TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #22

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Sad part about this is I am afraid that with what HD told her gma and the references to HD wanting to live with her father, SA more then likely had made advances towards Hailey if not was molesting her and she was threated by him harming her family. I am afriad she had matured and decided enough was enough and told him so and he forever silenced her.
Anyone care to give me an update of any major things that have happened in the last week? I've been away having a baby on 1.11.11. :) Thanks in advance.

Finally some good news today. Congratulations!!
Kampfer does not have the authority to call him a suspect. Has LE called him a suspect?
Sad part about this is I am afraid that with what HD told her gma and the references to HD wanting to live with her father, SA more then likely had made advances towards Hailey if not was molesting her and she was threated by him harming her family. I am afriad she had matured and decided enough was enough and told him so and he forever silenced her.

This is, sadly, soooo possible. :furious:
Has it been said what Shawn Adkins grandma's or moms name is?

and is it ok to post their past addresses if I get from free site?

I don't think you should - look at the first post of this thread and decide if it fits TOS or not. If you go to the parking lot, there's a SAR thread for Hailey... You can also click on Hollye's map - she has the addresses for SA's family members marked there.


Authorities Searching Landfills for Evidence in Dunn Case

Law enforcement is now searching landfills across the Big Country, including one in Abilene, for any evidence in the disappearance of 13-year-old Hailey Dunn.
Texas DPS Senior Trooper Sparky Dean says many landfills in the vacinity of Colorado City have already been searched. Dean said searches of this nature are not uncommon in missing persons cases that may involve criminal activity.

From what I can find, Team Adam and Team Hope have NOT been called in. Is anyone local here in contact with the family (Mom or Dad). This is their missing child, they are in charge (yes, they are), they need to tell LE to get these teams out. Please, someone who knows the family get this information to them. Go through LE first, give them a chance to do it, but if they don't, take it to the media, it will get done.
Can someone direct me to an article of some sort that has the grandmother saying Hailey wanted to live with her father??

I'm really starting to lean toward this theory. Most of SA's friends were young - way younger than him. Then he hooks up with an older woman (sugar mamma?) and moves in with her and her 2 kids. These 2 kids just happen to be in their teen years - just like his friends.

I tried and tried to search but came up empty handed. I cannot find where SA has ever lived on his own - in his own apartment or house. Looks like he went straight from momma/grandma to BD.

Yeah, arrested development for sure. And how can a 32 y/o woman be attracted to that? Was it a rebound thing? Midlife crisis (I theorized in a thread a while back).

The whole situation is really strange. What makes it most sad for me is what these poor kids went through. Like most kids, I'm sure they craved stability and it looks like BD was pretty adept at that for a while until SA entered the picture. Then, chaos, unfamiliarity, uncomfortable feelings, and most importantly not even being able to feel safe at home. So, so sad. It just breaks my heart. :(

I will bet the farm that SA was living with BD way earlier than she said on NG.
Maybe legally on paper he lived with his mama or g-ma but I would bet he has been sleeping over at BD's for a lot more than what she said.
They were "dating" for over two years....I will be the majority of that time he was living with her. Officially or unofficially.
Why is this important to me? Because I think BD chose to ignore and condone the types of things and friends SA had and chose to not only introduce him to her kids but moved him in, masks and all.
I'm really starting to lean toward this theory. Most of SA's friends were young - way younger than him. Then he hooks up with an older woman (sugar mamma?) and moves in with her and her 2 kids. These 2 kids just happen to be in their teen years - just like his friends.

I tried and tried to search but came up empty handed. I cannot find where SA has ever lived on his own - in his own apartment or house. Looks like he went straight from momma/grandma to BD.

Yeah, arrested development for sure
. And how can a 32 y/o woman be attracted to that? Was it a rebound thing? Midlife crisis (I theorized in a thread a while back).

The whole situation is really strange. What makes it most sad for me is what these poor kids went through. Like most kids, I'm sure they craved stability and it looks like BD was pretty adept at that for a while until SA entered the picture. Then, chaos, unfamiliarity, uncomfortable feelings, and most importantly not even being able to feel safe at home. So, so sad. It just breaks my heart. :(

I think your thoughts are very pertinent.

I see BD's attraction to a 25 year old man pointing to HER OWN arrested development. Kind of like those teachers that date their students. They want to appear cool with the young kids because they themselves are so immature that they don't fit in with people their own age. MOO.

On another point, though, I had to LOL, because the midlife crisis comment, although very valid from someone else's perspective if they are in their twenties, makes me feel VERY OLD. I guess in my late 40's makes me well past having a midlife crisis.
Lil recap for RecoveringLurker and congrats on your new 1-11-11 baby!!!

Hailey Dunn was at home the night of 26 December playing the xbox when her brother left to spend the night with a friend

The next morning live in boyfriend of her mother SA left for work and her mother BD left for work. allegedly Hailey was still at home

SA however just drove to work, bought a doctor pepper out of the vending machine and left. He SAID he went to his momma's house but cell phone pings place him back at Hailey's home... than he has 2.5 hours of interrupted service???

SA claims that at 3:15 on the 27th He saw Hailey and she said she was going to walk across the lot to her Dad's house and than on to a friend's house to spend the night. Trouble is she never went to either place and none of those parties knew she was coming.

At 4pm on the 27th Hailey's brother came home to find the door locked. He knocked for 5 minutes and finally had to enter his own home thru the window where he found SA in the home with a "deer in the headlights" look

SA picked up BD from her 12 hour hospital shift as a ward clerk and they went to an atm in Snyder and made two cash w/d for a total of 140 dollars that BD told LE was to purchase illegal drugs in Scurry county.

BD allegedly goes to work the next day and at one pm calls her son to text Hailey's friend to tell her to come home... well... the friend had no clue of this or even that she was coming over. He calls mom back. BD leaves work and goes directly to the police station to file a missing person's report at 2 pm that day... the 28th.

there are over 12 different agencies on the case including the texas rangers. Search warrants have been served. LDTs have been given. BD and SA both failed their LDTs. Searches have been done to include dogs, grid searches, and volunteer searches.

SA is now called a suspect.

Hailey's Grandma has said that Hailey was scared of him and that he would stand and watch her...

SA has a scary past that you can read about in the parking lot

((this was just a nutshell but I hope it gets you started and congrats again!))
I think your thoughts are very pertinent.

I see BD's attraction to a 25 year old man pointing to HER OWN arrested development. Kind of like those teachers that date their students. They want to appear cool with the young kids because they themselves are so immature that they don't fit in with people their own age. MOO.

On another point, though, I had to LOL, because the midlife crisis comment, although very valid from someone else's perspective if they are in their twenties, makes me feel VERY OLD. I guess in my late 40's makes me well past having a midlife crisis.

LOL! I'm in my 40s too. The reason I had said it as I did was based on a personal experience with a friend. She married and had 2 kids - first one at 17. By the time the kids were fairly self-sufficient and independent, she went on a "relive my teen/20s years" spell - partying it up, having an affair, etc., but this was in her mid-30s. So, kinda mid-life-ish crisis if you want to call it that...
The cellar's in the ground are very scarey to me............
does everyone have one in TX for storms????

No, they don't. In a couple of west Tx towns I lived in, some neighborhoods had a community shelter or storm cellar, but they are not common in east Tx where I live now, and we get plenty of tornados.
From what I can find, Team Adam and Team Hope have NOT been called in. Is anyone local here in contact with the family (Mom or Dad). This is their missing child, they are in charge (yes, they are), they need to tell LE to get these teams out. Please, someone who knows the family get this information to them. Go through LE first, give them a chance to do it, but if they don't, take it to the media, it will get done.

If TES has been told not to come in... and the media WAS involved in that... is there any reason it would be different with any others?

I know the family had been in contact with Klaas Kids as well and they said they might come in if TES didn't... or something like that.

Is there a reason that Team Adam and Team Hope would be preferable to Klaas Kids, or should they just go ahead and contact Klaas Kids again?

Kampfer does not have the authority to call his a suspect. Has LE called him a suspect?

Kampfer appears to have the authority to do whatever he wants... name a person of interest hours after Sparky says he isn't going to... tell us all about the bloodhounds...

I think it's a no brainer that he is a suspect. But I don't know that LE wanted it announced yet.
Billie looks and dresses WAY younger than she is. I was SHOCKED to read her birthdate as 1977 in the affidavit.

I have a feeling there are "arrested development" issues with both BD and Shawn. Billie dating a younger man, and looking younger, and Shawn going after an older woman---to GET TO her younger daughter. BLECH. Gross. Also, according to reports here on WS, based on his networking pages, he has much younger friends.

Also, if BD had anything to do with Hailey's disappearance, this could imply that she did not want the responsibility of being a mother, and wanted to be a young, carefree teen again. Perhaps she had a rough upbringing that stiffled her adolescence.

All my opinion.
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