TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #16

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Adkins is a frequent commenter on the Michael-Myers.net. The site lists more than 600 comments under his membership name -- unconscious_mind78.

His membership goes back several years and at times makes reference to his enjoyment of violence. In 2007, for example, he discussed being single, and said, “My last girlfriend broke my heart so I broke her jaw.”

He posted on another forum, “I came to find that my fascination with the Halloween Series to be an obsession more than a hobby.”

Probably not, but worth a shot to ask: any Juggalos amongst the WSers here? I know a little bit about the subculture, but would be interested in hearing some info firsthand from Jugs/fans, given that BD/SA printed some stuff on the group.
moo.... Im thinkin SA went to work planning to go home sick or somethin, for some devious reason, and an argument or firing or quitting came shortly afterward....
You know I don't know if this is wishful thinking on my part or what but I think maybe BH relied on SA way to much. He was abusive and she entered the roll of an abusive woman. One that obeyed him, if he said print this from work, she did it. She might not have liked it, or engaged in that hobby like SA did, but she enabled it for him...either to keep him tame, or just a submissive response to him. Did she do drugs? Maybe, but I think she was more probably addicted to prescription drugs if she was. I think SA manipulated her so much.

I was an abused woman once and I can tell you, my eyes were closed shut to what was going on. My family and friends told me stuff and I still didn't see it. My rose colored glasses stayed on for 3 years. What happened to change that is, just something so small opened my eyes ever so slowly.

I'm thinking this is the case, and she did lie because her eyes are opening now, and SA set her up in a way. He made it look like she was guilty as sin too.

IF she is totally innocent of any crime, she will never work as a nurse again, where will she go? Yep further into drugs unless she has a family member that pulls her through.

To her friends that are close, hold her, be there for her in case she needs you.

If she is guilty then the truth will come out because frankly I don't think BH can hold much more in before she tells it all. She has nothing to loose now. She doesn't have to worry about her reputation, that is gone. She doesn't have to worry about her Job, that is long gone. She doesn't have to worry about her relationship with SA, that is long gone. Now after all this if she is caught in one more lie. I'll say she is guilty.

(this is my virtual "thank" to adknowledge the first post - using tapatalk app as no internet yet in new place, and cannot "thank")

I know I always chime in with this stuff, and I do believe SA is directly involved/not sure about BD other than major codependence issues).

I will personally say that I had a huge problem with narcotics (haven't touched one in almost a year) and I still knew what was going on, etc. I functioned completely while abusing pretty heavily. I've never seen a person high on oxy/roxy/hydrocodone or whatever they were doing that incapacitated their moral reasoning. Ever. I've seen extreme examples (finding an in law with a needle in their arm passed out was the moment of OMG) and I have a hard time imagining someone pretty high wanting to do all that "work".

Also, opiates kind of kill your sex drive. I know you guys know this but if someone is a habitual user (whether RXed - like I was, or not), they'll have horrible withdrawal symptoms. Wonder if something triggered rage while SA was going through wds, if he was a regular user. I can't imagine them taking the risk for the drugs during this unless the dependence was high. I booked a flight once just to go get narcotics from dr when I moved. Pathetic. Anyway, the withdrawal is horrible and usually people are very irritable and angry they don't have any. Just a thought.

Xoxo WS family :)
I understood these cameras to be stationary with a motion detector to trigger recording (no cameraman). I think that SA MIGHT have kept the cards as a souvenir, commiting his acts in front of them intentionally to create this record, but he also might have remembered they were there only after the fact and collected them to destroy the evidence.

It would be interesting to see how many of those cameras have his fingerprints on htem. Presumably the only other prints should be those of the "owners".

Good thoughts about the finger prints.

You are right about these cameras. Ours are camo colored and you attach them to sturdy trees with bungee cords. You can set them for close up pictures or wide angle shots. You try not to get them close to stray limbs so that the wind will not set them off. Ours take a series of 3 shots for each motion. We are gotten pics of our cats, foxes, squirrels and even thieves!
Adkins is a frequent commenter on the Michael-Myers.net. The site lists more than 600 comments under his membership name -- unconscious_mind78.

His membership goes back several years and at times makes reference to his enjoyment of violence. In 2007, for example, he discussed being single, and said, “My last girlfriend broke my heart so I broke her jaw.”

He posted on another forum, “I came to find that my fascination with the Halloween Series to be an obsession more than a hobby.”


Okay, that is frightening. The more I read, the scarier this creep becomes. Shame on BD for allowing this man into her home with her children!!!!!!!! :furious:
moo.... Im thinkin SA went to work planning to go home sick or somethin, for some devious reason, and an argument or firing or quitting came shortly afterward....

But his employer said that SA walked in, bought a pop, looked at him and walked out the door.
I can't believe people pay $140.00 for drugs, what a waste.....

Yeah, $140 will buy groceries for my family or warm clothes for my kids. I can't tell you the last time I spent $140 on myself, let alone buying drugs with it. I can't even fathom it! She had her salary cut in half at least when she lost her nursing license, that family was hurting for money. She should have used that $140 towards paying her $1200 fine to get her license back! Just tells you where her priorities were/are.
Thank you, I do appreciate the clarification.
Not my area of expertise but did work in the dental field for a decade or so and had to know the licensing rules for assistants, hygiene, and the docs.

From what I could see in the docs they said she deceptively practice without a license, nothing about fees being late or bouncing. And she was notified and served at her current home address (it was posted here that the check bounced, she didn't know that happened, and was unaware of the hearing because that went to some mystery address). My interpretation was that this was an ethics issue?

I did notice the same day of her hearing three people surrendered their licenses due to criminal charges unrelated to nursing. Can they get their licenses back at some point? Or why surrender instead of letting them revoke?
depends on what the charges are but usually yes... if it was a drug charge they may have to take classes, have a preceptor, etc...depends on the state..
also to surrender a license means that you attended the hearing and notified the board...

revocation is when the board just revokes it... ((she didn't show up for the hearing so it was simply revoked))

hope that makes sense
wow, I'm old. Back in the early 80's it was about 40-60 bucks an ounze....okay it was more like the vary late 70's

May still be where you live? West and south seem to be much much lower priced. Easier to grow in those areas I would guess.
Probably not, but worth a shot to ask: any Juggalos amongst the WSers here? I know a little bit about the subculture, but would be interested in hearing some info firsthand from Jugs/fans, given that BD/SA printed some stuff on the group.

I thought there was one on here before, a female if I remember correctly, but I don't remember the hat or the case on which she posted.

ETA: I think it was that case where the guy broke into that professor's home and killed the woman and two girls. The one where he made the wife go into the bank for money. Sorry, I don't remember names because I didn't follow it very closely.
So, what I would like to know, is when SA was asked the question "who should LE be looking at?" and he answered "both of us", did the LDT indicate deception?

During that same polygraph, according to the affidavit, Adkins indicated that Hailey Dunn could be found in Scurry County. The results of his polygraph, indicated he was telling the truth.

However, when investigators asked him, a second time, if he knew where Hailey was, he refused to answer the question. Investigators asked Adkins who they should be looking at, in regards to Hailey's disappearance, to which Adkins replied "both of us."

The affidavit states that Adkins answer was referring to himself, and Hailey's mother, Billie Dunn.

Okay, that is frightening. The more I read, the scarier this creep becomes. Shame on BD for allowing this man into her home with her children!!!!!!!! :furious:

This guy is sickening...truly evil and sick.

And I agree, BD should not have let this creep into her home.
Two thoughts.
1. SA may have made comments about Hailey being sexually active, so that if her body was found and it was determined that she was not a virgin (assuming he did nothing to her recently enough to leave DNA) that would explain it without anyone suspecting she had been molested.

2. Someone mentioned that it was not likely that Hailey's body could have been left in the house while BD and SA put in their appearances at work. I disagree. Considering that she would not have begun to decompose in a particularly smelly way yet, and was allowed to roam the neighborhood, it could be as simple as sliding her body under her bed during the time they had to be away establishing alibis. If DDD had come home and Hailey was not there, he would have assumed whe was out with friends. Why would he look under a bed (or even in a closet, shower stall, backyard shed, etc.) for her?
Probably not, but worth a shot to ask: any Juggalos amongst the WSers here? I know a little bit about the subculture, but would be interested in hearing some info firsthand from Jugs/fans, given that BD/SA printed some stuff on the group.

I'll step in with my christian single mother of 3 input. I think they get a bad rap. I lisetned to them, still would if I could find my cds. Shouldn't as I'm a good christian. Know what I mean? I think of ICP as more potsmoking people than anything.

There...now that you know less than what you did!! I know they used to have a yearly gathering for a weekend somewhere - a big campout fest thing...usually in Ohio I think. Don't know if they still go. They spray Faygo soda on their fans at concerts.

Again, my non-informative potpourri description of them.

I think SA clocked in at work, got himself a drink, waited until BD left for work, then returned to the house and kidnapped Hailey. The cell phone pings hint at this scenario, esp. since he next drove out to his mother's "neck of the woods".

I think BD was not involved, though her refusal to see the truth about SA is quite disturbing. JMO.

I thought there was just one car? Did he take her[BD] to work earlier than 7AM? And if this is the case, he made it to CC pretty dang fast to reach those cell towers.

Am I not looking at these times correctly?

Could someone help me do so??

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