GUILTY TX - Fort Worth man charged w/ assaulting a child, Dec 2016

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I've watched the video a couple times, and there are a lot of angles to this.

The cop was wrong in not diffusing the situation, and then arresting the women because they "pissed him off". Which, actually, is not a crime. Maybe the cop has been made aware of that fact at this point.

Secondly, I honestly don't believe the neighbor choked that child. All I have to go by is the neighbor's body language and appearance, but I just don't believe it. Best guess, I think the child littered in his yard, the man said hey come back here and pick that up, and the child went home and said he was choked.

Which doesn't absolve the cop.

From the story, no one witnessed the choking, it was the boy's word. He came into the house and told his sister that.
Apologies if this was already posted.

Fort Worth, Texas, police placed an officer on restricted duty Thursday after a Facebook video showed him arresting a woman who'd called police to complain that a neighbor had allegedly assaulted her young son.

The city's police chief on Friday acknowledged criticism of the handling of the incident.

"Obviously, when we have an incident where there is some type of assertion that a juvenile has been inappropriately touched, injured, whatever, that should take precedence,"

Chief Joel Fitzgerald said at a press conference. "And for the 99.9% of our police officers in this police department, that would have handled that case differently, I thank them."
I've watched the video a couple times, and there are a lot of angles to this.

The cop was wrong in not diffusing the situation, and then arresting the women because they "pissed him off". Which, actually, is not a crime. Maybe the cop has been made aware of that fact at this point.

Secondly, I honestly don't believe the neighbor choked that child. All I have to go by is the neighbor's body language and appearance, but I just don't believe it. Best guess, I think the child littered in his yard, the man said hey come back here and pick that up, and the child went home and said he was choked.

Which doesn't absolve the cop.

From the story, no one witnessed the choking, it was the boy's word. He came into the house and told his sister that.

i have no idea whether the boy littered or the man choked him, so i really didnt weigh either of those things into forming my opinion of the officer's actions.

but fwiw i dont think the "body language and appearance" of the man in the video is nearly enough information to form an opinion of his character and therefore what he might be capable of. ymmv.
i have no idea whether the boy littered or the man choked him, so i really didnt weigh either of those things into forming my opinion of the officer's actions.

but fwiw i dont think the "body language and appearance" of the man in the video is nearly enough information to form an opinion of his character and therefore what he might be capable of. ymmv.

Really? Because I do. I think I'll be proven right in the long term, when this case is solved. We all go through life having to make quick decisions about people based on their appearance and behavior - trust them or not? I stand by my decision - based on appearance and body language - that this neighbor didn't choke that child.
Really? Because I do. I think I'll be proven right in the long term, when this case is solved. We all go through life having to make quick decisions about people based on their appearance and behavior - trust them or not? I stand by my decision - based on appearance and body language - that this neighbor didn't choke that child.

interesting, can you say in more detail what about his appearance it is that makes him seem trustworthy to you? what about his body language assures you that he is of good character?

it is interesting to note that at no time in this video does either the man or the officer claim that the man did not put his hands on the boy, the officer instead defends the idea that he might have.

you may end up being right about those points (littering and choking), again i have made no claim about it.

nothing about jeans and a t-shirt makes me think someone is not capable of doing what he is accused of, a beard and glasses dont give me immediate faith in someones good character. we cant hear a word the man says and he basically stands still the entire time he is visible. im very interested to hear what you are seeing that im not, thanks.
IDGAF if he did or did not choke that boy at this point. We'll probably never know because the officer didn't appear to be questioning anybody else who may have witnessed it, all he is doing is antagonizing the upset mother.

*I* have a theory as to why he's so trustworthy and a 7 year old boy isn't in this particular situation, but I'm gonna go ahead and zip my lips on that.
interesting, can you say in more detail what about his appearance it is that makes him seem trustworthy to you? what about his body language assures you that he is of good character?

it is interesting to note that at no time in this video does either the man or the officer claim that the man did not put his hands on the boy, the officer instead defends the idea that he might have.

you may end up being right about those points (littering and choking), again i have made no claim about it.

nothing about jeans and a t-shirt makes me think someone is not capable of doing what he is accused of, a beard and glasses dont give me immediate faith in someones good character. we cant hear a word the man says and he basically stands still the entire time he is visible. im very interested to hear what you are seeing that im not, thanks.

In the spirit of people on this board who will watch a video of a parent and say "those don't look like real tears", or "did you see she kept looking over to the side, not at the interviewer", I will say, "that man doesn't look like the kind of guy who would choke a child for littering on his lawn". We all go through life making fairly quick decisions about people's character, and my take on this guy is he isn't a child choker over litter on his lawn.
In the spirit of people on this board who will watch a video of a parent and say "those don't look like real tears", or "did you see she kept looking over to the side, not at the interviewer", I will say, "that man doesn't look like the kind of guy who would choke a child for littering on his lawn". We all go through life making fairly quick decisions about people's character, and my take on this guy is he isn't a child choker over litter on his lawn.

those people usually have a reason for their impressions tho, even your made up examples both include actual reasons, but you apparently cant say a single thing about how you came to yours.

In the spirit of people on this board who will watch a video of a parent and say "those don't look like real tears", or "did you see she kept looking over to the side, not at the interviewer", I will say, "that man doesn't look like the kind of guy who would choke a child for littering on his lawn". We all go through life making fairly quick decisions about people's character, and my take on this guy is he isn't a child choker over litter on his lawn.

Yeah and people might not think some dude would shoot up a minivan over some road rage either but it happens. People get real upset real quick if they feel slighted, disrespected, ignored... Could be ol boy felt disrespected because the lil man mouthed off or something. We have no idea because the focus now is on the mother being arrested rather than us ever knowing what happened between the neighbor and the boy.

But yeah. Some dude lingering in a background mostly blocked from view by an officer tells us all we need to know about his entire history and character LOL
Not trying to pick a fight on Christmas Eve. ;D

Merry Christmas everyone, and sorry if my impressions have offended anyone.
According to this article, the male neighbor called police first, to report apparently an escalating argument situation. "There are more of them here now", apparently referring to more of Craig's relatives arriving in the street to argue. So. The cop wasn't responding to a call that a neighbor choked a child; he was responding to a call that one neighbor felt threatened by a group of very angry neighbors.
Yeah and people might not think some dude would shoot up a minivan over some road rage either but it happens. People get real upset real quick if they feel slighted, disrespected, ignored... Could be ol boy felt disrespected because the lil man mouthed off or something. We have no idea because the focus now is on the mother being arrested rather than us ever knowing what happened between the neighbor and the boy.

But yeah. Some dude lingering in a background mostly blocked from view by an officer tells us all we need to know about his entire history and character LOL

You are correct in saying people get angry all the time over something little. For my dad it was if you disrespected him or he thought you did. This man could of gotten upset over the boy not picking up the trash. I don't know on that subject since it is not recorded.

What I do know is that LEO is 100% wrong in how he handled this. To not try to deescalate the problem and instead show no compassion for the reason she is upset upsets me. He did nothing to show he was going to investigate the incident to calm her down. If he would of listened and told her he would investigate I seriously doubt all this would of happened. Instead it seemed like he was baiting her to get her even more mad so he could arrest her. Maybe he was tired of the situation, tired of being yelled at, ect.

All I know is that, in my opinion, he is 100% wrong in how he handled that, and that lady, and her family, have every right to be upset.
Dealing with the assault issue would include talking to witnesses and the accused about the alleged assault. Taking notes. Asking questions about the assault/choking incident.

Pretty basic process, actually. He didn't do any of those things. Instead, he began "baiting" the mother into an argument, trying to get her to lose her temper. He refused to even discuss the assault accusation.

Agreed. He could have also asked how the son who was choked was doing.

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Police Chief Joel Fitzgerald, speaking at a news conference at City Hall on Friday afternoon, acknowledged that the officer acted rude but said, “I can’t call [the incident] racism.

Police spokesman Marc Povero said Friday that the Facebook video started about two minutes after the officer arrived.

The officer’s body camera was active from the time he arrived, Povero said.

Fitzgerald said the body camera footage will not be released to the public because a juvenile was involved. The Texas attorney general’s office would have to rule otherwise.

Fort Worth police said Craig was arrested for outstanding traffic tickets in addition to resisting arrest.
Bad cop. He deliberately provoked the mom. He refused to deal with the issue of the neighbor assaulting the child and kept trying to provoke the mother, insulting her. The mother hadn't done anything wrong.

The mother was upset and angry by the time the policeman arrived.

We don't know why the child littered, especially on someone else's property. Had he done this before? Many times?

Perhaps the officer asked the mother why she did not teach her child to litter because the littering is the first action in the events.

The police officer did not move or change his erect stance until the pink shirt lady jumped between him and the mother. People, let this be a warning to you. Never get into a police officer's space. They need to always see your hands. Do not scream nor curse a police officer. Law and order and all that.

Pink shirt lady clearly blocked his view. Maybe she was handing the mother a gun. He did not know why the pink shirt lady jumped between him and the mother.

It is interesting that the man was the 911 caller when he felt he was being threatened by a ever-growing crowd.

The police officer spoke first to the man since he is the one who made the 911 call. Then, the officer turned his attention and listened to the mother who was already using a loud voice. It did not escalate to an arrest until the pink shirt lady jumped into the fray.
Anyone have a link that says both parties called 911?

I remember reading that but can't find it now. Don't think I dreamed it but anything is possible.

Anyone have a link that says both parties called 911?

I remember reading that but can't find it now. Don't think I dreamed it but anything is possible.


I'm not sure the Craig family called. This article refers to "just before they were going to call the police they overheard he was already talking to 911", something to that effect. It also mentions that while the cop was talking to the man, the women approached, yelling profanity and calling the officer a "pig". Hm.

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