GUILTY TX - Ethan Couch 'Affluenza Teen' DUI driver who killed four gets probation, 2013 #3

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Daily Mail (where the supposed interview judge gave was published) is not considered a highly credible source.

They may not be but they sure expose things that are not readily known. For instance they published a true article about the re-marriage of Leanne Littlefield, widow of Chad Littlefield who was killed along with Chris Kyle. It is, beyond doubt, true that she re-married a Texas Ranger & had a baby within a year of Chad's death. Talk about a grieving widow.................. I know this for a FACT.
Well now, we really couldn't expect her to admit it, could we???????? I knew she was going to get some heat over that article & I guess it got 'too hot in the kitchen for her'. Too bad!!!!!!!

Maybe, or maybe she really didn't give that interview. We really don't know one way or the other to say.
The interview has been out for a long time, all over the media. Why is the retired judge just now denying it? Something fishy?

It's been out less than a week. I wouldn't consider that a "long time." Frankly the photo of the judge does look as if it were taken long distance. I wouldn't be surprised if this reporter "channeled" the judge rather than actually interviewing her.
The interview has been out for a long time, all over the media. Why is the retired judge just now denying it? Something fishy?

Does this mean she might have private regrets, especially since she's been vilified in the court of public opinion-rightly so IMO??
It's been out less than a week. I wouldn't consider that a "long time." Frankly the photo of the judge does look as if it were taken long distance. I wouldn't be surprised if this reporter "channeled" the judge rather than actually interviewing her.

The way I read the article, she is not denying making the statements. She is only denying that she gave an “interview” to the Daily Mail. I would be surprised if the reporter is making it up. If he was making it up he could have made up a lot more then just a few statements.

“She hasn’t given an interview about this to anyone,” Boyd’s attorney, Roland Johnson, told the Star-Telegram. “She hasn’t talked to the Daily Mail. That’s false and now that falsehood is getting repeated everywhere.”
The way I read the article, she is not denying making the statements. She is only denying that she gave an “interview” to the Daily Mail. I would be surprised if the reporter is making it up. If he was making it up he could have made up a lot more then just a few statements.

You quoted her lawyer saying that she hasn't talked to Daily Mail. Unless she communicated with that reporter telepathically, how could she make any statements to the reporter without talking? And it would be more difficult to make up more than just a few statements.
Ever since Judge Boyd sentenced Ethan to probation she has not been viewed in a good light here locally. With every new story of the various Couch family antics, the former judge is viewed even less favorably. When the Daily Mail article hit the local stations here, the pot was stirred once again. Comments have been pouring in & none have been nice. Apparently local news sources have no mods to keep comments civil. Given the opportunity, the citizens of Tarrant Co. would probably love nothing more than to be able to tar & feather the entire Couch family & Judge Boyd. This is JMO. I think it is the arrogance of all involved parties that gets the public so riled. Again, JMO.
You quoted her lawyer saying that she hasn't talked to Daily Mail. Unless she communicated with that reporter telepathically, how could she make any statements to the reporter without talking?

But that is not what he said. Thats what he is trying to make you think. He absolutely did not say that she didn’t make any statement or talk to the reporter. Only that she did not grant an interview or talk to the Daily Mail.

The two of them were together in front of her house, because he was able to take her picture. She was looking right at him. It’s highly unlikely that nothing was said between the two of them.
But that is not what he said. Thats what he is trying to make you think. He absolutely did not say that she didn’t make any statement or talk to the reporter. Only that she did not grant an interview or talk to the Daily Mail.

The two of them were together in front of her house, because he was able to take her picture. She was looking right at him. It’s highly unlikely that nothing was said between the two of them.

He did say she didn't talk to Daily Mail.
I don't see any ambiguity there.
This photo doesn't look like it was taken from a close distance. The photographer could have been across the street for all I know. I don't see the "two of them" together in the photo. If this reporter talked to her, where is the photo of the two of them talking? Why didn't reporter tape the conversation?
He did say she didn't talk to Daily Mail.
I don't see any ambiguity there.
This photo doesn't look like it was taken from a close distance. The photographer could have been across the street for all I know. I don't see the "two of them" together in the photo. If this reporter talked to her, where is the photo of the two of them talking? Why didn't reporter tape the conversation?

Where does it say he didn’t tape the conversation?
Do you see any videos of this conversation on Daily Mail website?

You asked, "Why didn't the reporter tape the conversation?” I asked you where does it say he didn’t tape it? Since you answered my question, with another question, I have to assume there is no evidence that he didn’t tape it. So your question is very hypothetical.
You asked, "Why didn't the reporter tape the conversation?” I asked you where does it say he didn’t tape it? Since you answered my question, with another question, I have to assume there is no evidence that he didn’t tape it. So your question is very hypothetical.

Judge claims she didn't give this interview. One would think if Daily Mail had the tape of the interview they would have produced it to prove that interview was actually given.
Just suppose it happened like this...................... Judge Boyd is working in her yard, someone approaches her & starts asking questions. (IMO, this has probably happened before). She curtly answers him/her just hoping that they will vanish & leave her alone. After all, she is not interested in making any comments on the Couch case. VIOLA...........she is suddenly quoted in the Daily Mirror article. I don't know this is what happened, only that it might be a possibility. I suspect when she hears the words "Ethan Couch" she feels like throwing up.
Judge claims she didn't give this interview. One would think if Daily Mail had the tape of the interview they would have produced it to prove that interview was actually given.

And the Daily Mail has responded by removing the word “interview” from the article. That should solve the problem. Since that seems to be the only thing the lawyer is objecting to.
And the Daily Mail has responded by removing the word “interview” from the article. That should solve the problem. Since that seems to be the only thing the lawyer is objecting to.

Either the judge told things (that Daily Mail is attributing to her) to the reporter, or she didn't (and she claims she didn't). Calling it "interview" or not calling it "interview" makes no difference whatsoever.
Either the judge told things (that Daily Mail is attributing to her) to the reporter, or she didn't (and she claims she didn't). Calling it "interview" or not calling it "interview" makes no difference whatsoever.

Well, then the lawyer should file a libel suit against the Daily Mail. But I have a feeling he won’t do that. Because I’m pretty sure that is exactly what the judge said, and more then likely, it’s on tape.

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