TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #1

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Ok...talked to my friend in Loraine (minutes from CCity) just a few minutes ago and I am apalled...she had not even heard of it...she's going to call her mom who is an instructor at the closest community college and see if she's aware and if there are at least posters out / up and if not, give her some to put up.

she also said she was going to drive "into CCity" this afternoon to see what the community was saying, feeling, etc.

I emailed the info to Fox National News, CNN News and some of my employees who work in West Texas...Big Spring, Snyder, Sweetwater, etc...to help communicate and distribute the information. They're in the same areas daily (oil field) and will keep they're eyes open for anything "different" that they might come across.
Most recent article I could find ... again, this part (snipped by me) makes me angry ...


Runaway or not, they are still in danger of the world around them and unknown to them!

The article reads as if they are doing everything they can, but there is not one mention of this little girl that I can find in any of the major newspapers in the surrounding larger cities.(Midland, Lubbock or Abilene). If she really meant to run away, do you think she would hang around her small community where everyone knows her? Please! The apparent fact that she is the only young person missing from that area indicates to me that she is not with a friend. By this time, the child could have been taken clear across the country.

This little girl is not capable of protecting herself or making adult decisions at 13. If she has been driven anywhere by anyone without her parent's consent, that is kidnapping...she is a child! She is in danger!

Who saw her last? What is the last activity on her phone? Have they traced the pings since Monday night? Have lie detector tests been given to anyone? This could be anything from a covered-up accident to a secret rondevous gone way wrong to an out ond out kidnapping. Runaway is a possibility, but it would be very irresponsible to count on her returning on her own or someone turning her in.

I don't know a thing about her family situation, but if she were my child, I would err on the side of her being in extreme danger and pull out all of the stops...Missing persons organizations, TV interviews, personal pleas to every newspaper and media outlet to put her on their front page, even if I thought she went with someone willingly. Anyone who harbors a missing 13 year old child is up to no good. I guarantee this little girl did not willingly walk off alone to spend her nights out in the cold. She may have intended to return the next day with her parents none the wiser. So What? Someone has her now, she doesn't even look a day over 13, so that person knows that they are violating the law.

It sounds like local LE means well, but I hope they aren't calling her a runaway simply because they don't know what else to do. I am not suggesting an Amber Alert; they don't have enough info for that. What I'm calling for is serious investigation...looking for her phone, scruitinizing past contacts, looking at what she may have tried to delete from her computer...did she ever use her friend's computers? Who saw her last besides her family? Have they tried to track her with professional tracking dogs? JMO
Observances ~

* Hailey is 13yo
* She has a 16yo brother
* Her parents are divorced and father is remarried
* Her father and stepmom have a new baby, as of Nov.
* She lives primarily with her mother (made mention of debating who to spend Thanksgiving with and decided to spend it with dad and new baby sister)
* She has an aunt and uncle that they either live with or who live nearby, as they had her watch her twin cousins one night at 10pm while they went shopping
* Her profile pic is that of her baby cousin

Questions ~

* Was Hailey at her mother's or father's when she went missing?
* What of Hailey's is missing?
* What do they think should be missing, but has been found?
* Why did her friend not call to ask where she was, if Hailey did not show up for the sleepover?

Great questions...

Also, do we know which friend's house they're talking about? Wondering if the friend's parents were aware she was to be there, and if so, why didn't they call when she didn't show up?
TGI, I also want to know if they have delved into her social networking sites to make sure she wasn't lured away by a predator. They would need to call in a computer forensics team for that one.
It appears that Hailey may have a new "boyfriend", another kid, with initials AB, at least that is the impression I get based on a FB exchange referencing going to the Christmas band concert and the last comment under that status.
Can someone familiar with the area help me understand the geography?

In this article (http://ccitynews.net/news/story/2010/12/colorado-city-girl-still-unaccounted), it states that she was last seen at her residence in Colorado City, but further down, it states

Officers are checking abandoned houses and storm cellars and have pursued possible leads in Snyder with the assistance of the Snyder police department.

Do they think she is in Snyder? How close is this to where she was last seen?
Most recent article I could find ... again, this part (snipped by me) makes me angry ...


Runaway or not, they are still in danger of the world around them and unknown to them![/QUOTE]

BBM...Completely agree!!!

I'm guessing that LE has info from friends, her FB, her myspace, and/or cell phone that lead them to believe she ran away. But with whom is the question? How was she getting to this friends house? I know in small towns it wouldn't be to far fetched that she walked, but what about the weather? Is it warm enough to be walking?

I would venture to also guess that part of the speculation that she ranaway, could probably explain why she wasn't reported missing until the following afternoon. She told her mom she was spending a night at a friends house. Which was possibly a lie, therefore this friend wasn't expecting her. She wouldn't have known to call Hailey's mom to say she never showed up.
If my sleuthing is correct, her mother lives in Snyder.

So is the residence she went missing from, where her dad lives? I got that address for both parents, though I am still looking.
Can someone familiar with the area help me understand the geography?

In this article (http://ccitynews.net/news/story/2010/12/colorado-city-girl-still-unaccounted), it states that she was last seen at her residence in Colorado City, but further down, it states

Do they think she is in Snyder? How close is this to where she was last seen?

About 20 minutes. Both are very, very rural areas / towns.

Example: I went to school Sweetwater, which is about 30 mins from snyder and 15 from Colorado City...many of my classmates lived in Colorado City, Snyder and Loraine and they all knew each others families, extended families, where so and so worked, who owned the corner store, who was getting divorced, who slept with who...all of that...which again, is why it seems very odd that no one has said anything---but, maybe they have and we just haven't heard about it yet.
I'm already late for an appointment but I have one last thought for now.

Dosen't Warren Jeff's cult have a place near CCity? They "marry" little girls, and from what Ive read, when their male children become young teenagers thewy are often kicked out on the streets because the old pervert men want all of the young "wives" for their child brides. Young fellas are too much competiton, you know! I wonder if there are any of these ostracizrd young men in the area who might think it would be nice to have a young bride of their own? I hope not!
I sent it to you in a PM (didn't know if mods would allow posting of it)

Thanks Daisy! That is the address that I have for him, but I can't find a correct one for the mother. Still looking though...
Hello...I found this thread for Hailey and wanted to share some info from someone who actually lives here in Colorado City, Texas. We are a small town, but we DO still have an outstanding Police Dept. and John Bivins is the Chief of Police. We also have a very capable Sheriff's Department and they are also working this case. It's true this doesn't happen often here (thank the Lord), but let me assure everyone that us "locals" DO care about this girl and that everyone is working around the clock to find her. There has been lots of media coverage by our local radio station and newspaper. Flyers are being distributed as we speak. Our radio (KVMC/KAUM) FB page is always updating with any leads and info.

Warren Jeffs does not live anywhere near here either. That is in Arizona, and if you Google him and the polygamous group you would certainly find that info readily available.

It is widely believed Hailey is with an older boyfriend and that they are in hiding for whatever reasons. But foul play has not been ruled out either. Our authorities are doing everything possible to find her, but no one here is "too proud" to accept sincere offers of help. We want Hailey found safe and returned home to her family. Thank you for all the information and insight you are giving, I do appreciate it. Will post more as the info becomes available. ~Redcat
Hello...I found this thread for Hailey and wanted to share some info from someone who actually lives here in Colorado City, Texas. We are a small town, but we DO still have an outstanding Police Dept. and John Bivins is the Chief of Police. We also have a very capable Sheriff's Department and they are also working this case. It's true this doesn't happen often here (thank the Lord), but let me assure everyone that us "locals" DO care about this girl and that everyone is working around the clock to find her. There has been lots of media coverage by our local radio station and newspaper. Flyers are being distributed as we speak. Our radio (KVMC/KAUM) FB page is always updating with any leads and info.

Warren Jeffs does not live anywhere near here either. That is in Arizona, and if you Google him and the polygamous group you would certainly find that info readily available.

It is widely believed Hailey is with an older boyfriend and that they are in hiding for whatever reasons. But foul play has not been ruled out either. Our authorities are doing everything possible to find her, but no one here is "too proud" to accept sincere offers of help. We want Hailey found safe and returned home to her family. Thank you for all the information and insight you are giving, I do appreciate it. Will post more as the info becomes available. ~Redcat


Thank you for the insight...you won't find a better group of sincere, compassionate individuals than the members here.
TGI, I also want to know if they have delved into her social networking sites to make sure she wasn't lured away by a predator. They would need to call in a computer forensics team for that one.

It bothers me to see the FB accounts of these young people open to the public. It really makes them quite vulnerable...
There is now a 4,500.00 reward being offered for any info on the whereabouts and safe return of Hailey.

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