TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #13

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just pointing something out:

4 months ago was around August... 4 months ago is when BF moved in, right?


She allegedly lived for a few weeks/changed schools at the end of last school year. BF was not living there at the time.


What else is going on here?

He may not have had all of his belongings there, but I bet ya he was there A LOT. JMO.
Billie said last night on NG that all of Haileys bags were in her room. What bags? Packed bags? Since she just got home from dads house?

Bags of gifts? I would really like to hear that.

If Mom was working on Christmas, makes sense she was with Dad spending the holiday.
...and if we are to believe what we are being told by the family, it doesn't sound as though the lady who commented in the paper about her living with her is a close personal friend of BD. Don't know about any of you, but I know that I would not have let my kids move in with acquaintances if the situation were bad. I would think that the pecking order would be dad, grandma, aunts, and maybe (way down the line) a close personal friend...but not a casual friend or acquaintance.

Exactly!!!!!!!!!! This woman wasn't even related anymore (and wasn't even related by marriage to begin with), and Billie's friend made it seem Billie dind't like her anyway so why on God's green earth was hailey living there with a woman who has a record on top of everything else going against the lady. (I'm however not hold anyones criminal records against them in this case except the RSO's).
It seems SA is a 25 yr. old without a car and living off his gf. Or his mom. Or his grandma. Living off of as a to a place to stay, car to use, etc. What a catch! :innocent:

Amster you are making too much sense! I just dont know why or how people get so wrapped up into finding someone. I'm guilty of this too, but I didnt have children and I was in my teens or twenties.

I am seriously not trying to throw them under the bus, but I've had to sit on my hands in this case more than any i've read here on WS.

Lord have mercy on my soul for defending LE. Usually I'm totally against the blueberries and cherries, but this is one time I really do feel for them. They are trying to investigate, but IMO the parents are trying to come out roses. They may have done anything wrong. IMO they are afraid of looking bad in the media. If that is the case then stay off of NG. Or at least get your story together before you go on there.

Im down the middle and to be honest taking a fresh perspective is great. If LE makes boo boo's then shame on them, but at the same time if the parents story has changed i'm not about to sit here and make excuses and try to decipher why they did or said this and that. Sometimes a duck is just a duck. I'm gathering all the info and will continue to read on.
Oriah...I may be wrong, But I seem to remember a local mentioning that a lot of the 'bodies' of water are low, or pretty dried up. I recall many areas in Texas experienced drought this past summer/fall.
Maybe a local can verify the condition of local bodies of water. The depth could be an indicator of whether of not it would be a possible....ah dump site.

dear locals,
do you know of a place that the water is still running??? not deep just running.
Where there would be a bank (ravene) at the edge of the woods?
Seems Billie had a choice....consider the feelings of Hailey and distance herself from SA. OR, ship Hailey around and choose to keep SA in her home. IF, IF, IF SA is the reason that Hailey was bouncing around.....

Billie said last night on NG that all of Haileys bags were in her room. What bags? Packed bags? Since she just got home from dads house?

My ASSumption ;) is she meant bags like duffel bags(what she carried her cheerleading stuff in) backpacks etc that she might use to run away.
just pointing something out:

4 months ago was around August... 4 months ago is when BF moved in, right?


She allegedly lived for a few weeks/changed schools at the end of last school year. BF was not living there at the time.


What else is going on here?

Well "boyfriend" lived with his parents/grandmother and didn't seem to have a place of his own so I think it's safe to assume that he spent most of his free time at BD's place long before he "officially" moved in.

BD first said SA didn't live with her...that changed to he moved in 4 1/2 months ago....I don't believe anything she says right now. Is that bashing?
dear locals,
do you know of a place that the water is still running??? not deep just running.
Where there would be a bank (ravene) at the edge of the woods?

Dunn i think, they found that knife sheath in running creak water because the guy that found it had to retrieve it so it didn't wash downstream.

Ok I don't know if this has been asked before..but in this transcript from last nite BD says HD would walk around outside to talk on the phone if she wanted to be ALONE to talk. So if nobody was home at that time that the neighbor allegedly saw her outside talking on the phone then why was she outside talking on the phone? She also states if she wanted to talk where it was more quiet. If HD was home alone as we think because SA says he didn't get there til 3 then why would the house not have been quiet enough to talk inside? KWIM? Has this been asked or verified?

ETA: I wonder if this is why BD started to say she should have been in the house.
All I can say is..SHe does have an arrest record. I can't say anymore without breaking TOS

Wonderful,maybe she just wanted her two cents in. ;) Don't people know when they speak out people will look up thier name?
I am very protective of my 12 year old son. He does not spend the night away from home (although he doesn't really ask), but I am more than happy to allow friends to stay at our home. He has a friend that he's close to that has a few older sisters....not going to happen. I know from personal experience the things that CAN happen.

Along those lines as it relates to this case...what about the places HD has been allowed to stay? Are there older brothers or uncles? What about DB? Does she have kids (I may have missed that previously)? What reason would HD want to stay with her?

When I was that age, I wanted to stay with the friends who had the least amount of rules....no curfew, etc. My mom was a single parent and I hate to admit gullible. If she only knew the things I was getting away with....
I think I'm figuring it out. H had a HUGE problem with SA. HUGE, everyone knew it but chose to ignore it and the lies and the mistruths are happening because they have to look perfect, like they are not at fault here for not listening to her. I would bet dollars to donuts she had ran away before, as was mentioned at the beginning of this mess. I think this time she didn't get the chance to run away because SA stopped her..........so sad that none of these people listened to Hailey.
I think I'm figuring it out. H had a HUGE problem with SA. HUGE, everyone knew it but chose to ignore it and the lies and the mistruths are happening because they have to look perfect, like they are not at fault here for not listening to her. I would bet dollars to donuts she had ran away before, as was mentioned at the beginning of this mess. I think this time she didn't get the chance to run away because SA stopped her..........so sad that none of these people listened to Hailey.

Exactly teh. And if there was a big blow up just before Christmas, you can bet on what it was about. SA had to have known that it was coming down to HD or him in that house. MOO of course.
BD first said SA didn't live with her...that changed to he moved in 4 1/2 months ago....I don't believe anything she says right now. Is that bashing?

I dont think its bashing at all ...I can def see why people would have a hard time believing everything from anyone involved because we still havent got the same story twice from anyone IMO
Exactly teh. And if there was a big blow up just before Christmas, you can bet on what it was about. SA had to have known that it was coming down to HD or him in that house. MOO of course.

And she's still talking to him according to what she said on NG last night.....ppppffffffffttttttttttttt.
I think I'm figuring it out. H had a HUGE problem with SA. HUGE, everyone knew it but chose to ignore it and the lies and the mistruths are happening because they have to look perfect, like they are not at fault here for not listening to her. I would bet dollars to donuts she had ran away before, as was mentioned at the beginning of this mess. I think this time she didn't get the chance to run away because SA stopped her..........so sad that none of these people listened to Hailey.

ITA with you!
I am thinking Hailey had a horrible life at home.
and maybe just alittle bit better at dad's.
I keep remembering DD the brother saying he didn't know SA
very well............huh? so IMO, DD wasn't around home much either!
Poor Hailey, she's paid the price for this type of parenting.........
Hi all! I've missed some days on the thread and am now trying to play catch up! These threads on this case move so fast, it's really hard! I guess that's a good thing though, because it means that you all are looking at many different angles! Also, with the news stories and police statements constantly changing...it's hard to figure what is going on! Anyway...I apologize if I ask some questions that have already been discussed and hope you'll bare with me.

I no longer know who or what to believe in this case, as so much does not make sense! I am wondering what your thoughts are on some things and questions I am struggling with:

1. As stated in the article above (http://www.reporternews.com/news/201...ely-a-runaway/) Hailey apparently lived with relative's for awhile. Why? There had to be something going on at home to cause this. I am a single mother of a son and there would have to be some VERY serious issues that I just could not handle, before I would send him to live with a relative. Also, if she was having issues at mom's why not live with Dad rather than another relative? Was she having issues at both homes? I think this is important to understand what Hailey's home life is or was prior to this.

2. Mom says Hailey and SA struggled at first, but then got along well. Her friend said she felt uncomfortable with him. Her grandmother's agreed. The girlfriend of a relative (mentioned in the article above) also agreed. Are all of these people lying? Or is BD? Or did BD just saw what she wanted to see between HD and SA? Or did Hailey not tell her mother how she was feeling about SA? Is this why Hailey moved to the relative's house and was thinking of moving in with dad?

3. BD said last night on Nancy Grace that she doesn't know why Hailey was outside talking on the phone. She stated she should have been inside all day (I am assuming this is because she was home alone) and that she normally would go outside to talk on the phone when she wanted privacy. Was SA home during that phone call outside? Why was she outside talking, if she was home alone? She would've had the whole house to herself?

4. What are the families inconsistent statements that police are referring to?

5. I know there was some talk about BD adding that she had taking some antibiotics and pain pills during the poly. I can't imagine that "pain pills" whether that be tylenol 3's or hydrocodone's wouldn't be seen by LE as something that may effect a poly, as it has been stated. It says right on the bottle some effects of the medication and "use care when operating a car...." I wholeheartedly believe that LE would want an ACCURATE result and therefore would not move forward if THEY knew she was on pain meds. I do believe though, the thought/emotional impact of SA failing could influence her test results.

6. If the police have taken the time to poly SA, BD, some unknown person, an uncle, etc...WHY NOT POLYGRAPH DAD? Why not just get this out of the way? Even if they don't suspect him, why not just rule it out, as they did with the others? This doesn't make sense to me.

7. It seems that some on here believe BD and family over LE. I know that there have been some negative thoughts on the way the case is being investigated, but what motive would LE have to lie about the inconsistencies or concerns with lying, poly's or past drug use, etc.... Even Nancy Grace seems overly nice to Mom and critical of LE, lol. Like I said before, I don't know what to believe anymore! Whew...

Ok---I'll stop here, as I don't want to ramble too much or overload anyone with a bunch of questions (oops-I've probably done that already!). If anyone that has a thought or opinion on any piece of this or will fill me in on the general consensus after earlier debates....it would be great and I'd love to hear it! :)

Thanks in advance!
Don't know if this has been posted so forgive me if this is a repeat:

Elite Search Group Could Be in Area Soon to Search for Dunn

Seems Billie had a choice....consider the feelings of Hailey and distance herself from SA. OR, ship Hailey around and choose to keep SA in her home. IF, IF, IF SA is the reason that Hailey was bouncing around.....

Billie said last night on NG that all of Haileys bags were in her room. What bags? Packed bags? Since she just got home from dads house?

I took it to mean her purse, backpack and/or overnight bag. I think she was unable to finish her thought because NG cut her off again. I have watched NG more on this case than any other, I am of the opinion that NG likes the sound of her own voice. But, I guess it is her SHOW!

Also the "big country" quote sounded like TES is on it's WAY!!!! Yeah!!!
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