TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #13

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So sad, there is another post from Clint on H's own page, under the name with initials CJ written when H was gone 11 days...asking for help finding her...
& when I look at his record, it just doesn't impress me much. Maybe I've gotten jaded, because my daughter's ex & his cousins have all been to the pen for dealing drugs, (weed & pills), so, when I look at Clint's record, I think, 'well, at least it wasn't meth, or assault with a deadly weapon, etc...

I have no problems or concerns with Clint or Billie
I rarely post, but I need some help to go back to the last sighting that can be verified -

Can anyone tell me which of the following statements is KNOWN to be true?

Hailey was last seen by SA on 12/27
Hailey (along with 2 friends) was last seen by a witness on 12/26 or 12/27
Hailey was last seen by a neighbor on 12/27
Hailey was last seen by BD on 12/27
Hailey was last seen by BD on 12/26
Hailey was last seen by CD on 12/26
Hailey was last seen by CD on 12/25

LE stated that they didn't believe that Hailey was hiding out AFTER they had questioned the two friends from the 12/26 or 12/27 sighting. Does that mean the 2 friends gave LE the info they were looking for? Did they possibly state that when they left Hailey she was headed in THAT direction?

All of this is pure speculation and just MOO.
Just a reminder. DD is a minor. Which means his first name should not be spelled out in full. Initials should be used.
Ok, so if she decides to take the other one that they mentioned today (LE wanting her to take another one) that will be her second.
oh please, I hope she refuses. It won't make her look bad, IMO, just precautionary. I honestly don't see how another test, passed or failed, can help.
cg, what I would like to know is if Billie was 100% sure Hailey was still there monday morning in her bed or wherever she sleeps ( i say this because my 12 yr old has a bed but prefers the couch)... Is it possible Hailey disappeared through the night sometime?
I know some of you are going to say the neighbor seen her on the phone ...but what do we know to be fact with 100% certanity other than.. Hailey is not where she should be???
I know some are going to say well Shawn seen her why would he lie about that... well if u think about and someone you love and trust says yeah Hailey was here she decided to go to her dads and to MB to stay all night and she left around 3... by saying this you are instilling in the other person everythings fine and u handled it...IMO anyways
I believe all the skeletons have jumped out of the immediate family's closet and theres just nothing all that out of the ordinary.
Some link brought to the Hailey FB page claiming to be a 16-yr old girl who knows H and said that she had a text that H was scared of SA...FWIW.

I'm headed to bed too. I am as convinced as I was was about 10 threads ago that LE has nothing, they have zero evidence of anything despite all the people & agencies working this case. IMO They've been running down every lead and coming up empty.

It's as if she was abducted by aliens.

IMO They really need to list her as "endangered missing."

LE needs to come clean and tell the community that they have some GRAVE concerns about Hailey's safety & well being. They need to tell the children in the community to be vigilant for their own safety and not to go anywhere alone, buddy system! Lulling them into a false sense of security this morning IMO was wrong and that frightens me.

Thank You!!! I am very worried for Hailey and every other child in town.
Until she is found and a perp behind bars please keep in mind it is NOT safe for kids to be out and about alone.
An ironically, the Ativan should have helped him to pass according to most people's thinking on anti anxiety meds and polygraphs. :waitasec:

From what we have heard reported in the media:

SA took multiple polys and failed
Someone else took 3 polys - failed 2 then passed the 3rd
A man Billie does not know took a poly a failed (no word if he took multiple)
Billie took a poly and failed
(am I missing anyone?)

OK, this is strictly speculation and MOO.....

What if SAs polys were 'reported failed' only because he had ativan in his system - meaning there was no deception? And LE wants him to keep taking polys until he 'truely' fails (with no drugs in his system) and shows deception? And LE is allowing other people to keep taking polys until they pass?

Weird and hinky for sure...... and I am sure that it can't be this. But I haven't seen this scenario thrown out there, and I want y'alls opinion.

Posted: Jan 10, 2011 10:48 PM CST
Updated: Jan 10, 2011 10:51 PM CST

DPS Trooper Sparky Dean was quoted in other reports as saying they're confident Hailey is alive and hiding. Monday he clarified saying that while he hopes that is the case, there is no evidence that Hailey is hiding.

Authorities went to Hailey's middle school on Monday to speak with two girls reportedly seen with her near the time of her disappearance. Authorities confirmed they did talk with students, but wouldn't release whether they were the students they were looking for.

In Monday's latest press release, authorities announced they had no new information to report. They did say there were over 100 billboards across the state with Hailey's information and picture. Investigators say that may be better than an amber alert, which doesn't have pictures.



Posted January 10, 2011 at 10:30 p.m.

Officials in Colorado City: Hailey Dunn likely a runaway.

Senior Department of Public Safety Trooper Sparky Dean said Monday during a meeting with Colorado City Middle School students he is confident Hailey Dunn is alive but in hiding.

Dean said the two girls were identified and, although they had previously spoken with authorities, would be questioned again to see if they might have any information about where Dunn was going or where she might be.

By Monday, after more than 30 square miles had been searched on foot and from helicopter, Dean said there had yet to be any evidence found of criminal activity.

Authorities initially considered Hailey to be a runaway. However, Dean said an investigation was conducted to find any evidence of criminal activity as well.

Dean said the main thing hindering finding Hailey is a lack of honesty among locals. He is unsure if the deceitfulness is intentional or if gossip is to blame for witnesses passing along lies.

“It’s a persuasion,” Kampfer said, “and the persuasion is that all the different points and leads and things they’re concluding right now is that we need to be working two angles.”

Respectfully, no one would be questioning it at all had you not answered the question of "How long have HD and CD known each other?" with "H is 13, so at least that long". That implies DD might not be his.

Edited to remove minor's full name from quote.

IMO we all are lucky she has not been scared away from us.:seeya:
I wonder how many people when they heard LE state that HD is hiding and not wanting to be found.. how many people thought ok well that is it a runaway... and just kinda wash their hands of the "concern"? I wonder how many people the LE has put doubts in their mind now... perhaps a few, perhaps only one.. what if that one person who they made think that HD is just a runaway.. what if that ONE person was to be the one we needed to look for her and to keep their eyes open.

I do not know who is in charge of what in this case, but the LE person who was shown with the big hat saying that "hailey doesnt want to be found" IMO he spoke and acted a little as if he was proud to say that, as if it was a bother to him to have to sort through things.

I tell you what when a child is missing and to be slow to act, then put out searches pretty much it seems for public show just to show that LE is doing somthing, then state she doesnt want to be found, then a few hours later say.. no were now think she is not a runaway.

Those statements are more contradicting than any family statements so far. I am getting really mad that LE cant get a grip on this at all. This is a big zero they are running in circles and while doing it stepping all over Billie.

Someone needs to step in and help her.. why does LE seem to be treating her like they have a small grudge against her in a way.. The local LE in this just seems to be a little harsh towards her.
Hello czgtz

I do have a few questions that maybe you could ask BD.
Has she ever had any concerns over any of SA's acquaintances, that he may share hobbies/interests with.
That they may have hung around their place a little too much for comfort, in retrospect

....and that maybe if she thought hard about it...that HD may have felt very uncomfortable around. If so, would any of these people happen to hang around when SA and / or BD were not at home.

Could any of SA's acquaintances, possibly from out of town, just happened to have been visiting around CCity that Christmas weekend?

Just trying to think WHO may have taken or harmed HD.

Thank you
Couldn't LE just be lying about the failed LTDs? To see if it would anyone that took it to "break"?
Respectfully, no one would be questioning it at all had you not answered the question of "How long have HD and CD known each other?" with "H is 13, so at least that long". That implies DD might not be his.

Edited to remove minor's full name from quote.

My second....and last!...husband referred to my blood son as "my son" on many occasions. But he wasn't my son's blood father.

It's been brought up on a couple of occasions that DD didn't know SA "that well," and if DD had a father that lived off somewhere, it's reasonable to wonder if perhaps he didn't know SA that well because he was often away spending time with his dad (a dad who did not live right across a field).
somewhere in the transcrips of NG show, there should be a part where Nancy actually cut BD off and I think BD was trying to say that Hailey should have been in the house, thats where she was suppose to be. The conversation was in regard to Monday and Haileys activities, but I am not exactly sure what BD was trying to say.

what i am driving at is suppose Hailey was suppose to stay home and SA came home and found her out. An argument could have taken place.
I believe all the skeletons have jumped out of the immediate family's closet and there's just nothing all that out of the ordinary.

Hmm. It shows a pattern of irresponsibility. Haliegh said so herself on her ms page.

"Okay so I did a look at HD myspace and there were a couple of things that struck me from her stream

1)she posted 3/8/10 "he already has two kids he cant take care of..did he get her prego I hate you dad n naomi!!"

2) on 1/2 she posted "chillin at da Willow Park Inn""
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