GUILTY TX - Ethan Couch 'Affluenza Teen' DUI driver who killed four gets probation, 2013 #2

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I can't imagine how you could prove that he went to Mexico against his will. He's not a minor, there's evidence that they planned a "going away" planning party, etc.

His hearing is scheduled for Feb. 19, when he'll likely be back in Texas and able to attend, as is his legal right I believe. And by that time surely the court will get their ducks in a row and notify those who are required to be notified.

I think any judge who might be willing to give him a little leniency would change their mind if he tries to state that he was kidnapped to Mexico against his will by his mother.

I hope you are correct on all counts. Personally, my faith in the Texas justice system is, on this case at least, totally shattered. I hope I am wrong.
I wonder if a claim will come out that his mother took him against his will to the strip club in Mexico and forced alcohol down his throat too :eek:hoh:

The way this has all been going, I am sorry to say that I honestly wouldn't be surprised at this point if that actually happens.
This is really a crazy thought! After reading the summary above on what happens if EC does not make it back for his hearing February 19, it makes me wonder if one of their high priced attorneys suggested these shenanigans? Hmmm. . .
This is really a crazy thought! After reading the summary above on what happens if EC does not make it back for his hearing February 19, it makes me wonder if one of their high priced attorneys suggested these shenanigans? Hmmm. . .

JMO, that is exactly what happened. I really doubt that EC will show for his Feb. 19th hearing but if he does, "arrangements" have been made with another judge........again another JMO.
That is the impression I get, but I do not know that for a fact. IMO, it was a token given to the victim's families. Just more legal mumbo jumbo.:furious:
Actually I don't think we have a justice system. We only have lawyers & judges maneuvering around the law.

It doesn't seem to me that anyone did this on purpose - this just makes the court look inept.

I am curious, though, that the court would be expected to be able to notify the mother, who they knew for a fact was unreachable - they were trying to locate both Ethan and his mother. I'm not sure how they were to serve her with notice if they were fully aware she was missing and they had no good address for her.

But my second questions is this. Although this is a case that was adjudicated in juvenile court, the subject of this hearing is now an adult. I'm surprised the court is required to notify the parents of an adult of a pending hearing. Additionally, it does seem they were able to notify the father, as he isn't mentioned as someone who wasn't notified.

The court knew how to serve Tonya about the hearing.He wasn't an adult at the time he killed 4 people, was in Juvie court, so parents should be there. They were found in Dec. 2015.They knew how to notify her. She knew, period. Her lawyers are playing games. In the end for Tonya, I hope she goes for a jury trial:jail:. The longer she is away from Ethan, the better off he is IMO. He needs Adult Supervision Probation, and maybe a life coach or mentor to try undo some of the damage the parents did. Explain to him about the damage he has done to innocent people and responsibilty since his parents taught him nothing.:moo:
This is really a crazy thought! After reading the summary above on what happens if EC does not make it back for his hearing February 19, it makes me wonder if one of their high priced attorneys suggested these shenanigans? Hmmm. . .

Of course they did. This is all very well planned out.
Maybe it's planned out, but the best laid plans of mice, men, or lairs oft go astray..

True, but I am depressed & feeling hopeless about this case. I'm afraid it's going to turn out to be another Casey Anthony or George Zimmerman situation.
True, but I am depressed & feeling hopeless about this case. I'm afraid it's going to turn out to be another Casey Anthony or George Zimmerman situation.

:grouphug: ............ Bold: Don't feel that way, I refuse too. I feel the Prosecuters will move heaven and earth to try to get Ethan in Adult Probation, and nail Psycho. to a :jail: I wonder whos going to pay Psycho's legal bills and sonny boys legal fees when he gets back. Wonder if Dad's really PO'd at them.

:grouphug: ............ Bold: Don't feel that way, I refuse too. I feel the Prosecuters will move heaven and earth to try to get Ethan in Adult Probation, and nail Psycho. to a :jail: I wonder whos going to pay Psycho's legal bills and sonny boys legal fees when he gets back. Wonder if Dad's really PO'd at them.

Actually, I can't help myself. It seems to me that the only good guys that know what they're doing were the U. S. Marshal's Service. The prosecutors & the judiciary have been acting like a bunch of clowns in a bad cartoon! I'm really not sure that they have the sense or will for justice to happen.
I find it interesting that her oldest son came to her rescue, not her daughter. From what I saw on the 20/20 interview, the daughter's facial expressions revealed that she didn't have much faith in her mom. What is the deal with TC & her sons?

20/20 interview????? Where can I watch this epic stuff?
20/20 interview????? Where can I watch this epic stuff?


This video is 40+ minutes long so get your favorite beverage & make yourself comfy. TC's daughter doesn't appear until near the end of the video.
Here’s a local news article I found yesterday re: what Ethan Couch’s lawyers expect
to happen with his sentence:

Wynn and Brown said they expect the transfer to adult court to happen since Couch's sentence was designed to transfer his probation to the District Court on his 19th birthday. Couch was sentenced to 10 years of probation by a juvenile judge on a “determinate sentence.”

I’m not a lawyer, but I have some experience with the Texas juvenile justice system via a close family member not long ago. At the time I learned there were two types of sentencing in juvenile cases – indeterminate or determinate. An indeterminate sentence normally ends after age 19, and a determinate one carries into the adult system after age 19. The judge decides on the type of sentencing at the end of trial or plea hearing.

More info on determinate sentencing can be found as follows (note that in some instances the sources say the change happens at age 21, which was the case until a few years ago, when the state legislature changed it to 19): Library/Articles 2014/Determinate Sentencing.pdf

Hope this is helpful!

I have also seen other local attorneys on DFW area news shows in recent weeks saying they expect Ethan’s case to transfer to adult court, and a judge would likely rule that the transfer hearing could take place without him being present, given the circumstances. Now that his lawyers are saying the immigration proceedings in Mexico are being stopped, and they expect Ethan to return soon, it seems likely his sentence will be moved to adult court.
Here’s a local news article I found yesterday re: what Ethan Couch’s lawyers expect
to happen with his sentence:

Wynn and Brown said they expect the transfer to adult court to happen since Couch's sentence was designed to transfer his probation to the District Court on his 19th birthday. Couch was sentenced to 10 years of probation by a juvenile judge on a “determinate sentence.”

I’m not a lawyer, but I have some experience with the Texas juvenile justice system via a close family member not long ago. At the time I learned there were two types of sentencing in juvenile cases – indeterminate or determinate. An indeterminate sentence normally ends after age 19, and a determinate one carries into the adult system after age 19. The judge decides on the type of sentencing at the end of trial or plea hearing.

More info on determinate sentencing can be found as follows (note that in some instances the sources say the change happens at age 21, which was the case until a few years ago, when the state legislature changed it to 19): Library/Articles 2014/Determinate Sentencing.pdf

Hope this is helpful!

I have also seen other local attorneys on DFW area news shows in recent weeks saying they expect Ethan’s case to transfer to adult court, and a judge would likely rule that the transfer hearing could take place without him being present, given the circumstances. Now that his lawyers are saying the immigration proceedings in Mexico are being stopped, and they expect Ethan to return soon, it seems likely his sentence will be moved to adult court.

Thanks for the links! However, at this point, I don't believe anything that floats out of his attorney's mouths.
As long as Ethan's case can be transferred to adult court without him being present, he may as well stay in Mexico. At least there he is not able to pull his influences as well as he can here in the states. I don't think!
If EC does come back voluntarily it must be because his dad didn't pay enough money to Mexican authorities to keep him in the deluxe section of the detention center. The poor man section of the detention center would not be a very comfy place to be.
IMO, we will one day read, 'he' is back in TX, in custody. Media will not know about it until after the fact, unless someone gives a tip and gets paid for it. This is a case where sneaky things are going on. JMO
I have a question residents the 120 days he could spend in jail. My understanding is that he can only spend till his nineteenth birthday in jail. Is that correct? My understanding is originally stated in December 120 in jail because that is how long it was till his birthday. I read it could still be another month till he is deported now that he has dropped the fight. Then there has to be a hearing. I don't see him spending any time in jail before his nineteenth birthday. It was all a delay to have home spend a few months at a deportation center rather than any time in a US jail.
I have a question residents the 120 days he could spend in jail. My understanding is that he can only spend till his nineteenth birthday in jail. Is that correct? My understanding is originally stated in December 120 in jail because that is how long it was till his birthday. I read it could still be another month till he is deported now that he has dropped the fight. Then there has to be a hearing. I don't see him spending any time in jail before his nineteenth birthday. It was all a delay to have home spend a few months at a deportation center rather than any time in a US jail.

Yes, that is right...and it is being sneaky. It will not take him long though to be in trouble again. If I am right, he still will be on probation for about 8 more drinking was one rule, going to parties with liquor wad another and I think no driving. I will see if I can find ant info. If anyone can find it faster please post his probation rules. Thanks.
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