TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #11

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Sure didn't matter to NG when she attacked Crystal, Haleigh Cummings mom. :innocent:

IMO Crystal was a mom who did not go to court and get her 2 children back, she did not show up to court date.Also Nancy has said a mom could be caught on courthouse steps with a needle in her arm and the system will do all it can to keep kids with the mom, so IMO that is what she held against her plus prior drug history ,then failing her drug test after getting her son back and not paying support for her children, but she started another family . I am not saying this is MO but Nancy because she stated it at every show.
JMO - I would think if my daughter was missing I wouldn't care if LE monitored my phone calls. LE stated they still think HD is a runaway, if that is true, HD's only way to contact her Mother/BD is via cell phone because there is no land line. Yes, it was confirmed that BD does in fact have a phone to use right now but HD would not have the phone number.

Who confirmed that LE still has BD's phone?
The head of one of the country's most elite search groups tells KTAB News they could possibly be in Colorado City this week to search for missing 13-year-old Hailey Dunn.
Texas Equusearch Founder/Director Tim Miller says he spoke with Texas Rangers Monday morning and as soon as investigators have a good enough lead to pinpoint where Hailey could be, he's expecting a call.

Hey teh, I'm just as surprised to find myself questioning LE in this case as I am surprised to say I think NG has been doing a good job with her coverage. :eek: Sheesh, I'm about ready to "wrassel" myself here. :crazy:

I think it is a good thing that we are not Super Jaded in the way we think, keeping our minds open to all things.....I suprise myself too.....
I think it is entirely possible that both Shawn AND Billie passed their polygraphs.

I think it is equally possible that one or both were told they failed to try and "break" them.

LE said they were not told the results of their polygraphs... they never said they were not lied to and given false results of their polygraphs.

I think that Billie may have kicked her boyfriend out simply because LE is allowed to lie to anyone at anytime.

Which I think would be horribly devastating if he is in fact totally uninvolved. For her to have gone through that additional mental torture just isn't fair.

BD stated on NG that she was informed SA did not pass his polygraph. That is the reason she asked SA to leave her home.JMO, I do believe that LE did in fact tell this to BD. There would be no logical reason for BD to go on National TV, NG, to tell the world she and her BF failed a poly. LE does NOT have to tell the TRUTH while investigating, interrogating or questioning someone nor do they have to tell the general public the truth either.

It would be very uncommon for a prepaid phone to have a camera. You could do it, but it'd be more expensive. Since I get the impression they had the prepaid phone to save money to begin with, I think it's unlikely they had one with a camera.

Another reason to take the phones could be to look at any and all photos if any, they would not be able to pull those from the phone company ....

When you call a phone and it goes STRAIGHT to voice mail that means either:

A) The phone is turned off intentionally

B) The phone has died and turned off as a result

I guess it is possible that there is some technology law enforcement has which is just causing it to go straight to voice mail when Billie calls. But I think that is highly unlikely.

It appears that they took her phone, her ONLY phone which her daughter has the number to.

Then instead of monitoring and answering it in case they get a call from a desperate abducted child.... they turned it off or allowed the battery to die.

I would love there to be another explanation... but as the daughter of a man who has owned a cell phone company for 25 years... I'm not seeing one.

shaking my head. Something is wrong here. No way, no way has LE got the phone turned off with no way for Hailey to call her mom (or LE if they have it on, BD would certainly have given permission for it to be answered). Someone is misunderstanding or something is weird. At the least her cell carrier could have issued her a new phone with the same number.

Either we have a completely incompetent LE on a level I have never before seen, where they take away the only means for a missing child to call home, or something is very screwed up. I believe LE can be incompetent but not to that very basic extent. Even the dog catcher would figure out that if a child is a runaway or in trouble but alive, they need a way to contact the family.

The only thing I can think is that someone in LE abducted her imo because there is no reason for them to turn off the only access she has to home. NONE. Unless it was to cover for himself. Now I am not saying that its what happened but it is the only possible reason i can come up with from LE's side.

i just pray its a misunderstanding.
IMO Crystal was a mom who did not go to court and get her 2 children back, she did not show up to court date.Also Nancy has said a mom could be caught on courthouse steps with a needle in her arm and the system will do all it can to keep kids with the mom, so IMO that is what she held against her plus prior drug history ,then failing her drug test after getting her son back and not paying support for her children, but she started another family . I am not saying this is MO but Nancy because she stated it at every show.

I'll leave this debate to the forum on Haleigh Cummings. And leave NG to cuddle and coddle that upstanding citizen and father, Ronald Cummings.

Back on topic....do we know if both BD and CD will be on the show, tonite?
So now we don't even know what day she went missing on, they aren't being truthful with LE, they failed polys and it's still LE"S fault? pppfffttttttttttttt. If it walks like a duck......... How much more do you need to see that it's looking like the family is involved. If you were just reading about this case and didn't have family friends sharing their view, what would you think?

I would think that Billie looks horrible and devastated. Much like Desiree Young and Beth Holloway.

I would think that Clint looks the same way, if not a little sedated as well.

I would think that Shawn is definitely weird, but I think it's possible he's totally innocent.

I would think it's odd that we know nothing about Clint's girlfriend, though I'm not one of the ones who finds her suspicious.

I think I will be one of the ones who will be defensive of Billie no matter what. You would pretty much have to show me a video of it happening to convince me she had any knowledge of Hailey's disappearance.

Ok, so explain why the family is not being truthful with LE. Because the professionals that are there now are not going to play games and point fingers at the family without a very good reason...............

It is still only the local professionals talking to the media. We have not heard from an FBI agent that the family is lying. We have not heard any detail on who is lying or why LE believes that.

For all WE know it could be Uncles and Cousins who said she was with them and then changed their story. We have no idea what "family" this is referring to.

Also worth noting that cops were convinced that Jaycee Dugard's step father knew something. He was grilled for years, polygraphed, suspected... all while Jaycee was being held by a person who precisely matched the description he had given them.

Sure didn't matter to NG when she attacked Crystal, Haleigh Cummings mom. :innocent:

I am NOT one to defend NG... and I was appalled as I sat and watched that interview. Even more so with Zahra's case.

However, in Crystal's case there was a lot more history. She had a drug history, she didn't have custody, she didn't know if her child was sick, at school, at the doctor, etc.

In Zahra's case her Mom didn't have custody and hadn't seen her in years. Nancy never really got past that to the reasons WHY.

None of those things apply to Billie. NG does not like to admit she is wrong and she has already said she doesn't think Billie is involved. So I think her odds are a bit better of Nancy continuing to be nice. She may jump on Shawn... but I think Billie and Clint are pretty safe with her.

Hopefully I am correct in that thinking.
Hey teh, I'm just as surprised to find myself questioning LE in this case as I am surprised to say I think NG has been doing a good job with her coverage. :eek: Sheesh, I'm about ready to "wrassel" myself here. :crazy:

That post deserves a repeat! NG usually annoys the heck out of me, I am not a fan!

As for the LE thing, I am personally embarassed. There are so many fine officers who would have the sense to immedialtely step back and let the experts take the lead when a child's life is at stake. This investigation is not the norm, thank God!
Investigators are interviewing two students at Colorado Middle School this afternoon to see if they are the ones spotted with Dunn before her disappearance.

A new witness came forward over the weekend and told authorities that he or she spotted Hailey walking with two other girls in the 200 block of Manuel Street in Colorado City. The woman cannot recall if she saw them on Sunday, Dec. 26 or Monday, Dec. 27.

I am not sure if this has been posted yet or not.
Oh goodness,so dna was just gotten from the parents and TES could be coming in?I hope this isn't from the interviews with these two girls.
I really looked around at CC, I couldn't find any kind of recreation dept. I couldn't even find a Planned Parenthood place. The city lacks alot of services other towns take for granted. Unless of course I just couldn't find them.
we dont have much here, theres a frisbee golf course that is fairly new, the park itself has a pretty small playground,two swings that are made of borads and half the time broke, i wont let my kids on it. but theres a swimming pool, and few churches have playgrounds,one church has an outdoor bb court but i THINK its only one hoop. the only other thing we have is a movie theatre.
I believe they had spoken to these girls briefly and they didn't volunteer this info................

Your right.....IMO Mighty fine, top of the line, crack interview techniques being utilized from early on. ...........eyeroll.............
..." hoping to find Hailey standing up?" That is a new one for me.

Hoping to finding Hailey standing up in a FIELD or WOODED AREA. :waitasec:

Yet... these are the people we are supposed to believe really know what's going on in this case? :waitasec:

I know this morning that Newswest 9 reported that LE had been in contact with the 2 girls and this was on their morning broadcast about 8:00 IIRC. I posted it just as soon as I heard it.

The identities of the girls were discovered this morning after Senior Department of Public Safety Trooper Sparky Dean and Pete Kampfer, city manager for Colorado City, met with middle school students at 8 a.m. to discuss Dunn’s disappearance.


I'm just guessing but SA may have just used term finace on that blog to sound more involved/ a part of the family. Billie is not even legally divorced, is she?

Clint has a live in girlfriend and a 2 month old baby.

I see no reason why Billie could not be engaged.

I don't believe for a second that she has gotten engaged since Hailey disappeared, but I see no reason that she can't.

Obviously she can't get married until they finalize the divorce.
HAS IT BEEN CONFIRMED THAT LE STILL HAS BD's PHONE??? If not, it's pretty darn irresponsible to keep accusing them of blocking Hailey from calling her mother!

If someone has proof that LE are doing this....presumably to be mean to dear, suffering Billie...then please post a link.
I think someone took the bit about voicemail from here, as isn't that what Billie's friend said?
That's my impression...the friend's concern that HD would only get her mother's voicemail was taken from here and exploded into...HD is trying to get hold of her mother but only gets voicemail.
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