Found Deceased TX - Emily Wade, 38, Ennis, Ellis County, 5 Jan 2019

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This is a map of a route posted by someone on the Bring Emily Home FB page. Looks like the direct route from her friend's house to her apartment.
Thank you for sharing, squid! I had no idea how close the two locations were to one another: 2.6 miles, or three minutes by car!

For others who may be interested, here is a link to the Bring Emily Home FB page:
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According to this article,

“Her mother says she went missing after Emily told her she was going to a co-worker's house for pizza and a movie.

A friend at the house told police Emily drove away that night and hasn't been heard from since.” (BBM)
Ah...that makes much more sense. It was, it seems then, a few friends getting together for a movie and pizza. Co-worker and male friend could def be two different people and the male friend made the statement that he saw her drive away.

I wonder if this person walked out with her. To witness her actually "driving" away, he would need to be out there with her or looking out a window. Of course, MSM could have worded that awkwardly. Wonder if there were more people there than EW, the co-worker and this male friend? And, if so, are they all cleared as POI's.
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I wonder if this person walked out with her. To witness her actually "driving" away, he would need to be out there with her or looking out a window. Of course, MSM could have worded that awkwardly. Wonder if there were more people there than EW, the co-worker and this male friend? And, if so, are they all cleared as POI's.
RSABBM for focus

Interestingly, in the “Ennis Police Crime Watch” video posted on EPD’s FB page, the host (one of the officers, I believe) only reports, “Emily was last seen Saturday around 5 pm leaving her home on Yorkstown. She was driving southbound on Clay, last we know about.” and then he gives the vehicle and clothing descriptions.

Ennis Police Department

It seems like that’s all LE has been able to verify at this point. As to where Emily might have gone, with whom and what happened there, they are still trying to confirm, IMO.

It has been reported numerous times Emily “was seen driving away,” but IIRC, no one has said from where. As to by whom, reports have been all over the place (“the witness,” “the co-worker,” “a male friend,” et al.). I believe this is because LE is keeping the information close to the vest for investigative purposes, IMO.

If there was another male at the co-worker’s house, maybe this is yet another case in which the guy says, “I saw her drive away after she dropped me off,” when in fact the individual has harmed the victim, IMO.
According to this article,

“Her mother says she went missing after Emily told her she was going to a co-worker's house for pizza and a movie.

A friend at the house told police Emily drove away that night and hasn't been heard from since.” (BBM)
To me, as others have said, would mean there were more than one person at the house. A friend at the house implies it isn’t their home. If it was their home, would it not have been A friend told police she left their house? MOO where are you Emily?!
First of all... prayers for her return.

I wish we could establish if it was just "one male friend" or a male friend and someone else at the house. While 5PM seems a little early for "Netflix and Chill" perhaps not if you have a small window. Whereas if there's another friend there... more than likely everything is strictly plutonic.

In cases like this, I do look out for "code words." How many times have you guys had friends/family over and have actually taken the time to physically see them drive away? I've walked gal pals to their car. But to actually wait to see them drive away... this ain't Beirut. Sometimes perps go overboard with the details... just because they are trying their best to be transparent. By saying, "I saw her..." gives the LEO's what they want timeline-wise, and theoretically clears themselves by stating, "Well... she did leave my house... cause I saw her... so it definitely isn't me!"

Again... I could be way off. But like many who have posted here, just like the missing CO woman, and so many others, that intimate person who has that last confirmed sighting...
First of all... prayers for her return.

I wish we could establish if it was just "one male friend" or a male friend and someone else at the house. While 5PM seems a little early for "Netflix and Chill" perhaps not if you have a small window. Whereas if there's another friend there... more than likely everything is strictly plutonic.

In cases like this, I do look out for "code words." How many times have you guys had friends/family over and have actually taken the time to physically see them drive away? I've walked gal pals to their car. But to actually wait to see them drive away... this ain't Beirut. Sometimes perps go overboard with the details... just because they are trying their best to be transparent. By saying, "I saw her..." gives the LEO's what they want timeline-wise, and theoretically clears themselves by stating, "Well... she did leave my house... cause I saw her... so it definitely isn't me!"

Again... I could be way off. But like many who have posted here, just like the missing CO woman, and so many others, that intimate person who has that last confirmed sighting...

I see where you are going with the seeing her drive away. Personally when I have guests over, I walk them to the door, but we have windows in our living room that look out to the street and I often can see when guests drive away. If the house was anything like ours, it might explain this statement. This is not to say this person did nothing. MOO

A thought came to me today when someone mentioned a possible obsessed customer on her missing FB page. If the friend is in fact cleared, could someone have been hiding in her back seat? If it’s an obsessed person, I’d think that would lessen the chance of her being passed and make it more likely she is being held against her will. MOO
First of all... prayers for her return.

I wish we could establish if it was just "one male friend" or a male friend and someone else at the house. While 5PM seems a little early for "Netflix and Chill" perhaps not if you have a small window. Whereas if there's another friend there... more than likely everything is strictly plutonic.

In cases like this, I do look out for "code words." How many times have you guys had friends/family over and have actually taken the time to physically see them drive away? I've walked gal pals to their car. But to actually wait to see them drive away... this ain't Beirut. Sometimes perps go overboard with the details... just because they are trying their best to be transparent. By saying, "I saw her..." gives the LEO's what they want timeline-wise, and theoretically clears themselves by stating, "Well... she did leave my house... cause I saw her... so it definitely isn't me!"

Again... I could be way off. But like many who have posted here, just like the missing CO woman, and so many others, that intimate person who has that last confirmed sighting...
If there were more than one person gathered for pizza and a movie though, it would be difficult IMO to harm her without anyone else knowing about it.

But I do agree- who actually watches someone drive away unless you're outside as well. I wish we could get it cleared up how many were there, if the co-worker and male friend are the same person, who actually stated they saw her drive away...
I'm wondering if some articles are just poorly written. Some say co worker or close male friend all meaning the same thing.

It says her bank account hadn't been touched but maybe she had a stash of money from tips. Enough for her to get a tank of gas and head out of town.

Yes, I believe her mother when she says this is something her daughter wouldn't do, but who really knows what's going on in another person's mind.

She's 38, lives in an apartment with her mother ad 7 year old daughter and works hard as a server at Chili's. Her ex boyfriend lives there but isn't he married to someone else? She's only been there for a month so is that enough time to establish some fun or "intimate" relationships?

I can't get into her head either but I'm not willing, yet anyway, to say she's been murdered and dumped somewhere.
Perhaps the friend saw her drive away because he was outside having a smoke?
Perhaps she wanted to be home early to get her daughter to bed?

I believe Emily's mom said she told her she would be home before 9.00 pm. The co-worker said Emily left at 8.30 which would fit in with the timescale of arriving home at 9.00 but of course she never arrived.

I still think the co-worker/male friend are one and the same, but some of the reporting of this case has been very confusing.
I'm wondering if some articles are just poorly written. Some say co worker or close male friend all meaning the same thing.

It says her bank account hadn't been touched but maybe she had a stash of money from tips. Enough for her to get a tank of gas and head out of town.

Yes, I believe her mother when she says this is something her daughter wouldn't do, but who really knows what's going on in another person's mind.

She's 38, lives in an apartment with her mother ad 7 year old daughter and works hard as a server at Chili's. Her ex boyfriend lives there but isn't he married to someone else? She's only been there for a month so is that enough time to establish some fun or "intimate" relationships?

I can't get into her head either but I'm not willing, yet anyway, to say she's been murdered and dumped somewhere.
RBBM. I didn't mean to imply that she WAS harmed in anyway. Though that is alway a speculation that comes up when someone just goes missing. She could have run away (though I have doubts about that), had an accident (where is she?), or had a medical emergency of some sort. Everything is on the table at the moment. I only wish for clarity in witnesses accounts, to help narrow down where indeed she was last seen. And seen by whom. JMO
The fact they are searching areas in Ennis is concerning.

Google Maps show that a trip from Ennis, TX to Kentucky is a little over 900 miles.

If she headed that way, she would have to stop for gas and probably sleep somewhere.

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