TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #20

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Hailey Dunn's iPod, Other Electronics Seized

The items were taken during a voluntary search of the home Dunn lived in with her mom, Bille Dunn, and Billie's boyfriend, Shawn Adkins. All the items were consensually handed over by Billie.

Colorado City police officer Kelsey Alexander took a memory stick found in the master bedroom, a CD-R found behind several DVDs in the master bedroom, a CD-R labeled 'Hailey Dunn' found in Hailey's bedroom, two pink MP3 players found in Hailey's bedroom, a black MP3 player found in another bedroom inside the house, and a VHS tape labeled 'White Snake' with the name 'Pete' found in Hailey's closet.
BD is clueless. Like many mothers. Like my mother-in-law- a smart-talking, Christian, Sarah-Palin-esque lady who had absolutely no clue what her sons were up during their teenage years. When I try to tell her, she puts her hands over her ears and says she doesn't want to know since now they are all happily married to Christian women.

My husband did the worst of his youthful bad deeds in the context of Bible camps and church groups. I think many of us give ourselves way too much credit about how much we know about our kids. Chances are, if your kid has a cell phone or a web connection, they have a life you don't know about. Which is why my 3 have neither. :)
Tossing him to the curb may have been puffery. They definitely parted ways (sort of), but it may have been for different reasons.

BINGO...partners in crime oftentimes distance themselves from one another. Notice how she isn't quite willing to toss him all the way under the bus? Makes ya wonder if it's because she doesn't want HIM talking. ;)
I realize that most parents are not like us... that most parents don't realize what goes on in the world and think that nothing bad happens.

I realize that most parents don't read true crime stories.

But this one DID.

So the "most parents don't read true crime and so they don't take kids seriously when they complain about the boyfriend..." thing isn't going to fly here.

Billie could have found a way to verify Hailey's claims IF she was told about them. She could have stayed awake and watched what he did at night.

Ignorance can't be a defense here... because by her own statement she enjoyed reading true crime stories... because those people are not like us. Much the same reason I do this... in addition to being able to follow it and keep my brain working and distracted... I want to understand WHY.

However, it also makes me more aware... of all the possibilities because I have knowledge others do not.


DUNN: They were stories that I thought I was interested in reading. I read true crime stories. I get on crimelibrary.com. The stories weren't laying out. They were up in a box in top of the closet because I wasn't reading them, either because I already had or just because some of the stories weren't interesting.

They did make me feel bad and told me it was strange that I read things like that. But I'm just interested in people that aren't like us.

DUNN: They're not normal people.
I agree. And I feel very little compassion towards BD anymore. The more I find out about SA the angrier I become. There is NO excuse for the way HD was being treated by her mother. And BD is so very worried that we might think she was a 'bad mommhy.' Well, she WAS. She was a horrible mother imo. She last sees her kid at 10 pm on Sunday night, has no other communication with her to see where she is or who she is with , and waits until Tues afternoon and has her son text her? That is a total disconnect imo. 13 yr olds need constant communication to keep them safe and on track. BD failed her by moving in a murder/mayhem fanatic. I know, I know, we ALL read true crime stories. But I think most of us are looking through the eyes of the victims or the investigators, and not trying to 'role play' as the perps.
THANKS & I agree. Billie was motivated by her wanting this man, & that's it, IMO. She even left her kids with him.yuck. & kept him in the house, after he threatened to kill her daughter, Forget about him threatening her too, if she wants to die, that's her business, but he threatened her little girl! I suspect, & this is just an opinion, but I think the only reason the cops were involved, during those threats, was because Billie was worried about her own safety. If he had just threatened Hailey, there probably wouldn't be a report right now. Hailey told people that she was scared of Shawn, & Shawn told Billie he was going to kill her daughter. What more, does a mom, need to know? How she could keep referring to him as her boyfriend, is beyond me. Being able to make that claim, 'Hey world, I have a boyfriend', was a big deal to this woman. & she still texts him.omg. She's still clinging to...what? I don't even know.
After reading that new information provided to MSM by Gma, it appears that SA was behaving in a manner that should have raised red flags. That being said. There are literally hundreds and thousands of cases where women get into bad relationships and they endure such psychological torture by their suitor that they basically believe that they cannot be away from them. It is entirely possible that BD thought that she was protecting HD from SA by staying with him. It would be easy enough to convince her that "if you leave me you can bet your life little princess will regret it!"

I have an aunt that has been in several of these relationships. It seems like no matter what she does she is incapable of breaking the abusive cycle. She seems to be drawn back to exactly the type of men that will continue to do this to her. Those men also are very good at picking out women with insecurities (the are predators, after all) and then exploiting them.

I understand your points and it sadly does happen. But, Billie had Clint 50 yards away and could have put a RSO on SA... I do not see her as an abused submissive woman with no alternatives. I understand that some think that's possible though and I respect the difference of opinion.

In fact, I keep wondering if Billie isn't the one that scouted out a much younger guy who was interested in murder fantasies and such. It's quite possible to me that Billie was the dominant party in the relationship and set the tone for what was going on in that house. It's not just men who are abusive or controlling with their partners. Also wouldn't surprise me if both BD and SA were sadistic and needed someone innocent to complete the picture. I'm not saying that's what happened here, I'm saying that we hate to think about these things, but they happen.

Billie allowing (or even possibly encouraging) this to go on in her house does not imply to me that she was abused or had no choice. Not at all. I'm keeping my mind open to all possibilities as to how this nightmare was allowed to be perpetuated upon Hailey and not ready to hand Billie D the "battered/abused woman" defense...All that is certain right now, is the Billie INVITED this man into the house knowing his hobbies and after he had made threats against her child. Indefensible even if that's the extent of her neglect of Hailey. It could be worse.
Originally Posted by nursebeeme
one word/motive comes to mind in light of SA's behavior toward Hailey:


to desire wrongfully what belongs to another

this seems to me to have been building over time based on the little bits of behavior we are now seeing.

Oh no, are you thinking what I'm thinking, nursebeeme?

"We begin by coveting what we see every day. Don't you feel eyes moving over your body, Clarice? And don't your eyes seek out the things you want?" -Hannibal Lecter, Silence of the Lambs

Ugh. :sick:

Is BD going to be back on NG tonight? I want to hear her explain away Grandma's claims. Or will she just say - no one ever told me about that!

She knew - you can bet she did.


"An Inconvenient Truth"

I know that BD didnt do her job. I totally understand, but all I have been saying is that BD reaction to her daughters complaints arent that out of the norm. There are TONS of disconnected and busy parents out there. Thats just the way it is. People communicate thru texting, email, IM etc and dont really talk. Most parents I know let their kids on the computer, gaming system, phone etc and don't snoop.

Most parents are a trusting lot. Mix in being a single parent and trying to date nowadays. Its...distracting. NO excuse BD is really dropped the ball though.
DUNN: They were stories that I thought I was interested in reading. I read true crime stories. I get on crimelibrary.com. The stories weren't laying out. They were up in a box in top of the closet because I wasn't reading them, either because I already had or just because some of the stories weren't interesting.

respectfully snipped

Am I the only one wondering why she didn't just throw them away if they were so uninteresting? It's not like they were first-editions - they were just xeroxed copies.

Excellent post, MsF.
BD is clueless.

I agree. I don't understand it, but I believe it. But it's deeper than that (MOO):

To those that doubt it could happen: it happens all the time. There exists mothers/wives do NOT see it, can't see it, can't believe it. They can be beaten nearly to death, beg family members not to blame the perp, and think they deserved it. And because they think the flaw is within themselves and not the perp, they don't think that the perp will hurt anyone else. And if he (or she) does, then obviously the person must have done something to trigger it and so if they just behave in the future, then it won't happen again. So the abuser is perfectly safe to be around b/c he (or she) is okay: it's everyone else who is 'asking for it'. THAT is the mentally of someone who has been abused... (whether the abuse is physical, sexual, emotional...)

It's hard to believe if you're never seen it.

ETA: I don't know if this is what is going on with Billie, but I suspect it is something very similar.

ETA again: And I am NOT defending her... just explaining how something like this could have happened...
BD is clueless. Like many mothers. Like my mother-in-law- a smart-talking, Christian, Sarah-Palin-esque lady who had absolutely no clue what her sons were up during their teenage years. When I try to tell her, she puts her hands over her ears and says she doesn't want to know since now they are all happily married to Christian women.

My husband did the worst of his youthful bad deeds in the context of Bible camps and church groups. I think many of us give ourselves way too much credit about how much we know about our kids. Chances are, if your kid has a cell phone or a web connection, they have a life you don't know about. Which is why my 3 have neither. :)

My own 13 year old is currently without his iphone ( and will be for the next month) because he forwarded a vile and inappropriate poll to another person via text. He was told when given the phone to NEVER text or take photos of things he wouldn't be comfortable sharing with his grandmother. He also knew that I would be randomly checking. So....tomorrow he will be reading that poll to his grandmother. :floorlaugh: I have a feeling he won't be repeating that behavior;)
Investigators searching for Hailey Darlene Dunn, the West Texas cheerleader who has been missing since Dec. 28, have now named her mother's former live-in boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, as a "person of interest" in the case after reviewing cell phone records and a failed polygraph test.


Crimesider is cheesy, but I like the way this was phrased. I think the cell phone records are key in this case.

If you think Hailey was killed after SA left work at 6:30 am, show a "thanks". I'm just curious to see how many of us are leaning in that direction. If so, are the cell phone pings a big deal in your understanding of how the events of that morning transpired?
My own 13 year old is currently without his iphone ( and will be for the next month) because he forwarded a vile and inappropriate poll to another person via text. He was told when given the phone to NEVER text or take photos of things he wouldn't be comfortable sharing with his grandmother. He also knew that I would be randomly checking. So....tomorrow he will be reading that poll to his grandmother. :floorlaugh: I have a feeling he won't be repeating that behavior;)

I love it... :D

Is BD going to be back on NG tonight? I want to hear her explain away Grandma's claims. Or will she just say - no one ever told me about that!

She knew - you can bet she did.
I want Nancy Grace to ask her about Shawn threatening to kill Hailey. & pull out the police report, so she can't deny it. But, maybe she would deny it anyway, just say it never happened. OMG, I'm so upset. But, I think this LE is on the ball, & they're gonna solve this thing quick. & I bet Shawn thought he could outsmart the Texas Rangers, lol. That guy couldn't outsmart me, & I'm as dumb as a brick. His computer trail alone, should be enough.
Now that SA is a person of interest as named in MSM, am I allowed to post pictures of him in some of the questionable photos from the "don't fxxx with us" theme?
Adkins took three polygraph exams. The first two times, he walked out of the room before the test was completed. The third time, he was found to be deceptive during the first part of the exam. During the second stage of the exam, Adkins revealed that Hailey might be in Scurry County, Texas. Investigators deemed him to be telling the truth. When pressed about a more precise location for the girl, Adkins refused to complete the test, according to the affidavit. Kampfer said that investigators have searched Scurry County.

{snipped from: http://abcnews.go.com/US/shawn-adkins-named-person-interst-case-missing-texas/story?id=12608537&page=2}

The above Bolded and Underlined by ME.. This struck me as odd and actually somewhat confusing.. So, in Adkins final LDT he completes the first portion and deception is indicated.. He then completes the second portion of the LDT "where he reveals that Hailey may be in Scurry County, Texas. Investigators deemed him to be telling the truth." so, am I understanding this correctly, in that during the second portion of the LDT{and let me clarify here that aren't LDT STRICTLY answers of YES or NO?}That would mean that LE would have to ask him direct YES OR NO questions about Hailey's location, specifically asking was she located in the area of Scurry County, Texas, and would that not mean that Adkins had to have replied with a YES to these specific questions?

LE clearly states that in the second portion they deemed that Adkins was telling the truth.. Which would point to what I just stated ^above^.. Because if LE were to have asked was Hailey in the Scurry Co. area and Adkins replied No, or I don't know, then that portion would be found to indicate deception as well{just as they state the first portion did}...But LE IS NOT STATING THAT ADKINS BY INDICATION OF DECEPTION LED THEM TO BELIEVE THAT HAILEY WAS IN SCURRY COUNTY AREA..


I'm hoping I was able to explain that clearly enough..lol.. Because IMO what I just explained above is what LE is clearly stating about Adkins and his LDT results..
Would you not agree?..It certainly is bugging the heck out of me..Is anyone else understanding this the way that I am?..{or am I all alone in my confused state?..lol}
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