TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #11

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I wonder if the police chief being a interim would make them come in? She he is not technically chief ect would that allot them to come in and take over???

Possibly. And it's possible she had the smarts to call them in herself, knowing full well her dept. was not equipped to handle it.
(snip) It would be very uncommon for a prepaid phone to have a camera. You could do it, but it'd be more expensive. Since I get the impression they had the prepaid phone to save money to begin with, I think it's unlikely they had one with a camera.

Snipped by me...Just wanted to correct this info. A lot of prepaid phones have cameras now. My husband, daughter & I all have cameras on our prepaid phones. Their phones are through Tracfone and were only about $30. My phone is through StraightTalk & was about $90. HTH
I really, really doubt that the child advocacy groups that are helping with this case would allow the "poor BD doesn't have a way to get a phone call from her daughter" scenario take place. How do we know that LE even still has BD's phone? Maybe.....like in another case still ongoing.....BD doesn't want to talk on a phone being monitored by LE??

Amster, please get out of my head. Please don't tell me the words "bat phone" are in your head too!:crazy::innocent::waitasec:
We didn't have any "bums" in our town...... really, there was one murder in 40+years, and the guy confessed after 2 hours to a friend, and it was an "accidental" murder that he covered up. There were (are) plenty of drugs, petty crimes, etc.... but no one scary lives there..... we were extremely lucky IMO
we didn't either but saw them when we went over the bridge into Philly and down at the shore. our little town of 5000 only had one incident of a guy hanging himself. of course you walked on the other side of the street and not past that house. but we were told and were definitely careful of strange men. now days women too, omg, never would i have thought something like that.
O h that was said on here last night. hmmmmmmmm. Interesting. Why it's almost like there is a concentrated effort going on to make LE look bad, now why would that be??????????? :innocent:

I agree and disagree....this IS definitely making LE look bad....I'm pretty positive, though, it's not someone trying to make them look bad...if that makes sense.
Without getting a time out....I'll put this as delicately as I can.

IMO...in a town this size, almost everyone knows each others "business"...if not first hand, thru the rumor mill....where, usually it becomes like that "Telephone" game and EVERYTHING gets mucked up.
Again, IMO, that's what I believe made LE so slow on the draw...they hear things, jealous people make up lies, people get an undeserved reputation, others get "labeled" as certain "types"....and so on. It's in no way, shape or form an excuse for something like that to cloud up LE's ability to function in an unbiased manner. But, we've seen...it DOES happen.

I'm really on the same page as LE....I think (and pray) she's alive, hiding and scared to come out because of all the hubbub. I'm hoping maybe like "Runaway Bride" - "deer in the headlights" lady - Jennifer Willbanks (?).
Perhaps she didn't expect her absence to become "nationwide media"....I don't think she'd ever believe in a million years that her momma would take to the TV on Nancy Grace.
Long ago, when I was that age, I remember thinking no one cares if I'm alive or not...nobody would notice if I'm gone...OR, she could be thinking, momma loves her BF more than me...she doesn't spend any time with me, etc.
(I am soooo praying it's something like this).
She could have "bonded" with an older kid...maybe 18 or 19...he could have taken advantage of her and said the old "I know how you feel"..."my mom was the same way"...etc....or, they could just be "in love"....don't shoot me!! LOL

This is where maybe the "illegal" aspect comes in....even though IF she's there willingly, isn't it still corrupting a minor....or even worse...if anything "else" has happened between them.

The fact that it took so long and was almost like pulling teeth to get the ID's of the 2 girls who had some sort of info also makes me think she's still alive.

Are there any apartment complexes....or rental lofts above garages....or more low budget "pay by the week/month" motels in the area...where maybe a guy working minimum wage could afford to live???
So whats going today anyway, just planned searches? I feel like somebody pulled the plug and we're not getting any reception.
I find it hard to believe that anyone on here... if their child was missing, would not be upset if they did not have their phone.

Then to be told "Oh, well she probably wouldn't call you anyway, she would call her Dad, or friend, or grandparents. You are probably the reason she is gone anyway."

What if she WAS abducted and has time to make one phone call? Hopefully it would be 911, but what if it wasn't? Sure the odds are slim that she would only have time to make one call, but if it was YOUR kid would you want to risk it?

What if Dad's phone is not a cell phone, so he doesn't have it with him all the time?

Who would you call, the one with the cell phone or the one with the home phone?

I would be calling the phone that would be with a person 24 hours a day and a land line simply isn't likely to do that.

I have worked very hard to teach my children MY cell phone number. If LE then took it I would be frantic.

When someone here asks a question of Billie's friend...

She asks Billie about it.

Billie gives her an answer.

She posts it here for us, because we asked her...

Where is the link supposed to come from? The information came from Hailey's mother. There is no link.

Maybe she can mention it the next time she does an interview? That's the only way I can think of that there would be a link for the information.

My understanding is that when Billie's friend is saying "Billie told me..." she does not need a link. She is a verified local.

Some people can believe her that LE hasn't returned the phone yet.

While others can believe that she has chosen to turn her own phone off so her missing daughter cannot contact her.

I believe she doesn't have the phone and I believe that is possibly the first number Hailey would call if she was in danger.
Same here.

Same here too! My house is always full of kids and my fridge and freezer are always being replenished! I'm on line so much cause the kids take over the tv in the family room and I can sit right here....keeping an ear out;) without looking like I am paying attention and when they're not here, I am driving them all somewhere, or I'm some sporting event, practice, tournament my kid's participating in.

My kid isn't allowed in other peoples houses. We don't do sleepovers, he's also not allowed to swim anywhere else but here, at daycamp in the summer or if I am present.

Yeah, I've been called "over protective" So what?
I find it hard to believe that anyone on here... if their child was missing, would not be upset if they did not have their phone.

Then to be told "Oh, well she probably wouldn't call you anyway, she would call her Dad, or friend, or grandparents. You are probably the reason she is gone anyway."

What if she WAS abducted and has time to make one phone call? Hopefully it would be 911, but what if it wasn't? Sure the odds are slim that she would only have time to make one call, but if it was YOUR kid would you want to risk it?

What if Dad's phone is not a cell phone, so he doesn't have it with him all the time?

Who would you call, the one with the cell phone or the one with the home phone?

I would be calling the phone that would be with a person 24 hours a day and a land line simply isn't likely to do that.

I have worked very hard to teach my children MY cell phone number. If LE then took it I would be frantic.

When someone here asks a question of Billie's friend...

She asks Billie about it.

Billie gives her an answer.

She posts it here for us, because we asked her...

Where is the link supposed to come from? The information came from Hailey's mother. There is no link.

Maybe she can mention it the next time she does an interview? That's the only way I can think of that there would be a link for the information.

My understanding is that when Billie's friend is saying "Billie told me..." she does not need a link. She is a verified local.

Some people can believe her that LE hasn't returned the phone yet.

While others can believe that she has chosen to turn her own phone off so her missing daughter cannot contact her.


It might hurt, but it might be the truth. And that's what we need, no that's what HAILEY needs, is the truth. This is not a support board, it's a sleuthing board........
Sixth graders are great...they always sing like little canaries! Good move on the part of LE. Eighth graders, on the other hand...can really stay tight lipped because there is such a stigma about snitching.

Kudos to LE for going straight to the sixth graders.

:dance: Brilliant strategy to go to the sweet sixth graders first - I totally agree, msteach. You can still get those kids to spill it!

8th graders?? :waitasec: Not so much.
Where's that small town rumor mill - figured someone would have talked about what the girls had to say...
Just a quick thought that has probally been posted or commented upon.

If LE thinks that Hailey is missing and doesnt WANT to be found, that would mean a runaway of course. I do not see it being a runaway unless somthing major was going on in that home. It seems that Hailey and DB were close enough that BD would know Hailey was perhaps sad or out of sorts.. unless maybe Hailey had issues with SA that she was not revealing to her mother.

Hailey's dad mentioned she could come live with him? He knew somthing perhaps was a little stressful perhaps.

If they REALLY think she is a runaway.. then give some more information on urging any school mates to come foward even on a secret basis... pass out forms at school, ask for no names everyone fill one out put in a secret ballod box to be assured that no one will be named a snitch.. just information that can be given on a basis of no name attached to it. That I really think may reveal SOMTHING.. I mean what can't it hurt.

Who was she talking to that day on the phone... I think that has somthing to do with them thinking she is a run away.

What is the staus on the mother of MB. I have read a few posts that seems to be issue with MB talking to media.. anything to that other than her just not wanting to talk on tv or news?

I am now stuck on the runaway senario. I do not know if they think that is true OR if they are trying to ease the mind and relax the person suspected of foul play to get him or her to slip up and be less on guard. If that is the case that is cruel thing to give DB hope if they think there is no hope, unless they clued her in on the tatic used.

I just hope Hailey comes home safe and unharmed. If harm was done or she is missing with foul play.. I hope this does not turn into a case that no one ever knows for sure and a missing person for years.

I hope a blessed miracle will happen today.
DB I hope she is staying as strong as she can be. My heart aches for her.
just because Hailey stayed away in the past, (& that's a big IF), doesn't mean that's even likely here. It just gives the perp an out, buys him/her some time, gives LE an excuse, & simply muddys the waters. This girl has been gone too long, to even entertain that thought. & why search fields? Does LE think she's been hiding in the grass? for over a week? really? I admit that I'm really confused, by Dean's statements. I haven't bashed this LE, but they need to treat this little girl, like they would any missing kid...regardless of what they think they may know about her family. Time is of the essence, & they can't afford to waste even 1 minute, treatintg her like a runaway. This is mind boggling.
Your right.....IMO Mighty fine, top of the line, crack interview techniques being utilized from early on. ...........eyeroll.............

That's really not fair. How were they supposed to know these girls knew anything if they didn't tell LE at first? The girls were the ones at fault, for not coming forward in the first place!
I am assuming that someone else told LE that these 2 girls had info so they gave them the opportunity to identify themselves and tell them what they knew. What else would you suggest as a "crack interview technique" if they didn't even know who the girls were until this morning?
People keep stuff from LE all the time, not just in this case. I mean ok lets lean on LE but let's at least keep it real when we do. If it was just a matter of sitting down and people telling the truth, there would be no crimes to solve. We can't blame LE for everything..................

No we can not blame everything on LE. I will be the first to admit, if something awful happens, I'm going to call 911 (LE). They do in fact have hard jobs, at times put their lives on the line and I do respect and admire many LE officials. Just in this particular case there have just been some things that have been done and NOT done, said and not said, that it would seem a prudent officer of the law would have done/said differently. LE are human and they are not infallible and as citizens I think it is our duty to question their tactics. It's okay to question your government, history tells us to question it.
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