GUILTY TX - Ethan Couch 'Affluenza Teen' DUI driver who killed four gets probation, 2013 #3

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EXCLUSIVE: No cards. No cake. No gifts. Brother of Ethan Couch tells how the family celebrated 'affluenza' teen's 19th birthday behind bars and reveals his sibling thinks his two-year sentence will be slashed

Texas teenager Ethan Couch, who killed four people and injured nine in a drunk driving crash, was ordered to spend another two years in jail

Half-brother Steven McWilliams, his wife Misty and Ethan's father Fred Couch visited him on Monday for a somber 19th birthday celebration

'It's a room the size of my car.. He just sits in there,' said McWilliams. 'But mentally he is fine'

'People are threatening him but I think there's a lot worse people than him in the world,' McWilliams told Daily Mail Online

McWilliams told Daily Mail Online Ethan recognizes how much suffering he has heaped on the families of his victims

The judge offered a glimmer of hope on Wednesday saying his sentence wasn't 'set in stone'

Couch believes his two-year jail term will be slashed to just six months, his family have exclusively told Daily Mail Online

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Link Below to comments made by Ethan Couch's half brother, Steven McWilliams. A few comments in quotes for those that cannot link to the article.

Note: From the article, I understand that McWilliams, EC dad and mom both were at the hearing.

All in quotes are from McWilliams

'It was a surprise but I think it will work out in our favor in the end,' predicted McWilliams, 29. 'I guess the best we can hope for is just one sentence of 180 days.'

'(EC) now recognizes how much suffering he has heaped on the families of the dead and the nine other people he left injured'.

'There was just some confusion,' added McWilliams, who attended the hearing. 'The judge made a ruling but he said we can argue it, you can come back and prove me wrong.''

McWilliams said the following: that 'they' want him (EC) in for 20-30 years and he understands what he did....he is a 'normal' person and feels bad for what he did

McWilliams said EC is locked up in a room about the size of a car. EC is fine mentally

McWilliams further states that Ethan Couch's step brother, sister in law and dad visit him every day until recently when they now go several times a week

There were no birthday cards, cakes or presents for EC...they were not allowed to take EC anything

Mc Williams also said that his step dad, which is EC's full dad, is 'taking it in stride' and that they 'know it won't end up like that'.

McWilliams would not comment about his mom, Tonya, who is living with them under house confinement.
I know the Judge put a gag order on the case...but I guess that was just for the lawyers, family members can talk.

The Couch/McWilliams Families really think that EC will get a lighter sentence of only 180 days. As I read it they do not feel EC should even get that. The Judge surprised everyone with the 2 year sentence. Now why do they think that? What do they know that we don't know....(a $$$ off?) 2 years is nothing for EC compared to a life time of not having your loved one with you everyday.

Poor EC got no presents or cards or cake....neither did any of his victims that he murdered.

I wish the Judge could read this article....a gag order did not work. EC's family thinks he will get a reduced sentence BEFORE the lawyers even present an argument! So wrong.

Back go lurking....

He is in a room by himself, the size of a car....better then what some people have....he is in solitary because he is 'slight'....

And his hair...He had to have dyed it. In this picture you can see his facial hair, eye brows, beard growth is light red to blonde or grey. Maybe the authorities are allowing him to dye his hair to make him look not so 'slight'. Look at the side burns going up side of his ears into his hair....dye job.

This family needs a reality check...they really think they are special. JMO on these comments.
I really hope that Judge proves them wrong and sticks to his original ruling!
I really hope that Judge proves them wrong and sticks to his original ruling!

That family really is delusional or perhaps just plain evil. Whatever, they aren't marching to the same drummer as decent society. JMO.
So he's in a room the size of a car. That's a lot bigger than a coffin.
That family really is delusional or perhaps just plain evil. Whatever, they aren't marching to the same drummer as decent society. JMO.

They aren't- they feel entitled and above the law because they have money. That kind of attitude disgusts me!:puke::puke::puke:
I hope EC's half brother is wrong about this. The judge is also the judge in Mama Couch's case, is that correct? Judge will take heat if he reduces it after recommending the two years. EC and mom need to be seperated for a few years. Those two are a toxic combination. Regarding EC's hair, I wonder if there is Scottish/Irish in the family bloodline. My son has the dark head of hair and red sideburns and facial hair because of this. (That's what we think anyway ;)) JMO
Judge should have given him 20 years. IMO he deserves it!!!

I wish the judge had "let him off" with continued probation. The reason is - I doubt he could stay out of trouble. Then, when he broke probation, he could've been sentenced to 10 years for each of the 4 victims, if I'm understanding the conditions correctly. I think that was a safe bet that he would end up back in court for breaking probation.

Now, with this sentence, once it's served, he's done with this case.

I wish the judge had "let him off" with continued probation. The reason is - I doubt he could stay out of trouble. Then, when he broke probation, he could've been sentenced to 10 years for each of the 4 victims, if I'm understanding the conditions correctly. I think that was a safe bet that he would end up back in court for breaking probation.

Now, with this sentence, once it's served, he's done with this case.


No he still has to complete 7 years left of probation. Also there will be additional conditions attached because he is an adult. This extra time was because he violated probation and fled to Mexico.
No he still has to complete 7 years left of probation. Also there will be additional conditions attached because he is an adult. This extra time was because he violated probation and fled to Mexico.

Aha. I see. So, if he breaks probation, could he face time for the car-accident deaths?
I've never really heard of that before? Inmates are threatened, beaten and worse all the time- I never knew inmates had any recourse or that the institution could be held liable? Unless of course it was caught on videotape which it rarely ever is. Hmmm- interesting. I guess maybe because he has wealthy parents that will sue?
Aha. I see. So, if he breaks probation, could he face time for the car-accident deaths?

Yes. He can face time if he breaks probation. I remember on WS post, way back when, that it was a total of 40 years....I will get to the computer and see if I can find it and post a link. Ipad does not work well for copy and paste.

I am interested in the next hearing to see what the Judge adds. I believe some of this is moving slowly because the Judge and persecutors are making sure what ever is done follows the law. With EC being a juvenile to adult the laws change but no matter EC has to finish his probation as an adult. I do not think he can follow the law for the next 7 years, especially with his mom and any one that has a lot of influence in his life. EC is not strong enough to say no without a super support group and medical help. I just see that money and mommy and daddy will get in the way. JMO.

I also am interested in th gag order and why the step brother was allowed to comment. He has been pretty quiet until now because os threats he said his family got. So ehy talk now and get more threats OR was it a set up by the defense? I bet the Judge is not happy...he has to have heard of the step brother talking to the press.
I know the Judge put a gag order on the case...but I guess that was just for the lawyers, family members can talk.

The Couch/McWilliams Families really think that EC will get a lighter sentence of only 180 days. As I read it they do not feel EC should even get that. The Judge surprised everyone with the 2 year sentence. Now why do they think that? What do they know that we don't know....(a $$$ off?) 2 years is nothing for EC compared to a life time of not having your loved one with you everyday.

Poor EC got no presents or cards or cake....neither did any of his victims that he murdered.

I wish the Judge could read this article....a gag order did not work. EC's family thinks he will get a reduced sentence BEFORE the lawyers even present an argument! So wrong.

Back go lurking....

He is in a room by himself, the size of a car....better then what some people have....he is in solitary because he is 'slight'....

And his hair...He had to have dyed it. In this picture you can see his facial hair, eye brows, beard growth is light red to blonde or grey. Maybe the authorities are allowing him to dye his hair to make him look not so 'slight'. Look at the side burns going up side of his ears into his hair....dye job.

This family needs a reality check...they really think they are special. JMO on these comments.

I disagree... I think he's in solitary because he's a wussyboy.:moo:
I've never really heard of that before? Inmates are threatened, beaten and worse all the time- I never knew inmates had any recourse or that the institution could be held liable? Unless of course it was caught on videotape which it rarely ever is. Hmmm- interesting. I guess maybe because he has wealthy parents that will sue?

In my opinion, they're pretending he'd be at risk so they can put him in solitude. There are prisons, and social areas within prisons, where prisoners don't attack each other. From what I can can see, prisons often isolate prisoners they disdain.
In my opinion, they're pretending he'd be at risk so they can put him in solitude. There are prisons, and social areas within prisons, where prisoners don't attack each other. From what I can can see, prisons often isolate prisoners they disdain.

He's a young guy with no jail experience, probably no jail smarts, the media has yelled about him being a rich kid in an extremely high profile case. He's at risk.
Jails don't have as many housing options as prisons do, I'm not sure how big this jail is.
He's a young guy with no jail experience, probably no jail smarts, the media has yelled about him being a rich kid in an extremely high profile case. He's at risk.
Jails don't have as many housing options as prisons do, I'm not sure how big this jail is.

I have looked and read your comment for weeks now and it has bothered me...the media has not yelled about EC being rich, reported it yes from all the Couch's own words and reports. EC's own parents flaunted the money buying their/his way out of situations, EC himself made comments after the murdering accident, EC flaunted it as well as his parents by spending...example when EC and mom fled...she let him go to clubs...he had a huge alcholol tab. Just maybe if that family faced the fact of their wrong doings and each one of them faced justice fairly, then EC would not be in confinement for his murderous/accident crime. IT is no ones fault he is slight build, that is genetics, and others in prision are like that, others are in prison for the first time just like EC, maybe for drugs, theft, murder, etc., but they get no special privileges.

Blaming the media does not fly with me, nor that EC is a young a kid his parents should have been up to being there and now EC is an adult, not just by age but by his actions...he knew right from wrong. EC has had so many breaks by his parents, police, court system /Judges and his friends. Let him stay in solitary, he made his choice.

With that, EC has a light blonde/redish hair...naturally. It has been dyed in jail, that is so obvious...and I think that is allowed to make him look older and blend in a bit more when around any other EC gets another break. BReak after break after break. EC will get out, still will have to serve years (7?) on probation, IMO, he will not make it through those many more breaks should he get because 1) he was a kid when this all started OR 2) he is slight build? Time will tell.

ALL of this is MOO.

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