TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #1

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
There is now a 4,500.00 reward being offered for any info on the whereabouts and safe return of Hailey.

Thanks for posting that here...I was just getting ready to bring it over from your / the FB page.
Is there a FB page to track if she's been found?
Hello...I found this thread for Hailey and wanted to share some info from someone who actually lives here in Colorado City, Texas. We are a small town, but we DO still have an outstanding Police Dept. and John Bivins is the Chief of Police. We also have a very capable Sheriff's Department and they are also working this case. It's true this doesn't happen often here (thank the Lord), but let me assure everyone that us "locals" DO care about this girl and that everyone is working around the clock to find her. There has been lots of media coverage by our local radio station and newspaper. Flyers are being distributed as we speak. Our radio (KVMC/KAUM) FB page is always updating with any leads and info.

Warren Jeffs does not live anywhere near here either. That is in Arizona, and if you Google him and the polygamous group you would certainly find that info readily available.

It is widely believed Hailey is with an older boyfriend and that they are in hiding for whatever reasons. But foul play has not been ruled out either. Our authorities are doing everything possible to find her, but no one here is "too proud" to accept sincere offers of help. We want Hailey found safe and returned home to her family. Thank you for all the information and insight you are giving, I do appreciate it. Will post more as the info becomes available. ~Redcat

Thanks Redcat!

Do you know if they have spoken with the boyfriend? Is he a foolish 16yr. old or a predatory adult? Even an older teen would know that it is illegal to take a child of 13, and if he is having sex with her and she gets pregnant, what if he decides it is better to get rid of her than to risk DNA revealing his identity rather than facing charges? If he is a minor, why has he not been listed as misssing, and if he is an adult, is there a BOLO, a vehicle description, or a physical description? If they have reason to believe she is with him, surely a warrant can be obtained to trace his cell phone or use of a debit or credit card.

I was way off on the polygamist thing...of course it's in Colorado City AZ.
The one they have in Texas is farther south, past San Angelo. Thanks for setting me straight!

Thank you for keeping us up to date. If you happen to know Hailey's family, the information on Websleuths' "Lighting the way Home", (just below the "Missing" Forum) Forum includes links to information on helping families and siblings cope. Many of our members here have lost loved ones as well. We want to help bring home those who are missing, be of some comfort to their loved ones and support law enforcement in their efforts to put predators behind bars.
redcat, is it OK if I link to this poster in your photobucket? or would you rather I upload to twitpic?

I wanted to tweet Hailey's missing info.


Bivins also said that the department is pursuing new leads in the case.
A description and photo of the missing girl have been entered in the TCIC NCIC Region 5 broadcast system which covers surrounding counties. Also, the information has been put on the Copsync system providing anyone in the state with the Copsync system a picture and information on Dunn.

more here


I don't see a FB page started for Hailey and last post on her wall was on Wednesday from an out-of-town friend...
Here is a prayer vigil
A Community Prayer Vigil for Hailey Dunn is scheduled for Sunday evening at 7:30 in front of the Colorado Middle School. Everyone is invited to come and pull together to help bring this girl home.

Here is the link to the local radio stations facebook page, looks like they are keeping track of new information :)


I;m praying for you Hailey! Please come home!!!
Need some help ladies....how do I make a FB page for Hailey? Do I go to where it says "create a page" for business, band or celebrity? I have gotten an email acct set up already.
Redcat: Here's more tips and ideas for your town. Hope something in there works! :hug:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71513"]What if my child goes missing?? What to/not to do. - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

(P.S. I'm not real good with Facebook)
Need some help ladies....how do I make a FB page for Hailey? Do I go to where it says "create a page" for business, band or celebrity? I have gotten an email acct set up already.

Hi redcat! Welcome to Websleuths!!!

There are multiple ways to go about this. The easiest would probably be a Page, IMO. Click on the "Create a Page" for a celebrity, band, or business. Then on the left side, there will be a spot to enter the name. Something to the effect of "Find Hailey Dunn" or "Missing: Hailey Dunn" or something like that. Then enter the email you have already created, and click Sign Up Now!

If you need any further help, just let someone know and we'd be happy to help! Thanks!!!
Hoping Hailey makes it to safety and then home.

I'm glad others were able to help you with the FB page...unfortunately, I'm clueless when it comes to that.

I can help with anything else though, so please don't hesitate to ask more questions.

I was thinking about Hailey today and thought it might be helpful to get some of the truck drivers to help disseminate some of the missing posters for her...considering the close proximity to I-20. Not sure if you all have thought about that or not...just in case, here's a link w/ more info.


Praying for Hailey's safe return!

I live in Colorado City, and Hailey's mom, Billie, is one of my dearest friends. I would like to answer some of the questions that have been raised here, and add some information to what has already been posted.

First of all, a little background information. Hailey lives with her mom, Billie, and her 16 year old brother, DD, in the 1800 block of Chestnut St., Colorado City, TX. Billie's boyfriend frequently stays there also. Billie and Hailey's dad, Clint, are divorced. Clint and his girlfriend live nearly directly across the street from Billie.

On Monday, December 27th, Billie was at work in Snyder, TX. Her boyfriend was at her home with Hailey. DD was in and out, but not home when Hailey left. Hailey told her mom's boyfriend that she was going to walk across the street to see her dad, and then go on to her friend's house to spend the night. As previously mentioned, Colorado City is a very small town. Kids here walk around pretty freely. Hailey did not take anything with her when she left the house.

Tuesday afternoon, Billie told DD to text Hailey's friend to tell her to come home. Hailey does not have her own cell phone. Hailey's friend told DD that she never arrived on Monday. This seems to be a grey area... Hailey's friend is saying that she did not know for sure if Hailey was coming over or not. At this point, Billie was understandably panicked. She contacted Clint's girlfriend, who first said that yes, Hailey did come over Monday, but later said that she was not sure if she saw her or not. Another grey area. At this point, it is like Hailey disappeared into thin air while crossing the street.

The police were contacted, and an investigation was started. The Colorado City Police Department, the Mitchell County Sheriff's Department, and the District Attorney and that office's investigators are all involved. While the law enforcement agencies have done some searching, an official 'man-hunt' type search has not been held. Someone to give polygraphs came in today, but I do not think any have been given yet.

Quite a few people - friends, family, aquaintances, neighbors - have been interviewed. Friends and family have been putting up fliers here in Colorado City and in neighboring communities. Local moms have searched the park and other areas for signs of Hailey. Prayer vigils are set to be held. We are doing everything we can think of. The only thing that has not been done is for Billie to try and find a TV station to let her make an on air plea for Hailey's safe return. She is supposed to meet with KTXS this coming Monday, but of course we are hoping that Hailey will be back home by then.

Billie is a good person and a loving mom. She is beside herself at this point, and does not know what to think. Despite rumors to the contrary, Hailey has never run away before.

Rumors of course are flying: Hailey's body has been found, Hailey has run away with her boyfriend, Hailey is hiding here in town at someone's house that no one would think to look, etc. etc. etc. We don't know what to think or what to believe. Right now we are just hoping and praying for Hailey's safe return. It warms my heart to see people who don't even know us doing all they can to help. Please continue to keep Hailey and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

If anyone has any other questions, I will do my best to answer them. Ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much.

UPDATE: As I was finishing this up, I spoke with Billie, who said that police have brought in bloodhounds. The dogs did pick up a scent. Also, a neighbor saw Hailey on the phone in her backyard for about 30 minutes Monday afternoon. A woman has come forward and said that she is fairly certain that she saw Hailey with another girl and a boy walking late Monday evening. It has also come to light that Hailey had been talking to a boy in a neighboring town. The police are investigating these leads. Hopefully, this new information will lead us to Hailey.

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