GUILTY TX - Ethan Couch 'Affluenza Teen' DUI driver who killed four gets probation, 2013 #2

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I get that teens do stupid things like drink and drive. I give them more leeway than adults who do, because presumably adults' brains are more developed and understand more fully the concepts of cause and effect, consequences to actions, both short term and long. The reason we have a separate juvenile criminal system vs. adult is for those very reasons, and for the reasons that kids CAN be turned around. I think many on this forum would be perfectly happy if we did not have separate criminal systems. They want to throw away the key forever no matter the age of the perpetrator.

My bigger problem with Ethan Couch is that he never-from the very beginning-showed any comprehension of the magnitude of his actions. He never seemed upset or contrite at his actions. He didn't seem TO GET IT. He didn't seem to feel devastated about the lives lost, the lives ruined. His focus has always SEEMED to be on himself and avoiding any accountability.

If he had truly been remorseful, had gone about the business of cleaning up his act, if he'd apologized to the families, gotten counseling, and perhaps made attempts to gain some good out of the situation (like talking to high school kids about what happened, urging them against drinking and driving, etc.), I would feel that the judge had made the right decision.

Unfortunately, due to his idiot parents and possibly the kid's own personality disorders, he was a lost cause from the very beginning. He's now an adult, and deserving of most of the scorn being heaped upon him now.

I agree. Teenagers do make mistakes. Affluzena should never be allowed to be a defense! Hos parents should have learned the word NO.
Sorry I didn't make my statement clear. I was referring to the state prisons in Texas only. I suppose each state can decide how they want to house their prisoners. Ethan is currently in the county jail awaiting a ruling. If he ever is sent to the state adult penitentiary it is my understanding that the Texas prison system only has solitary confinement for death row inmates. The US Federal system can pretty much do whatever they want especially when it comes to terrorists.

They have solitaire confinement in most prisons. It's called the hole. If you get in a fight, they send you there for 30 days. Atleast, that is my understanding.
From the description of his upbringing, he had no boundaries set for him and was allowed to do whatever he wanted. I guess that qualifies as free range.

My understanding of a free range kid is very different from being a neglectful parent. Or a parent that doesn't set boundaries.

These parents set no boundaries and allowed him to to whatever.
That's because linguistically it sounds like influenza (the flu). The lawyer coined that term for that very reason, to sound like a real disease. Every played the game Balderdash? That's what it is about- taking a fake word and making it sound real.

The lawyer didn't actually make it up. It had already been around for 50-60 years though it's been more related to consumerism.
My understanding of a free range kid is very different from being a neglectful parent. Or a parent that doesn't set boundaries.

These parents set no boundaries and allowed him to to whatever.

I agree. I've never read that "free range parenting" excluded setting certain limits and making kids accountable for their actions.
One 16-year-old drove drunk, ran a red light and crashed into a pregnant woman's car, killing her and her unborn child. Another drunken teenager rammed a pickup truck into a crowd of people assisting a stranded driver, killing four.

Jaime Arellano went to prison. Ethan Couch went free.

The stories of the two Texas teens illustrate how prosecutors' decisions in similar cases can lead to wildly different outcomes. The poor immigrant from Mexico has been behind bars for almost a decade. The white kid with rich parents got 10 years of probation.
From what I've seen from living in Texas is that justice is often determined by who is wealthy & who is not. The wealthy can pay for the best attorneys, the poor cannot. Do any of you old timers remember the T. Cullen Davis murder case from back in the 1970s? After 3 trials, he walked free as a bird. He was accused of killing his wife's boy friend as well as her 11 year old daughter & shooting & injuring her. I will look & see if I can find a link on this case & post. Davis was the richest man ever tried for murder. I will say that even his well known hot shot lawyer might not have been able to get him off if it had not been for the hedonistic lifestyle of his wife. She ran with the lowest of the lowlifes. Because of that, it was impossible to determine that he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Off to look for a link now.

Here is link on the case that I was talking about. I even worked with a woman who was a juror in one of his trials. She got death threats but I can understand because of hi wife's lifestyle it was impossible to decide beyond a reasonable doubt. After all these years, I can't really say who I think did the murders.
From what I've seen from living in Texas is that justice is often determined by who is wealthy & who is not. The wealthy can pay for the best attorneys, the poor cannot.

That would be true in all 50 states.

That said, I do remember the Cullen Davis event. Such a miscarriage of justice.

There is a lot of injustice in the world. All you have to do is pick up a newspaper. Sometimes it can become rather depressing to think about it.
From what I've seen from living in Texas is that justice is often determined by who is wealthy & who is not. The wealthy can pay for the best attorneys, the poor cannot. Do any of you old timers remember the T. Cullen Davis murder case from back in the 1970s? After 3 trials, he walked free as a bird. He was accused of killing his wife's boy friend as well as her 11 year old daughter & shooting & injuring her. I will look & see if I can find a link on this case & post. Davis was the richest man ever tried for murder. I will say that even his well known hot shot lawyer might not have been able to get him off if it had not been for the hedonistic lifestyle of his wife. She ran with the lowest of the lowlifes. Because of that, it was impossible to determine that he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Off to look for a link now.

There is one thong more to add, it is not just those that have money can pay their way out but those who have connections, are in public service jobs, they rub each others backs and cover for each other and their families. I have watched this happen first hand and it sickens me. If the person had been made to face the punishment for the crime, then further crimes would not have happened. It is real sad to see this go on.
You know who I feel bad for? A 17-year-old (who just turned 17-years-old) kid who was simply walking home from the store and lost his life.
Texas started early voting for the primary election on Tuesday 2/16 & I went this morning to cast my ballot. I was completely dismayed by the number of judges running for election. The pitiful part is that I know absolutely nothing about any of them & I am ashamed. I did NOT vote for any of them since I had no knowledge of any of them. I would just like to use my experience to make everyone more aware of checking out the background of judges running for election in your area. The judges we choose could make a huge difference in how a case is decided so IMO, it is extremely important that we choose wisely. Otherwise we could end up with another Ethan Couch situation. Happy voting & informed decisions to all of you! I failed miserably!!
Texas started early voting for the primary election on Tuesday 2/16 & I went this morning to cast my ballot. I was completely dismayed by the number of judges running for election. The pitiful part is that I know absolutely nothing about any of them & I am ashamed. I did NOT vote for any of them since I had no knowledge of any of them. I would just like to use my experience to make everyone more aware of checking out the background of judges running for election in your area. The judges we choose could make a huge difference in how a case is decided so IMO, it is extremely important that we choose wisely. Otherwise we could end up with another Ethan Couch situation. Happy voting & informed decisions to all of you! I failed miserably!!

See, I think when you vote you should have to type in the name of the candidate you want to vote for. Or maybe the first 3 letters of the last name.

That way, people who don't care enough to at least glance through a sample ballot before voting, and bringing the sample ballot with them wouldn't be able to vote in races where they don't know the candidates.

When we switched our school board elections from May to November and wrapped them in with all the general elections, it was a disaster. People with the smoothest names won. A complete disaster. Used to be, when the school board elections were completely separate only people who cared about the election of school board members showed up at the polling place that day.

So instead of giving voters a list of options to check, voters should have to arrive already knowing who they intend to vote for.

But I agree with you, it's dismaying to get to a booth and stare at the names and not know who they are. In cases like that I don't vote in that race.
Texas started early voting for the primary election on Tuesday 2/16 & I went this morning to cast my ballot. I was completely dismayed by the number of judges running for election. The pitiful part is that I know absolutely nothing about any of them & I am ashamed. I did NOT vote for any of them since I had no knowledge of any of them. I would just like to use my experience to make everyone more aware of checking out the background of judges running for election in your area. The judges we choose could make a huge difference in how a case is decided so IMO, it is extremely important that we choose wisely. Otherwise we could end up with another Ethan Couch situation. Happy voting & informed decisions to all of you! I failed miserably!!

No, better to not vote for them, than vote for judges you know nothing about. We don't need any more idiot judges or ones that can be bribed!
When I first came to Fort Worth in 1960, it was a 'little big city'. Everyone from the high & mighty to the most lowly knew one another or at least OF one another or at least their reputations. If not, we all at least had friends who knew every one else. Now it's just one huge mass of humanity & judges up for election receive no publicity. I must admit that sadly a lot of my friends have died & I'm no longer able to consult with them.
I agree. Teenagers do make mistakes. Affluzena should never be allowed to be a defense! Hos parents should have learned the word NO.

I've been thinking about this. The parents paid handsomely for the attorney who said it's basically the fault of the parents. So that means they approve of that defense which means they agree they are guilty of not teaching him how to behave which means they are saying ' we are the guilty ones, not our son'. So , I wonder what would happen if the judge asked them to go to prison for the charges.......
I've been thinking about this. The parents paid handsomely for the attorney who said it's basically the fault of the parents. So that means they approve of that defense which means they agree they are guilty of not teaching him how to behave which means they are saying ' we are the guilty ones, not our son'. So , I wonder what would happen if the judge asked them to go to prison for the charges.......

Good point.
Texas started early voting for the primary election on Tuesday 2/16 & I went this morning to cast my ballot. I was completely dismayed by the number of judges running for election. The pitiful part is that I know absolutely nothing about any of them & I am ashamed. I did NOT vote for any of them since I had no knowledge of any of them. I would just like to use my experience to make everyone more aware of checking out the background of judges running for election in your area. The judges we choose could make a huge difference in how a case is decided so IMO, it is extremely important that we choose wisely. Otherwise we could end up with another Ethan Couch situation. Happy voting & informed decisions to all of you! I failed miserably!!

That is really important to do your research before you vote. Was it all of Texas? If so I missed the vote.
She refused to let them take photos of her neck. So there is no evidence of any bruises or scratches on her that they could have possibly presented in court.

This is why they started the law that reguardless of if she wants to file charges they take the abuser. But since she refused the pictures that makes it hard.
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