some way for the SSA, or someone could have just taken pity on a young abuse victim and fudged the documents so she could get a new SSN. Perhaps Sgt. D could contact the SSA in/around Hurst and track anyone who received a new SSN shortly after Oct 1995.

Everyone's ideas and input have been really amazing in this case, and it really is inspiring how far you've come toward finding Deanna in just a few years. Missie, you and ALL of your sisters are in my prayers!
This is my first time ever posting on Websleuths, despite reading for years. Hope I'm doing this right!

Just wanted to throw a few ideas out there.

Deanna may have left voluntarily for any number of reasons but IMO it's fairly safe to say that IF she left of her own accord, she had assistance and/or company. If she had a boyfriend at the time, especially an older boyfriend, he would seem to be a likely companion. With the military base (I believe?) right there, it might be helpful to look into any young men who left the base or went AWOL around the time Dianna went missing. Also--were there any runaways from the area around that time either?

My theory is that whether Dianna left with a boyfriend (one of the men in the car?) or not, she may have been/become involved with someone abusive. An abuser may alienate their partner from family, encourage dependence from their partner and be controlling and violent. If it was Dianna who called in 1992 (IIRC) that may have been her first opportunity to contact her family, and she may have hung up out of fear of rejection from her family or fear that the abuser would find out. She may have also just lost the opportunity to make the phone call.

A domestic situation, in which no charges would be filed against Dianna, would be another reason the police in Hurst would have run her name through their system. It's weird that there wouldn't be an incident report, but if there weren't any charges filed it's possible that things weren't done as they should have been or got lost. I would definitely be curious what other names (if any) were run around the same time, or if there is an incident/arrest that may correspond (accident she may have witnessed, assault charges, etc.). Also--is it possible that the police ran her name to determine her age? Or if someone (Deanna or other) called and requested that the police run her name for records or another reason? Did the police definitely see someone claiming that name, or was it just run through the system (possibly without Dianna's physical presence)?

If Dianna has been abused, she may feel that her family doesn't or wouldn't want her. She may also feel that if she tracked down her family, she would be putting herself or them in harm's way. As far as the "why doesn't she google herself?" question: maybe she doesn't have access to a computer and/or has no idea that searching for herself online could lead her to her family. Maybe she flat out doesn't believe anyone could be looking for her.

One last thing to add to my novel:
Hope the link works. I don't think it would have been difficult for Dianna to get a new SSN if abuse was involved. She could have forged documents (birth cert., etc.), showed some kind of adequate alternative ID (there are many options, and who knows how stringent these regulations were 10-15 years ago), the police blip in 1995 could have been related to confirming her identity in some way for the SSA, or someone could have just taken pity on a young abuse victim and fudged the documents so she could get a new SSN. Perhaps Sgt. D could contact the SSA in/around Hurst and track anyone who received a new SSN shortly after Oct 1995.

Everyone's ideas and input have been really amazing in this case, and it really is inspiring how far you've come toward finding Deanna in just a few years. Missie, you and ALL of your sisters are in my prayers!

:great: :wagon::greetings: You are gonna fit in great here at WS! :great::great:

Great first post! Great ideas - can't wait to hear what the family thinks of them.
Deanna -- I am not your family, but if luck ever has you reading here one day - I know your family would want you back in their lives no matter what! Love trumps all - and any fears you have, your family and the resources now available to them - you all can overcome anything.
I am so glad to see fresh new poster(s) here -- together one day I hope we find Deanna - SOON!
You guys are so awesome! Keri--News Junkie is right, what a great first post! Deanna could have left voluntarily, but remember, she was 13 yrs old, so she most likely would have had to have an older "guide" to help her run away. I still think Skipper White is the best source, and do not understand why he was never interviewed-he had already helped her when she accused her SF of abuse. He may have helped her again, or know who did.

You may be right about the 1995 Hurst contact--I really wish we (or Missie) could contact Hurst PD directly and see what kind of contact it was. If it is listed on a report somewhere, there is a reason why it was, even if charges were never filed.

Missie-have you heard from Sgt D at all lately?

Someone, somewhere knows something, and I wish they would finally have the conscious to come forward. Years are being wasted.
~~~~Hugs~~~~ to Missie. Hoping 2011 is the year Deanna will be found!
julessleuther---great job in "advertising"! Your signature drew me into the thread and, I am not sure I have any fresh or useful ideas, but the more eyes, minds and hearts, the better, right?

My :twocents:

1. The Cave City 1993 call seems likely real to me. What benefit would a prank caller get? To hear her sister say "yes"? To be cruel? Not much payoff and someone would have to know (a) the sister's address (b) sister's phone (c) Deanna was missing etc.

Taking into account major trucking routes---I also don't find it odd that she could have been calling from there. I grew up along the 71/75 trucking corridor in Ky. Lot's of truck stops right off the interstates. Looking at a map from (Mexico?) to Killeen area to Cave City---appears to be long, yes, but pretty darn straight---how easy it would have been in 1990 for a young girl like Deanna to catch rides with truckers? Or to have been 'taken' by a trucker?

2. Conversely, the 1995 LE sighting seems less likely real to me. Sounds like the tattoo part is definitely sketchy info but even the "contact" with LEO in Hurst seems sketchy to me. Why?

I cannot imagine that she didn't take a new name (or was given one) and stole a SSN if needed (lots of people still work under the table for cash). No hits on her name or SSN in the ensuing decades just make that seem the only possible answer---new name, new identity, new number.

If so, if she wasn't arrested when LEO had "contact" (domestic call? traffic stop? witness?) she wouldn't have given up her real name, would she? Wouldn't she have given her "new" name and ID? If so, how did LEO know was Deanna???

Only things I can think of are (a) fingerprints or (b) LEO was from Killeen or otherwise knew Deanna personally. But, in the first case, if not arrested then not booked; if not booked, not printed. AND, would her prints have been on file otherwise? Maybe from early runaway situation? In the second case, wouldn't that officer have at least told someone in the family that she was around and ok, if was from Killeen or otherwise knew her?

So, for me, the 1995 info is more likely the red herring and the 1993 call is more likely a lead.

I would advocate for putting in a right-to-know request with both the Killeen police and the Hurst police. The forms are here:




There are no exceptions I can see that should/could/would apply, so I don't know why they wouldn't release the files. And as slim as I suspect the files are, at least they won't be dribs and drabs of information meted out by an overworked detective---but all of the available information on Deanna.

I'm not verified yet as one, but am an attorney--not in the field of criminal law but know my way around legal paperwork and mumbo jumbo. I'd be happy to help or put in the request myself---

Wow, thank you for your advice! I will let Missie know about the forms, and maybe she can look into this more. She may have more questions for you.
Almost 21 years ago a 13 year old girl went missing...she is not any less important than the people who have gone missing yesterday or today....someone, somewhere knows something. Help us find Deanna!
I'm trying to catch up on this case, and I have a few questions that may have already been answered elsewhere. I'm still going through the threads, but just want to ask if anyone has been able to obtain a copy of Deanna's birth certificate or ID her father.

Also, which sister(s) lived in Kentucky and received the collect call? How long had they been living there and how would Deanna have their phone number?
Deanna's sister could probably answer this better if she stops in, but I can try...

I think they have a birth certificate, and there is no father listed, but they do know who the father is, and he died a few years ago. They did get to talk to him, and I believe that he did not know he had daughters (Deanna is a twin), but her twin got to meet him. Missie, please correct me if I am wrong.

As far as the phone call-the sisters did not live in KY, they received the call from KY. I do not know how long they had that number or if it was unlisted, but I can try and find out. Good questions!

I'm trying to catch up on this case, and I have a few questions that may have already been answered elsewhere. I'm still going through the threads, but just want to ask if anyone has been able to obtain a copy of Deanna's birth certificate or ID her father.

Also, which sister(s) lived in Kentucky and received the collect call? How long had they been living there and how would Deanna have their phone number?
So I spent the morning getting up to date on this case, and I have a few more questions/ideas. It does feel like everything about the case needs to be reviewed from the beginning, since it's been so long without any new leads.

In no particular order, here are my thoughts:

Check to see where/when Deanna's SSN was issued and if there's any credit history associated with it. I don't have a SearchBug account, but I'm sure someone on WS must. http://www.searchbug.com/
Credit reports can be accessed here: https://www.annualcreditreport.com/cra/index.jsp (PSA: never pay for a credit report - the agencies are required to supply free reports once a year.)

Check to see if criminal records for Killeen, Hurst, and Cave City are available on-line at the county level or hire a researcher to check at the county courthouses. Have someone run a LexisNexis search for Deanna's name.

Was the family ever able to obtain the original police reports for Deanna's disappearance or the stepfather's case? Is the stepfather still alive?

Was Skipper White ever interviewed by LE or family? What about the uncle's ex-wife?

Some points I'm unclear on:
How many sisters are there? Deanna, Missie, Bekki(?) and Amy(?)?
What is the Virginia connection? One of the sisters was in VA that summer, right?

Hope this helps in some small way!

ETA: I found some links that may be useful.
Killeen, Ball, TX
Hurst, Tarrent, TX
Cave City, Barren, KY
Horse Cave, Hart, KY

The above are links to the county clerk for the relevant locations in Deanna's case. If Deanna or POI have criminal records, there may be some information available from these sources.

Here's a statewide criminal records search for Texas: link. These records are available to the general public, but there is a fee to search.
Have someone run a LexisNexis search for Deanna's name.

FYI, I'm not the best searcher but I did a LexisNexis search for Deanna this morning. Two hits - one linking here, and the other linking to a Deanna Merryfield that's a CPA in WI. A google search will bring her up, but I didn't see any likely connections between our Deanna and the CPA.
Wow! Just spent the last 1 1/2 days reading thru these threads from the beginning! I am amazed how much you have uncovered and how much is still being hidden. Do you have sunshine laws in TX? Many police records should be and and are required to be given within a timely manner?? I will wait for an answer on this before continuing with any more questions!! I am eager to help in any small way I can!!
Just a general update:
You will notice I don't post much here anymore, and I really am sorry for that. I am forever grateful to everyone who has helped me on here but with posting online I have left myself and my family very exposed to people who are not of a healthy mind. I won't go into detail about those issues but I hope you all will understand my hesitation in posting.
Deanna's case has a new Detective assigned. He has chosen to investigate Deanna's case as a homicide. This decision was not made due to new information supporting the homicide theory but rather because there wasn't anything of substance to really support her being alive. He thinks the "run in" in 95 could have been ANYONE who knew her and didn't want to give their true identity for whatever reason.
Before anyone throws a fit: I fully support this detective in his decision. He has talked to more people than Davis ever did, including people Davis never was "able" to manage to get into an interview room. This new detective has theories as to what happened, and the way I see it, as long as SOMEONE is doing something with her case I'm not going to debate with him on how it should be done. Unfortunately because he is investigating it as a homicide he is not revealing very much. His communication is much greater than the previous detective, he tries to tell me what he thinks is safe to say but that is all.
Just a general update:
You will notice I don't post much here anymore, and I really am sorry for that. I am forever grateful to everyone who has helped me on here but with posting online I have left myself and my family very exposed to people who are not of a healthy mind. I won't go into detail about those issues but I hope you all will understand my hesitation in posting.
Deanna's case has a new Detective assigned. He has chosen to investigate Deanna's case as a homicide. This decision was not made due to new information supporting the homicide theory but rather because there wasn't anything of substance to really support her being alive. He thinks the "run in" in 95 could have been ANYONE who knew her and didn't want to give their true identity for whatever reason.
Before anyone throws a fit: I fully support this detective in his decision. He has talked to more people than Davis ever did, including people Davis never was "able" to manage to get into an interview room. This new detective has theories as to what happened, and the way I see it, as long as SOMEONE is doing something with her case I'm not going to debate with him on how it should be done. Unfortunately because he is investigating it as a homicide he is not revealing very much. His communication is much greater than the previous detective, he tries to tell me what he thinks is safe to say but that is all.


I'm sorry to hear about the negativity you have faced. You were very brave to bring Deanna's story here and I know many of us truly hoped to find you the answers you seek.

Good to know there is a new detective on the case and I do hope he will come through for you. I think of Deanna often and will continue to hope for the best.
I hope 2012 is the year you find something, one way or another.

I actually hope it's sooner, like tomorrow.

God bless you and your family. And to anyone who would harass you or yours, as my southern mama would say, "There's a special place in (whisper) hell (normal voice) for them."
Boy I have been away forever. Just checked my classmates Missie I hope you recall asking me ages ago joining Manor and asking for help there. Not on bite there. I guess it is time for JDB to
Get reared back on this site again. And with and IPad after sitting at a Pc 10 hours a day it will be easier
So sorry to hear that Missie but as long as someone is doing something, that's good. I hope she is found, it looks like her case has much potential to it to bring up the truth.

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