TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #19

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This may have been posted but if you haven't seen it and missed Nancy Grace last night it is a MUST Watch! NG video from last night at the bottom of the page. Reading the transcripts just can not not do it justice. When Billie was asked about the last time she saw Hailey and started talking about peeking in to check..my stomach was in knots with hinky, no kidding..absolute sick feeling..

Maybe he came home to do other things...like "smoke". BD said on NG that she checked on Hailey to "ease her mind." Ease her mind about what??? Something happened the night before....I'll bet a donut on it.
She (BD) may not be directly responsible but she has some idea, some inkling some clue and has stuck her head in the sand.

And correct me if I'm wrong...not once have I heard her plead for someone to returne her if someone has her. Hinky.

ITA! GOOD post!
The very first interview she said she wanted Hailey back, that Hailey belonged to her & CD...........then nothing like that again. IIRC
IIRC I recall seeing a AA male neighbor being interviewed and he claimed he saw her on the phone outside and often.

Do you have any idea where? I have not been able to find anything. Once I started thinking about it, I realized that I couldn't remember anyone but Billie..
IIRC I recall seeing a AA male neighbor being interviewed and he claimed he saw her on the phone outside and often.

So glad you mentioned this as I thought I imagined it myself as we have seen and heard so much on this rollercoaster we have been on. Yes I do recall seeing this guy outside telling about seeing her out in the yard all the time talking on her phone. They did not, however, show the neighbor's face. Thanks so much for mentioning this.
Do you have any idea where? I have not been able to find anything. Once I started thinking about it, I realized that I couldn't remember anyone but Billie..
I heard the neighbor, the film footage was of the shed when he said it I think.
Who said that the Michael Myers stuff was just a hobby? Was it us speculating or was it BD? The reason I ask is because SA addresses this specifically on the MM forum. He (paraphrasing) says that he has come to realize that his interest in Michael Myers is an obsession rather than a hobby.

BBM wonder what his mom and gram think of all this?
Silence may be golden............hope they are safe!
IIRC I recall seeing a AA male neighbor being interviewed and he claimed he saw her on the phone outside and often.

Maybe he had seen her, but couldn't narrow it down to that day? or LE not feel it's reliable? IDK, wonder why they won't confirm or deny?
So glad you mentioned this as I thought I imagined it myself as we have seen and heard so much on this rollercoaster we have been on. Yes I do recall seeing this guy outside telling about seeing her out in the yard all the time talking on her phone. They did not, however, show the neighbor's face. Thanks so much for mentioning this.

But was it the neighbor that saw her at noon that day?
Charlie could be made up for a timeline alibi?????
Lots of neighbors may of seen her in the yard lots of times......KWIM???
Would love to post my thoughts at the time I read something but am always so far behind.

Neighbor that stated he saw Hailey on the phone did not come JUST from BD. I saw a news video of an interview with him, We all were concerned that he said he saw her out there all the time. The fact that LE can not confirm must be because the cell phone records do not support it. I am more concerned with his statements if he did not live there and is gone now.

BD's statement on NG about not touching her. My thoughts on that. BD was asked early on the last time she saw Hailey. She said that morning before she went to work she looked in on her in her bedroom. I am sure during the 12 hours LE questioned her, that may have said why did you not go in the room. They may have said are you sure she was there, etc. So she realizes that the actual time she can CONFIRM she saw her was the night before. My thoughts is that she was just trying to clarify the fact that she did not physically touch her so she can not say for sure she was in bed.

I still do not think she has anything to do with Hailey missing. I do not know how she is still functioning much less speaking so we all can understand her inter thoughts and pick them apart.

There were several other post I wanted to reply to but forgot what they said, I have that problem all the time (lol)
yes and yes.

but that doesn't mean he isn't utilizing another somewhere else. abandoned houses in the area with root cellers maybe? somewhere close to home or work where he would have an oppurtunity to visit easily and often....if he wasn't a number one suspect.

This is a very interesting train of thought and theory. Might explain "several persons of interest too". Other people "obsessed" with the MM series and masks? People he met on that site? And we still don't know where he went on the 28th or where he was when BD called him.

Ok, the Mask he bought was from the movie The Collector.

movie plot

"Clegg decides to add her to his 'collection' of pretty, petrified objects, in hopes that if he keeps her captive long enough, she will grow to love him. After careful preparations, he kidnaps Miranda by drugging her with chloroform and locks her up in the cellar of his house."


IMO The FACT he ordered & that MASK before she disappeared and the FACT he was THRILLED with it so much he had to leave detailed feedback about it on Jan7th. I can't help but think he maybe following that Movie PLOT....and following that plot....she's locked away somewhere.

Thanks for that info on the purchase on 12/8 I was thinking he purchase on 12/28.

The movie "The Collector" was very chilling the ending was shocking. I never could erase that out of my mind.
This is a very interesting train of thought and theory. Might explain "several persons of interest too". Other people "obsessed" with the MM series and masks? People he met on that site? And we still don't know where he went on the 28th or where he was when BD called him.


This is the direction I'm leaning in - friends of SA who share his interest in these masks/horror reenactments, etc may have helped him, especially given LE's mention of "several" POIs. I hope that these acquaintances in the pictures with him have been questioned/looked into.
did anyone see the new add for Dr. P????
Gorgeous Girl all in black ties a steel cherry stem????
I hope for more affi's to bee released again soon so we have something to work off of.
Do we know what happened after DD got home and saw SA with 'deer in head light look"
Nancy graces facebook

Breaking news – Shocking materials about mass murder, death and sex found in the bedroom of missing Texas cheerleader Hailey Dunn’s mom, according to just-released search warrant affidavits! And why would the 13-year-old girl’s mom and boyfriend allegedly throw a New Year’s Eve party three days after Hailey vanished? Plus, documents reveal the boyfriend – just named a person of interest in the case -- admits he once threatened to kill Hailey!


Does this mean she will be on again tonight?
did anyone see the new add for Dr. P????
Gorgeous Girl all in black ties a steel cherry stem????

LOL....gorgeous girl all in black is Fergie, singer from the Black Eyed Peas.....

this commercial is supposed to be a take off on Twin Peaks...which although I have never seen the show/movie or whatever it is....is supposedly about a teenage girl's murder in a small town BTW
I would like to know if NG meant that LE was unable to verify the call through phone records, or she meant they would not talk to her about it, or what.

GRACE: One more thing I`ve got to ask you. You have told me, and we have asked police, and they tell us they cannot confirm it, that a neighbor sees your daughter Hailey in your backyard around 12:00 noon, talking on the cell phone. That would be the Monday. The Monday she goes missing. But police say they have tried to verify that, and they cannot. Are you positive? And what neighbor is it?

DUNN: He is actually living in a neighbor`s house. I think his name is Charles. The man that owns the house is Travis. But he told us that he seen Hailey in the backyard and he said he told police that also.

GRACE: OK, because we have asked police and they`re telling us they cannot verify it. And if that`s true, that means that nobody absolutely can positively say they saw Hailey since the night before at 10:00 when you saw her watching TV.


IMO, this means they can't verify the story BD told. It doesn't make sense if LE tried to discuss it with NG but could not.
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