GUILTY TX - Gerren Isgrigg, 6, disabled, left to die in Wylie park, 12 April 2010

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Grandpa needs to be in jail as well, for not reporting the boy missing or contacting the police when the body was first found.

Where did they live? Was there any social services involvement, since the boy didn't live with his own parents?
My only reassurance in this whole ordeal is knowing that we are all perfect once we reach heaven.

R.I.P Gerren Josepg Isgrigg :rose:
iI am so glad that they have identified this precious angel !

I have to say I am shocked that grandma has been arrested, and that Dad submitted a photo that was from 3 years ago ? :waitasec: :furious: WTH is going on with that....
I am SO saddened by this story! At first there was this poor little boy that someone dumped near a pond/lake. No one came forward. No one seemed to miss him.
Then he is identified and we discover that his parents are separated and left him with the grandmother.
Did they EVER call to check in on him? Did they EVER come see him? Or did they just dump him with a woman incapable of caring for him? A woman who would eventually murder him in one way or another and leave him like garbage?
This story just stirs up so many emotions for me. I had a special needs cousin who died (of natural causes) around this age. I think of his sweetness and how aware he would have been of all of this-missed his mommy and daddy, been physically uncomfortable from the neglect.
I just can't imagine what caused all members of this family to behave so selfishly.
According to her facebook page, Mom lives in KY and is married. Her main photo is with a small child but I'm not sure if it is Gerren.

Did I miss something? Are we sure that's his mom's facebook page? LE said his mom lives in Oklahoma.
Did I miss something? Are we sure that's his mom's facebook page? LE said his mom lives in Oklahoma.
I'm not sure now, I was going off what someone had said was her Myspace page and went from there with the name. One news source says she lives in OK and another says she is in CA.:waitasec:
I'm not sure now, I was going off what someone had said was her Myspace page and went from there with the name. One news source says she lives in OK and another says she is in CA.:waitasec:

Father is in CA.
I'm not sure now, I was going off what someone had said was her Myspace page and went from there with the name. One news source says she lives in OK and another says she is in CA.:waitasec:

That's why I wanted to know if I missed something connecting that facebook page with Gerren.

I haven't seen any reason given to think that facebook page from the woman in KY is his mom. Not really fair to her to assume she's his mom -- there are thousands of Isgriggs in the U.S. (And we don't even know that the mom's last name is or ever was Isgrigg.)
I'm so glad he's been identified and just sickened at the thought this was at the hands of his family. RIP little sweetie. :(
Grandpa needs to be in jail as well, for not reporting the boy missing or contacting the police when the body was first found.

Where did they live? Was there any social services involvement, since the boy didn't live with his own parents?

She is in the Collin County jail which is the same area - so I assume she & her husband live somewhere right there.

Texas has all kinds of programs & benefts for "caretakers" , especially if they are disabled.

It may be a whole different story if she didnt have LEGAL custody of Gerren.
blind, deaf, and had seizures, 3 and a half yrs ago the mother ask the grandmother to babysit for 2 weeks and never came back, according to Patrick Phillips, the grandfather. They were living in the Budget Suites of America Hotel in the area. Grandfather says his wife told him she took Gerren to a social worker a week ago.

Channel 8ABC news broadcast
blind, deaf, and had seizures, 3 and a half yrs ago the mother ask the grandmother to babysit for 2 weeks and never came back, according to Patrick Phillips, the grandfather. They were living in the Budget Suites of America Hotel in the area. Grandfather says his wife told him she took Gerren to a social worker a week ago.

Channel 8ABC news broadcast

OMG !!! Are you frikkin kiddin me !!! Mom just left and never came back ...Omg ! Why did Grandma not seek some help from someone, this is just terribly sad :(
I know I don't want to believe she killed him intentionaly either ... she has taken care of him for 3 years. I can't imagine !
Seems like there'd be something the law could do to punish his mother (or both of his parents) for sneaking off and abandoning him. The should at least be publicly shamed!
In memory of Garren, here is a quote from Morris West.

“I know what you are thinking. You need a sign. What better one could I give than to make this little one whole and new? I could do it; but I will not. I am the Lord and not a conjuror. I gave this mite a gift I denied to all of you – eternal innocence. To you she looks imperfect – but to me she is flawless, like the bud that dies unopened or the fledgling that falls from the nest to be devoured by the ants. She will never offend me, as all of you have done. She will never pervert or destroy the work of my Father’s hands. She is necessary to you. She will evoke the kindness that will keep you human. Her infirmity will prompt you to gratitude for your own good fortune . . . More! She will remind you every day that I am who I am, that my ways are not yours, and that the smallest dust mote whirled in the darkest space does not fall from my hand . . . I have chosen you. You have not chosen me. This little one is my sign to you. Treasure her!”

Here is the link with video & article

from my earlier post

blind, deaf, and had seizures, 3 and a half yrs ago the mother ask the grandmother to babysit for 2 weeks and never came back, according to Patrick Phillips, the grandfather. They were living in the Budget Suites of America Hotel in the area. Grandfather says his wife told him she took Gerren to a social worker a week ago.

Channel 8ABC news broadcast
I just can't believe this ! There has to be more to this story then she just killed him.
I would think grandpa would know if she was starving him to death, maybe he had a really bad seziure and passed on ... I don't know I just can't wrap my head around this, I just can't !

Why leave him where she did, I just can't believe this (did I already say this)

I agree that mom and dad both need to be named and publicly humiliated at the least ..

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