TX - Dr. Kendra Hatcher, 35, killed in parking garage, Dallas, 2 Sept 2015 - #2

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Wondering if RP will go to the funeral? So incredibly sad.

I mean this seriously and not rudely....why wouldn't he? I have been skimming the last 24 hour posts so I may have missed something. I thought they were dating and moving in together. So, I would think he would go.
Wondering, did EGF tell car owner she was borrowing a car for someone else to drive, or did she borrow it, then had CC drive it without the owner's knowledge. If it is the latter and LE doesn't connect the dots, something is very very wrong. I have never and will never loan my car to anyone. My kids even knew better than to ask.
I also wonder after they left the parking garage where they went? So where did CC drop off the shooter ? And when the owner went to police did he have the jeep back in his possession by then? All of those deets answered could fill in a lot of holes.
I agree. Social media is a window into one's personal life for all to see, a perfect source to for a stalker to get information and fuel their rage. Even if the settings are for "friends" only to view ones posts, 6 degrees of separation is a proven theory, and more than likely someone you think is friend can show someone who is not your personal information. My biggest question is the iPhone? there had to be granted permissions from both phones through the same app or carrier. So either someone was given or sold an iPhone by KH, without the info being wiped or someone snuck into her phone and granted permission without her knowledge. My guess is that her phone was one of the things taken by the murderer. Some psychotic people would rather spend their life in jail than see someone else have what they want. Beyond senseless.
Just went back to the DailyMail article and read the Affidavit. The Cherokee owner found out CC was driving his car during the police interview. EGF borrows car, CC drives car EGF's ex boyfriend's current girlfriend is murdered. It does not take a rocket scientist to see what is going on here. A first grader could figure this out. Why is the EGF free? How much corruption is there within the Dallas PD and DA's office?
Does anyone think the Cherokee owner was paid for loaning the car to EGF?

possibly - I read too that the Cherokee had paper tags on it - which means it had just recently been purchased.
What I would like to know is how can they charge CC with capital murder when she was just the driver. Are they trying to scare her to get her to tell the truth. I know she could get a lot of time for admitting the robbery itself, but I really don't believe she is the only one getting blamed for the whole scenario and LE just cant leave it like that. They need to get the EGF. Imo she's the mastermind. It's like the media is saying we know what happened, but LE is acting like CC is going down for murder and no one else is.

They know that, sooner or later, CC will tire of playing the martyr and throw EGF under the same bus!
Since EGF borrowed the Jeep, her prints would be on the car, assuming she drove it. But, it could have been cleaned up. Did the Jeep owner have his car back at the time he went to LE?
I think the "black man" or "man in black" is the stock story the two women agreed upon if questioned. I am fairly convinced it was a half-cocked plot between the two of them, formed by the Ex. All she had to do was find a fall guy, and she certainly did. All jmo of course.
They know that, sooner or later, CC will tire of playing the martyr and throw EGF under the same bus!

I know this is at least the case in felony murder (for which the terms vary in each state) but anyone involved in moving any crime forward that results in a murder is equally as responsible as the person who pulled the trigger. (I am unclear if this only pertains to felony murder or any murder--but I bet someone here knows.) It could be the case for CC that driving will get her the same charge as pulling the trigger. Honestly, I wonder if the EGF drove and also shot KH. And she just brought CC for moral support and perhaps to be the fall guy/fall girl.

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He can't drive.
He doesn't have a car.
He doesn't know his way around Dallas.
He knew his car might be seen and he didn't want to be recognized. (This way driver, shooter, and car are all separate.)

CC must be really frightened to cover for XGF like this.

Or, he is a family member or friend from Mexico who specifically came up to do this and then immediately fled back to Mexico. He'd have no car, no US license and wouldn't know his way around Dallas. In and out - done. I am not buying the African-American male shooter story. I read that for the first time today in the DM and shook my head. The all too common story. She might just as well have said Santa did it. *shaking head once again*
Anyone giddy with anticipation that XGF will be arrested in class right before her dental test tomorrow?

This young woman threw away the life of KH, plus her own life, plus the life of CC--a mother.
She would have met another guy if she just could have held it together. It's so disturbing and tragic. And it seems she used someone even weaker and more desperate than herself. I don't feel giddy, but I do hope there are no loopholes that are getting in the way for holding the ex accountable for her crime.

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I am wondering if CC is not telling the true story (or maybe she has...obviously we don't know what LE is holding back) because if she does, it may get the mastermind arrested, but not the person who is threatening her (CC's)family. Not sure if I'm making sense. Could be someone loyal to XGF that would be willing to retaliate.

Also...I could be way off, but I feel maybe CC's loyalty to XGF goes much deeper than friendship. XGF may have sensed that and used it to her advantage.

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I know this is at least the case in felony murder (for which the terms vary in each state) but anyone involved in moving any crime forward that results in a murder is equally as responsible as the person who pulled the trigger. (I am unclear if this only pertains to felony murder or any murder--but I bet someone here knows.) It could be the case for CC that driving will get her the same charge as pulling the trigger. Honestly, I wonder if the EGF drove and also shot KH. And she just brought CC for moral support and perhaps to be the fall guy/fall girl.

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I posted something about this back on the first thread. As the driver, who at a minimum knew she was driving someone to at least take something from KH, under Texas state law CC is as guilty as the actual shooter and/or the person who orchestrated the murder. This is why she has been charged with Capital Murder.

Just went back to the DailyMail article and read the Affidavit. The Cherokee owner found out CC was driving his car during the police interview. EGF borrows car, CC drives car EGF's ex boyfriend's current girlfriend is murdered. It does not take a rocket scientist to see what is going on here. A first grader could figure this out. Why is the EGF free? How much corruption is there within the Dallas PD and DA's office?

What's with insulting LE? How about assuming that they are doing a thorough job so the DA can win the case? There is no evidence they are corrupt in this case. Link? Just because Dallas PD knows what is going on doesn't mean they have enough solid evidence to make charges stick. I don't understand leaping to the conclusion that a delay in arresting someone is evidence of corruption within Dallas PD and the DA's office. We all know that cases take time to build. Why rush it, be sloppy and lose?
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