TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #19

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I thought the mask was shipped to sa on the 28th. When would he have received it?
teh, I think he was talking about Sunday.


He hasn't seen his daughter since the day after Christmas.

"I think we may have played a video game that morning
and she left that day, I haven’t seen her since," he says

Red by me.

well, unless he's running around playing dress up as a serial murderer....or when he's threatening the lives of a mom and her child....or when he's hacking away at a deer corpse with a chain saw................

Exactly! To your list I add: or when as his hobby he's reading up on just how to make a person disappear. SA's uncle is either intentionally misrepresenting his nephew's character, doesn't know his nephew well enough to make such a statement, or worse (could he be a person of interest?).
IIRC I recall seeing a AA male neighbor being interviewed and he claimed he saw her on the phone outside and often.

I saw that too, Linda7NJ. I also remember how posters were freaked over the fact that this male kept his back to the camera during the interview.

Personally, I wondered at the time if his reason for hiding his face - if that is what he was doing - actually had nothing to do with the Hailey case, but was for some other personal reason.

When LE said in yesterday's presser that they could not verify this neighbor's sighting of Hailey in the backyard, I took the statement to mean that phone records did not verify this sighting.

Another thing buggin me is the fact that Hailey's brother was able to get in a window. We all focused on the "deer in the headlight" thing, but what about the fact that the window wasn't locked. What room was that window in?
I'm guessing that there was no noon phone call on that number on Tuesday, so LE has ruled out that sighting, since they have said they cannot verify exactly when she went missing. Why would they say that if the phone call checked out?

I hope LE is able to monitor the texts Billie has been exchanging with SA since he moved out.

Why did SA drive to work and then leave, that bugs me. He had been seen in that area, perhaps, by a co-worker, so had to go inside. Was he disposing of evidence or even Hailey near his job? Plenty of people have done so before.

Is there a way to get the police report from the Feb '10 incident?
teh, I think he was talking about Sunday.


He hasn't seen his daughter since the day after Christmas.

"I think we may have played a video game that morning
and she left that day, I haven’t seen her since," he says


:waitasec: He was, why? I'm just posting news links, lol. Oh, I meant more more talk of him defending SA and BD, lol.
On NG, BD said she liked true crime and visiting crimelibrary.com. When you think about how many shows there are on TV about true crime cases, and even fictional crime cases, and about how huge some murder cases become, it's not that unusual to be interested in infamous cases. I am thinking that maybe for BD, these cases were interesting to her but for SA, he might have had a more perverse interest in them. Remember on his MySpace page that the lyrics he chose to display were about torturing and murdering a woman. I can definitely see SA just being fascinated, in a perverse way, with the actual act of murdering the victim. Like almost getting a high off of it. And not caring about anything else but about how the person was killed. I can see him worshipping the killer instead of having sympathy for the victim
"He was calling and telling me we were going to be together whether I like it or not. He made threats to me, never made threats towards Hailey or David," she said.

"In the very beginning, Hailey didn't like Shawn at all. She told me and Shawn that. She [Hailey] was told she don't have to like him, but you have to be respectful," said Billy.

Billie's mother-in-law Connie Jones said even after Billie separated from her son Clint Dunn, Billie still came to her house. "She was scared of him. She came over here and spent the night a night or two to get away from him," Jones said.

I just don't know where Hailey is. I feel it's better that he stays in Dunn until we get things cleared up,"


Ok I know I just didnt read that???????

Your kid doesnt like the guy and you basically tell her to get over it??? You dont ask why??? BD is still defending this guy? WTH, seriously. She took off to the ex MIL house cause she scared?? leave HIM!

I'm backing away....on lurker mode before I get a TOS! LOL!
Another thing buggin me is the fact that Hailey's brother was able to get in a window. We all focused on the "deer in the headlight" thing, but what about the fact that the window wasn't locked. What room was that window in?

possibly a neighbor? or friend of SA? I still think it is ironic that SA shows back up in the area of the house - after he told BD & LE he went to his moms right after being fired... (which was a lie).
"He was calling and telling me we were going to be together whether I like it or not. He made threats to me, never made threats towards Hailey or David," she said.

"In the very beginning, Hailey didn't like Shawn at all. She told me and Shawn that. She [Hailey] was told she don't have to like him, but you have to be respectful," said Billy.

Billie's mother-in-law Connie Jones said even after Billie separated from her son Clint Dunn, Billie still came to her house. "She was scared of him. She came over here and spent the night a night or two to get away from him," Jones said.

I just don't know where Hailey is. I feel it's better that he stays in Dunn until we get things cleared up,"


red by me

wow...just wow.
BD let him over for NYE? WTF is that?

She hadn't kicked him out yet. She did not appear on NG until the following week and kicked him out between her first two appearances, I believe.
My current theory is that SA killed Hailey. I don't think that BD was involved in killing her but I think that she may have helped in a coverup. I don't think she's 100% uninvolved in this. I think the reason she is going on NG, offering to take a polygraph, not getting a lawyer, talking to LE, and making SA leave is because those are all the things that innocent parents apparently do. If BD does follow true crime, she would realize this. I believe that her current thinking is to fit the profile of the innocent mother of a missing daughter so people keep their focus on SA.
She has no intentions of leaving Shawn.

I agree! You can just see her grasping for excuses for him. She is trying to balance (although not doing a good job at it) sticking up for him and not looking like a monster by speaking up for her missing daughter. She has clearly made her choice.
Ok I know I just didnt read that???????

Your kid doesnt like the guy and you basically tell her to get over it??? You dont ask why??? BD is still defending this guy? WTH, seriously. She took off to the ex MIL house cause she scared?? leave HIM!

I'm backing away....on lurker mode before I get a TOS! LOL!

and yet, you take his word for it when your daughter goes missing?? :banghead:
She has no intentions of leaving Shawn.
No I think she is just working it all out in her mind. She loves him. It is easy for us to play armchair quarterback. She is going to have to deal with she loved, trusted and allowed a sociopath in her home with her children. That is alot. World shattering.She is correct in focusing on Hailey, leave him at arms length, (keep your enemies close) and deal with that later and when all the evidence is in. Dealing with all of that at one time will land her in a mental health ward. The mind can only handle so much at a time.
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