GUILTY TX - Ethan Couch 'Affluenza Teen' DUI driver who killed four gets probation, 2013 #3

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How exactly were they "too broke to pay"??? I thought Ethan went to a more expensive rehab in Calif., one that had horseback riding:confused::waitasec:??:thinking:

As I recall, he was only there for a little while before his dad ran out of money (his dad isn't as wealthy as MSM would have you believe) and then he was put in rehab within the corrections system (which MSM would rather you not know, since that doesn't make everyone hate him as much).
So, with the gag order in place, does that mean conditions of his adult sentence won't be made public?
Maybe to avoid a public party scene? I'm sure it's difficult for court systems when a case like this goes so completely public that people make an outing of going and carrying signs and partying it up. And blocking traffic and shouting at passersby.

IF there are Ethan Couch protesters.... can I have a link that they are traffic blockers and shout at people? TIA
IF there are Ethan Couch protesters.... can I have a link that they are traffic blockers and shout at people? TIA

I can't give you a link to a future event, unfortunately.

I'm heading out for a meeting right now, and when I return I'd be glad to give you a link to the Peterson Trial, and Casey Anthony's court appearances if you'd like.
As a Tarrant County resident and taxpayer, I can't begin to express how it infuriates me that our tax dollars payed for this spoiled little rich brat's so-called rehab!!!! :furious:
Why have a gag order and allow live feed?

ETA The court system moving like a well oiled machine this morning, I see. :gaah:
As I recall, he was only there for a little while before his dad ran out of money (his dad isn't as wealthy as MSM would have you believe) and then he was put in rehab within the corrections system (which MSM would rather you not know, since that doesn't make everyone hate him as much).

That doesn't make any sense to me. It wouldn't make everyone hate him as much to know his dad ran out of money and the taxpayers are now the one's paying his rehab bill?
I would think it would be the opposite - it would enrage the public even more to know public taxes are paying for him.

In any case, I just did a google search and KTRK News was apparently way ahead in reporting this. They made a report way back in 2014 announcing that the taxpayers are now footing the bill and that he will be in the North Texas State Hospital. I wonder how that was missed back then? It's being reported everywhere now but I don't recall hearing anything about it in the news in 2014.
Screenshot 2016-04-13 at 11.27.10 AM.png

Ethan arriving in the courtroom. I don't understand how his hair is still so dark? Are they letting him dye his hair in jail?

He will NOT be getting out of jail today! He will remain in the county jail until judge determines if he'll impose additional jail time.
180 days consecutive for each count. Hmmm. Does that make 2 years? I think so. Thank you, your honor.

Ryan Osborne ‏@RyanOsborneFWST 6m6 minutes ago
So to recap, Ethan Couch will now spend almost two years in county jail, unless Judge Wayne Salvant changes decision in two weeks.
Did the judge just give him 4 consecutive 180-day sentences? That's what I heard. Nice!
Nothing else determined at this point.
Did the judge just give him 4 consecutive 180-day sentences? That's what I heard. Nice!
Nothing else determined at this point.

With two weeks for the lawyers to try to "persuade him" that his reasoning is faulty.
Honestly, if he had followed his probation rules and not been drinking and not ' had to ' flee to Mexico, this would not be happening. SO the crimes of the 16 yr old were compounded by the crimes of an adult Ethan at 18 yrs old. No one to blame for that one but yourself.
Surprise!!!!!!!!!!! Ethan's adult court hearing will be held today, April 13. Wonder why they moved it up?

So media and trial followerswere not there of course.

And I wish besides the 2 years (Judge do not change your mind), community service for at least 5 yearsbr served, with an ankle bracelet. This CS should be in areas where he has to help rehab victims of drink drivers. Give him a credited course so he is 'legal and certified' and tack that time on to the five years, no vacations allowed, sick days only if he has a doctors written note and actually sees a court appointed doctor. Society is going to easy on criminals. Okay, give them a break, a chance but do not make it easy....train them for a job, tack that time on to the CS and make them think and work at what they did. Minimum wage, simple studio drinking, no drugs, no driving...has to earn driving rights. Bet we would have some better citizens...and others would think twice.
With two weeks for the lawyers to try to "persuade him" that his reasoning is faulty.

Yeah, I don't like the sounds of this quote by the judge, "Nothing I do is in stone, so I might reconsider," Salvant said. The case reconvenes in two weeks.

So don't get too excited yet folks, the judge might change his mind in two weeks. Let's hope he doesn't but when it comes to the Couch's - you just never, ever know what will happen next.
Yeah, I don't like the sounds of this quote by the judge, "Nothing I do is in stone, so I might reconsider," Salvant said. The case reconvenes in two weeks.

So don't get too excited yet folks, the judge might change his mind in two weeks. Let's hope he doesn't but when it comes to the Couch's - you just never, ever know what will happen next.
BBM I bet you Fred's got 200k to slide in that judge's pocket now ** speculative 100% **

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